Discussion: Full Powerset Proliferation Revealed




Elec/Elec made me laugh.
And I kept laughing.
Then I realized that a BUp'd Hidden Crit on Lightning Rod could probably wipe out a ridiculously large number of mobs.

Then I realized that that was before I placate'd and Thunderstruck the rest of them.

Okay, yeah, /Elec is a dumb idea. But Elec/? Please God let Lightning Rod be crittable.

Might actually roll a stalker and stick with it!

Hahahahahahahaha wow. The reasoning for that being a thematic pair sucks. The potential combinations with other sets are fantastic.

Meh...okay. SR's nice, Axe/Mace are okay...I wanted to see Broadsword first, but that's cool. As long as we can get some real Rikti weapons Vside now, and I don't mean the Mastermind excuses for weapon powers.

Yeah. Dark. Right. Because nobody wants Elec/Elec, the actual natural port, instead of one of the even-more-end-heavy-sets we can already get Hside. :P

See Tanks, except replace Dark with Fire.

Meh, Storm. Okay, not bad, not thematic, but pretty cool. We already get this down on Corruptors, but I'm not complaining - it's a solid set and now we can make Tsoorcerors or Banished Pantheon, or the insane robotics mastermind with weather control devices. I won't play one, but that's still cool.

Awesome. END-drain and Voltaic Sentinel and pet-tasmagorical and control all over the place. Plus the now-Mu-creatability gets a big thumbs-upper from me. Another I might roll and play all the way through.

*Zzzzz* If anyone didn't need a unique set, it's Blasters. If anyone didn't need a new type of damage, it's blasters. As nice as this is, Psi should've been on Scrappers, Stalkers, Brutes, and Tanks long before Blasters. Okay, Psi/Mental will be awesome - it doesn't change that Blasters really didn't need a Psi set before the melee types did, since Blasters are already competitive and quite diverse in their choices.

Kay. Now we can debuff more. I don't feel strongly about this.

Kay. Now we can plant sum treez and set 'em on fire. Right. Not excited, not disappointed. I do think it's sad that they chose Thermal, and not Poison, but at least vside gets Storm to keep a little competition.

So that's my feelings on this.

"Some people wrestle with their inner demons. I stabbed mine in the back of the head. He was a bleeder." - Black Mage

"We've trained you better than for you to use excuses like 'I didn't have control over what I was doing!'" - Major Tasker, Longbow



Unlike most on redside I can't say I'm disappointed. I got what I wanted when I first heard about this issue. I'm quite sure this among the VEATs will keep me busy throughout Issue 12 and beyond. So thank you devs for giving me good news today.

Now to wait for issue 12 to come to make an elec/storm cor and a robots/storm.



Well, I can understand no kinetics for masterminds from the sheer point of view of balance (speed boosted missile-spewing assault bot? They'd have to raise the number of difficulty levels...) I understand this was sorta gravy in general since the wedding pack was good to the bottom line. (And some of the new stuff on both sides of the line will be good for new concepts, wihch is where I get a lot of my fun)

And, Storm's definitely going to be fun, but... we ARE going to get a new primary next time you're handing out powersets, right?

Complaining aside, I've got a thugs/storm I need to think about tactics for....



To me it looks like the villians lost some of their best sets (plant and cold) in exchange for some very poor sets (mace, axe, and earth control). To make matters worse they then added a completely new set of highly unresisted damage type to a high damage AT. Villians dont look like they will be making up much ground in the pvp when any of these come out.




Look at all the [censored]. 1st round of Proliferation and the whine machine is cranked up to full.

Thanks Devs, sorry you have to take so much flak for making the game even better issue after issue.

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Anything I would have posted probably would typed out probably would have gotten me mod smacked.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Mastermind: /Sonic; I think Storm Summoning is actually too good for MMs. HEck, I think even /Empathy would have been a better choice than /Storm. (It's laughably easy for me to keep my robots' HP topped off, and I haven't a heal in my secondary at ALL ... just aid other!)

