So what's your alignment?
I am a big fan of Chaotic Good, for myself AND my characters. Of course in-game there's not much call to rebel or go around the law, and for that matter not much in RL currently either, but in theory. Even some of my red-side characters are good-intentioned, but they're a little extreme in their methods. I do have other characters from all alignments however. Some examples:
- Primal, MA/Regen Scrapper, Chaotic Good. By and large a hero who wants to do good, but she's just a little nutty too, and has no problem ignoring rules or the law.
- Retaliator, Dark/Kin Corruptor, True Neutral. She can only harm those who intend to harm her or her friends/teammates.
- Masrefah, Mind/Fire Dom, Chaotic Evil. She truly enjoys death and suffering, and especially loves turning friends on each other, then burning them all.
- As'aqa, Elec/Nin Stalker, Neutral Evil. Vicious and cruel, but only towards those she's been contracted to kill. She doesn't work for good ends though. (I have several of these assassin-type characters.)
- Buttered Cat, Gravity/Ice Dom, Chaotic Neutral. Nutty as a fruitcake, barely keeps from flying around like a loon. Has no earthly idea why those funny peppermint people are after her all the time, but they do make her giggle when they go flying. Doesn't actively think of herself as bad or good.
Well, my avatar is just me, but with superpowers, so that would be Lawful Good
EDIT: I might also be Chaotic Good if the situation needed it
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Chaotic Neutral for the most part, in life and in game.
Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)
I have characters from just about every alignment:
Lawful Good: Crusader's Honor, Jonathan Fury, Passive Aggression
Nuetral Good: Ranger Lord, D'Shan Steelclaw, Urban Tactics
Chaotic Good: Arken Shatterfist, StrongGuard, Phantasmal Fantasy
Lawful Neutral: Evolution Upgrade, Blood and Honor
Neutral: Ensorcelled Stone, Assisted Afterlife
Chaotic Neutral: Surgeon's Canvas, Arctic Armageddon
Lawful Evil: Speak Softly, Shadow's Secret, Guile Gravenheart
Neutral Evil: Blood Priestess, Revenant Remains, Draconic Rage
Chaotic Evil: Sid and the Deep Six, Adrenal Addiction, PsyChaotic
As for myself, I am Chaotic Good... Despite massively held public opinion that I am really Chaotic Neutral.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
A grab bag:
Lawful Evil- Kai-Lian. She was basically made as an experiment to see if I actually could make a lawful evil heroine. She heroes to beat up people (villains!) and take their stuff and because she's very, very lazy. Having to defend herself all the time in a chaotic place like the Isles would just distract her from more important stuff, and she'd probably die, since she's not that great of a combatant. And if she happens to find something during her adventures that give her a legal method to get somebody powerful jailed and buy their equipment on the auction block cheaply, well, who's going to argue?
Chaotic Neutral- Sorrow-Weave. A Shadow Shard native who thinks Ruladak breaking the world is somehow related to her mutant abilities, so she venerates him. Strength is all that matters... so she doesn't really have an agenda beyond 'fight tough people and break stuff.' She could just as easily be a heroine if Paragon weren't so titchy about property damage.
Lawful Good- Magatama. She was sort of an attempt for me to make a more elegant character after a long streak of 'RAWR I BREAK STUFF' characters (see above!). Went through great personal effort and sacrifice in order to get powers just to help people and all that.
Neutral Good- Shatterware. She used to be Lawful Good, but ending up good friends with a borderline-villain convinced her that the law isn't always right. Her alignment is more like Goody McGoodGood Goody-Two-Shoes That Is Also Good.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Personally? True Neutral.
Most of my characters tend towards Chaotic Good/Neut/Evil, depending on alignment.
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
Neutral. There's a preference toward chaos, but I understand the need for law. That'd be me the player.
Bill Z Bubba was lawful evil like all devils, but shifted to chaotic evil when he came to Paragon.
Be well, people of CoH.

I'm probably True Neutrel. In that I aspire to equality and provisions of freedoma nd dignity for everyone where I can, but often come up well short of those aspirations.
Blood Spectre is Neutrel Evil to the core. He encourages fear and murder everywhere he goes.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
Chaotic Good, which I guess translates to Vigilante in Going Rogue. I'll go wherever and do whatever I can to make things better. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
Mostly upright with the slightest case of scoliosis.
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Me as a person? Netural Good. I have a strong since of right and wrong that doesn't always lineup perfectly with the laws of the land.
My creations? My hero's run the spectrum of good. from lawful to choitic. My villians are generally netural - chaoitic. I can't bring myself to play an "evil" mindset, so none are very "evil".
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...

