Official Forum Bugs Thread
Firefox 3.5.1
Personal CP
Graphic signatures won't upload or get linked from other website.
Although you can use a link from a filehosting site and manually write the [img tags
My old links to the Dev Digest and the Community Digest give 404 errors instead of redirecting. It just looks bad.
I understand that all links cannot be mapped for redirect but there should be a better, COH branded 404 page at the very least.
Co-Leader, Paragon City Defense Fleet
Co-Leader, Scions of Arachnos
Captain Cure, Emp/Rad Def
Captain Corruption, Robot/Traps MM
and many many more alts
Altoholics Anon.
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP SP3
Browser: Firefox 3.5.1
Forum: Development > Developers' Corner
Bug Description: The Dev and Community trackers do not seem to be parsing the html format and are difficult to read
Link to Forum Post:

Operating System XP
Browser: Firefox 3.0.12
Forum: Dev Digest and Community Digest
Bug Description: html is messed up
Link to Forum Post:
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
Browser: Firefox 3.5.1
Forum: Dev and Community Digest
Bug Description: Digests are ugly as sin, displaying HTML codes inline.
Link to Forum Post:
:edit: Ah, never mind, already reported, just above me. Twice...
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Vista
Browser: Firefox 3.0.12
Forum: n/a
Bug Description: The reset-password link (from a failed password login) is invalid
Link to Forum Post: n/a
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Vista
Browser: Firefox 3.0.12
Forum: Developers' Corner
Bug Description: The Dev Digest and Community Digest posts show raw HTML
Link to Forum Post: Dev Digest, Comm Digest
Operating System: Vista Home Premium SP2 32-bit
Browser: Mozilla Firefox 3.5.1/ Internet Explorer 7
Forum: All
Bug Description:
When using the villain Skin, all user avatars have a gray border around them. When using the hero skin, the border isn't as wide, so it looks like gray lines running partially across the top and/or bottom of avatars. I have a feeling those borders (in actuality, gray boxes which appear behind avatars) shouldn't be there at all.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): OS X Leopard
Browser: Safari
Forum: Heroes
Bug Description: Guide posts are completely borked
Link to Forum Post: Just try to pull up any post in an AT guide. The guides themselves are there, but the links to the posts are all 404'd.
Firefox 3.5.1 Personal CP Graphic signatures won't upload or get linked from other website. Although you can use a link from a filehosting site and manually write the [img tags |
Browser: Google Chrome
Forum: Any
Bug Description: IMG tags are enabled, not only for signatures but for anything. Example:

Another example:

Not sure if this is intended, but I know on the US forums there were reasons this feature was disabled for normal accounts

Suggestion: Disable IMG tags for normal accounts, but fix image upload for signatures (problem described by Croesis). The current 600x120 size limit should be sufficient for forum signatures.
Edit: Forum Images are intentionally Allowed. All normal Forum Rules and Regulations are valid, and we will have an update soon to cover this expanded area. If people want to severely abuse the potential of this feature, that's (part of) what I get paid for. -The Ocho
That could be bad, Obsidius. EDIT: DOH! Yes. VERY BAD.
EDIT: Removed huge freaking image.
Be well, people of CoH.

