Discussion: Full Powerset Proliferation Revealed




i wanted a plant/plant troller. very sad. very sad indeed

Victory Server
Ridgid lvl 50 energy/energy Blaster
Powder Puff lvl 50 ill/rad Contoller
DeRidgidnator lvl 50 energy/energy Brute
Santa's LittleHelper lvl 50 ice/kin Controller




I haven't been this disappointed in a game update since I6 and ED. Its always been clear that the game developers didn't necessarily have the game resources to devote to balancing villain vs. hero PvP, but now its even more clear that they just don't give a [censored].

Very, very disappointed.



well at least it's obivous that you guys hate the villains now.

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Srsly. I mean I'm sure there's a COUPLE worse hero sets you could've ported, but I'm having a really hard time picturing them.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.



So...where did they proliferate Mental Manipulation from (couldn't find it in Mid's)?

Oh, and to anyone that says _this_ proves that devs hate villians, in my eyes it's been proven with two plus years of lol@ PPPs and still no change. I hear some refer to them as villian epics. lol, sadly, the only thing epic about them is their stupidness.



To me it looks like the villians lost some of their best sets (plant and cold) in exchange for some very poor sets (mace, axe, and earth control). To make matters worse they then added a completely new set of highly unresisted damage type to a high damage AT. Villians dont look like they will be making up much ground in the pvp when any of these come out.

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Since when has Earth been a bad set?

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The pet totally sucks [censored] even after the AI change so unless they fixing him again I wont be rolling an earth dom no time soon.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



I would like to announce that everyone who has complained about the new power sets will from now on have access to 1 primary and 1 secondary for each AT.

And by the way, nice job on the new sets =)

[/ QUOTE ]Says the blaster guide editor

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com



I think that what's causing a lot of these "outraged" reactions is the fact that we had time to speculate. People started brainstorming possibilities and were getting hyped up based upon conjecture. I am a bit surprised to see the Heroes get Cold Domination and Thermal where the Villains got Storm and Elec. Oh well, here's to hoping the VEAT's are full of awesomesauce.



So they didn't give /kin to MM's, is the reason that they couldn't get the pet's AI to say "SB plz" every minute and a half?

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



So is that where the big complaint lies?

[/ QUOTE ]yes

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I am underwhelmed. I am not unhappy, I am happy that things are being shuffled about, just some of the choices leave me apathetic to the whole deal.

I can see plenty of nice combinations coming out of this, I even see an Earth / Elec Dominator concept (look up conductive minerals on the net...). I just cannot wrap my brain around Elec/Elec Stalkers. Ice Stalkers have been asked for since CoV Beta when Ice/Ice was removed from brutes. Its a good port, would fit the set thematically speaking it even sounds nice..Ice Stalker.

I dont recall too many tanks clamoring for DA, but I guess someone somewhere was.

/SR brutes though? If you maintain the normal porting (which we dont have numbers yet, so this is only assumption which carries its own risks) you are talking about Super reflexes performing less well than normal super reflexes. lets say 90% of normal for laughs. Granted wailers Sonics and the Longbow sonic grenade dont hurt you as bad, overall I see these guys face planting quite a bit until the higher levels. I dont even want to think of the endurance costs from the multiple toggles, almost nil resistances, no heal what so ever...this is really just a bad idea, I think testing will prove it.

The question is, IF testing does indeed prove some of these sets do NOT work well in their new enviornment will they be thrown out in favor of something else, or put back on the drawing board temporarily until something comes along?

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
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Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



So they didn't give /kin to MM's, is the reason that they couldn't get the pet's AI to say "SB plz" every minute and a half?

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I have nothing to add to this post but amused giggling.



Some things that struck me.

Dark Armor for Tanks.

30-40% Damage Resistance to all Damage Types once slotted. (55% vs. Psionic.)

Heal with 30 second base recharge with potential to heal fully with 2 targets (if slotted.)

Extra damage mitigation with Oppresive Gloom/Cloak of Fear

Endurance Drain and Fear Resistance.


Fire/Fire Scrapper combo.

Build Up and Fiery Embrace combined with Fire Melee's AoE attacks AND Scrapper Damage Scale?

Electric/Electric Stalker

This one I think we need to see the changes made to the sets as a result of porting before we can accurately evaluate. Primary reaction:

Upside for Electric Melee: combo of Energy Smashing Damage, so less effected by enemy resistance than some other Stalker sets.

Downside for Armor: Resistance set on AT with low HP.

If Brevity is the Soul of Wit, Why are You Reading This?



I must say I am underwhelmed by the list.



after my angry outburst, i've decided that ill play heroes more, but you know what, pwning that cold defender in the face with my mind/fire is still gonna feel nice.

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*powerboosted infridge and benumbs you*



Wow... some you people seriously just suck.
The game just added HUNDREDS of power sets. If you can't find any you like? Find a new game... seriously... leave.
Gift Horse / Mouth anyone?

[/ QUOTE ] Hmmmmm... must just be a PVE player..... I PVP and if ask any Villains that PVP we got it in the shaft

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Is that it then? I play villain side a decent amount and was very confused why so many villains were calling DOOOM! But I only rarely PvP. From a PvE perspective this all looks fine, I'm stoked to make some new villains actually.

