Discussion: Full Powerset Proliferation Revealed




Lots of nifty new stuff here:

New Primary - Psychic Blast
New Secondary - Mental Manipulation

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Nice. Honestly, I'm not that excited about it simply because Psi hits the brick wall that is robots in PvE, but it's still a cool set. Mental Manipulation is likely just robbing some Dominator powers and throwing in some buffs, but it has potential to be a cool option for Blasters. Should be better than /Fire at least.


New Primary - Electrical Blast
New Secondary - Storm Summoning

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Awesome. Storm has been missing Red side since... forever. Electric Blast is the obvious counterpart, and given there's only 3 missing Blast sets villainside, there's not a lot to miss. Toss in Psychic and Archery next time and Corruptors are done.


New Primary - Plant Control
New Secondary - Thermal Radiation

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Obvious. Thermal was a natural set to go with Fire Control. Hopefully they'll get Cold next time to go with Ice. Plant was the only set they're missing anyway, so that was obvious.


New Primary - Earth Control
New Secondary - Electricity Manipulation

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Earth has always been a good villain choice. I'm a bit surprised Electric didn't wait for an Electric Control set to go with it, but I suppose I would have said the same for Dark. Oh well, time for new control sets for both Dominators and Controllers I'd say anyway.


New Primary - Cold Domination
New Secondary - Ice Blast

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Seems like an easy pick. It was this or Thermal/Fire and Cold is just a little more unique, IMO. This will be fun and popular all around.


New Secondary - Storm Summoning

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*sigh* I might have to make a Ninja/Storm Tengu. Cool set, but it's going to be messy. I'm surprised this wasn't Sonic myself.


New Primary - Battle Axe
New Primary - War Mace
New Secondary - Super Reflexes

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The primaries were obvious options I've been screaming for since Beta. Super Reflexes is an odd choice, but there's not much to choose from either. Brutes have 7/11 of the Defense sets and Ice/Regen/Nin all require some significant work to port over.


New Primary - Electric Melee
New Secondary - Electric Armor

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Strange. Needed eventually, but still strange. I sincerely doubt they'll get the amazing AoE function of Lightning Rod so hopefully the power will be used as the Assassin's Strike somehow. I have zero interest in non-defensive Stalker armors, but it's a decent choice all things considered.


New Primary - Dark Armor
New Secondary - Dark Melee

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Dark Armor tanks will be pretty cool. Dark Melee less so, but an obvious, easy port that will certainly make someone happy.


New Primary - Fiery Melee
New Secondary - Fiery Aura

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Totally surprised by this, but in retrospect, an obvious choice. The scrappery Tanker set should work well, and give the devs an idea how non-Sm/Lthl sets may need to be adjusted for the AT. The armor will be a nice addition for what has traditionally been a rather boring looking AT armor wise.

Good stuff. No idea what the complaining is about honestly.



I must say, it is just as frustrating to us PVPers (and I lead a HUGE group or PVE and PVP players, so I understand both sides here) to listen you the non-PVP players insist it isn't as bad as we thought and to calm down. For all the immature whining and complaining done in these forums, over the past couple years, it has been significantly balanced between PVE and PVP players alike, so I would first suggest to hold those stones, not throw them.

Second, it IS as bad as we are making it out on the PVP side of the fence, especially for villains. And let me see if I can explain it so you don't jump all over me for just making an opinion and not-backing it up. Corruptors are not easy to take down, but manageable. MMs on the other hand, are almost impossible to kill in the hand of a good player and in a great player...forget about it. Adding /Storm in the MM sets completely kills VvV action, period. Three /Storm MMs on a vill team = 0 kills for either side in an entire match. Stalkers are not viable anymore for burst damage and vills can't spike other vills without stalker damage due to the heavy buffs we have. So, this will result in nothing but storm teams running against storm teams and zero kills. Sounds like fun huh? This is the end of the villain ladder on test and massive amounts of farming live, which in turn gives us the next problem.

