I keep foiling AE teams




Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
I MENTIONED that I took 2 seconds to report an obvious farm, mainly out of spite.

Jeez people.
Yeah, cause that was very newsworthy to report. :-P

Actually the reason I say there's no point to mentioning it is cause threads like these spring up.

But that's my last comment on it.

I'll stick to my own advice and let the mods deal with it if they think such things are flamebait.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Cuppa_LLX View Post
You ever run a boss farm?
Come back when you have wit ha varity of teams and then tell us how "easy" it is
They can be very challenging. Likewise, they can be very easy when the mobs are designed with an attack type that the author happens to have the highest defense against, and designed with the least resistance to the attack type the author happens to have.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I think we're using different definitions of "farm" here.

You seem to be using it in a way that's synonymous with "grinding" (taking mission after mission after mission to get through.) That's basic hunting, not farming.

Farming involves "cultivation"- sticking with a single thing/place (different AE missions don't count) that offers optimal reward (whatever you're interested in- gold, kills, xp, etc) at minimal risk. That's why it's so often associated with "exploit" -- by pushing the limits of maximizing reward and minimizing risk, the farm often steps into exploit territory.

If you're just running missions toward a goal, still experiencing risk that's proportionate to the reward, that's not the 'farm' we're talking about.
There is no risk in this game, it's all reward. Unless you were referring to debt perhaps? Because debt used to be a risk. Now it's more of a novelty. I mean how much of a risk is something that can be recovered by not playing the game?

"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
- Abraham Lincoln



Originally Posted by Chunky_Style View Post
There is no risk in this game, it's all reward. Unless you were referring to debt perhaps? Because debt used to be a risk. Now it's more of a novelty. I mean how much of a risk is something that can be recovered by not playing the game?
If the reward is XP, and too much reward is advancing to fast..why not just implement a further control, a minimum time per level: You can still gain XP, but you have to do at least X amount of time on line before you are allowed to advance. If the Dev's realy worry is about people levelling too fast, maybe they should take a look at their XP system as being the problem instead of trying to fight a losing battle against human nature.



Originally Posted by FeroxRex View Post
If the reward is XP, and too much reward is advancing to fast..why not just implement a further control, a minimum time per level: You can still gain XP, but you have to do at least X amount of time on line before you are allowed to advance. If the Dev's realy worry is about people levelling too fast, maybe they should take a look at their XP system as being the problem instead of trying to fight a losing battle against human nature.
That really wouldn't be a good idea at all.

They can't make any hard and fast rules, because either they'll have to be so draconian as to ruin the game, or exploiters will do anything they can to subvert and find loopholes in the rules to be anything short of breaking them. (not mutually exclusive either)

The devs can't afford to have GMs monitoring the whole game 24/7, they rely on player support to enforce codes of conduct and the rules in the EULA, including stopping people from making racist rants in Broadcast, getting rid of griefers, not letting DC comics have a turn at suing them, fighting gold farmers and reporting exploits. 'Snitches' like me are the only thing stopping you people from being inundated with spam tells, locked out of the market by unobtainable prices, getting called very nasty names and continuing to play a game where the devs' budget isn't going towards legal fees.



And now we're at the suggestions phase.

These AE threads are so predictable.

After the suggestion cycle, there is the "You're stupid!" phase. Cause someone's gonna suggest something silly (which is probably suggested by countless others) and then someone else is gonna be like "LOL WUT R U SMOKIN'?" and then it's gonna turn into a flame war.

Then someone's gonna throw in their "2 cents" and bash everything and everyone in their ridiculously long post that's worth "2 cents".

And then people are gonna be civil. Which leads them to the suggestions phase. Rinse and repeat!

It's like a cycle...

Fun to watch, but still really stupid.



This is a game that allows you to play an urban vigilante who takes unilateral, violent action to thwart those whom you believe to be "doing wrong".

And people are somehow shocked or offended that a player of this game will take it upon himself to thwart other players whom he believes to be doing wrong? Really? Damn, where's the eyeroll emote when I need it?

You go, Prof. Live the dream!

I have 2 other observations about AE farms I'm going to make now, because apparently the obvious is hard to see from some perspectives:

1) The irony of players in an MMORPG complaining about people devoting all their time to a VR simulation while ignoring the possibilities of the greater world around them is so thick that it can't be cut with a knife. You need a chainsaw.

2) The only PvP with consequence in CoH is the minigame of getting other people's arcs banned. You want PvP? That's PvP, baby.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
This is a game that allows you to play an urban vigilante who takes unilateral, violent action to thwart those whom you believe to be "doing wrong".

And people are somehow shocked or offended that a player of this game will take it upon himself to thwart other players whom he believes to be doing wrong? Really? Damn, where's the eyeroll emote when I need it?

