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  1. I hope that all of you at Paragon are able to recover from the shut down as quickly as possible. I was a victim of an over-night shut down several years back when "Pay less Cash-ways" was shut down. Even though I have hardly ever posted to the forums, I have been a player for over 6yrs. In all that time, I never came across another MMO that even came close to the community here on CoH. Not only was this a great game because all the actual player interacts,but the interactions & responses from the folks at Paragon. There has got to be some company out there that would buy..."us" The character generator/designer for toons was one of the 1st hooks for me, NOTHING else comes close, but its the whole CoH community that has kept me striving on to deeds of glory ....or... villainous acts of deceit. I know it has already6 been said ....BUT THANK YOU for a truly great 6yrs.....
  2. 1st after red name!..........
    Subjective Feedback= Some of the sonic attacks sounding more like someone screeming. Feel kinda silly sounding like a train or something. If possible based on their sex, or possibly animal roars for the folks with beast type toons.
    The new kinetic attacks sound like jet fighters taking off. Not sure either way if its really good or bad yet.

    Objective Feedback= The volume levels seem to be different for different powers. I have at times had to readjust the volume because a new person joins the team and their power has a rather loud effect compared to all the other sounds that had been going off prior to them.
  3. WHOOHOO!< 1st time after a redname......glad I came home for lunch.
    Looking forward to issue#19! You all have packed this with a heck of a lot of goodies! Much thanks!

    I know this is a bit soon, but any hopes of perhaps later getting "whip" as a seperate power set? Like duel pistols evolved from MM's thug set?
  4. Hey all,

    I was wondering if any of you may know what can be causing a sudden "blackout on screen with a little icon of a monitor and computer and a "!" in between them. I have turned off Ultra-mode. I have switched out monitors, and it only happens playing CoH.
    My system is:

    Processor*a * Main Circuit Board*b
    1.87 gigahertz Intel Core 2 Duo
    64 kilobyte primary memory cache
    2048 kilobyte secondary memory cache
    64-bit ready
    Multi-core (2 total)
    Not hyper-threaded * Board: Dell Inc. 0WG855*
    Serial Number: ..CN7082969TA65I.
    Bus Clock: 1066 megahertz
    BIOS: Dell Inc. 1.0.3 08/14/2006
    Drives * Memory Modules*c,d
    160.03 Gigabytes Usable Hard Drive Capacity
    76.71 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space

    TSSTcorp DVD+-RW TS-H553A [CD-ROM drive]

    WDC WD1600AAJS-08PSA0 [Hard drive] (160.04 GB) -- drive 0,*SMART*Status: Healthy * 2046 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory

    Slot 'DIMM_1' has 1024 MB
    Slot 'DIMM_3' is Empty
    Slot 'DIMM_2' has 1024 MB
    Slot 'DIMM_4' is Empty
    I am not a computer person. I have a friend who works on mine at times. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    Deeds not Words....
  5. Hey all,

    I was wondering if any of you may know what can be causing a sudden "blackout on screen with a little icon of a monitor and computer and a "!" in between them. I have switched out monitors, and it only happens playing CoH.
    My system is:

    Processor*a * Main Circuit Board*b
    1.87 gigahertz Intel Core 2 Duo
    64 kilobyte primary memory cache
    2048 kilobyte secondary memory cache
    64-bit ready
    Multi-core (2 total)
    Not hyper-threaded * Board: Dell Inc. 0WG855*
    Serial Number: ..CN7082969TA65I.
    Bus Clock: 1066 megahertz
    BIOS: Dell Inc. 1.0.3 08/14/2006
    Drives * Memory Modules*c,d
    160.03 Gigabytes Usable Hard Drive Capacity
    76.71 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space

    TSSTcorp DVD+-RW TS-H553A [CD-ROM drive]

    WDC WD1600AAJS-08PSA0 [Hard drive] (160.04 GB) -- drive 0,*SMART*Status: Healthy * 2046 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory

    Slot 'DIMM_1' has 1024 MB
    Slot 'DIMM_3' is Empty
    Slot 'DIMM_2' has 1024 MB
    Slot 'DIMM_4' is Empty
    I am not a computer person. I have a friend who works on mine at times. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  6. Can anyone post here Arch/TA builds that run well? I have a 50 Def. ARCH/TA, and I love 'em. He was not the best for soloing, but still decent. I'm trying the corruptor now, have him to 48, but think it can be improved.
  7. I have been looking through this....and have not seen a single guide for corruptors with Archery/Trick arrow powers. Does anyone have some insight to share?
  8. 1st off, as many others have said, Thank you for asking us Castle. Over the years, the fact that you Devs. do ask and often use our suggestions in the game puts this one above so many other MMOs out there.

