I don't know what you're saying!

Father Xmas



Is there some kind of compiled list of common abreviations for the game?
Like, I don't know what "lft" is. I've seen AT and PL . . . and I'm lost!!!



LFT: Looking for Team

AT: Archetype

PL: Power leveling: in short repeating the same mission over and over for quick and easy experience (if you're new to the game I'd suggest staying away from groups advertising farms or PLs)

I think someone made a list with the abbreviations and their explanations, for the life of me I can't find it.

See you elsewhere: AIM: Mock2Author
PSN: Mock2_Author
3ds: 3480-3583-3523
Lotro (Landroval): Bloodmoore, Colewin, Dunefoot, Gamergard, Linfeld SMT: Corpsemonger, Author, Mock2Doc



Awesome guys. Thanks that helps a lot!



Some others :
IIRC - If I recall correctly

TA - Trick Arrow

MM - Mastermind, and some people use this to refer to Mayhem maps (yay for context )

And a whole lot more...

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Puppet_Rebel View Post
Is there some kind of compiled list of common abreviations for the game?
Like, I don't know what "lft" is. I've seen AT and PL . . . and I'm lost!!!
ParagonWiki: Definition

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by FatherXmas View Post
Don't forget:
WWPD = What would Positron do?
LFP = looking for pie
MKS = must kil skulz
KOD = key of death (ie: the R key )
LFDM = looking for debt magnet
LEEEERROYYYYYY = well - y'know
etc = etc

(The preceding list has been a complete fictional representation of non-existent acronyms.)



Leech, you done went and changed your name I see.



Originally Posted by ifotym View Post
Don't forget:
WWPD = What would Positron do?
LFP = looking for pie
MKS = must kil skulz
KOD = key of death (ie: the R key )
LFDM = looking for debt magnet
LEEEERROYYYYYY = well - y'know
etc = etc

(The preceding list has been a complete fictional representation of non-existent acronyms.)
Love these!

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