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  1. For my main characters:

    ChiIl: Lawful Good
    Croesis: Neutral Evil

    Myself.. I'd like to be Neutral Good but I'd have to admit to being Lawful Good.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I got the wedding pack to see for myself that player avatars can support 2 animated parts at the same time - capes can be used with the veil
    Was this for investigation into animated hair?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    Back Items: [...]permanent and customizable AND travel animated jet packs, glider wings and mini-coptor backpacks,[...]

    It's been asked for a lot but would still be a nice addition. I have a character who flys with the fly power but I'd rather it be shown that it's due to technology than any super power. I currently use a 2 hour raptor pack for this effect but get annoyed with having to go and purchase another pack when the time runs out. An animated, non fly granting raptor/jetpack would be awesome, as well as the other suggestions.
  4. I like my way, a girlfriend or partner (or in my case wife) who doesn't play online games so doesn't hog the computer so we don't need to spend money on two computers.

    Also it means that she can't become really good at a game and kick my **** in it.

    Downsides; she can't understand how I can spend so much time online in the evening... and she controls the TV.
    Considering the crap on TV recently, it's not a bad tradeoff imo.
  5. Luckily, due to work, i'm missing all of the annoying Christmas adverts that bombard viewers in the usually loooong run up to the actual holiday. Although I must admit, if there are any ads that I don't mind seeing they're the Coca Cola adverts. Shame YouTube is blocked down here.
  6. I'd probably buy any pack which would compliment/improve the looks/abilities any of my characters or have abilities included which help my gameplay or simply look cool. I like the expansion of character styling which pretty much means any additional item of clothing.

    Thats why I have every booster pack going.. apart from the wedding pack as none of the items really complimented any of my current characters and I can live without the emotes.

    Disposable income ftw!
  7. I agree with the OP that the names of the perks (booster packs/costumes etc..) should be listed. In fact one of the items is descripted and as someone who has bought most of the extras, my list is basically:
    • Retail
    • Perk
    • City of Heroes® Good Versus Evil Special In-Game Item Pack
    • Perk
    • Perk
    • Perk
    • Perk
    • Perk
    • Perk
    They can do it for that one item, why not all? It is just lazyness on the part of the person adding the item to the store? As for people suggesting people should log in and find out if they can't remember, perhaps the person is not in a position to be able to check at the time they are ordering it.

    Hope the OP got their money back but I'm wondering if the OP or anyone contacted the NCSoft support and enquired about it yet?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
    Yes. On every single thing you have ever posted. Ever.
    Never said it was ideal or brilliant, but in the context of the post I was quoting, the recipient of the poster's rep and comment knew he got some and knew which post it was for.

    But thanks for your input.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    So yeah, have some +rep. Too bad you can't read my limerick. i mean comment.?
    You know, they can still see the comment(s), the recipient just has to click on the scales for the post to see what comment(s) he/she got.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Maybe we ought to disable posting so the mods don't have to sort out the abuse of a small portion of the userbases comments?

    Since it's the same job.
    Obvious comments on the usability of a forum where posting is disabled and the acknowledgement of the quoted posts sarcasm aside, people are less likely to post derogatory, vulger etc. comments on the boards if the person they are aiming them at knows who wrote it and everyone else can see it.
  11. There should be a descriptive comment next to the word Perk, imo.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    no u!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    I'm pissed that I can't see my COMPLAINTS. So what does that make me then?
    Someone else that requires validation of their posts by seeing what other people think of it. Sad, yet oddly comical.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    They aren't anonymous to the mods, whos job it is to enforce forum rules.
    I'd rather the mods have more time to mod the actual boards than spend that time having to sort out the abuse of a small portion of the userbase's 'rep' comments.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
    well i can't speak for other people, but i never requre validation over posts.
    It's not all people, just those very vocal few who complain that it's not fair that they can't see their compliments because some people were abusing the anonymous aspect of the system and violating the forum rules.
  16. Just get rid of the whole system.

    It's really quite sad that some individuals require validation in the form of 'rep' for their posts, thus when just the comments are turned off they stamp their feet and throw teddies out of the cot, ignorent of the fact that the system as it was and still is (you can still see the comments left on a post by clicking the scales) open to abuse by violating forum rules.
  17. I support the request for more costumes/parts to increase anthropromorphic options. The more variety the better imo.

    Also while the name 'Furries' probably wouldn't be top of the list to call a booster pack, it's probably a lot better than Animal Farm.
  18. Croesis

    Ninja Running

    Whilst I currently have about 1 character who would actually benefit from the looks of the run and almost everything else in the pack itself, I may use the power for all my new characters until they establish their own travel methods. I'm a bit surprised that its a toggle power and not something like a 2min speed boost with a large stealth component but I'm not going to complain about it.

    I like the fact that it's an exaggerated animation, I'm a little too old for some of the latest cartoons but I have seen clips of some Japanese anime (or something) which the NR power emulates almost perfectly.
  19. I'm at the lows of -2 because a couple of people wanted to 'test' negative rep. I really don't care if they canned the comments or even decide to bin the entire system. It's more of a forum game then an actual indicator of the type of person anyway.

    I'm pretty much one of those people who'll post what I want without aiming to get positive or negative rep.
  20. My wife doesn't play due to my hogging the PC most of the evening. Now I have a new laptop, I'll be hogging both (It doesn't really have the graphics capability to play MMORPG's tbh)
  21. Meh, nothing truly extraordinary about those scores tbh.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think putting the lists together would be a good idea - it'd give all the players extra slots

    Hmm.. and I'd be all for character transfers between EU and US servers as well, let natural selection (player server migration) determine if they could let some servers go and save some cash which could benefit players in some other way...
  23. I hardly play on my Xbox these days, in fact I've just this minute cancelled my gold access. Of course thats mostly under orders from the other half..
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Fix your sig picture