As you all know, the villain market is VERY tight and VERY expensive comparatively. It is already almost impossible to get the sets you need, especially purple sets. Herein lies the major problem for villain PVErs...and yes, this does affect you more than you think. Get ready for the market to get even MORE constrictive when all these recipes being dumped on the market from endless amounts of farming goes away on all servers. Now, of course you will still have your day by day farmers, PVErs grinding for prestige, etc dumping stuff on the market, but it's not gonna be even close to what you see now. So, this means, goodbye ultra rares in numbers, goodbye rares, increase those LotG prices, those Miracle prices, etc.

For PVE, I find the villain powers to be just fine, lots of good choices there. But giving blue side access to our two BEST powersets and putting them in the hands of players with access to the APPs and unresistable debuffs, etc. is overkill and 100% puts an end to any thought of villains being able to match heroes in zones, raids, or arena. The zones will be dead and many groups will leave the game. Whether you like them or not, PVPers do contribute to your PVE success and enjoyment subtly and somewhat behind the scenes. I think you would at least be compassionate enough about how we feel that the piece of the game a lot of us enjoy the most is getting shafted and even more imbalanced.

gg PVP, PVE here we come, it's all we got left...





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Prove your right.

Until the issue goes up on test, we have NO CLUE what changes, adjustements, and other things are going to be done to the sets. So until then, nobody has any way to prove how good OR bad the sets will be on the AT's they are being added to.



How does empathy not work as a concept for a villain. If you want to get techincal empath, the hellion in the Marvel comics was a villian...The conceptual abilities do not drive good an evil. AB turns doms into perma dom killing machines. How is absorb pain not a villain concept. Perhaps an evil empath would love to absorb the pain of others...Empath buffs are hands down the best buffs in the game - change the color, change the name but give them to the red side.

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As a purely Buff set, empathy is inappropriate for Corrupters. It is not too big of a stretch to make Empathy fit for Masterminds, and I expect to see it eventually, once they solve one problem...

Absorb Pain on a minion + Bodyguard = endless damage loop.

The best solution is to this would be to remove Abdorb Pain and replace it with something else, but what?

This is my guess for why Empathy isn't on the table yet.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Thugs/Storm = ... uh. Ok. Ya got me.

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Outright [censored] Chaos waiting to be unleashed?



As they've already said, this is only the beginning of PP.

Personally, I think there a lot of new, fun options for both sides with this initial offering. Heck, the first two toons I roll will probably be an Axe/Willpower Brute and a Ninja/Storm Mastermind. But then, I play the game to have fun...not to achieve uber pwnage in the arena.

I enjoy reading these forums because of the amount of valuable game knowledge to be found, but the amount of whining sometimes is borderline obscene.

50 Claws/Regen Scrap, 50 Energy/Energy Blaster, 50 SS/Invuln Tanker, 50 Robot/Traps MasterMind, 50 Fire/Kin Controller, 50 Ninja/Ninja Stalker, 50 Elec/Shield Brute, 50 Elec/Time Controller



As they've already said, this is only the beginning of PP.

Personally, I think there a lot of new, fun options for both sides with this initial offering. Heck, the first two toons I roll will probably be an Axe/Willpower Brute and a Ninja/Storm Mastermind. But then, I play the game to have fun...not to achieve uber pwnage in the arena.

I enjoy reading these forums because of the amount of valuable game knowledge to be found, but the amount of whining sometimes is borderline obscene.

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Yeah I've calmed down.

This gives us more stuff to play with in pve.

Unfortunate about the death of villan pvp though.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Um, shouldn't Dominators get an ASSAULT secondary set? Why the Electrical Manipulation?

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Yep. Bug in the display name. Fixed it today.



First after a redname, woo!

So, all this negative reaction is a result of stoking the fires of speculation and letting them burn wildly without any official information. Big surprise that when you've opened the window to pour in some facts you've had your face blown off in a backdraft.

