1661 -
Quote:Come back in 5 years and start moaning, then we will be evenI have to admit that being based in Germany I don't recall that I ever suffered much from lag. But now I do. Yesterday's play session on the almost deserted server Zukunft was pretty choppy. I don't want to imagine how it must have been on the English servers which indicated their business upon login with two yellowish dots on the login screen.
I really hope that the servers weren't moved to appease the English players whose ISPs seem to have a notorious bad routing to German servers, while at the same time forgetting about all the real European players.
In case it was a resource constraint maybe someone could assign the same amount of resources to Zukunft as they are assigned to the English and American servers? Please? -
I would just love to know who they think is going to bother buying stuff with a nicked card, who are they going to sell it to.
Hello Slaz mate, long time no see.
Might as well save your breath as moaning on here.
Once they have extracted what they can from whats left of the EU players buying GR, im quite sure there will be a sudden merge of servers or add us to the US list anyway, so none of it really matters.
As for the person shouting about writing letters, stop shouting, makes you look ******* stupid, if you had been banging your head on a wall as long as the EU players have you would realise how futile your suggestion is. -
Yea give it a break, it does wonders one way or the other.
You either miss it and start again or realise your sick of it and duff it all together -
Quote:bit pissed that they didnt answer any questions on the razer comp about how GR will be promoted in europe or how they will increase our player base there just uptight wankers
It must by now be obvious that they dont intend to do the first of those things, and the second just aint happening surely?
Roll on merging the servers. -
The old Minder, with George Cole was very very good.
Quote:Been thinking some on the predicament and one idea i had to expand on the server clone to US. Do that, then made a 5th server called Europe. Give us a free transfer token for each char, and the europeans from all four servers could consolidate on the new europe server. Will bring some issues with duplicate names (i have a ton of duplicates myself), but we could choose to put some chars on some of the US servers if we'd like to. And once everyone moved away, close down the old EU servers.
Perhaps not ideal, but it would let us keep our nice EU community for those who want it, and it might be a fairly populated server with all four servers on it. And who knows. maybe some US players who have work schedules which would coincide with our primetime could come and make chars on the new eu server.
It's an idea i personally would like. Would also give a nice possibility to get in touch with US people from the forums we've gotten to know now and play with them.
Dont be silly, that involves doing something, its easier to just let the EU die from natural wastage and people starting NA accounts.
Then finally giving what's left a free transfer to NA when they have extracted what they can from the EU buying Going Rogue. -
Excellent, iv printed that lot off.
Honestly these replies have been appreciated. -
Money isnt an issue, and thanks very much all for the replies, food for thought.
I maybe didnt make it clear, its not that im against Manhattans finest, its just that is how i spent the last 3 weeks i was there.
So this time i intend to attend the wedding of my relative then see a bit of the surrounding area, i was merely asking for nice suburb recommendations because i didnt want to end up staying somewhere devoid of good food, nights out etc.
Of course you can read guides, but you cant beat some first hand advice.
Once again, many thanks all. -
Quote:I think you are under the very common misapprehension (among people who don't live here) that "New York City" = "the borough of Manhattan".
New York City is comprised of 5 counties (AKA boroughs). Most of Staten Island and Queens pretty much are suburban.
Also, as someone who has lived in NY City his entire life, I have to agree that driving in and out of "the city" (i.e. Manhattan) is not much fun (except on the weekends, when most of Manhattan is a ghost town).
Given the sheer size of NYC, and the variability in transportation convenience, just where are your relatives located? Not looking for the exact address, obviously, just in general terms: upper west side of Manhattan, downtown Brooklyn, etc.
They are in Manhattan, thanks for the replies by the way.
If i get over there this year, i dont want to do what i did last time, which was basically spend the whole time in the city.
Maybe driving in and out wasnt such a great plan, also im aware the best places are in the city, what i didnt make clear maybe was that i didnt want to be staying somewhere devoid of decent evening eating places.
Anyway thanks again -
Hi all,
What is about the nicest suburb of New York city for a holiday in your opinions? About 45-60 mins drive out of the city.
Im possibly off to visit relatives in New York City, dont want to stay in the city this time, i want to rent a car, drive in and return to some peace and quiet, nice restauraunt's in the evening etc.
Thanks in advance. -
Quote:Are you seriously suggesting that they knowingly take a loss on distribution to markets that just aren't interested so a few dozen folks can have boxes?
