Infinity SGs
Not quite sure who ate this thread, but I will shamelessly plug our new SG. Former members of Project Fuzion have proven themselves true patriots and have been given membership in the Paragon Defense Corps. If you think you have what it takes to defend Paragon City against all enemies, foreign and domestic, Send a tell to my global @Sergeant Sparks and I can put you in contact with a recruiting officer.
We are all well established members who play pretty much on a daily basis. Contact us in game and we will discuss your applications.
We don't have a website yet so anyone with the computer savvy and motivation to create one would be a definate plus.
Justice Factor
A laid back, cozy group of casual gamers. We're fun, mature (more or less) and always welcoming anyone interested in teaming or joining our Supergroup. No real rules to speak of as long as you play nice...
If interested in joining up with us, send a global tell to either "@The Josh" or "@Psoma".
Heroes United is a small group trying to rebuild itself and get some more activity. We are heroes from all over the world working together, hence the name. We accept anybody with an openmind in the SG. Most of us are casual gamers.
If you are interested in joining, you can either go check our website : Heroes United and post on our forum, or contact one of the leaders : @Asymptot, @Gloval or @Bio Haz.
@Asymptot :
- Asymptot : 50 Invul/SS Tanker
- Extremum : 25 SS/Nrg Brute
- Many alts
The Simian Defense Force
We are a Roleplaying SG of Militaristic-Theocratic Simians that hail from the planet of Simia. We have 5 different and unique races to choose from with uniforms for each. We have the Simians, the human Thralls, the cat-like Fel, the stony Mna, and bug-like Krikk. We have been around since almost the release of CoH and are still very active and recruiting. We group frequently and are a very RP heavy group.
Check out our website at
You can contact an officer via our forums, sending me a PM on the official forums, or using the /search function in-game and running a search for for the words Simian, Fel, Mna, Krikk, or Thrall.
"It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool!"
Fel Ghost Claws/Regen
Helkos SS/ElA
Emberbreaker FM/SD
Cardboard Tube Monk Staff/SR
Fox Force Five is a casual group with members in their 20s, 30s and 40s ... and those are just our actual ages.
We have open membership, and count within our ranks casual gamers who have played for a year and still haven't broken 40, alt-itis victims who have filled out all of their allotted slots on all servers (but still call Infinity home), Task Force addicts who will drop everything for a call to one, and even powergamers turned to the side of Good by the combined Foxy powers of teamwork.
We focus on teamplay, camaraderie, friendship, and simply having someone knowledgeable to turn to for help while online. There are no requirements at all, although inactive heroes will be removed from the Roster to make room for those still playing.
Stop by our forums and say hi.
We are OMNI!
One of the oldest SGs on Infinity, we're always looking for new members. You can check us out online at: We're known for holding a social "mixer" that involved several events over a whole day, and we're looking to hold more events in the future. We also like to get full teams of 8 together and blow away the bad guys.
Alternatively, you can reach our officers via their globals at:
Also, join our global channel: OMNI-Net to learn what we're up to.
Member of the OMNI SuperGroup!
Heroes: CaduKaos, AuricFyre
Villains: Lost Widow, Asphault
My Crey Profiles
The Silver Moon family of supergroups is a very active and very friendly group. We currently have four SGs on Infinity.
Sisters of the Silver Moon: For active female characters. A 20 day rule applies.
Reflections of the Silver Moon: For alt female characters.
Followers of the Silver Moon: For active and alt male characters.
Ascension of the Silver Moon: For male and female lvl 50s.
All four SGs are tied into our global chat channel, and there are always a few Sisters on. We have a great reputation and are always looking for good players. We have a website and forums at
Send tell to @Sapph, @Acaos, @VampireSquirrel or @techie for more details!
The Anointed Brotherhood:
We are a 40+ Supergroup looking for serious and active players. We are more of a power gamer-oriented SG looking to help improve new members' knowledge of the game and tweaking there builds.
Here at Anointed Brotherhood, we try to keep things creative and fun. We are an active SG that tries to have at least one SG event every week. The majority of the SG is made up of old time players looking to enjoy the end game as much as possible. But with the lack of end game content, that can be somewhat challenging!
