Discussion: Full Powerset Proliferation Revealed




How does empathy not work as a concept for a villain. If you want to get techincal empath, the hellion in the Marvel comics was a villian...The conceptual abilities do not drive good an evil. AB turns doms into perma dom killing machines. How is absorb pain not a villain concept. Perhaps an evil empath would love to absorb the pain of others...Empath buffs are hands down the best buffs in the game - change the color, change the name but give them to the red side.

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The Empath in the Hellions was in fact NOT a healer OR buffer. He just manipulated the emotions of others. He was, in fact, a controller. He has no real relation to anything in the COX empathy sets. He's more a mind controller.



As mentioned in the other thread:

Enthused by: axe and mace brutes, psi/mental blasters, */storm corruptors and masterminds, plant controllers, */thermal controllers. (Ill/therm may be massively overpowered, in the late levels. And never mind plant/therm, plant/kin will be the really sick one, I suspect.)
Underwhelmed by: electric corruptors, earth dominators, super reflex brutes.
Baffled by: */electric dominators, cold/ice defenders, dark/dark tankers, fire/fire scrappers. No, really, who asked for any of these?
Disgusted by: electric/electric stalkers. I don't see how either powerset could not suck.

But to me, the more interesting observation is that in two separate places in the article, it looks like Dr. Brainstorm is hinting that this isn't the last round of Powerset Proliferation. Can we get confirmation on that, from a red name? Are future rounds of Powerset Proliferation being planned, being considered, or off the table? Maybe an annual event?



PvP is gonna go crazy....

Ice/Psy Defs
Psy/Ice Defs

Psy Blasters
Fire/Psy Blasters
Psy/EM Blasters

-----wait a minute...why am I sharing with you my PvP secrets?!
[scrambles up blueprints and runs off]



I don't know bout y'all but wrapping my head around Plant/Therm Controllers, may just inspire me to try out those blasted Heroes...

Course I've tested the Corruptors new set and still think Red side for life!

I am, what I am!




I am, what I am!

[/ QUOTE ]

So, your Popeye then?



Here's the deal...anything new is cool, have fun with the game as it was intended to provide you with an outlet for comic-themed computer role-play! Rome wasn't built in a day (they say...and oddly enough is quite appropo for i12) and I am sure that by hook or by crook there will eventually be something to satisfy everyone....NOT! Life is life, enjoy what is new and HAVE FUN!



People will be unhappy no matter what power sets they ported. I ll still be playin my peacebringer and dark/energy defender so im happy. They do look pretty cool thou and these are just the firsts it seems so why always be so down on everythin.



Semi-on topic:

Is anyone else wanting the powersets they had us take a poll for to get Dual Blades and Willpower?!?!

I remember I wanted energy sword...size manipulation, and I believe there was something along the lines of vibration? Something like that, it just rings a bell of me thinking about what it would look like...anyways, now I'm rambling...

Continue on with your complaining!



I don't know bout y'all but wrapping my head around Plant/Therm Controllers, may just inspire me to try out those blasted Heroes...

Course I've tested the Corruptors new set and still think Red side for life!

I am, what I am!


[/ QUOTE ]

Then please by all means give us beta soon, because I'm trying not to get all Doom, but I'm feeling impressively underwhelmed as a villain player.

The heroes got three of our better, shiny powers, Therm, Plant and Cold and we got the meh powers. I mean sure Earth is good but its kinda... ugly... and electric not really impressive, storm is awesome, but not sure how I feel about it on a MM till try it.

I mostly PVE, but I've recently gotten into PVP and I've been enjoying, but I really fear this is going to be immensely unbalanced in zone PVP. No Doom, but heroes already had a edge up, and it seems they just got even more.



All I can say is, "we shall see".

*wonders when the I12 beta will be starting and checks his e-mail"


"To be violent at first and wind up fearing one's people is the epitome of ineptitude."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War



Anything new is cool and switching some of the sets is a great idea. I am just a little underwhelmed by some of the choices made. Will have to play test, but there are no new character ideas screaming at me from this announcement. And I get character ideas from EVERYTHING.



Semi-on topic:

Is anyone else wanting the powersets they had us take a poll for to get Dual Blades and Willpower?!?!

I remember I wanted energy sword...size manipulation, and I believe there was something along the lines of vibration? Something like that, it just rings a bell of me thinking about what it would look like...anyways, now I'm rambling...

Continue on with your complaining!

[/ QUOTE ]I am holding out for PSI/PSI Tankers and Brutes... but thats just me...lol

METHINX I will be holding out a long time! Probably be 110 years old and one of the old devs will hand me the code and say "Knock yourself out!"

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com



I don't know bout y'all but wrapping my head around Plant/Therm Controllers, may just inspire me to try out those blasted Heroes...

Course I've tested the Corruptors new set and still think Red side for life!

I am, what I am!


[/ QUOTE ]

I'm be more impressed by Illusion/Therm and cold defnders.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I mean sure Earth is good but its kinda... ugly...

[/ QUOTE ]
I've wanted to change the way earth-control looks for so long...



Pffft Empathy makes no RP sense for Mastminds...I mean why would a group or Thugs hang around with a leader who makes them feel likes gods because their bullet wounds magically heal while they fight.