I mean I love White Castle Hamburgers, but every time they try to open one in Montana, it fails within 3 months so they've stopped trying, and now we can only get the frozen storebought version of the burgers. Does this mean I am in the right suggesting that they keep a branch open here anyway despite the horrendous losses each time, or should I be happy that I can at LEAST get the frozen version still?
I'm sure if you send an email to NCSoft asking nicely if you can purchase a box and have it shipped overseas they will be happy to comply. It's a LOT better then demanding they post a huge loss or "lose your business". Your $15 a month is not going to pay for shipping and distribution of a product that has (if I understood what I read in a trade mag about a year ago about CoH in Europe), historically speaking, has _never_ made a profit in your market?
You say CoH is taking a big dump on Europeans? Fine.
Let's bear in mind that Europeans actually dumped on them first by making every attempt to distribute CoX an utter failure.
Good luck with e mailing and asking this lot for anything. -
Quote:1) Yes I know. Low population on the main servers equates to insignificant population on the test server, was the point I was attempting to make.
2) I logged on a couple of times on each server between 8:30-10:30, Saturday night - I would consider that prime-time. This might not be the 'best time' but it's when I wanted to play ie - it was the best time for me. I'd left one of my alts - on Defiant - near the IP entrance in King's Row, I flew to the Atlas statue and saw ONE other player.
3) and they're important to me too. I have serveral names I'm very attached to; several level 50's; a couple of SG bases; a pile of inf. It took me a while to realise that although they're a large part of what I enjoy about the game, they're not as important to me than other things. In an ideal world Defiant & Union would still be my servers of choice; I don't live in that world.
4) I've waited a long time...long enough, I really don't think they will, which is why I've jumped. I'm still hopeful that the thing they're working on to address this stuff actually works; if it does I'll be back.
I'm not arguing the "OMG teh EU Servers are dead" line - having been accused of that in the past when all I've said was they were "getting a bit quiet" I'm well aware that there is a loyal community on these servers. I'm aware there are lots of people who play every night and find teams, but I didn't. I ended up teaming with the same people all the time. I didn't find many (non-farm) PUGs when I left a year ago and I don't see why that would be any different now.
All I'm saying is:
I like PUGs more than all the stuff keeping me on the EU servers - I like broadcasting 'lvl x lft' and getting a team; for me personally this is one of the main attractions of this game and always has been.
I guess I don't really like 'the european family feel'; I don't like everyone on the server knowing me, or me knowing everyone, it feels like living in a village.
Sorry if anyone finds this offensive, it really wasn't meant to be.
Nothing wrong with feeling like that, that's why you play MMO's not first person shooters. -
Heres the goss, you got 140 people on Defiant combined hero / villain, at 9.30pm.
Quote:What's to lose?
I think one thing maybe we don't give enough attention to is "Server community" - it does seem that Defiant has a very cool community and several others do also but I can't comment on others - and yes we would need to be careful about not losing that IMO
The 50 players left on Defiant get a well needed few new ones to play with.
Take my word for it, that cant be a bad thing. -
Spend a bit more and get one with a decent graphics card.
Quote:Not quite sure what your saying here.You've completely deluded yourself that they are exempt of all fault. They didn't help matters by slowly disintegrating what was EU in the first place. If the future lies that we will go, I wish they would do it now. They've been dragging our corpse through the desert, milking us for every ounce of blood.
Anyway i have been all for ANY sort of merger since the demise of Brighton.
I feel that what is now left of the EU population is not worth preserving in any way shape or form, so **** it, merge us into a low pop US server, or better still offer us EU> US transfers.
Sadly however i have had 0 faith in this company for a long time regarding their EU plans and i am quite sure they will continue in the usual way.
And they can bring out as many expansion packs as they like, an empty server is an empty server, what on earth is the point of buying an EU version of GR without some reasurance of longevity?
The time of "oh server mergers look bad for games" is well and truely over, so is the old bollox about "well there are still enough subscribers" , subscribers dont fill servers, they are just people stupid enough to pay for a game they no longer play, like me.
Wake and smell the coffee NC. Tell whats left of your loyal customers whats going to happen, silence is not golden, its bollox. -
Quote:Why? its dead, like the rest of the EU.No. Please, no. Merge the server lists, sure, so that EU players can create characters on the US servers and vice-versa, but I would like Union to retain the identity that it has.
As a side note it must be said i can now only be bothered to post here when im drunk -
Is anyone still here to give a ****? **** this company and their dead game.
Anyway back to having a drink