We're all pleased to have new sets, that's a given. Thanks a lot! Having said that, some of us are disappointed with which ones you've chosen.

Blasters get Psy Blast and Psy Manip. Personally I don't PvP and I'm pleased to have the opportunity to build a Psi blaster. However, I think you made a mistake in adding the only unique new set to Blasters, as they're already pretty overloaded with unique sets - unlike pretty much every other set I can think of, blaster secondaries aren't shared with any other AT.
Rating: 4/5

Corruptors get /Storm, which is good, and Elec/ which isn't a great set but at least fits perfectly and gives other secondaries another option. The only other powerset not extant on redside that could have been ported was Empathy, but I think it would have been a poor fit to the Corruptor archetype.
Rating: 4/5

Controllers get Plant control, which is one of the most fun sets in the entire game. Awesome! They also get Thermal, which is a bit of a frankenset made up of part Empathy, part Sonic, part Cold. I'm glad you gave Thermal to controllers rather than Defenders, as I don't think it shines as a Defender primary where it's great as a Controller secondary.
Rating: 5/5

Dominators get Earth as a new primary. Huh... ok. Pretty sure everybody wanted Illusion though. I'll come back to Illusion in a while. As a thematic fit to Earth, they also get... Electric Manipulation!? Hopefully not just a straight port of the blaster secondary, please!
Rating: 2/5

Defenders get Cold Domination. This is a good thing; it's a well-balanced set with a nice number of buffs and debuffs. They also get Ice Blast, which is obvious the only natural thematic fit.
Rating: 5/5

MasterMinds don't get a new primary as there was none to port over. This is fair enough but I hope you'll be working on one for I13 because MasterMinds will otherwise have the fewest choices of primary. For their secondary they get... Storm!? Firstly that's already being ported over for Corruptors. Secondly it's a notoriously chaotic set unless handled expertly. Storm MasterMinds are not going to be sought out for teams, that's for sure. You have a problem with porting sets to MMs because they can easily become overpowered so I'm not surprised to see that Kin or Rad weren't given to them, but Sonics seemed like a nice choice.
Rating: 2/5

Brutes get two new primaries, both of which are extremely similar. Nothing much to say about them, good call devs, please add Broadsword and Spines or Claws next. For their armour they receive... SR!? Why go the effort of porting over a set that's middling to bottom? Everyone wanted Ice! You're the ones with the spreadsheets, there's nothing to say Ice *had* to inflict slows and recharges. Just ditch -recharge and slow and switch it for more -dmg, -tohit, -def or -res. There's nothing to say you couldn't.
Rating: 2/5

Stalkers get Electric Melee, which I don't have a clue as to how it'll work. If you do a straight port it'll be a disaster because it's AoE-heavy. If you correct that then it'll be ok - even for a Brute though EleMelee is one of the poorest performing sets. They also get Electric Armour. That set has some pretty serious holes that a Brute can handle but a Stalker with virtually no HP will struggle with. Again, I hope you make fixes rather than a straight port.
Rating: 2/5

Tanks get Dark Armour, which is nice. It'll be a very strong set for a tank though with all its control, presumably you'll get rid of the stealth power. Dark Melee is a nice utility set, perfect for tanks hoping to do some tanking rather than scranking. Please implement Electric Armour next, more on which later.
Rating: 4/5

Scrappers get Firey Melee. Awesome! Hopefully in the next rounds of proliferation they'll get more of the elemental/non weapon sets. Firey Armour is their second, and is a great fit for a scrapper - better than for a tank, in my personal opinion.
Rating: 5/5

So in total, the heroes get sets worth ratings worth 23/25 and villains get 12/25 for the sets they got ported. Talk about inequity there. You've given blueside some of the most powerful and fun sets available that they didn't have, and redside got poor to middling sets. As I said I don't PvP, but if I did I'd probably be feeling irritated.
Empathy should really have gone to the MMs to provide access to its particular talents for villains, and the set clearly matches up with the concerns of a MasterMind without being too powerful (Name too heroic? Change it. Fortitude too much? Tweak the recharge, as has been done with many MM secondaries).