Also after reading the article "ControllerL"...hehehe. It's like I wrote the list.


Great start I think I can't wait for my poison Controllers and empath Masterminds in some unspecified amount of time later on.



I mean sure Earth is good but its kinda... ugly...

[/ QUOTE ]
I've wanted to change the way earth-control looks for so long...

[/ QUOTE ]

Just compared to Plant and Therm is so ugly. I guess thats why I wanted Ill more, its not so visually hideous.

And everyone knows everything red side is "ooo shiny".

However I'm having giggle fits at therm and plant destroying the video cards of some of the lower end hero side players. *cackles*



It's all cool... /Storm seems like an odd one for Masterminds, mostly because there is no matching primary.

I'm a little disappointed that controllers didn't get /ice and that there was no El/ELA for the the Blue side. I'm still happy though, I've got a few character ideas to work with.




Devs haven't balanced hero and villains. Especially from a PVP perspective. In PVP heroes now have the upper hand more than ever. Thank you devs for making vills and pvpers feel SO welcome and thought of. Break PVP more. I can't believe how I thought there was actually potential for greatness in PVP here.



Well i guess there is a reason its called wild speculation, ok time for me to tally up my original post points and see how close i got

From original polifiration thread:


"Psi Blast"

Psi Melee - this would involve the doms version of Psi
Secondary with just making some replacment powers for
ones that are in blast set already. This is pure
speculation and highly unlikely.

Ok so this was a given - no success till we see the power list for Manipulation

"Plant Control"

Either Fire or Ice heal and buff set created for
Corruptors - i would prefer fire - technically Poision
could also be used for trollers

ok got thermal - and am happy

Hopefully an elemental blast power - either fire or
ice - like the Corruptors have - again would prefer

Again Either Fire or Ice heal and buff set created for
Corruptors - i would prefer fire - poison is unlikely
for defenders

Ok right on this one - i would still have prefered thermal but ehh

Best Guess - the hero version of electric armour and
melee (IE the electric effect would be white instead
of red)

Way Wrong

Energy Melee and Nijitsu probably

Way Wrong
"Ax and Mace"

Secondary i am at a loss - they only tanker one they
dont have is Ice - but they discovered long ago ice
armour didnt work for brutes - unless they decide to
tweak a Scrapper Secondary to fit i am still at a loss

Ok was on right track with this one

Another one i am unsure of - only one i can invision
is a broad sword primary - only scrapper primary
they dont have a version of

Mentioned above was Ice Melee another i didnt think of, not sure how that would translate

not sure whats left to do secondary unless some
variation of Invuln - or steal an elemental armour
from tankers - ice might work well for stalkers

Way Wrong

"Weather Control"

best guess electric blast - would really like it if
they made the electric effects red for villians

this one was obvious but still

only 2 control primary powers they dont have already
are Illusion and Earth - i would LOVE it to be
illusion - but my spider sense says it will be earth.

as for secondary i can see an electric assault power -
combining stuff from the blaster electric Melee and
Electric Blast sets - once again hoping it will be
colored red.

Still wish it was illusion - maybe someday - seems i was right on though
Master Mind

"No New Primary"

Best guess on secondary is Kinetics - only one that
makes sense actually - theoretically Rad could work as
well but Kinetics seems more pet buff friendly

Mentioned above was sonic resonance - not one i thought of but i see the logic in it - not one i would use myself but hey

Way Wrong - but i think very few saw this coming



Now that we know what we will have in I12, Im hoping the devs/marketting/whoever, will release which powersets will NOT be available to which AT's.

I assume (tank):

Will be unavailable, which means elec/ and ninjitsu 'may' be available at a later date ....

Some of us like to play specific power sets to AT's. For example, if SR never goes tank, I'm making an /SR brute.
If regen is coming to brutes, not tanks, I'd prefer to make a /regen brute later, than a /regen scrapper now (and instead play another powerset, and make a controller instead ...)

So many combinations, knowing what we WONT get will help some of us figure what to play now.

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



Pffft Empathy makes no RP sense for Mastminds...I mean why would a group or Thugs hang around with a leader who makes them feel likes gods because their bullet wounds magically heal while they fight.

Also after reading the article "ControllerL"...hehehe. It's like I wrote the list.


Great start I think I can't wait for my poison Controllers and empath Masterminds in some unspecified amount of time later on.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL RP. And elec/elec aoe-centric Assassins make sense?

Eventually everything will come out. You are right. This alone placates me.

Now I await VEATs.

Now the test pvpers on the other hand . .. lol

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



It's all cool... /Storm seems like an odd one for Masterminds, mostly because there is no matching primary.

I'm a little disappointed that controllers didn't get /ice and that there was no El/ELA for the the Blue side. I'm still happy though, I've got a few character ideas to work with.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure there are. Uh. Sort of.

Necro/Storm = See "Panethon, Banished"

Ninja/Storm = See "Sorcerer, Tsoo"


Bots/Storm = See "Device, Weather Control"

Thugs/Storm = ... uh. Ok. Ya got me.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - scorpany@yahoo.com or <sameasmyAIM>@aol.com (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)