You go, Prof. Live the dream!

I have 2 other observations about AE farms I'm going to make now, because apparently the obvious is hard to see from some perspectives:

1) The irony of players in an MMORPG complaining about people devoting all their time to a VR simulation while ignoring the possibilities of the greater world around them is so thick that it can't be cut with a knife. You need a chainsaw.

2) The only PvP with consequence in CoH is the minigame of getting other people's arcs banned. You want PvP? That's PvP, baby.
Don't tell me how I should play my game.

Unless you wanna pay my $15/month. If you want, you could PM me your credit card and I'll put it on my subscription. Then I'll happily play the game the way you want it to be played!



...the thread tags are hilarious.

And for the record, I don't report anything until it pisses me off. So they all deserve it.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
...the thread tags are hilarious.



Originally Posted by Bright_Shadow View Post

How do these threads get tagged? Does some mod do it, or is it auto generated?

Cause if that's a mod that's funny as hell.

EDIT: NVM, I see the edit button. I can't believe that left that in for players to edit. AGAIN, LOL!!!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
This is a game that allows you to play an urban vigilante who takes unilateral, violent action to thwart those whom you believe to be "doing wrong".

And people are somehow shocked or offended that a player of this game will take it upon himself to thwart other players whom he believes to be doing wrong? Really? Damn, where's the eyeroll emote when I need it?

You go, Prof. Live the dream!

I have 2 other observations about AE farms I'm going to make now, because apparently the obvious is hard to see from some perspectives:

1) The irony of players in an MMORPG complaining about people devoting all their time to a VR simulation while ignoring the possibilities of the greater world around them is so thick that it can't be cut with a knife. You need a chainsaw.

2) The only PvP with consequence in CoH is the minigame of getting other people's arcs banned. You want PvP? That's PvP, baby.
It also allows me to play a criminal who destroys children's books and throw cats up trees. So why can't I farm and "break the rules"?



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
It also allows me to play a criminal who destroys children's books and throw cats up trees. So why can't I farm and "break the rules"?
Because you are not your pretend character.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
Because you are not your pretend character.
And my villain like to play video games by spending all her time in AE.

Your point?



Originally Posted by Bright_Shadow View Post
And my villain like to play video games by spending all her time in AE.

Your point?
... sorry, was that supposed to be a counterpoint?



Originally Posted by Bright_Shadow View Post
And my villain like to play video games by spending all her time in AE.

Your point?
Then she's not a very good villain. Er..... bad villain? I'm so confused.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
... sorry, was that supposed to be a counterpoint?
Not really.



Originally Posted by Barata View Post
Then she's not a very good villain. Er..... bad villain? I'm so confused.
Not all villains are good at being villains!



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
Because you are not your pretend character.
The guy I was quoting used the "we play heroes. so we gotta be nice irl" defense. I know I'm not a mass of pixels, I was just giving him the counter to what he said.



Originally Posted by FeroxRex View Post
So the Dev's have asked pope to be snitches. Just doing somethign because the powers that be asked you to doesn't make you a saint. It just makes you an eager compliant stool pigeone when it comes to non-exploiting farms.
Where did I say it made you a saint? I didn't see that anywhere in my post.

That is true enough, though. Reporting an offense doesn't make you a saint.


It doesn't make you in the wrong, or a brown noser, either, like so many people keep suggesting.

I will never understand the stance that people have that because you're obeying the rules and doing something you're requested to do makes you a bad person somehow.

Yes, they ARE violations of the rules, no matter how much you say otherwise. The devs and GMs cannot possibly hope to police the entire game themselves, so, they requested that the players assist them.

Simply reporting something does not automatically mean that it will be banned, genericed, or otherwise punished in any way. It simply means you are bringing something to the attention of the people whose JOB it is to make determinations on whether something is a rule violation. If it is indeed a violation of the rules, it will be addressed. If it is NOT a violation of the rules, it will be allowed to stand.

I don't run around reporting everything I see that might be violating some rule or another, simply because that's all I would be doing if it were the case. My own fun is more important to me than wanting others to be punished for something that doesn't affect me. I don't report farms because I don't run them, which is a requirement in order to report them.

I DO report blatant copyright and trademark infringements if I see them. If it seems that the person in question is unaware of the rules against it I will (politely) inform them of the rule's existence. If it is obvious that they know they are violating a rule I just fire off a quick petition and go on about my business.

By no means do I ever hang out and LOOK for things to report, I have better things to do. I don't report anything out of smugness, or because I want to make myself look good. If I report anything it is in the interest of seeing the rules enforced that I, myself, obey.

I made ONE farm mission, when they cracked down on them originally I voluntarily removed it after recieving a message from a GM. No further enforcement was necessary.

