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  1. My old links to the Dev Digest and the Community Digest give 404 errors instead of redirecting. It just looks bad.

    I understand that all links cannot be mapped for redirect but there should be a better, COH branded 404 page at the very least.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Was Captain Dynamic Ed Robertson from Barenaked Ladies?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yes! BNL FTW!
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    Not only -can- you rebuy this $4.99 jetpack again after your first 30 day period expires but that is apparently exactly what the NCSoft Sales and Marketing seem to be hoping that we will do with this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fixed that for you.

    As someone who works in Software Development I can tell you that the people who develop the software have zero to do with how it is marketed and sold, and that is often a point of contention. BAB, SexyJ, Posi and gang have not control over how the jetpack is sold, only in how cool it looks and how it works. For which I thank them!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Just FYI, while it's a help, the City Vault isn't the best way to check if a name is available on a server as characters who haven't been active in over 90 days won't show.

    The check name feature at character select is a much better way to check names.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True, but I had this idea.

    Let's say that I really, really want a particular name. The Vault will at least let me know if that name is for sure taken on any server, so I can start checking the others, thus preventing me from trying 12 times for a name that might be taken on 12 servers already.
  5. Great guide Cap! I've passed it on to my SG.
  6. I may slot a bit differently than you do, but no way could I write a more entertaining guide. Two enthusiastic thumbs up!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't suppose anyone's found the whistle used for thug masterminds' summons? FWIW I think it's the same as the one that the scrapyarder foremen use to summon enraged miners. ^_^

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I too would be interested in this one.
  8. CaptainCure

    COP questions

    A few more questions.

    What level requirements exist for this Trial?
    Is the max number now 20 and not 24?
  9. Nice shout out to the Father of the modern cop show: Stephen Bochco.

    I can hear the Hill Street Blues music as I type this.
  10. Did the Atlas park mayhem mission with my level 7 Thug MM last night. Summoned the thugs and set them attacking the door. They promptly jumped through the CEILING and started attacking the door from the outside.

    Then when i got downstairs and started them attacking the reinforced door to get out, one of my thugs ran all the way around to the other side of the door to attack it.
  11. They are super cool. And very hectic in a fun way.

    I am disappointed that the bonus time, and other assorted messages dont show up in the rewards tab. They flew by so fast I could not read them and then there was no way for me to check them out.
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    The question I can't seem to answer is how to use " 's inside binds. IE:

    /bind ] "beginchat /send 'The Channel With Spaces In It', "

    haven't been able to make that work at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    here is what i have in my binds file and it works fine for all channels with spaces

    I "beginchat /send Infinity hamidon "
  13. Thannks for all the hard work RM. I just started a Em/Em Brute recently and it was nice to read your take on it.
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    I find that the best groups are ones that combine smart play with friendly banter . . . and I usually find that in older players, I am sorry to say. Usually college age and up, but there are some exceptions. Couples who play together are almost always good teammates.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I could not agree more. My SG ( is practically founded on the "make me laugh in Chat" principle. My wife and I play together and take pride in running fun PUGs.

    We always want more fun people to play with so look us up on Infinity.
  15. CaptainCure

    Infinity SGs

    A quick update on the PCDF. We are still active on Infinity and have now formed the Scions of Arachnos VG in CoV as well.

    New members are being sought all the time for both the PCDF and SoA!

    From our website.

    What is the Paragon City Defense Fleet?
    The PCDF is a supergroup in the City of Heroes MMORPG. This is analogous to a guild or clan in other MMORPGs. We keep Paragon City safe while having lots of fun! The PCDF was founded in November 2004 by Hot Mamma and Captain Cure, with charter heroes Lee Fang, Gunther Hermann, Iron Cataclysm and Mr. Adams. We chose Paragon City Defense Fleet as our name to set us apart from all the other super groups with "Force", "Factor", and "League" in their names.

    What server is the PCDF based on?
    The PCDF was founded on Infinity and we still play there most of the time.

    How does the PCDF differ from other City of Heroes supergroups?
    The PCDF is a "humor based" SG. Not that we make humorous heroes, but that we make each other laugh in chat and TeamSpeak. Our humor is witty, sarcastic and sometimes rude, with many pop-culture references. If you like to laugh in the face of danger, joke while lying dead on the ground and make fun of yourself for doing something dumb, the PCDF is the SG for you. If you can't take a bit of abuse, especially when you do something stupid, then maybe the PCDF is not the right home for your heroes. We in the PCDF also pride ourselves on being there for others in our SG, whether they need help with a mission, a resurrection, influence or anything else. "Alts" (alternate heroes from your "main") are commonplace in the PCDF, so common that we often use Global Friends over the SG list to see who is on line.

    How do I join the PCDF?
    The requirements are simple:

    1. Don't be lame.
    2. See #1

    We have SG colors (red and blue) but no defined SG costume or SG naming convention so you can join at any time. There is no level requirement, as we have met lame level 50s and cool level 1s.

    Send an in game message to @Captain Cure or @Hot Mamma or post in the PCDF forums and we'll contact you about a tryout to make sure you are a fit. Or hook up with us in game and if you make us laugh you will probably get an invite to the PCDF.

    What if I have multiple heroes? Can they all join the PCDF?
    We currently allow 1 main and 1 alt into the PCDF main SG, though it is filling up fast so this may go down to 1 main. We also have associated supergroups in our coalition so we can have a place for all our alts! We also make extensive use of Global Friends so no matter what hero we are playing we can still hook up with other PCDF members.

    Is the PCDF a "roleplay" group?
    We don't roleplay too much in game, though it is never discouraged. We do encourage having a name, costume and background that is coherent and interesting, even if it is a cliche!

    [ QUOTE ]
    The Paragon City Defense Fleet is a supergroup with a simple motto: Nobody gets left behind. We have been going strong since November 2004, we have 35 very active members (and growing).

    We have no criteria to join except that you must play to have fun and no wankers allowed.

    The co-founders of the PCDF (myself and Captain Cure) just reached level 50 on Monday, along with Lee Fang, a charter member.

    Please say hi if you see us around, we love to team and beat up baddies!


    [/ QUOTE ]
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    meh. New York, Philadelphia and So. Cal. Who really lives in those places?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    San Jose is NorCal, not SoCal. And since that is local to me I might just have to go.
  17. CaptainCure

    Guide to Guides

    No you cannot save slots. But spening them on your begining powers is not necessarily a waste. On all my builds there is at least one of my first 3 powers i will slot heavily. On my Empath Defender it was my heals, on my blasters is it the blasts (casue you use them all game), etc.

  18. And while Zeb is cool, Shane rocks! He is the main reason I'll be playing CoV, since i'm really a hero at heart.

    Yes I am a dedicated Deadlands fanboy!