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  1. An arc for Smurphy to try

    The Lost Time Task Force
    Arc ID: 392221

    hope You enjoy
  2. Sounds like a sort of set of a combination of weapons, although it sounds like you're wanting more of a customizable costume to go with it for weapon placement. Instead of having a part correspond to a weapon, why not the other way around. You choose the certain weapons you want then choose where you want them to go.

    Second using two powers at once would justify either a new mechanic change, like a new inherent or something for how long each weapon can fire. Or have them be click powers that last a certain duration then cease or toggles that drain the inherent faster per however many attacks you have up. The inherent would be like a fuel source, but this is all just conjecture.

    If this is your dream sort of AT what about the secondary? I know that sounds general you just didn't put anything out there, is that like it's protective gear? because you could get just as customizable with that.

    All in all you could almost make a whole new game based off playing that one AT in fact it sounds like MechWarrior except in CoH. Not that I don't think it's a fascinating idea. It just doesn't seem popular enough or simple enough to devise. Or maybe it is a really popular idea and I just don't know
  3. I think the reason why this thread is still going is because it's such a controversial and interesting idea that there'd have to people that'd want to try to play something like this. Personally It seems like an interesting idea. I know support characters are very necessary on teams and I like playing them. Something that is THAT supporty? I wouldn't mind trying. buff people, put heal on auto watch tv for a couple minutes. Lol
  4. What's being farmed? Are we talking AE or something likethat (Where numbers can be a little higher ) Or is there something else that is generally being used as far as numbers go.
  5. The five percent is big, yes but as far as elec shields goes you can have maybe a 1-3% differentiation from he softcap depending on how much your global recharge is, because the more you can use SC and LR the more damage mitigation you have from knockdowns ( I also use fireball with a Ragnarok proc in it for even more knockdown) the more you can juggle your enemies the less they'll be hitting you anyways.
  6. Besides the obvious Shields uses defense and Elec mainly focuses on resists there's a lot of key differences between the two armor sets that make them both interesting to play, depending on what sort of goals you want your scrapper to accomplish.

    First elec now (finally!) has a self heal and has its own global recharge power 20% global all the time. If you want good survivability with resists (which mitigates damage by reducing the amount of damage you take ) and being able to use powers more often. Elec is great. Also Elec also is very good if you want something that doesn't want to run of endurance. Power Sink and its self heal both help this. Elec is good, what meshes with it well? That is for you to decide.

    Comparing Elec to shields the two sets are very very different. Shields can be a monster because it has the ability to soft-cap defense (with a healthy amount of money investment), and has a power that can give you (with the right number of mobs around) constant buildup as far as a damage bonus is concerned. The set can have some end usage problems and DM shields is a very popular soloing build (all around build as well, but I believe soloing AVs is what this build goes for, as well as fire/shields)

    As far as being better off with one or the other it totally depends on your playstyle, what you're looking for in sets and what you want to accomplish. I've provided some basic info so I hope you can make a decision from that.
  7. Elprede

    Best Scrapper?

    Originally Posted by Desmodos View Post
    I completely agree with the sentiment of your post, but I have to ask: why so few scrappers?
    Or maybe why so few 50s? Haha kidding kidding.

    Concepts can be easily be made your own sort of character even if it's a sort of FoTM build. fire/shields etc. Everyone can have one but what you do with it is what makes it your own creation
  8. I have an Elec/stone brute when slotting LR I hear damage procs actually damage yourself when you use the power, is this correct?

    Also I have a fire/shields tank, does Shield charge work the same way?
  9. Hey It's up for me woot!
  10. I agree with the OP over 9000% Well done, I would've loved to have done it myself but have not near the experience when dealing with numbers and hard facts.
  11. Good show, scrapper and tanker taunts have the same & debuff?
  12. Elprede

    My Take on PvP

    Originally Posted by Rroht View Post

    On your last statement, though, I'd have to see the balance is primarily IO/Build and then Skill.
    This is what I agree with
  13. Elprede

    Has AE KOed CoX?

    Originally Posted by Bright_Shadow View Post
    You mean like every other thread on this issue?
    You know you do like to post a bunch on those Shadow, I just like watching :P
  14. Awww I missed having popcorn....
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    You may be playing a game, but the game has rules. They will be applied to you, and complaining will only make them be applies to you quicker.
    Making comments and opinions about rules makes them apply quicker? That's the most asinine thing I've ever heard. Is CoH a communist community where if you state your ideals you'll get put down and punished?
  16. Elprede

    Has AE KOed CoX?

    I don't think this thread's going anywhere semi-discussable at this point
  17. Elprede

    Has AE KOed CoX?

    Originally Posted by c4maniac View Post
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No more true is that statement than what AE is capable of. What I mean by that is AE is the clay and your its artisan. So, to actually answer the OP question, "Has AE KOed Cox?" No I don't think it has.

    For many reasons its widened this game. In the search window click random and see the vast array of creative talent people have to offer. Its just like anything else, even the devs have made the best farming missions: shadow hunter wolves, ninjas, family, and for all you old school players box herding in Boomtown and Creys Folly.

    Its great for badgers. Just yesterday I found a mission with nothing but smasher elites for the warrior badge, so I didn't have to painstakingly go to sirens call for 5 hours and get ganked by stalkers over and over again. Its allowed freedom and the skies the limit. Just try one of the many Elite Bosses/AV user created arcs.

    Its the age old debate. I've heard it all before. Lets break this down some.

    ''We don't agree that you leveling this way.''

    To basically summarize players want other players to follow their ingame 'rules' like we're playing their game and their rules and we can't deviate from that. Just fit into a box and get to 1-50 how we tell you and nothing else!!

    I mean lets take a broader look at it too. All those scanner teams or paper mission teams that run on invincible in the same zone for 10 levels...isn't that like farming/PLing too in a way taking nothing but council or freakshow defeat boss and minions rooms?

    If you don't like AE don't play in AE. Granted its not for everyone. Just like some other content in this game that's left alone like, sewer trial, eden trial, and others and dead zones: Boomtown, Perez Park, Dark Astoria, Eden, and Creys folly, widely ignored by the populous so they can run their scanner/paper missions. I do not have a problem with people running scanner missions over and over again, so don't pick me apart and capsule my post by saying I'm against scanner missions!!

    Anyway I'm a vet of 60 months in this game, I've seen different stages of this game and to me, honestly, I think AE has at least for myself saved this game. For me its an alternative to raising the level cap and create some fantastic content that's user driven.
    /me agrees
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    Do you use criminal-element analogies in all aspects of life or just online?

    IRL, Would someone that reported something broken- a downed power line- be an informant? What if he reported someone cut it?

    Should he just wait around until the person whose job it is to maintain power detects it, tracks it down, and repairs it? Could you possibly get better service if you made that person's job any easier.

    People that are *knowingly* creating farms are doing enough harm that the devs are wasting resources tracking them down. They've asked for our help and even provided the tools IN the UI to make the help as painless as possible. The better they get ahold of this, the less time & energy they waste policing it and the more they can trust us to safely handle in future iterations.

    So, people, report away.

    Lol you need to see the thread about RMTer's you'll probably have a heart attack or something.