39 -
Not quite pointless. I mean - once you get over, say, 30,000, it probably indicates you have no internal censor - no little voice that tells you "nah - you don't HAVE to respond to that post-count-padding thread
(ducks, runs away, and hides) . . . -
Quote:. . . well . . . SOMEbody sure touched a nerve . . .To the no less than 5 people who downrepped me for posting that I miss the AE:
Grow up.
I have never said anything against how anyone else wants to play the game (Well, against PvPers once or twice I suppose), and I think it's quite immature to want to dictate to others how they should play. "Farmers are lame ROFL!" is not an argument. Me farming does not impact you, but you want to take it away.
The sad thing is I could still farm just as efficiently as ever. It's just not fun anymore because I'd have to do it by myself, dual boxing. Or at most, with a 4 person team to really make money fast. Please be aware that the RMT spammers you hate so passionately are not even slightly inconvenienced by this change. The AE can still be used to farm, quite easily. In fact, this makes it easier for them as they can simply set their difficulty to x8 spawns and not have to worry about getting teammates.
And calling me an AE baby is rather pathetic, considering I have been playing since the game was released (I was a CoH preorder customer), and had a 50 and a slew of 30s and 40s before the AE went in.
I've done literally everything in the game at least once. But the thing is that in the past I've never really played for more than a month or so at a stretch before it got old. The AE didn't get old for me at all. There was no frustration in it, no hassle forming or finding teams, no stress about muling inf to new toons so that they could afford SOs (Tickets pay for a complete SO enhancement by the time you hit 22 and you never ever have a problem keeping up). I didn't have to think about selling salvage and recipe drops at the market even.
I have had my post-i16 AE farm missions authored and ready for publishing for weeks. And they work. I have the toons I set up for it, and they can easily make as much inf now farming as they did before.
But there's no joy in it.
And yeah, I could still run 8 man teams in the AE if I wanted to, for less rewards. And I would, actually, quite happily, because I played the AE for fun, which a lot of you seem unable to wrap your heads around... But just try to find 7 people who want to run AE missions right now. Try, I'll wait.
So congratulations, to those who rejoice in the misery of others: You have not hurt the serious farmers in the slightest. The people you hate are not even mildly inconvenienced by the change you're rejoicing in. But you have managed to steal all the joy I got from the game, and unless the AE scene picks up again, I'll probably not bother to play again for a very long time. -
One thing I did not realize about the rep stuff is - once you give one (good or bad) to a poster, you cannot give another until you give enough to other posters -or something like that. So, for example, I cannot give a neg to PP for a bad post, then turn around and give a + to PP for a good post.
So - PP - I have seen plenty of good posts from you and some really bad ones so it was just circumstance that led me to one of your bad ones first.
I agree that the whole rep thing is not serving any good purpose and will likely turn mine off, even though I have yet to receive anything - I guess I don't post enough.
Oh - who am I kidding - I am too lazy to turn it off . . . -
Quote:The "stop bragging" one was mineHere are some of mine, I will share with you
The posting equivalent of those random-word-generator E-mail headings you get on Viagra ads. I've never seen PP post anything worth the effort to decipher.
I just stopped in for a laugh and you fail...badly
Your posts on CO are horrible
your post's are not good.
stop bragging
wish you would stop -
Quote:Well - yeah they did. They knew it was coming, and I am guessing they had a good idea about what level of customization would be in it - ie: one-upping the current CoH.Absurd. Are you saying they knew about Champions Online in Spring of 2008?
Still - Extor_Prime is a bit lacking in reality. -
heh - the last few posts are mine - which means this thread is dead and I didn't know it
Late to the party again - DAMMM it! -
Quote:I think this has been said, but I will say it again anyway:Please could you quote my entire post when responding instead of picking out what you want to read from it....
And the funny thing is that your right the rules do apply to me... funny thing is I've been "farming" for the past couple of YEARS, and have never been chastised(by anyone of consequence...) for breaking the rules. I suppose you could say I've never been caught, but if I had what rule is it that has been broken... could you please cite it?
It is not true that all farms are exploits, and thus against the 'rules' of the game.
AE farms have been declared as exploits by the dev team because they tend to involve other aspects that are against what the devs have defined as acceptable game play, like leveling WAY too fast, too much reward for too little risk, etc.. -
Quote:Geez, Prankster, arrogant much? I stopped reading your post once you declared your self a reality-changing genius.NuclearToast:
That is exactly why I play this game... I play because I can play the way I want to not how other people tell me to. I think you'll find that most true geniuses of our time have done the same and changed reality.
