I keep foiling AE teams




Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Trust me. I would rather be judged by a 'merciless NCSoft employee' over a 'holier than thou' player every day of the week.

The merciless NCSoft employee would have to have a clear, understandable definition of what constitutes farming in order to avoid claims of bias and to prevent inconsistent application of the rules.

Other players generally just run around practicing cranial-fundament insertion and screaming to hear the echo, with zero consistent understanding of what constitutes a farm.

Seriously. Bring on these merciless NCSoft employees, because that would force the publishing and deliniation of what exactly a farm is, what a farm isn't, what punishments can be handed out, and exactly when each punishment applies.

No more of this "Well, we know it when we see it" garbage.
Quite frankly, I agree. Having an actual team of paid GMs would be ideal. Unfortunately, I don't thik NCSoft is willing to front the cash for them. Not many MMOs do these days, now that I think about it.

Still, it would bring a definitive end to these arguements. But since that likely won't happen, people will just have to learn to deal with the fact that we have been given that power, and we also have to learn how to be responsible with said power. I realize this is probably even less likely than getting GMs...Kind of a lose-lose situation, eh?

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I spent the last few days defeating Hellfrosts for my coldhearted badge and subsequently my demonic badge. They were at my level yet I was in the air a certain distance away thus they could not harm me. (maximum reward {XP, Inf and ultimately gladiator/demonic badges}, minimum risk) I had to defeat 200 of them, all were bosses. Is that a farm? Should I get banned?



Originally Posted by croesis View Post
i spent the last few days defeating hellfrosts for my coldhearted badge and subsequently my demonic badge. They were at my level yet i was in the air a certain distance away thus they could not harm me. (maximum reward {xp, inf and ultimately gladiator/demonic badges}, minimum risk) i had to defeat 200 of them, all were bosses. Is that a farm? Should i get banned?
You cheater! >:O



Originally Posted by Bright_Shadow View Post
You cheater! >:O
I know.. I live in shame..



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
And anyone reporting a farm not an exploit is wasting Gm time and money. Not to mention trying to decide what content who can play when.
Not sure how it's wasting money, since they're getting paid to investigate

Anyways...the unsuspecting turn of the thread in the beginning was kind of surprising, didn't think people gave a damn if someone was reporting farms *shrug* It was already stated that MA wasn't intended for farming. Reported or not...I'll find something else to do if the farm is removed.



Originally Posted by Mr_DJ View Post
Anyways...the unsuspecting turn of the thread in the beginning was kind of surprising, didn't think people gave a damn if someone was reporting farms *shrug* It was already stated that MA wasn't intended for farming. Reported or not...I'll find something else to do if the farm is removed.
I don't think they do, I think perhaps it's the manner of which the OP posted and the ego of said OP that gets up people's noses. I find it all funny though.



I don't think it's wrong if someone reports an arc.

Reporting an arc merely puts a flag on the particular arc.

It's up to the developers and moderators to decide what to do with it.

You can click that report button on any arc you want!



Originally Posted by Bright_Shadow View Post
I don't think it's wrong if someone reports an arc.

Reporting an arc merely puts a flag on the particular arc.

It's up to the developers and moderators to decide what to do with it.

You can click that report button on any arc you want!
I'm temptend to go into ae and report every single arc in the system just so every singe arc can get their pass or fail flag.

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
That's what I call "The rules don't apply to me!"

Guess what?

The rules apply to you.
Please could you quote my entire post when responding instead of picking out what you want to read from it....

And the funny thing is that your right the rules do apply to me... funny thing is I've been "farming" for the past couple of YEARS, and have never been chastised(by anyone of consequence...) for breaking the rules. I suppose you could say I've never been caught, but if I had what rule is it that has been broken... could you please cite it?



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
Get back to me when you've changed reality, and I'll call you a genius.

Well I'd say I have a step up from you seeing as I have to explain this but I wasn't referring to myself being a genius or myself changing reality. I was commenting that there is place in this world for people who make their own reality and don't except the status quo and many of those same people have changed the current perception of reality because reality is only a perception. All though I do suppose there are people in this world that think the world is flat.... are you one?



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Right. That was what I was trying to Illustrate.

To many old-schoolers, a "farm" is inherently negative. For a very long time it was something that ONLY applies to the MISUSE or abuse of the system. Over time, it's been adopted by many more to have a much broader meaning by others... doing things that we'd possibly call a grind or a hunt, but not a farm.


The point: if someone's so shocked that a person would brag about "griefing" something as innocent as a farm (in the casual sense)... maybe don't jump to the conclusion that he's using the term in the same way as you.