    1.) I would like to repeat the often repeated request of minimal effects for hasten and superspeed.
    2.) A non-tech vervsion of the entire Medician pool.
    3.) Being able to select "point of origin" for powers.
    4.) Minnimal effects for a lot more of the powers. It is hard to be a "normal" highly trainned fighter, then have a punch like sands of MU kicking out all this smoke.
    5.) Im not sure if this is more of a costume comment, but a club/stave (non-leathal version) of weapon powers. I try to avoid a lot of them when creating a hero, for the simple fact its hard to pull off the "hero" image while literally slaughtering the badguys with sharp weapons.
    The idea that many have suggested of "random" animations would be nice to.
    Again thank you guys for working with us players and our concepts.
  9. 1. Just to "second" others...more variation in building styles. The areas of steel canyon look like housing sub-divisions for skyscrapers with their "clone" look.
    2. Buses....we have all these bus stops, but not a single bus.
    3. A couple major or "Union" style train stations. Instead of just all the platforms we have now.
    4. Being able to ride on top of cars, trucks, trains and boats would be nice too. Also maybe have at least an occasional person on a boat. All the "phantom" sail and motorboats "adrift" around the city is odd. Also an occasional window being down to see a passenger.
    5.Having some air traffic would be cool too. Helicopters for the PPD, news choppers, etc. At least one major airport.
    6. Zoos, museums, shopping malls, gas stations, post offices, schools, public parks with slides, swings and other playground equipment.
    7. An amusement park at Spanky's boardwalk, instead of just a pier with a sign.
    8. More single family houses, and housing areas.

    Don't get me wrong, I do love this game, been playing for several years, I just wanted to add some thoughts.
  10. Elord

    Halloween Event?

    I was wondering that myself. Will there be a Halloween Event? Some of the other MMO's have already started theirs.
  11. Cannot seem to get avatar to load up correctly when using the edit avatar area.
  12. How do you get your avatar back? Mine didn't transfer & for some reason when i try to "save changes" it doesn't load my avatar either. Can someone give me some guidance, please.
  13. Hello Europe! Hope things are running better there. At this moment, we are having problems Logging onto Protector. Sigh and here it is Double xp weekend. AAARRRGGGGHHHH!
  14. Yep it is nice. I CAN wait till I earn it. I have 30 months to go.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    In what way are the continued rewards fair to dedicated newcomers?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sure, show the dedication and earn them like the players before them.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    No. But if you played since first beta and had to stop playing for some periods for reasons against your will, once you'e back to the game you'll never be able to reach some of the high-end rewards.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only true when the game comes to an end. And at that point... who cares?!?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Isn't it also true since rewards keep coming? If someone joins the game today, they will never be able to reach the [u]last[u] 5 years of veteran reward content, no matter how long they stay subscribed. At least if VRs stopped at some point and someone who joins today plays for the 5 next years, they would be able to get all rewards. As a new player, I'd find that much more encouraging, rather than knowing that there will be stuff I'll never get no matter how many years I play.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So you suggest that the players who have been playing and plan to continue, should no longer be rewarded for their dedication to the game? So that newer players, whom may or may not stick with the game can get the rewards we have had to wait for? In what way is that fair to the dedicated Vetrans?
  17. Why do some folks keep saying they willNEVER reach that vetran bonus? Because it is too far away time wise that they will NEVER reach it? Then you DO NOT DESERVE IT! You want the vetran rewards then stick with it and put in the time. Sadly (REAL) LIFE happens and events may occur that can disrupt your gaming life. You earn what ya can while ya can. A number of you folks complaining that you will never get those rewards, perhaps do not expect to actually play this game long enough to rightly earn them. Why should you be rewarded for being impatient? To those that real life has interrupted your game time, my condolenaces for what ever missfortune caused the interruption in game play, but as stated above things happen. Why should everyone be penalized for what happens to you?
  18. Why can some people NOT understand that A Veteran reward is just that, a reward for continualously paying for and playing the game. You can't pick or choice what you want out of the list of things. You get them as they are EARNED. Some of the complaining in here is as bad as the ones in AE missions that "piggy back" into high level missions wanting HUGE amounts of xps &amp; influence basically spoonfeed to them.
    Just put in your time and you WILL EARN it.
  19. Got mine to, but there is still no news archive announcement about it.

    Ok now its there..... Just don't want the non form readers to be left out before the rush.
  20. So will it be announced on the News archives, when it is REALLY available in a reasonable amount of time, or is the twitter-forums-word of mouth line of communication now how we are supposed to be kept "up to date" on things around here? Just wondering cause news seems to appear in a lot of other places before, IF it hits the news archives.
  21. Thanks guys, /bind c "powexec_name Oil Slick Arrow" worked. Thanks again for the help.
  22. I want to activate the oil slick. I already have the auto target and hit with tazer keybind. I will try your suggestions when server is up. Thank you all for your help.
  23. This may be a dumb question, but can you keybind oil slick? I have tried a number of times, but only get the phrase the toon said to work. I have eventried the very basic (/bind c "powexec_name oilslick") or (/bind c "powexec name oil slick"), with still no luck. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
  24. Im glad to see this advertising for CoH as well. This is a pretty great game and it sucks that "general public" has little or no knowledge of it. CoH doesn't have to go as extreme as WoW having special bottles of MT. DEW, or William Shattner, Ozzy Ozbourn, Mr. T, Leonard Nemoi(sp?), ect. do commercials for them, but some public air time would prob. help a lot. The regular non-gaming world knows about WoW. CoH...not so much. But this at least appears to be heading in the right direction.