As for Demobot
It's only a defense if you have to defend something and since there is no rule in this game that says that farming is wrong then I have nothing to defend. The funny thing is that just because someone doesn't like the current implementation of something doesn't mean it is outside the rules or an exploit. As for the "If the game allows it it's fine" Can you find me the rule that says that I can't farm. Where in the EULA does it say that? If it was wrong there would be a rule against it but there is not. It would be like me reporting arcs for being terribly long and wasting my time, I don't like it so I should report it... Right? But the game doesn't say they can't make crappy long drawn out MA arcs... So it must be just defense against the fact that the mission is crappy not that they have a right to play the game how they want to within the rules set by Coh.....Right?
/end rant -
Quote:In order to get kill type badges - you are not required to farm, though some (many?) badgers will farm in order to get the badge.That is the Question, according to some there should be no farms . But yet Kills Skulls badge is aquired by repeatedly killing Skulls. Is not seeking one thing out and going after it over and over again till you get the designated reward farming?And did the Devs not write this code - just like the AE. I really wonder if Matt miller would applaud the OP taking his pug out of the Ae all together or would he want them steered to what he wrote the code for?
Quote:Don't forget:
WWPD = What would Positron do?
LFP = looking for pie
MKS = must kil skulz
KOD = key of death (ie: the R key)
LFDM = looking for debt magnet
LEEEERROYYYYYY = well - y'know
etc = etc
(The preceding list has been a complete fictional representation of non-existent acronyms.) -
I do have one good use for the rep bar.
If I read a post and think to myself - damn - that poster is a jerk, then look at their rep and see it blaring red - then I am a bit relieved in that I am not the only one to see this. If it were green - it would give me a reason to at least re-consider my harsh opinion - as the fault might be mine. (I am working on being less judgmental)
Quote:Let's bow our heads for a moment of silence, in mourning the demise of punctuation . . .Someones being a little super critical, the servers are fine the game has grown into a much more demanding world than the servers were originally spec'd to support they are still supporting the game fine this dbl exp weekend I had only 1 bad server moment that was late sunday the event was almost over anyway and the blip of an incident was a maybe 5 minute freeze.
Quote:Very classy move by management. Acknowledging there truly was a problem and giving a gift to the playerbase as an apology. Good!Greetings Players,
Due to the stability issues that occurred with the North American servers this past Double XP Weekend, we plan to offer another Double XP Weekend in North America after Issue 16 launches.
We would like to take this opportunity to apologize to those of you who were unable to enjoy the event as a result of this, and would like to thank you for your patience as we work to resolve these types of issues in the future.
We appreciate your continued support.
The City of Heroes Team -
Quote:FYI -qr:It does seem like the problem is on your end.
What does /netgraph 1 give you ? You should get a nice low green lawn. If you're getting lots of tall green spikes, or little bits of red, you can figure out your problem from there.
(/netgraph 0 turns off the netgraphery.)
It was not just the OP. Myself and a few friends had a horrific DC fest - and we usually never DC at all.
But - it was likely server-specific - some fared better than others. -
Thanks for all of the ideas, folks!
I think I am still in the "it is rude to invite yourself onto someone else's team" state of mind - but I can get over that and will try the polite and friendly tell method.
My main server is Protector (though I have characters on almost every server) - and the few times where I say to myself, "I think I will form a team," I do a /search and notice all of one person in my level range - if that. I have worn the star before - I just tend to not enjoy having to manage a team - that is too much like work for me and not enough like play. Still - I should probably try that more often.
After all - having the experience of a 60+ month vet could be fun to teach newbs some of the ins and outs of the game. -
I saw the latest installment of Harry Potter over the weekend (ugh) and wondered how many American kiddies had no idea what "snog" meant before seeing that (cough) "movie".
(shameless self-bump)
No one has any helpful advice? -
Operating System ( XP):
Browser: Firefox
Forum: Dev Corner
Bug Description: Dev post listing: all links are broken and 'uglified' -
Quote:Same here. This was the hands-down worst lag- and DC-fest I have ever seen in 5+ years playing this game. Sadly, my main server is Protector, so I was losing mapserver connections almost continuously while not instanced. I also had trouble logging in on Freedom. So, sadly, I spent my time doing other things this weekend. (I was looking forward to this one for CoHUpgraded? They needed to feed the hamsters running Protector better. The lag was horrific all weekend. At different points the game would just freeze like Lag Alley in Cimerora, no matter where you were. It was pointed out to me in a global channel that every time someone would type /search, the server would hiccup. Sure enough, I tried it, and it did. I have never seen such a lag filled double XP weekend in all of my time here. I had fun for the most part, but the lagging was awful.