I keep foiling AE teams




Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i'd completely forgotten that, though now that you posted it it sounds really familiar. Marvel didn't help their position when they had employees create attempts at clones of Marvel characters in the game IIRC. (Which i probably don't recall correctly at all since i'd already forgotten the prior bit.)
I remember that incident. Marvel claimed "look, there's copyright and trademark infringement in that game! People can make our characters!", and the defense said "they have a strict policy against it, and you went against the policy, created those characters, and infringed on your own copyrights and trademarks!" hahahaha

Interestingly, the term "superhero" is trademarked by both Marvel and DC.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
1) Exploits are aganst the rules.

2) Copyright infringement is against the rules.

3) AE was not designed for farming. Positron was pretty clear on this. While the rules are blurry, the fact is it's viewed negatively. In short: Don't expect sympathy from any of us.

If you break the rules, you face the music. We, the community, have been charged with the task of being the eyes and ears of the Devs. They cannot monitor everything, so they rely on the whole of the playerbase to do that for them. If you have a problem with that, maybe you should request that they introduce paid Game Masters? Then you can really feel the hammer fall as you're judged by merciless NCSoft employees.
Trust me. I would rather be judged by a 'merciless NCSoft employee' over a 'holier than thou' player every day of the week.

The merciless NCSoft employee would have to have a clear, understandable definition of what constitutes farming in order to avoid claims of bias and to prevent inconsistent application of the rules.

Other players generally just run around practicing cranial-fundament insertion and screaming to hear the echo, with zero consistent understanding of what constitutes a farm.

Seriously. Bring on these merciless NCSoft employees, because that would force the publishing and deliniation of what exactly a farm is, what a farm isn't, what punishments can be handed out, and exactly when each punishment applies.

No more of this "Well, we know it when we see it" garbage.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Trust me. I would rather be judged by a 'merciless NCSoft employee' over a 'holier than thou' player every day of the week.

The merciless NCSoft employee would have to have a clear, understandable definition of what constitutes farming in order to avoid claims of bias and to prevent inconsistent application of the rules.

Other players generally just run around practicing cranial-fundament insertion and screaming to hear the echo, with zero consistent understanding of what constitutes a farm.

Seriously. Bring on these merciless NCSoft employees, because that would force the publishing and deliniation of what exactly a farm is, what a farm isn't, what punishments can be handed out, and exactly when each punishment applies.

No more of this "Well, we know it when we see it" garbage.
But we would actually know it when we saw it then.

I too would much prefer these ruthless NCsoft employees. I absolutely despise baseless and groundless "you know it when you see it" guidelines. They are moronic by virtue.

I choose to farm MA because it is the most enjoyable way to play the game for me right now. I'm not doing it to spite Positron's wishes, though I admit I don't respect his position on the matter. If he was serious about it, then it would happen, but he is just lambasting on the subject.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
You're still in high school aren't you?

In the real world, rules are actually important.
You're still in your mother's basement, aren't you?

In the really real world, the only rules that matter are those that have meaningful punishments coupled with meaningful discernment.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Trust me. I would rather be judged by a 'merciless NCSoft employee' over a 'holier than thou' player every day of the week.

The merciless NCSoft employee would have to have a clear, understandable definition of what constitutes farming in order to avoid claims of bias and to prevent inconsistent application of the rules.

Other players generally just run around practicing cranial-fundament insertion and screaming to hear the echo, with zero consistent understanding of what constitutes a farm.

Seriously. Bring on these merciless NCSoft employees, because that would force the publishing and deliniation of what exactly a farm is, what a farm isn't, what punishments can be handed out, and exactly when each punishment applies.

No more of this "Well, we know it when we see it" garbage.

Well said.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
But we would actually know it when we saw it then.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Other players generally just run around practicing cranial-fundament insertion and screaming to hear the echo, with zero consistent understanding of what constitutes a farm.
Not me. All boss mission = farm. And there's no echo. <shrug>


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Trust me. I would rather be judged by a 'merciless NCSoft employee' over a 'holier than thou' player every day of the week.

The merciless NCSoft employee would have to have a clear, understandable definition of what constitutes farming in order to avoid claims of bias and to prevent inconsistent application of the rules.

Other players generally just run around practicing cranial-fundament insertion and screaming to hear the echo, with zero consistent understanding of what constitutes a farm.

Seriously. Bring on these merciless NCSoft employees, because that would force the publishing and deliniation of what exactly a farm is, what a farm isn't, what punishments can be handed out, and exactly when each punishment applies.