Operating System: Vista 64
Browser:Firefox 3.5.1
Bug Description:
If you use the URL, you do not log on to the boards.
To repeat the bug:
Log out of
Go to
Log in to the forums.
You are redirected to the "Thanks for logging in" page.
You are then redirected back to
You are not logged in to the forums.
The cookie\session only seems to be valid for the Hero side of the forums.
Operating System: Vista 64
Browser:Firefox 3.5.1 Forum:All Bug Description: If you use the URL, you do not log on to the boards. To repeat the bug: Log out of Go to Log in to the forums. You are redirected to the "Thanks for logging in" page. You are then redirected back to You are not logged in to the forums. The cookie\session only seems to be valid for the Hero side of the forums. |
To get the bug:
Close your browser
Relaunch your browser
Go to (shouldn't the site remember who you are?)
Try to log in
You get redirected
You are not logged into the forums
And my information:
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Vista
Browser: IE8
Forum: English->For Fun->City Life
Bug Description: Forum does not remember user if you close the browser and try to come back
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
Browser: Firefox 3.0.12
Forum: All - Behaves differently depending on skin
Bug Description: Grey "border" around avatar, i assume it is supposed to be a border around each avatar, using the villain skin this seem to work as intended with an equally big border around each avatar. Using the hero skin the border seem to be off, looking pretty silly. The real big problem comes when you are using a .gif avatar where a lot of the avatar are supposed to be transparent showing the forum background colour, like i am, then it looks just outright silly...
Link to Forum Post:
You dont see avatars when linking to single forum posts (WAI?).
Scroll down to 3rd reply from the bottom, or just check this reply
Operating System: Windows Xp (Bootcamp)
Browser: Firefox
Forumev Digest
Bug Description: Link from developer posts result in a 404 page error
Cannot seem to get avatar to load up correctly when using the edit avatar area.
Deeds not Words....
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP SP3
Browser: Firefox
Forum: N/A
Bug Description: The user avatars on the visitor message section of every forumite's page overlap the text, making it very hard to read, at least with Villain skin.
Link to Forum Post:
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right
![]() |
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version):XP
Browser: Firefox 3.0.12
Forum:Issue 15: Chatter & Discussion (Open)
Bug Description:Newest thread that is shown shown in the forum section was last posted in on July 20. The most recent post in the Last Post box was made today (August 1st), but the thread does not appear in the list of threads.
Link to Forum Post:
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
Browser: Firefox 3.5.1
Forum: All
Bug Description: I'm not 100% sure that this counts as a forum bug, or whether it's just on my machine, but I'm finding that I'm constantly being logged out of the boards, and have to log back in on a regular basis. I can't figure out any reliable reproduction steps, but it seems possibly to do with 'back up' or opening links in new tabs.
I've cleared all stored passwords in Firefox, refused to let it store my password, entered my username/password, selected Europe, and checked the 'remember' box. Yet it still keeps logging me out.
Anyone got any ideas? 'Cos I'm running out. (and 'use IE' is not a valid idea, in my book...)
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Operating System: xp professional sp3
Browser: Firefox 3.5.1
Forum: All
Bug Description: I have the same problem as Canine (post #20) I log in and it logs me out continuously, i tired updating firefox from 3.0.1 to 3.5.1 but that made no difference- logging in with IE works fine tho.
However i have found that if i log in from (instead of which i had already bookmarked) i remain logged in
On the side of the "make a post"
There isnt any VISUAL thingys to show you how to make text bigger/color text/add smilies/how to do links to webpages/how to insert images.
I know most of the people here are really like... Super Nerds and know this stuff. But, in our old forums all those things were on the side of the box where we typed... and I am really missing that stuff here.
Please add those things. It must be a BUG that it isnt already here.
Operating System: Windows XP
Browser: Firefox 3.0.4
Forum: Every one
Bug Description: Posts where there were special characters like <, &, > etc. have had these characters converted to their html "safe" values. I.e. <, &, > etc.
This makes for a poor reading experience, and requires that one knows what the mysterious codes actually means
I realize though, that this particular problem may be neigh unsolvable.
Link to Forum Post:
Several examples:

Main Hero: Flame Blade (Scrapper lvl 50; Katana/Regeneration)
Main Villain: Elenor Seahawk (Mastermind lvl 44; Necromancy/Poison)
My Arcs: #337278: Learning Curve
Fight my Brute: SMASH
I'm not sure you'd count this as a bug but...
"Arachnos" in the Soldiers of Arachnos forum title is misspelled.
Meet my characters: Marqaha's Managerie
Adversity/Animosity: Strength through Diversity. Respect and Fun.
Operating System: Vista 64
Browser:Firefox 3.5.1 Forum:All Bug Description: If you use the URL, you do not log on to the boards. To repeat the bug: Log out of Go to Log in to the forums. You are redirected to the "Thanks for logging in" page. You are then redirected back to You are not logged in to the forums. The cookie\session only seems to be valid for the Hero side of the forums. |
Please report any Forum bugs in the following Format:
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version):
Bug Description:
Link to Forum Post:
If you are reporting a broken link and have the correct link, please include it in the description as it will greatly speed up the process of correcting these errors.