And before I jump on people that would defend doing something that's so BLATANTLY an exploit, maybe I should see if they're using the same lexicon that I am.
I see what you're saying Chase, it is too easy to fall into the trap of thinking you know what the other person means. On the other hand I think my trigger was tripped by the attitude that a farm is "Bad" which was very thick. Maybe the correct route is through education rather than complaint. We need to educate people that farm does not equal bad... And that exploit indicates using a flaw or unintended side effect in the game with out reporting it and to your own advantage for example setting a mission full of mitos to 49 level cap because they have no usable power at that level or using confuse on a hero in RV and having them go back to atlas and nova the groups under the atlas statue(notice both instances were fixed quite expediently) those are exploits, using a bug to your advantage. Boss mobs in AE missions are not bugs. exiting and reseting a mission is not a bug it's a creative use of the rules which is not wrong. If it was then there would be a whole lot of accounts that would be dropped for misuse of the system...



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Nice... didn't get it till I looked at the filename....lol



Originally Posted by Cuppa_LLX View Post
I'm temptend to go into ae and report every single arc in the system just so every singe arc can get their pass or fail flag.
Be my guest!



Originally Posted by Cuppa_LLX View Post
I'm temptend to go into ae and report every single arc in the system just so every singe arc can get their pass or fail flag.
Can I have your stuff before you get banned?

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
That's what I call "The rules don't apply to me!"

Guess what?

The rules apply to you.
Also, this is for you:

Fallacy of Quoting Out of Context



Originally Posted by Mr_DJ View Post
Not sure how it's wasting money, since they're getting paid to investigate

Anyways...the unsuspecting turn of the thread in the beginning was kind of surprising, didn't think people gave a damn if someone was reporting farms *shrug* It was already stated that MA wasn't intended for farming. Reported or not...I'll find something else to do if the farm is removed.
If they are paying the Gm's and they are wasting time checking out non issue things - that is a waste of time and NCNC money.



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
If they are paying the Gm's and they are wasting time checking out non issue things - that is a waste of time and NCNC money.
You don't need to worry about NC Soft losing money. :P

I'm sure they have actual people devoted to the job of keeping profits up. So relax.



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
That is the Question, according to some there should be no farms . But yet Kills Skulls badge is aquired by repeatedly killing Skulls. Is not seeking one thing out and going after it over and over again till you get the designated reward farming?And did the Devs not write this code - just like the AE. I really wonder if Matt miller would applaud the OP taking his pug out of the Ae all together or would he want them steered to what he wrote the code for?
In order to get kill type badges - you are not required to farm, though some (many?) badgers will farm in order to get the badge.



Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
You're still in your mother's basement, aren't you?

In the really real world, the only rules that matter are those that have meaningful punishments coupled with meaningful discernment.
Whoa - this is disturbing.



Originally Posted by _Prankster_ View Post

That is exactly why I play this game... I play because I can play the way I want to not how other people tell me to. I think you'll find that most true geniuses of our time have done the same and changed reality.

As for Demobot

It's only a defense if you have to defend something and since there is no rule in this game that says that farming is wrong then I have nothing to defend. The funny thing is that just because someone doesn't like the current implementation of something doesn't mean it is outside the rules or an exploit. As for the "If the game allows it it's fine" Can you find me the rule that says that I can't farm. Where in the EULA does it say that? If it was wrong there would be a rule against it but there is not. It would be like me reporting arcs for being terribly long and wasting my time, I don't like it so I should report it... Right? But the game doesn't say they can't make crappy long drawn out MA arcs... So it must be just defense against the fact that the mission is crappy not that they have a right to play the game how they want to within the rules set by Coh.....Right?

/end rant
Geez, Prankster, arrogant much? I stopped reading your post once you declared your self a reality-changing genius.



Originally Posted by _Prankster_ View Post
Please could you quote my entire post when responding instead of picking out what you want to read from it....

And the funny thing is that your right the rules do apply to me... funny thing is I've been "farming" for the past couple of YEARS, and have never been chastised(by anyone of consequence...) for breaking the rules. I suppose you could say I've never been caught, but if I had what rule is it that has been broken... could you please cite it?
I think this has been said, but I will say it again anyway:

It is not true that all farms are exploits, and thus against the 'rules' of the game.

AE farms have been declared as exploits by the dev team because they tend to involve other aspects that are against what the devs have defined as acceptable game play, like leveling WAY too fast, too much reward for too little risk, etc..



heh - the last few posts are mine - which means this thread is dead and I didn't know it

Late to the party again - DAMMM it!



Originally Posted by ifotym View Post
Geez, Prankster, arrogant much? I stopped reading your post once you declared your self a reality-changing genius.
If you had actually read my post you would know that I have already discussed that I wasn't referring to myself as a genius. Please actually read before you comment and make yourself look foolish.

Here is an outline so you can read it through:


If you can please point out where I appointed myself a genius that has changed reality I would most definitely appreciate it. Other than that don't comment unless you've actully read it an understand what the poster was saying...



Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
Someone who doesn't pay a monthly fee because litigation has shut down the game they used to play?
What MMO was shut down due to litigation?