No more of this "Well, we know it when we see it" garbage.
This. Has my vote.




That is exactly why I play this game... I play because I can play the way I want to not how other people tell me to. I think you'll find that most true geniuses of our time have done the same and changed reality.

As for Demobot

It's only a defense if you have to defend something and since there is no rule in this game that says that farming is wrong then I have nothing to defend. The funny thing is that just because someone doesn't like the current implementation of something doesn't mean it is outside the rules or an exploit. As for the "If the game allows it it's fine" Can you find me the rule that says that I can't farm. Where in the EULA does it say that? If it was wrong there would be a rule against it but there is not. It would be like me reporting arcs for being terribly long and wasting my time, I don't like it so I should report it... Right? But the game doesn't say they can't make crappy long drawn out MA arcs... So it must be just defense against the fact that the mission is crappy not that they have a right to play the game how they want to within the rules set by Coh.....Right?

/end rant



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Trust me. I would rather be judged by a 'merciless NCSoft employee' over a 'holier than thou' player every day of the week.

The merciless NCSoft employee would have to have a clear, understandable definition of what constitutes farming in order to avoid claims of bias and to prevent inconsistent application of the rules.

Other players generally just run around practicing cranial-fundament insertion and screaming to hear the echo, with zero consistent understanding of what constitutes a farm.

Seriously. Bring on these merciless NCSoft employees, because that would force the publishing and deliniation of what exactly a farm is, what a farm isn't, what punishments can be handed out, and exactly when each punishment applies.

No more of this "Well, we know it when we see it" garbage.
It'd be kinda funny if they listed being merciless as one of the job requirements when they were hiring new GMs

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
It'd be kinda funny if they listed being merciless as one of the job requirements when they were hiring new GMs
If Ming ever got bored with dictatoring an entire planet, he'd be a shoe-in for the job.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
Not me. All boss mission = farm. And there's no echo. <shrug>

funny i thought all boss map = challange

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Perhaps I have natural charisma or I'm just good at making people think I know what I'm doing, so twice over this weekend I've joined an AE team out of boredom and been handed the star.

Both times I reported the farm, and then tried to look for a decent AE arc... and decided to heck with it, and dragged the team out of the AE to do real missions because they're easier to find. And both teams turned out very well.

Of course it only works if you've got enough people in roughly the same level range and they hand you the star, but most of them just don't seem to realise that it can actually be more convenient to find missions outside of the AE that they can play, and are actually fun.

So, long story short- you want people out of the AE? Stop whining and lead them out.

I accept no responsibility for teams that may be less than receptive to the idea of leaving Atlas.
Finally. The moral of the story, kids?

Changing yourself is easier than changing others.

Doing what you feel is best and guiding others to it is far more effective and productive than making random threads in the forums, cryin' out that AE is destroying CoH, and then bashing anyone who opposes you or calling them ignorant.

Just my 2 cents.



Originally Posted by _Prankster_ View Post

That is exactly why I play this game... I play because I can play the way I want to not how other people tell me to. I think you'll find that most true geniuses of our time have done the same and changed reality.
Get back to me when you've changed reality, and I'll call you a genius.

Originally Posted by Cuppa_LLX View Post
funny i thought all boss map = challange
Well, now you know. And knowing's half the battle!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
Not me. All boss mission = farm. And there's no echo. <shrug>

From Wikipedia:

"Gold farming is a general term for an MMORPG activity in which a player attempts to acquire ("farm") items of value which are sold to create stocks of in-game currency ("gold"), usually by exploiting repetitive elements of the game's mechanics."

We don't have 'gold' in CoH, but you get the general idea.

Please use the "equal" sign with more care.



Firstly I don't know how leading a total of 2 PuGs away from the AE in the full duration of 2xp weekend qualifies the statement "I keep foiling AE teams", other than the fact that it reads to me as self-glorification and to seek the exact responses from like-minded people who view such teams with disdain.

And as for the comment made about the devs' "quest" to cut down on farming, they seem to be relying on player reports rather than take the full initiative themselves. If it was such a harrowing issue, they would have long before be proactive in doing so. Furthermore i16 seems to introduce a new feature that has incentive for the playstyle.

So this is how it goes for me. I'll wait for a dev statement on the matter that isn't vague. I'll wait for a definitive ingame motd that declares that farming = ban of account, maybe then the bitter holier-than-thou players can finally get their victory and the repetetive arguments will cease.

Not holding my breath though.