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You think Storm's too good, but Empathy would be better? Really? The Empathy with Fortitude? The buff that out of the box could always be on 2 of your henchmen, and with slotting could easily be on 4 or more?

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



hmm, Ice/Thermal controllers.. i wonder how that would work out


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I've always regarded Fire/Fire tanks as more of a scrapper then a tank, I've even leveled up one as a scrapper. Now I can actually roll a real Fire/Fire Scrapper!!

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



I respectfully disagree. There is this other part of the game called PVP.

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YES! Firey Melee and Firey Aura are what I've always wanted for Scrappers! With Issue 12 I can see myself buying extra slots to make the following:

Elec/Elec Stalker
Fire/Fire Scrapper
Night Widow VEAT
Fortunata VEAT
Bane Spider VEAT
Crab Spider VEAT

BaB, please please please say that the assassination for Electric Melee on Stalkers is not the Squat Shove™.

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be cool if they cloned that teleporting elec power
but u just dont move, and the lightning strikes the guy instead of that big boltness all around you
like.. ZAPWHAM!
squat, ditch the thrust, and move to a MOG HAND IN THE AIR
and there ya go!
i think thatd be cool lookin!



mmm k, let's see here...

for the redside:

corruptors - get the weakest, clunkiest blaster primary (lol attack chain)

brutes - get 2 smash/lethal sets (lol s/l damage after level 40), and yet another secondary that has no self-heal, is toggle-end-hog-horrid pre-stamina, and lacks acceptable aoe protection until lvl 35

stalkers - get the weakest brute primary, and the second-weakest brute secondary (lol energy aura was already available to stalkers)

doms - get a mix of the weakest blaster primary with the weakest brute primary, and a controller primary that is location-based (lol pvp)

mms - get a secondary that specializes in causing enormous chaos on mission maps (lol teaming with mms)

and for the blueside:

blasters - get psi and more psi (and are the ONLY AT to get a new power designed especially for them - i'm shocked, really, I am!)

scrappers - don't get energy aura

tankers - dont get energy aura

defenders - get the best corruptor secondary

castle and posi - WTF????!!!!! enough is enough already!!!! can you PLEASE give the Vills some G*D D**N love???????

i can't wait to see wtf the Villain "EPIC" AT's are going to be like...



To me it looks like the villians lost some of their best sets (plant and cold) in exchange for some very poor sets (mace, axe, and earth control). To make matters worse they then added a completely new set of highly unresisted damage type to a high damage AT. Villians dont look like they will be making up much ground in the pvp when any of these come out.

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Since when has Earth been a bad set?



after my angry outburst, i've decided that ill play heroes more, but you know what, pwning that cold defender in the face with my mind/fire is still gonna feel nice.



AWWWWWW come on, any chance we can get poison in there for controllers. Thermal is just almost an exact copy of empathy with a tad of sonic lets get something new. Besides it themes with plant nicely anyways PLEASE.

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No, Poison stays on the red side and Empathy will stay on the blue side.

Poison Pill

*unless you trade me some crack*

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u forgot to say "and poison will go to corrs with psi blast"

there ya go!



Mmmm, Dark Tanks. Me Likey.

But Super Reflexes for Brutes? As much as I love Super Reflexes, that just doesen't seem to fit Brutes from a conceptual standpoint at all.

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I would say Venom at least is a SR brute. There is plenty of scaling resists to show toughing it out when you do get hit, but being super fast when dodging an attack doesn't seem against the brute process.



Wow... some you people seriously just suck.
The game just added HUNDREDS of power sets. If you can't find any you like? Find a new game... seriously... leave.
Gift Horse / Mouth anyone?

[/ QUOTE ] Hmmmmm... must just be a PVE player..... I PVP and if ask any Villains that PVP we got it in the shaft

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Is that it then? I play villain side a decent amount and was very confused why so many villains were calling DOOOM! But I only rarely PvP. From a PvE perspective this all looks fine, I'm stoked to make some new villains actually.

But I'm woefully uneducated on what makes things good/bad for PvP. So is that where the big complaint lies?




Look at all the [censored]. 1st round of Proliferation and the whine machine is cranked up to full.