Also with the release of Arena in Issue 4 a lot of our members are being even more active on the Arena front, so if you are just looking for an experienced group of players to hang out with, or if you are looking for a great PvP team (we are doing SG vs. SG battles), ABH may be the place for you.
We have a recruiting policy if we are not familiar with you on a personal basis. We do require a field test and interview before new members can join. We do look down on excessive power leveling and these field tests and interview processes are ways we try to avoid recruiting power-leveled players. We are looking for either experienced players, or players who are eager to learn and become an experienced player.
Members of the Anointed Brotherhood have access to a full featured Web site including guides, forums, links to other great sites, and downloads that can help make the CoH experience more enjoyable. They also receive access to their own POP3 e-mail address at They can either use an e-mail client like outlook our use our Web mail access on the web site.
Also, an ABH Radio / Infinity Radio station is in the works. Interested members can take part in being an online DJ to help spread the news of Paragon over the air waves. If you think you would like to become a member of the Anointed Brotherhood, visit our web site and apply on our forums, track down @agentQ in game, or send an e-mail to You will need to register with the website before posting on the forums. At this point there is a problem with allowing guests to post. Sorry for the inconvenience.
-Thank you,
Agent. Q
Hell's Army
We have a pretty full SG but we always make room for those that play the game alot...we kick if you havent been on more than 12 days...that is to keep a active SG
We are a more PvE SG.....but we are starting to expand more into PvP we have SG night every Sunday...where we all get together and practive PvP for prizes....even thou SG night is never manditory the more the merrier
The Defenders of Paragon
We are a collection of mature adults who enjoy a casual atmosphere while playing the game we love. We are one of the oldest groups on Infinity (active since May 2004) and have been going strong ever since with well over 60 current members. Most of us are experienced players who have been playing COH since commercial release. Each of us takes pride in our ability to work as a team and play well together, and we are looking for knowledgeable, mature players to join our supergroup.
We discourage power gamers and power levelers. The DoP is a fairly casual group of adults who play when we get the chance. We pride ourselves on tactics and teamwork, like a good supergroup should. Our players are mature gamers who understand that at the end of the day, its our real lives that count. No one will ever grief you for the demands of real life.
What we are not:
We have no theme. You can be any type of hero youd like. We will never restrict you to a specific AT or origin. You dont have to be a healer or a monkey or a ninja to join.
We have no costume requirements. You can design your costume any way youd like. However, we dont want to be embarrassed by immature or blatant copyright infringement costumes.
We wont tell you how to build your character. We think everybody should have a travel power, but beyond that, they are your heroes, build them any way youd like.
We have no mandatory meetings.
We have never used Teamspeak.
We have no geographical or gender limitations.
The best way to get to know us is to visit our website (linked above). If you're interested in joining, visit our applications forum and post an application.
Paragon City Search and Rescue
Leaders (Infinity)
Vanguard: House Call
Envoys: Lady Friend, Manta Birostris, Psy-Kid, Pure Empathy, Vonny Defender, Red Empathy
Leaders (Freedom)
Vanguard:Psychic Surgeon
Envoys: Fedele, Ma Mendenheal, Oomny Defender, Strident Nuance
Who We Are
Quality is stressed over quantity. PCSAR is a small but highly regarded group of selfless Empathy Defenders & Controllers drawn from many origins, but with one common goal.
Our Mission
To make Paragon's streets safer for her heroes. To this end, we perform Heal/Rez patrols throughout the city and forego leveling, missions and XP altogether while on duty. We are not a "rez for charge" or "pay-for-port" service. Again, WE DO NOT CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICES, PERIOD.
How Can I Join?
If you're a hero with Empathy powers who not only likes to help, but also does so with no strings attached, please send an in-game e-mail to one of our Vanguards or Envoys (listed at the top of this post). Please understand that this is not an application for joining - it's merely a way to let us know you're out there and interested. We are not an actively recruiting SG, but we're always on the lookout for players we think will enjoy being on the team with us, and vice versa.
Once you have contacted a leader, start patrolling the Hollows on a regular basis. This will enable us to meet you, get to know you better and see you in action. It will also help you decide if you like patrolling, since active participation is expected of all members, and it should be something you do because YOU enjoy it; not merely as a pre-requisite for invitation.