But I'm woefully uneducated on what makes things good/bad for PvP. So is that where the big complaint lies?

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AFAICT, not all villains are calling doom. Just a certain group - the ones that always cry doom. So really, is it to be taken seriously, or is it just another round of Chicken Little?

That's just my observation.



So is that where the big complaint lies?

[/ QUOTE ]yes

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I was pretty confused, too. Storm sounds great for Mastermind to me. Dang pets always seem to run away just when I'm doing an AoE heal - being able to pick out the pet to heal will be a big help. And that lightning cloud is one heck of a pet, too. Oh jeez! Are corruptor lightning clouds going to get scourge damage?? Nasty.

Anyway, if you're going to complain, it would be smart to say what you are complaining about. Maybe the devs "should already know" and maybe not, but I sure don't know so when I read posts saying the devs 'obviously' hate villains, it comes across as being VERY crybaby.



So is that where the big complaint lies?

[/ QUOTE ]yes

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Actually that was exactly the answer I needed. This isn't the right thread to explain why in detail, so a simple "yes" was perfect!



Wow... some you people seriously just suck.
The game just added HUNDREDS of power sets. If you can't find any you like? Find a new game... seriously... leave.
Gift Horse / Mouth anyone?

[/ QUOTE ] Hmmmmm... must just be a PVE player..... I PVP and if ask any Villains that PVP we got it in the shaft

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that it then? I play villain side a decent amount and was very confused why so many villains were calling DOOOM! But I only rarely PvP. From a PvE perspective this all looks fine, I'm stoked to make some new villains actually.

But I'm woefully uneducated on what makes things good/bad for PvP. So is that where the big complaint lies?

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AFAICT, not all villains are calling doom. Just a certain group - the ones that always cry doom. So really, is it to be taken seriously, or is it just another round of Chicken Little?

That's just my observation.

[/ QUOTE ]Well here is one villain who has cried doom more in this one post then in 3+ years of playing. Honestly they do a great job, I love these devs....but I do wonder about PVP balance sometimes.

Ill just bow out and say, I love the idea of power prol, just didnt get what we wanted. Enough said, maybe in the future we will.

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com



Zloth, you changed your avatar. But you bring up a good point regarding stating clear and obvious concerns with WHY people dont like it.

I think i explained why i am not impressed, its not doom. its not the end of the world, but really I was hoping for something that would have me going Yippee skipeee over the announcements for red side.

Blue well.....Power Boosted Frostwork. WANT.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges
http://GuardianForce.Guildportal.com - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Mastermind: /Sonic; I think Storm Summoning is actually too good for MMs. HEck, I think even /Empathy would have been a better choice than /Storm. (It's laughably easy for me to keep my robots' HP topped off, and I haven't a heal in my secondary at ALL ... just aid other!)

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You think Storm's too good, but Empathy would be better? Really? The Empathy with Fortitude? The buff that out of the box could always be on 2 of your henchmen, and with slotting could easily be on 4 or more?

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Not to mention that from a conceptual standpoint, Empathy would make absolutely no sense for villains in General, much less Masterminds where it would make even LESS sense.



So they didn't give /kin to MM's, is the reason that they couldn't get the pet's AI to say "SB plz" every minute and a half?

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can u imagine
theyd prolly accidently gimp the ninja and necro pets to run up in yer face and jump up n down, spamming u with SB PLS in tells and local the moment sb wore off on them

but.. team port, ninjas on crack, fulcrum



I've always regarded Fire/Fire tanks as more of a scrapper then a tank, I've even leveled up one as a scrapper. Now I can actually roll a real Fire/Fire Scrapper!!

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Heh, I couldn't even manage to make a Tank and play it like a Scrapper. With the higher damage output and Criticals, oh the glorious criticals!... it'll be so much fun!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



To be fair, many of us who have said we're disappointed with the proliferation for villains have not cried "OMG Doooo0000m!!!111!eleventy!!" There are valid NON-PVP reasons to be concerned about some of these choices (Stalkers getting a resistance set for example). My opinion is still very much subject to change, depending on testing. I'm thrilled we're getting new power choices, and I understand this is just the first wave. However, I still think some of the concerns being raised aren't "whining" but legitimate issues.



Please explain in a REASONABLE manner.. why/how they hate villains.

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Seriously have you ever played a villain? Even looking at this totally from a pve perspective you can see the biasness that the devs have towards villains. Heroes get the best buff villains sets. With Power Boost those sets get to be even better. Secondly look at the Patron powers vs the Epics, look at the overall design of the STF vs LRSF. One requires a balanced team to succeed easier the other requires a team heavily skewed with certain builds to succeed easier. Really to me aside from Battle Axe and Storm powers going villainside, villains were royally screwed if you cant see that then you are playing a totally different game than the rest of us.

LoL@ Elec/Elec Stalkers, Earth/Elec Doms. I can see doms killing themselves if they get chain induction and pair it with Mind or Plant.

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Seriously, Ice Cold corrs pwn, Dark Cold corrs pwn, Sonic Cold corrs...again pwn

Now - take that - give then higher % buff/debuffs and same amount of dmg and a "better" aim..oh and unresisted debuffs...

Cold/dark defs -will pwn, Cold/ice def..pwn...Cold/sonic def...again pwn..

the one set the vills needed Empathy - no where to be found.