I am a big fan of Chaotic Good, for myself AND my characters. Of course in-game there's not much call to rebel or go around the law
All of my heroes are chaotic good. All of my villains are chaotic neutral. As a person, I probably identify with neutral good though I'm probably seen as chaotic good. I rebel against any and everyone who feels they have the right to tell me what I should think or believe (which occurs in reality). I don't believe many things people hold as 'truisms'. So while I may be neutral good, I probably lean more toward chaos.
@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions
Interestingly, almost all of my heroes are Chaotic Good, bordering on Neutral Good, while most of my villains are Lawful Evil, bordering on Neutral Evil. This depicts my view of good guys and bad guys, I suppose.
Most of my heroes are Chaotic Good because they're largely on their own, or in small group-ups. They have to fight against all kinds of adversity - villains, the elements, their own inner demons and even the law from time to time. The ones who've proven themselves tend to just hold high ranks, so they don't follow the rules as much as the rules follow them. If you're going to get the job done come hell or high water, you may as well have the authority to raid buildings when you feel necessary, rather than having to go through the chain of command and raid them anyway.
I don't really have any heroes who respect the law before the lives of innocents or the right thing to do.
Most of my villains are Lawful Evil because I find any other kind of evil to range between boring and disgusting. "Rip and tear" murderers just make me flip to the next page, and "evilnessnessness" villains just make me roll my eyes. The only kind of villain I can actually enjoy is one who is either cunning enough to work within the rules and STILL do whatever he pleases legally, or one who is strong enough to MAKE his own rules and then stick to them. I enjoy a villain with a sense of honour and dignity who could still stab you in the face, but probably has something much more ambitious planned for you. I can sort of extend this to the neutral villain who has an agenda and is willing to take up any kind of work as long as it brings him closer because he honestly doesn't care.
Interestingly, I don't think I have, or indeed want, any Neutral Anything characters. I don't see the appeal in those.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Personally? True Neutral.
Most of my characters tend towards Chaotic Good/Neut/Evil, depending on alignment. |
-- Zapp Branigan
Anyone who disagrees with my views is evil. Therfore, I am lawful good.
Seriouslly though, my main hero would be lawful good...kindaof a a weird blend of Superman, Cap America and Neo.
My main villain would have to be chaotic neutral. Blend of Batman and a basic merncenary.
Interestingly, almost all of my heroes are Chaotic Good, bordering on Neutral Good, while most of my heroes are Lawful Evil, bordering on Neutral Evil. ...
I have some exceptions of course, a Lawful Good "knight templar" type hero, a Black Adam type villain that shifts between Chaotic Evil and Neutral Evil, and a villainess with split personalities; one is Chaotic Neutral, one is Lawful Evil, and one's Lawful Good. (The CN persona is dominant while she's in the Isles, and when GR hits, the LG person will become dominant when she finally gets to go back to Paragon.)
Me, I'm Lawful Evil.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

Publicly, lawful good. Privately, chaotic evil.
For my main characters:
ChiIl: Lawful Good
Croesis: Neutral Evil
Myself.. I'd like to be Neutral Good but I'd have to admit to being Lawful Good.
Guessing that you mean your villains are Lawful Evil, same thing here pretty much.

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I guess Im neutral...because I dont care.
I dont care so much that Im here posting how much I dont care.
But in true neutral fashion, I dont care if you care or dont. I just dont care, your state of care or not caring has no bearing on my lack of care, therefore; continue caring, or not caring as you yourselves see fit, and keep in mind that I, myself, do not care, so your desicion to care or not care will not increase or decrease my state of care.
Now then, I will go about my day not caring about this, and you, yourselves, will no doubt go about your days either caring, or not.
Chaotic Good heroes.
Chaotic Neutral villains.
I guess I don't like following rules and traditions all that much....

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!
Personally, I'm probably Lawful Good. More Good than Lawful, but definitely with a Lawful slant. I'm just not good at being evil, and I prefer it when people do what they're told, as long as it's good. And I always keep my promises. This does make me a bit naïve at times, but so be it. I'd rather be a little too trustworthy than not trustworthy enough.
This does reflect on my CoH characters, too. My heroes are usually Heroes with a capital H. They kick butt for Good and they like it. I suppose it's my own good tendencies shining through here. Some of them are pretty chaotic, though. The Scrappers in particular. Some are planners, some jump into battle with wild abandon.
My Villains are usually Lawful Evil. My favorite villain is a Stalker, she's an assassin for hire. If she says she'll get her mark, she will. Punctuality and thoroughness are extremely valuable to a professional assassin, after all. I don't really have that many villains, though. Made a demon, and a girl ruled entirely by her powerful psychic subconcious after an accident, I suppose she'd be my Chaotic Evil type. I just can't get into the CE mindset in any other way. It's too alien a way to think for me.
Also, I'm one of those people that if I could get superpowers for real, I'd be a superhero. The path of villainy has no appeal to me.
Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"
My alignment would be solidly Lawful Neutral.
I have characters from every alignment, including a Lawful Evil hero and a Lawful Good (with Stupid tendencies) villain. I think the most common alignment for my characters would probably be Chaotic Neutral.

I guess Im neutral...because I dont care.
I dont care so much that Im here posting how much I dont care. But in true neutral fashion, I dont care if you care or dont. I just dont care, your state of care or not caring has no bearing on my lack of care, therefore; continue caring, or not caring as you yourselves see fit, and keep in mind that I, myself, do not care, so your desicion to care or not care will not increase or decrease my state of care. Now then, I will go about my day not caring about this, and you, yourselves, will no doubt go about your days either caring, or not. ![]() ![]() |
Now, of course, I could well be wrong, since the last time I actually dealt with these alignments was in Icewind Dale, and that was operating under the aD&D system.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
D & D style here, not necessarily Loyalist/Anarchist/Resistance, although they can go together. How would your characters fit into the "standard" alignments? If you have too many to list, what's the general trend, or where do your favorite/most played fall?
Do you yourself have an alignment?
The alignments, if you don't know:
Lawful Neutral - True Neutral - Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil - Neutral Evil - Chaotic Evil