Once members of the super group have gotten to know you, you may receive an invitation to join. We tend to grow slowly in order to get better acquainted with our newest members and form strong bonds between teammates. Please be patient and do not pester supergroup members for an invite. However, feel free to talk to supergroup members socially or to ask questions. Rest assured, all viable recruits will be duly considered.
When & Where Do We Patrol?
We perform patrols all around the clock and our coverage extends from Atlas Park to the furthest reaches of The Storm Palace. There are no mandatory meetings, "group nights", itineraries or time constraints. Please bear in mind, however, this is our sole mission -- it's all we do while on Super Group duty. As a member, you'll be expected to contribute regularly and maintain the level of participation you've established.
The three tiers within Paragon City Search and Rescue are as follows:
Patroller, Envoy, Vanguard
As a new recruit you will be awarded the rank of Patroller. Promotions to Envoy are based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:
Frequency of patrols
Time in service
Levels of communication (such as activity on the Super Group forum, official CoH board, and in-game interaction)
The rank of Vanguard is to be manned for a period of time not to exceed one year. A smooth and orderly transition of stewardship is required via vote, as per Public Service Ordinance TR-808.
We've a de facto level requirement of 14. While we'd like to accept any hero with the ability to heal and a desire to contribute to the greater good, it cannot be stressed enough that due to the nature of our mission, a Travel Power is a neccessity. When a hero in need calls, time is of the essence.
You must be able to coordinate many tasks & requests simultaneously while possessing a certain composure. When heroes are falling and calling from every last corner of the city, it's not multi-tasking -- it's TRIAGE. We do not camp by gates and teleport those in need of assistance; the goal is to hopefully find those in need before they fall.
Like any major metropolis, Paragon City is equipped with a 911 emergency service. Active monitoring of this channel while on patrol is encouraged.
You must conduct your patrols with professionalism, courtesy and in a manner befitting the spirit of PCSAR. Kill-stealing, griefing, herding mobs onto other groups, beaconing/AFK adavancement (a.k.a. "spamming Healing Aura to attain your healing badges" ), extortion or any other form of chicanery simply will not be tolerated. Any offending member will be dealt with swiftly and decisively.
We have an optional uniform. Any member who wishes to participate once they reach Level 20 will be provided with funds to cover the cost.
Do not team-up with anyone while on patrol. You will need to operate alone so that you may temporarily add or be added to the team of a hero in order to expedite their location, resurrection, teleportation, etc.
When resurrecting a fallen hero, use your best judgement regarding the locale, proximity of foes, etc., and proceed accordingly. Neutralize a nearby threat or teleport them to a safer location, if need be. The bottom line is, don't raise someone just to have them fall again!
If you're going to be away for a considerable amount of time, please let us know. The Public Service Commission, of which we're an official branch, has a tight budget and requires consistent levels of service in order to maintain funding from the city.
We assist any hero in need, regardless of name, level, appearance, archetype and supergroup affiliation.
Why Only Empaths?
We accept only Empaths for two reasons: First, because they suit our mission in the clearest fashion. Secondly, this approach serves to keep recruiting more manageable.
Have the Circle of Thorns been stealing your relics? Dug up something interesting while fighting the Devoured Earth? Will Azuria not stop calling you at home?
Then you may just be the perfect candidate for a job with the Paragon University Archaeology Department !
The PUAD is a group of like-minded superheroes who strive for truth and knowledge throughout the universe. What's our motto? To boldly go where no scholar has gone before - To know things man was not meant to know. A collaboration of professors, interns, and esteemed collegues, we are always looking for new recruits!
We are a medium sized Supergroup with members of all levels that play regularly. We are also in a coalition with some fantastic heroes from Nerd Corps and the Circle of Debauchery.
Check us out on the net:
Or contact us within Paragon City:
@Operator 47
@Gear Lock
Kitties on the Prowl
website and/or message board:
We are a cat themed supergroup that is always seeking new members. By cat themed we mean anything related to cats. We have a few dogs in our ranks chasing cats, and a few mice that get chased by cats. It is a pretty diverse lot of really good people.