Personally, I'm hoping that we *will* see Illusion redside, Electric Armour blueside. Remember, this particular round of proliferation was just for stuff they could directly port. They probably want to make Illusion in dark colours (villainside power FX where the heroside was white have been changed to dark), and blueside electricity is blue remember, as opposed to the red colour for villains. If they port it over they'll probably change the colour on the power FX to the blue electricity.



This is great stuff!
Stormie corruptors is awesome!
For many of the sets, I'll have no interest, but I like the direction in which the game is going!

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/agreed and agreed.

So happy now...



Oh sure, give heroes Thermal heals and Empathy heals - Thermal buffs and Cold Domination buffs. And villains get.... /storm... twice over.

*throws hands up* I give up. Obviously the devs want everyone to play blueside.

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No one I know wanted thermal. Everyone of them wanted a real secondary to be added that didn't just act as a grab bag of other sets already available. Dark, Cold, Traps, would it have killed them to add a controller secondary that someone may have wanted?

<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".



I must say, it is just as frustrating to us PVPers (and I lead a HUGE group or PVE and PVP players, so I understand both sides here) to listen you the non-PVP players insist it isn't as bad as we thought and to calm down. For all the immature whining and complaining done in these forums, over the past couple years, it has been significantly balanced between PVE and PVP players alike, so I would first suggest to hold those stones, not throw them.

Second, it IS as bad as we are making it out on the PVP side of the fence, especially for villains. And let me see if I can explain it so you don't jump all over me for just making an opinion and not-backing it up. Corruptors are not easy to take down, but manageable. MMs on the other hand, are almost impossible to kill in the hand of a good player and in a great player...forget about it. Adding /Storm in the MM sets completely kills VvV action, period. Three /Storm MMs on a vill team = 0 kills for either side in an entire match. Stalkers are not viable anymore for burst damage and vills can't spike other vills without stalker damage due to the heavy buffs we have. So, this will result in nothing but storm teams running against storm teams and zero kills. Sounds like fun huh? This is the end of the villain ladder on test and massive amounts of farming live, which in turn gives us the next problem.

As you all know, the villain market is VERY tight and VERY expensive comparatively. It is already almost impossible to get the sets you need, especially purple sets. Herein lies the major problem for villain PVErs...and yes, this does affect you more than you think. Get ready for the market to get even MORE constrictive when all these recipes being dumped on the market from endless amounts of farming goes away on all servers. Now, of course you will still have your day by day farmers, PVErs grinding for prestige, etc dumping stuff on the market, but it's not gonna be even close to what you see now. So, this means, goodbye ultra rares in numbers, goodbye rares, increase those LotG prices, those Miracle prices, etc.

For PVE, I find the villain powers to be just fine, lots of good choices there. But giving blue side access to our two BEST powersets and putting them in the hands of players with access to the APPs and unresistable debuffs, etc. is overkill and 100% puts an end to any thought of villains being able to match heroes in zones, raids, or arena. The zones will be dead and many groups will leave the game. Whether you like them or not, PVPers do contribute to your PVE success and enjoyment subtly and somewhat behind the scenes. I think you would at least be compassionate enough about how we feel that the piece of the game a lot of us enjoy the most is getting shafted and even more imbalanced.

gg PVP, PVE here we come, it's all we got left...


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I am with holding my "dev-hate" (if any) after I can test these new powersets and get some concrete foundation of just how sucky or over-powered they may be. To whine now with ultimatium, etc is premature and ignorant.

However, fully discussing the options for each powerset sounds like a good idea.



I was just thinking...