I made exactly ONE character who was a copyright infringement. He was a MA/Shield scrapper who looked like Captain America. His name? EULA Violation
I got dozens of tells from people who were giving me advice on how to make the costume better. Not one of them recognized that, by naming my character what I did, I was making fun of them.

Sorry about the long post, but I have an issue with people who insist that there is nothing wrong with ignoring laws and rules, and instead state that the people trying to enforce them are the ones in the wrong. It's like the guy who says: "What are you arresting me for? All I was doing was selling crack, I didn't do anything wrong! Man, that lady is a snitch for calling the police on me while I'm standing outside this school!"

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Some of us have to farm to get better at being villianous....

Some of us have few people skills,
Get kicked from teams for being rude (ie...east coast sense of humor)
And just want to play the game, so we are "forced" to don our overalls and farm ourselves, alone, or with the other "unwanted" players.

Don't worry, we won't bother you, just...sniff..sniff...stop bothering us!

210 50s and still counting!



Originally Posted by Charnage View Post
Some of us have to farm to get better at being villianous....

Some of us have few people skills,
Get kicked from teams for being rude (ie...east coast sense of humor)
And just want to play the game, so we are "forced" to don our overalls and farm ourselves, alone, or with the other "unwanted" players.

Don't worry, we won't bother you, just...sniff..sniff...stop bothering us!
You need to team with more drunks.



Originally Posted by Bright_Shadow View Post
The same way I don't harass people who oppose farming, I expect people to not harass me for farming either. If I enjoy farming, and I'm not exploiting something in the game, then that's what I want to do. If the devs don't like it, they would deal with me on their own. But I won't listen to some holier-than-thou player who pretends to be a hall monitor.

Bottom line is, have fun. Enjoy the game the way you want to enjoy it. Stop trying to disturb what others are doing. If they are not breaking any rules, then you have no right to play "big papa" with them. Feel free to suggest. Feel free to guide. Feel free to express your opinions in reasonable, logical, and mature manner. But don't pretend you're above others. And last, but definitely not the least, THIS IS ONLY A GAME!

Are these points really so hard for some people to understand? Can't we all just chill out and enjoy the game the way we like to?
While fine sentiments that I tend to agree with, it's not quite so simple as "live and let live".

The problem is, it's a shared game. Everything people do affects other people's games. Reporting farms affects the farmers enjoyment of the game when their farms are locked. Making and running farms (both on AE and in the regular game) affects the play of non-farmers when the devs take steps to limit a farm or farming in general.

So, it will never come down to letting people play as they wish. The best you can have is to come to some sort of compromise, which would be impossible in a game like this and neither side would do so in any case.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
While fine sentiments that I tend to agree with, it's not quite so simple as "live and let live".

The problem is, it's a shared game. Everything people do affects other people's games. Reporting farms affects the farmers enjoyment of the game when their farms are locked. Making and running farms (both on AE and in the regular game) affects the play of non-farmers when the devs take steps to limit a farm or farming in general.

So, it will never come down to letting people play as they wish. The best you can have is to come to some sort of compromise, which would be impossible in a game like this and neither side would do so in any case.
Edit: I need to note, I'm not disagreeing with the person quoted above. This reply is pointed towards the general public, not to you. I like your points! :P

It has been said by Positron that the intention of AE was not to provide a tool for faster leveling. Fair enough.

If I make an AE farm arc, I am aware of the consequences. People are given a tool to report it. And it's their right to report it. That's an even game in my opinion.

But confronting me because of it? I don't think that's fare. Because I don't confront YOU because you don't do things my way, do I?

It must be noted, I actually don't farm a lot. I have never made an AE farm arc, and I do agree that AE could be implemented in a better way.

All I'm saying is that threads like these, bashing of others, and saying "You're doing it wrong!" is not only ridiculous, but also rude.

Of course, we don't live in a perfect world. And I understands why people are doing what they do. I'm just doing what I feel is the right thing to do by defending those whose points are being bullied by people who think they're above others. Call me a vigilante. Call me a snob. Call me stupid. I do what I think is the right thing to do. Like everyone else.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
There is nothing that says AE farm = exploit, but, the I14 patch notes clearly state that AE is not to be used for farming, which is what people creating these farms continually ignore.

Personally, I only have one beef with farmers on MA. When I search for a story arc, having to wade through a hundred thousand versions of the EXACT SAME FARM!!

Those are the ones I report, just to cull the list. Just because one farms buff NPCs have different costumes than anothers does not make it any different. Having the exact same map, exact same enemies, etc... c'mon people! I don't report them because they're farms, I report them because they're spam

If not for that, I couldn't care less at this point about AE farms.
Can you please point me to the part in the i14 patch notes that says that, I couldn't find it. New forums are a little harder to Navigate so I'm sure my search-foo is not strong yet.