We are lite RP, and only in the supergroup and coalition chat channels. We do have a Global channel as well called KATS that people can join if they are looking to be invited to the SG, but KATS is a OOC channel. Some IC creeps into it, but I try to keep it to a minimum.
We are a cross server SG, and currently are active on Virtue, Justice, Freedom, Champion, and Infinity. Thus if you would like to server hop some to get out some of your ALT-itis, then we can help you there. We are technically established on all live servers, but only those 5 have any active population on it. We seek to grow to all servers in time.
We are looking for some cool cats who want to share some good times with like minded people who love cats. Join KATS and look for me!
My character name who leads the SG:
Fayline Grylore
(sometimes refered to as Kintaro)
My Global Handle:
I hop servers alot so hitting me up on the KATS channel, or message me at my global handle is the best bet.
I hope you all have a good one, and be safe and happy no matter where your paws lead you!
x Fayline Grylore
Global Handle: @JeremyM
Global Handle: @JeremyM
City of Heroes LiveJournal Community
Circle of Debauchery
Motto: It's all about the Fun!
We're a laidback SG here on Infinity, with about... 30 members and their assorted alts. We have about 15 level 50s in the SG, and have been around since December of last year. We're a close bunch, and there is generally talk in /SG or /C. We are coalitioned with the aforementioned Paragon Univ. Arch. Dept. and the Nerd Corps. We regularly do TFs/Trials, etc, mostly on Sundays. Many of us are Prime Time players after about 7 Central, and big on weekends.
Warning: Not for the faint of heart. There can generally be seen about 7 cracks on so-and-so's Mother (Mostly Crowd Pleaser) at one time. If you would rather not hear some good natured vulgarity (Never to excess though... we do know other words! ) then we might not be for you.
We don't have any level requirements or inactivity Kicking deadlines, but we generally clear out some space if you haven't logged on in 60 days, and haven't let us know you'd be gone beforehand. We DO plan on being in CoV, and most of us have come to terms with the Evil that is Issue 5...
Circle Of Debauchery
We can be reached through the forums there, or in-game at @ChrisMoses, @Crowd Pleaser, or @Scary Carrie.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.
The Nerd Corps
We're a group of gamers ranging from "casual" to "omnipresent" united under the monniker "nerd." We've got no level requirements, inactivity requirements, or anything else. We do, however, play-test all applicants before granting membership. This has kept us small, but we're closely-knit, and we like it like that. We're always passively recruiting, however (looking for new members, but only coincidentally).
We've recently joined up with the Paragon University Archaeology Dept. (PUAD) and the Circle of Debauchery in a coalition and have created a second supergroup for alternates with more serious backstories/character concepts (The Midnight Patrol), but our core focus remains the same: have fun for great justice.
If you're interested in running some missions with us for trial purposes, contact one of the following:
@Veazey (Doctor Worm, Midnight Rifle, Panther Modern)
@IF (InvincibleFlame, Dominus Maxis, Rock Doctor)
@Residue (Residue, Chauntea, Thin Air)
@Timacx (Fallen Templar, Omega Baryon)
@Deceivius (Deceivius, Johnny Winter)
@Fiare (FIare, Deus X Machina, Sunset Red)
OK, basically, find somebody in the Corps and they'll be able to answer your questions. We have no site yet, but that very well may change.
Have you or someone you know been the victim of Nerd Rage?
Find answers, get help.
S.H.F.H - Legends (Super Heroes For Hire)
The Super-Heroes For Hire Supergroup is currently open for recruiting heroes interested in becoming a part of this happy family and to gear up for our upcoming business, the SHFH Inc., where heroes will be able to put up their services 'for hire' to other heroes in the city. If you're interested or even remotely interested in what this group is and plans on "offering," read along.....
Our little policy really....
* Regardles of the name, we are NOT (and i reiterate), NOT accepting payments of any kind for our services (be it real money, influence, PL offer or anything at all. We are in the 'for hire' business merely for the tongue-in-cheek fun of it and expect nothing in exchange. Obviously, advertising our good services is very much welcome Wink
* We are rather laid back, but definitely a group of fun, close-knit, mature-behaving people.
* We hold ourselves to respect all players and treat them with courtesy unless otherwise deserved, to which we will simply ignore you.