Did it occur to anyone else that the reason Blasters are getting Psi Blast/Psi Manip is because villains are getting it as well.

*Looks at Fortunas/Night Widows*



I must say, it is just as frustrating to us PVPers (and I lead a HUGE group or PVE and PVP players, so I understand both sides here) to listen you the non-PVP players insist it isn't as bad as we thought and to calm down. For all the immature whining and complaining done in these forums, over the past couple years, it has been significantly balanced between PVE and PVP players alike, so I would first suggest to hold those stones, not throw them.

Second, it IS as bad as we are making it out on the PVP side of the fence, especially for villains. And let me see if I can explain it so you don't jump all over me for just making an opinion and not-backing it up. Corruptors are not easy to take down, but manageable. MMs on the other hand, are almost impossible to kill in the hand of a good player and in a great player...forget about it. Adding /Storm in the MM sets completely kills VvV action, period. Three /Storm MMs on a vill team = 0 kills for either side in an entire match. Stalkers are not viable anymore for burst damage and vills can't spike other vills without stalker damage due to the heavy buffs we have. So, this will result in nothing but storm teams running against storm teams and zero kills. Sounds like fun huh? This is the end of the villain ladder on test and massive amounts of farming live, which in turn gives us the next problem.

As you all know, the villain market is VERY tight and VERY expensive comparatively. It is already almost impossible to get the sets you need, especially purple sets. Herein lies the major problem for villain PVErs...and yes, this does affect you more than you think. Get ready for the market to get even MORE constrictive when all these recipes being dumped on the market from endless amounts of farming goes away on all servers. Now, of course you will still have your day by day farmers, PVErs grinding for prestige, etc dumping stuff on the market, but it's not gonna be even close to what you see now. So, this means, goodbye ultra rares in numbers, goodbye rares, increase those LotG prices, those Miracle prices, etc.

For PVE, I find the villain powers to be just fine, lots of good choices there. But giving blue side access to our two BEST powersets and putting them in the hands of players with access to the APPs and unresistable debuffs, etc. is overkill and 100% puts an end to any thought of villains being able to match heroes in zones, raids, or arena. The zones will be dead and many groups will leave the game. Whether you like them or not, PVPers do contribute to your PVE success and enjoyment subtly and somewhat behind the scenes. I think you would at least be compassionate enough about how we feel that the piece of the game a lot of us enjoy the most is getting shafted and even more imbalanced.

gg PVP, PVE here we come, it's all we got left...


[/ QUOTE ]

I don't pvp much, but from what I can see, it wouldn't take that much work on the devs part to improve pvp and address many of the concerns of PvP'ers. As of right now, it seems the devs have zero concern for this part of the game, and thats unfortunate, because it could be a huge part of this game if it was corrected and promoted.

And to those crying about complaints, some people complain when they are paying customers and aren't getting what they want and/or ask for, while others applaud like seals regardless. To each their own.




Devs haven't balanced hero and villains. Especially from a PVP perspective. In PVP heroes now have the upper hand more than ever. Thank you devs for making vills and pvpers feel SO welcome and thought of. Break PVP more. I can't believe how I thought there was actually potential for greatness in PVP here.

[/ QUOTE ]

My lord, hes typing in all caps



Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking



As I said elsewhere, honestly my only beef with this round of PP is the lack of Mace, SS, and Axe for Scrappers. Hopefully we'll see those in the future. I have a concept that could work with Fire Melee, but frankly am not all that thrilled with it.

Storm Corruptors though, those are pretty sweet. Kudos for that.



I was just thinking...

Did it occur to anyone else that the reason Blasters are getting Psi Blast/Psi Manip is because villains are getting it as well.

*Looks at Fortunas/Night Widows*

[/ QUOTE ]

Good point, lol.