Originally Posted by JennyMachX View Post
Firstly I don't know how leading a total of 2 PuGs away from the AE in the full duration of 2xp weekend qualifies the statement "I keep foiling AE teams", other than the fact that it reads to me as self-glorification and to seek the exact responses from like-minded people who view such teams with disdain.

And as for the comment made about the devs' "quest" to cut down on farming, they seem to be relying on player reports rather than take the full initiative themselves. If it was such a harrowing issue, they would have long before be proactive in doing so. Furthermore i16 seems to introduce a new feature that has incentive for the playstyle.

So this is how it goes for me. I'll wait for a dev statement on the matter that isn't vague. I'll wait for a definitive ingame motd that declares that farming = ban of account, maybe then the bitter holier-than-thou players can finally get their victory and the repetetive arguments will cease.

Not holding my breath though.
The problem is farming can never be equated to account termination. By the definition of farming, ALMOST EVERYONE IN THIS GAME WITH A 6 MONTHS VETERAN BADGE IS FARMING ITS CONTENT REGARDLESS OF THE ACTUAL CONTENT, BE IT IN AE OR OTHERWISE.

You can't ban someone cause they like doing a repetitive task. Farming is doing something repetitive for better rewards.

Exploiting is different. And the developers of this game have made it clear that exploiting the game in ANY way is against the rules.



Originally Posted by _Prankster_ View Post
That may not be the 'farm' that YOU are talking about but trust me your definition is not the consensus... If you ask everyone in this forum what a farm is they will tell you a hundred different answers. But if you walk them into a map with alot of enemies and an open map they will tell you it's a farm. So what I'm saying is that due to the publicly accepted basic definition of farms, good people with acceptable missions are being painted wrongdoers.

Also, to quote Prof_Backfire's Sig line: "If you're having fun, you're doing it right."
Right. That was what I was trying to Illustrate.

To many old-schoolers, a "farm" is inherently negative. For a very long time it was something that ONLY applies to the MISUSE or abuse of the system. Over time, it's been adopted by many more to have a much broader meaning by others... doing things that we'd possibly call a grind or a hunt, but not a farm.


The point: if someone's so shocked that a person would brag about "griefing" something as innocent as a farm (in the casual sense)... maybe don't jump to the conclusion that he's using the term in the same way as you.

And before I jump on people that would defend doing something that's so BLATANTLY an exploit, maybe I should see if they're using the same lexicon that I am.



Originally Posted by Bright_Shadow View Post
The problem is farming can never be equated to account termination. By the definition of farming, ALMOST EVERYONE IN THIS GAME WITH A 6 MONTHS VETERAN BADGE IS FARMING ITS CONTENT REGARDLESS OF THE ACTUAL CONTENT, BE IT IN AE OR OTHERWISE.

You can't ban someone cause they like doing a repetitive task. Farming is doing something repetitive for better rewards.

Exploiting is different. And the developers of this game have made it clear that exploiting the game in ANY way is against the rules.
This is reasonable except the term exploit is variable depending on how the devs see fit.

ie. When they specifically coded lightning storm to be affected by player recharge that was working as intended. Fastforward to when players are now doing it better through the use of IO's and it is suddenly deemed an exploit.

Boss farming today might be WAI, but tomorrow we could be called exploiters by people who actually matter rather than just the xp puritans.

It adds to the "fun" factor right?



Originally Posted by JennyMachX View Post
Firstly I don't know how leading a total of 2 PuGs away from the AE in the full duration of 2xp weekend qualifies the statement "I keep foiling AE teams", other than the fact that it reads to me as self-glorification and to seek the exact responses from like-minded people who view such teams with disdain.

And as for the comment made about the devs' "quest" to cut down on farming, they seem to be relying on player reports rather than take the full initiative themselves. If it was such a harrowing issue, they would have long before be proactive in doing so. Furthermore i16 seems to introduce a new feature that has incentive for the playstyle.

So this is how it goes for me. I'll wait for a dev statement on the matter that isn't vague. I'll wait for a definitive ingame motd that declares that farming = ban of account, maybe then the bitter holier-than-thou players can finally get their victory and the repetetive arguments will cease.

Not holding my breath though.
What happened to the 'THE DEVS ARE BANNING EVERYONE WHO EVEN TALKS ABOUT FARMS' attitude, anyway?



Originally Posted by _Prankster_ View Post
. I dont' care what Posi said....
That's what I call "The rules don't apply to me!"

Guess what?

The rules apply to you.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
What happened to the 'THE DEVS ARE BANNING EVERYONE WHO EVEN TALKS ABOUT FARMS' attitude, anyway?



I am ColesLAW