* We do not embark on intense rivalry or public insults against any single player or SG (we reserve the right to discuss players in private of course)
* SHFH is a politically neutral SG where friendly ties with other SGs may be formed due to our 'business' nature but there are no official allies or rivals.
* PvP is NOT a part of our SG's interests. We may participate for the fun of battling friends but not for ranks or competition.
* We do not appreciate heavily Power leveled toons. While we are not absolute anti-PL, we do frown upon PLed toons. Our recruits are 'required' to know their toons and their powers.
(Heroes for hire project is kinda on hold due to lazy heroes who would not submit their heroes' information! )
The All-Star Brigade
The All Stars are a group of heroes from Paragon City's golden age. Founded during World War II, the All Stars were tapped by President Roosevelt to protect American soil while groups like Freedom Phalanx and the First Hero Brigade fought overseas.
However, during a run-in with the 5th Column, our heros were frozen in Substance 47! The name of group was taken up again in the 1970's, led by the unearthly Imperius, and continued to operate in a minor sense until the Rikti Invasion.
During the fighting over Paragon, falling remnants of invaders ships would destroy the structure where the original All Stars were imprisoned, and melt the super cold Substance 47. The old time heroes, like American Ace, Double Time and The Punchline would fight against the invading aliens, and eventually meet their modern counterparts.
Now the All-Star Brigade continues their proud tradition, putting the HERO back in superhero.
We maintain our web site at and have the full version of our history there.
Our contact information is listed on our site (forums and an email link to Punchline).
Post deleted by Kid_Gloves
Raven's Nest
Willkommen zum Nest von Ravens
Since our minds are so superiour to your, Ve will answer yours questions before they even leave your mouth:
Am I good enough for the Nest?
Nein Idiot! You are not good enough to join das Ravens nest. If we select you for consideration we will commandeer your account and respecify your character to our strict standards. We will translate your Bio to German for you. Because you are too stupid to speak ze German.
Is there an SG costume?
Ja Idiot! Of course zere is un costumen! Ze Ravens nest does not accept garments which attract attention. You will be dressed in a Black shirt and Black pants. Females not selected for breeding may wear a long Black skirt. Capes are forbidden and Auras as well. Powers that are colorful in nature are forbidden as well. If someone casts a colorful power on you, Phase shift and hide until the aura decipates.
Who are the Ravens Kommandants?
Alice Abyss (Currently fighting the unworthy in Iraq), Bakka and Poison Envy
What is your SG's Motto?
Very good question Idiot. The SG's motto must be memorized and recited 3 times daily and upon the request of a Kommandant.
Our simple motto is: Das Nest des Ravens ist die beste Supergruppe auf dem Bediener oder allen möglichen Bedienern in diesem pathetischen Spiel, das Stadt der Helder genannt wird. Plege I mein allegance zum großen Nest des Nesthagel Ravens!
What is your SG's logo?
The Iron Cross was unavailable, so the Anarchy symbol was chosen to reflect our disgust.
If I join, will you PL me?
Ja, We detest the weak. If you are deemed weak you will be immediately power leveled to a security level of our choosing. You have no say za the matter.
Do you do SG battles in the arena?
Persons with a rank lower than 1600...Nein 1800! will be deemed incompetent and will not be allowed to participate in Arena events.
If you are an Idiot and need more informations contakt me in game @bakka or contact Poison Envy @poison envy if you prefer being dominated by a female.
Wow, I'm tempted to switch SGs now. Hilarious as usual, SB.
The Healer Sisterhood is the other "old school" sisterhood on Infinity. We have been in existence for well over a year now (established in June 2004) and have expanded to 2 other SGs -- the Protectors of the Healer Sisterhood and the Guardians of the Healer Sisterhood. Our web site is We are a very laid back group and don't have any level restrictions. Only requirement is that you treat your SGmates and allies with the respect and have fun. The Healer Sisterhood is the home for our only female toons with some healing power while the Protectors and Guardians are open to all ATs. A majority of our members are now level 50s but most are still active playing either their lowbie alts or their other 50 toons. If you want to join us, just contact any of our members or post on our web site.