I must say, it is just as frustrating to us PVPers (and I lead a HUGE group or PVE and PVP players, so I understand both sides here) to listen you the non-PVP players insist it isn't as bad as we thought and to calm down. For all the immature whining and complaining done in these forums, over the past couple years, it has been significantly balanced between PVE and PVP players alike, so I would first suggest to hold those stones, not throw them.

Second, it IS as bad as we are making it out on the PVP side of the fence, especially for villains. And let me see if I can explain it so you don't jump all over me for just making an opinion and not-backing it up. Corruptors are not easy to take down, but manageable. MMs on the other hand, are almost impossible to kill in the hand of a good player and in a great player...forget about it. Adding /Storm in the MM sets completely kills VvV action, period. Three /Storm MMs on a vill team = 0 kills for either side in an entire match. Stalkers are not viable anymore for burst damage and vills can't spike other vills without stalker damage due to the heavy buffs we have. So, this will result in nothing but storm teams running against storm teams and zero kills. Sounds like fun huh? This is the end of the villain ladder on test and massive amounts of farming live, which in turn gives us the next problem.

As you all know, the villain market is VERY tight and VERY expensive comparatively. It is already almost impossible to get the sets you need, especially purple sets. Herein lies the major problem for villain PVErs...and yes, this does affect you more than you think. Get ready for the market to get even MORE constrictive when all these recipes being dumped on the market from endless amounts of farming goes away on all servers. Now, of course you will still have your day by day farmers, PVErs grinding for prestige, etc dumping stuff on the market, but it's not gonna be even close to what you see now. So, this means, goodbye ultra rares in numbers, goodbye rares, increase those LotG prices, those Miracle prices, etc.

For PVE, I find the villain powers to be just fine, lots of good choices there. But giving blue side access to our two BEST powersets and putting them in the hands of players with access to the APPs and unresistable debuffs, etc. is overkill and 100% puts an end to any thought of villains being able to match heroes in zones, raids, or arena. The zones will be dead and many groups will leave the game. Whether you like them or not, PVPers do contribute to your PVE success and enjoyment subtly and somewhat behind the scenes. I think you would at least be compassionate enough about how we feel that the piece of the game a lot of us enjoy the most is getting shafted and even more imbalanced.

gg PVP, PVE here we come, it's all we got left...


[/ QUOTE ]


I am with holding my "dev-hate" (if any) after I can test these new powersets and get some concrete foundation of just how sucky or over-powered they may be. To whine now with ultimatium, etc is premature and ignorant.

However, fully discussing the options for each powerset sounds like a good idea.

[/ QUOTE ]

You tl;dr 4 paragraphs? That is plain laziness bud, especially after I have given you the "shortened" explanation PVE players have been asking for. And if you're directing the "To whine now with ultimatium" comment at me, I suggest you take back the tl:dr, read what I wrote and tell me where I whined about anything or how I was being ignorant? It is very self-explanatory, but to those that don't PVP I thought I could give you some insight from someone who comes from both sides of the fence...




I must say, it is just as frustrating to us PVPers (and I lead a HUGE group or PVE and PVP players, so I understand both sides here) to listen you the non-PVP players insist it isn't as bad as we thought and to calm down. For all the immature whining and complaining done in these forums, over the past couple years, it has been significantly balanced between PVE and PVP players alike, so I would first suggest to hold those stones, not throw them.

Second, it IS as bad as we are making it out on the PVP side of the fence, especially for villains. And let me see if I can explain it so you don't jump all over me for just making an opinion and not-backing it up. Corruptors are not easy to take down, but manageable. MMs on the other hand, are almost impossible to kill in the hand of a good player and in a great player...forget about it. Adding /Storm in the MM sets completely kills VvV action, period. Three /Storm MMs on a vill team = 0 kills for either side in an entire match. Stalkers are not viable anymore for burst damage and vills can't spike other vills without stalker damage due to the heavy buffs we have. So, this will result in nothing but storm teams running against storm teams and zero kills. Sounds like fun huh? This is the end of the villain ladder on test and massive amounts of farming live, which in turn gives us the next problem.