Thanks Devs, sorry you have to take so much flak for making the game even better issue after issue.

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Why do you think they post these things on Fridays? So they can go home and have two days for the initial wave of Doomsayers to shout themselves hoarse. By Monday, there'll be more reasonable replies showing up, people will start to consider the advantages of the new sets.

Not that there won't still be the "WAAIIIIGHHH!! LEAVING & TAKING MY TOYS!" posters, but there'll be some cooler heads, too.



The *ONLY* reason I see brutes getting SR is to fight 40+ Longbow, with their Sonic Grenades. It's still counter-intuitive though, it's not going to build fury as fast as a resist set.

Does anyone else find it funny that the reasoning they used for not giving Brutes Ice Armor make for a very good reason why it should be on a stalker?

Electic armor is going to be a mess for a stalker.

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/sr scrappers beat /ea brutes for ease of capping defense and the usefulness of their def
so... brute with tanker level defenses, with /sr
beats both scrappers and overwhelmingly beats /ea for brutes
they dont hate villains
just /ea



Would it have been too much for Domi's to have gotten illusion .....grrrrrr earth is my least favorite troller set




My second-highest toon is a Blaster and Mental Manip sound too good to be true.

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PSW for blaster tier 9 secondary?



Mmmm, Dark Tanks. Me Likey.

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Yep, I'm gonna have to make Dust Bunny somewhere...

But Super Reflexes for Brutes? As much as I love Super Reflexes, that just doesen't seem to fit Brutes from a conceptual standpoint at all.

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I'll definitely admit that caught me out of left field. I do see possibilities though...while I'm sure my first axe brute will be Axe/Electric, or perhaps Axe/WP, Axe/SR makes some sense to me, having gone from 1 to 50 on an axe tank. Axe is powerful, but slow-hitting. SR...I question the survivability, but since it's got Lightning Reflexes I believe...anything that speeds up the axe is great in my book.

Plant/Thermal for controllers...seems like an odd pairing, though the idea of running around Talos Island with a giant, screaming, FLAMING flytrap is downright scary. Dominators, I'd honestly be more fond of the supposed synergy if it was Electric/Electric or Earth/Earth somehow, this seems kluged more than anything. Ice Defenders I do like. Ditto electric corruptors. Stalkers...with electric. Um...huh? That's it, just huh? Not something I can see being worth the powder to blow up...

All in all...I'm sure I'll be making a plant/something controller, an electric/storm corruptor, an axe/electric and/or axe/SR brute, probably a darkitty-dark-dark tanker and a flaming scrapper. The rest...I dunno.



Wow. Just, wow. In a way, its good that I have to go to work now, so that I don't post everything I'm thinking right now.

No doubt, I'll get to it later. So much to say...probably for the best that I don't type it all at this current juncture..




I just had an epiphany while reading all of these "Devs Hate Villains" posts.

The problem isn't the powersets being proliferated.

Let that sink in for a minute....

Which powersets, exactly, do Villains want that they don't have in some form. Masterminds want /Kin, but Corrupters have /Kin, so it's not like Masterminds don't have access to it.

Aside from the Blaster Manipulation sets, which aren't easily portable, the only portable sets unique to Heroes that Villains don't have in some form after this Proliferation are Illusion Control, Empathy, Broadsword, and Katana. Every single balance issue you are complaining about now would still exist if all of the remaining complete sets were ported over.

So, which powersets would fix the problem of Hero / Villain balance?

I submit to you that no Powerset proliferation will be enough for you, because Powersets aren't the issue. No matter what you get from a proliferation, Blasters will always PWN Villains because they have access to Energy Manipulation and the APPs. At this point, they can't just shoehorn the best powers of the Blaster Manipulation sets (for example: Conserve Power, Boost Range and Power Boost) into any of the Villains sets. Archetype design, Energy Manipulation and APPs are the things that are causing the imbalance you bemoan, not "the heroes are getting our good powers."

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



I would like to announce that everyone who has complained about the new power sets will from now on have access to 1 primary and 1 secondary for each AT.

And by the way, nice job on the new sets =)