--Lady Phenom (lvl 50 rad/rad defender and no, you don't really want me to post my 14 other alts on Infinity)
I see Bakka forgot his meds again, he is having those "Illusions of German" he always gets.
Raven's Nest (but i am always playing coh so dont expect too much from a websit i work on 10 mins a month, tops!)
Alice Abyss (Gone To Iraq) =(
Poison Envy (You know you love me)
Bakka (Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain)
Who We Are
You may not have heard of us on the Forums before because most of us are too busy playing CoH to post about it! Buuuuuuuuut..........
We are a bunch of folks who like to play for the FUN of it, and we like to help other players find some fun too. We have been around form more than a year =D Our Motto is, "The Heroes of Paragon City are in Need of Guidance, We are Here to Help" Our size and membership fluctuates all the time. We encourage heroes who have grown up in the Nest to spread their wings and go out into the city. (With a few exceptions! Like Bakka, whom we deiced it would be too cruel to Paragon to unleash)
Can I Join?
Our policy is simple "Anyone can join the Nest, not everyone can stay" I have always believed in giving a hero a chance, even a second chance and sometimes... even a third chance =D We have not been afraid of taking in heroes with less than stellar reputations, provided that they change their ways once clothed in Raven colors. If you want to know more specifically who we boot and why, you'll have to ask =D
How Can I Get In Touch?
We have a public global chat channel that everyone is invited to use. "Raven's Nest" If you want help with a mission, need info, badge assistance, looking for a team oooooor <gasp> want to join the Nest, then feel free to join our global chat.
You can contact me with an in-game email or my global handle @Poison Envy and Bakka with an in-game email or his global handle @Bakka (note: Bakka will not respond to emails or global tells unless he is refered to as "Kommandant" at least until we get him back on his meds)
You can also attempt to contact us with our website forums (I check them every now and again but dont expect anything too speedy) Raven's Nest
Why Should I Join?
Haha, if you don't know by now, you never will =P
I see Bakka forgot his meds again, he is having those "Illusions of German" he always gets.
[/ QUOTE ]
I must say though, he did make me laugh ;D
Infinity Supergroups, huh... well, I AM technically the leader of a Supergroup called The Irradiated, which is ostensibly for /rad or rad/ (or even rad/rad) heroes. Since I'm currently the only member, though, and the SG has been around for... oh, 28 levels now, I suppose that I can't afford to be picky. If anyone sees me ingame (global @Gamma Sapien) and would like to participate in a little lewd, crude, and socially unacceptable behavior, feel free to apply for membership. Application is a fairly pain-free process, and would generally consist of saying things like "Can I join your SG?" or "I want to join your SG", and an occasional "Joino El Supergroupo?", just to make me giggle, would be nice.
The only things you need to really know about the SG is that, despite the official-sounding name, "informal" is probably dressing it up a bit... I'm generally either drunkenly harrassing Rikti Monkeys, lighting off AoE attacks in the middle of level 2 mob spawns, or occasionally running a mission... so you really have about a 25% chance of accomplishing anything worthwhile. Anyone who wants to be an officer is welcome to it, and they'd be free to recruit as many like-minded people as they possibly could before the authorities catch on to our illicit trade in Vahzilok vomit-soaked t-shirts (which I believe will be the next "big thing" in Paragon fashion) and shut us down for good. What? Why are you all looking at me like that? I also plan on "hookin' up our pad, G", to use the current vernacular, once City of Villians comes out. I hope to have the latest in home hot tub technology, with some lava lamps thrown in for flava.
Anyway, if any of this sounds like your cup of tea, then you can PM me here or try to catch me ingame. If it sounds like someone else's cup of tea, please put it down, as it's not polite to listen to someone else's tea. I play at all hours of the day and night, with no rhyme, reason, or pattern to my hours, so... well, good luck, I suppose, and I'll see you all in Paragon City.
p.s. While there is certainly room in the SG for the min/maxers out there, that's not at all what we (well, so far... I) are about. I can't guarantee that you'll level fast, or knock out task forces like they were nothing, or that we'll have someone to PL our lowbies... but I feel fairly confident that I can promise some fun. Or at least, you know, some cookies and punch. Virtual cookies and punch.
List your Infinity SG here - along with a description, website, and contact info.