As you all know, the villain market is VERY tight and VERY expensive comparatively. It is already almost impossible to get the sets you need, especially purple sets. Herein lies the major problem for villain PVErs...and yes, this does affect you more than you think. Get ready for the market to get even MORE constrictive when all these recipes being dumped on the market from endless amounts of farming goes away on all servers. Now, of course you will still have your day by day farmers, PVErs grinding for prestige, etc dumping stuff on the market, but it's not gonna be even close to what you see now. So, this means, goodbye ultra rares in numbers, goodbye rares, increase those LotG prices, those Miracle prices, etc.

For PVE, I find the villain powers to be just fine, lots of good choices there. But giving blue side access to our two BEST powersets and putting them in the hands of players with access to the APPs and unresistable debuffs, etc. is overkill and 100% puts an end to any thought of villains being able to match heroes in zones, raids, or arena. The zones will be dead and many groups will leave the game. Whether you like them or not, PVPers do contribute to your PVE success and enjoyment subtly and somewhat behind the scenes. I think you would at least be compassionate enough about how we feel that the piece of the game a lot of us enjoy the most is getting shafted and even more imbalanced.

gg PVP, PVE here we come, it's all we got left...


[/ QUOTE ]

While I find your post interesting, I'm not sure I can agree that this will kill the entire market villainside. Of course I'm one of those people that will gladly grab a good set if I can get it and make do if I can't have it. I dunno...maybe this makes me an adult or something...probably not though, since I play computer games so much.

In any case, I'm awash with ideas for both new villain and hero toons. I just hope those extra server slots are forthcoming. REALLY need those...



I was just thinking...

Did it occur to anyone else that the reason Blasters are getting Psi Blast/Psi Manip is because villains are getting it as well.

*Looks at Fortunas/Night Widows*

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Good point, lol.

[/ QUOTE ]Yah this is why my hopes are still very high on some balance. Cant say though until I get one to lev 50 and run her through her paces.

They just sound so cool though! They are hands down one of my favorite villain glads.

I better not see any Male Night Widows running around........

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com



Unfortunate about the death of villan pvp though.

[/ QUOTE ]
lol villains
lol pvp

Anyway, let's see, checklist for awesomeness... Elec/Storm on Corr's? Check. Cold/Ice on Def's? COLD/ICE ON DEFENDERS? HOORAY (artificial substitute for) LIFE!!!

*Ahem.* What were we talking about again?

Oh, right.

lol villains
lol pvp

Edit: Actually, it's not all good news, I suppose. What I really want, deep in my heart, is an Ice Sword Scrapper. Costume piece, power set, I don't care, I just want it.



Willpower/Dark tank (with a spiffy self heal attack) is really good, right?



Unfortunate about the death of villan pvp though.

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lol villains
lol pvp

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YAY DEVS! Keep the good stuff coming! WOO!



But to me, the more interesting observation is that in two separate places in the article, it looks like Dr. Brainstorm is hinting that this isn't the last round of Powerset Proliferation. Can we get confirmation on that, from a red name? Are future rounds of Powerset Proliferation being planned, being considered, or off the table? Maybe an annual event?

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Confirmation that this is not the end of PP, from Back Alley Brawler:

In the end, most powersets ended up being straight ports. Others required tinting the effects from hero to villain (or vice versa). Stalkers needed an Assasin's Strike. Dominators ended up getting a mix of powers from a melee set and a ranged set and the Blaster secondary ended up with a completely new power.

This is just the first batch. Plenty more to come in the future.

[/ QUOTE ] Emphasis mine.

Link: BAB on PP



Kinda disappointed.

Is it really that hard to spread the powersets around? What about Thermal Rad for defenders? And storm for MMs? Don't get me wrong I love this game - and any improvement is improvement...

But guys a few more powers? Pretty pleeeease