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  1. We will be doing a second jailbreak RP event on Saturday, July 16th at 6:00 PM.

    All are welcome to join us.

    For more information contact me at steelharbinger (at) or in-game at @steel-harbinger
  2. You're right - vial of bees should be on there.
  3. Edited to account for those.

    I think you're missing the lion's share of the point of my post.

    While your character's special nature and the incarnate process may have you feeling cluttered, what I propose would be more geared toward low and mid-level characters and characters who wish to have a certain amount of diversity during game play for RP and other reasons.

    While this may not work for your character build, there are a number of builds out there that this *could* work for.
  4. ((Disclaimer: I am aware there may be a thread like this already on the forums - just putting this out there because its something I've been thinking about since issue 6))

    The following post is a proposal for a change/continued modification to the City of Heroes system in regards to the Temporary Powers offered through the invention system and elsewhere in the game.

    Temporary powers - in conjunction with Enhancements and Inspirations - are intended to fill the gap of/represent items and equipment in the City of Heroes game environment. I propose further extending this representation by including a wider range of essential "superhero basic" items to the game through the invention system, but also through the introduction of shops that would specialize in selling temporary powers of different types.

    Stage One: Inventions
    Adding more temporary powers to the existing ones available through the invention system. These powers already exist in the game, so the level of complexity should be low. In addition - making costs for constructing all temporary powers the equivalent of the lowest priced recipe of each tree. Higher level characters would still pay relatively low costs for temporary power recipes since they effectiveness of the temporary power does not change. Alternatively, changing the number of uses for each temporary power to further reduce the cost.

    (Optional): Making rare and super rare recipes that are permanent versions of various temporary powers that are very expensive to build.
    (Optional): Making higher rarity recipes that also unlock costume pieces associated with the various temporary powers.

    Stage Two: Shops
    Adding new shops and vendors to the game that sell "items" in the form of temporary powers. These powers could be purchased for a significantly higher cost than building them, but this would be a boon to players both for gameplay and role-playing options. Finally playing the Dual-pistol using mercenary who can now purchase a series of grenades, or making a wizard who can purchase a number of temporary powers (plasmatic taser, wave scrambler, and others) and use macros to add emotes - making them into "spells", is an option.

    Stage Three: Temporary Power Trading
    All temporary powers crafted with the crafting system or purchased from shops should be tradeable between characters. That way, the brilliant inventor who builds his friend a sniper rifle can say "Here Super-Bill, take this sniper rifle, I made it for you."

    (Added to the Invention System and to new stores and vendors with this change):
    > Bow & Arrow / Longbow
    > Blackwand (Not available for permanent crafting due to the Veteran Reward)
    > Confiscated Beanbag (Called "Beanbag Shotgun" and using the Shotgun item animation)
    > Cryonite Armor
    > Cryoprojection Bracers
    > Electromagnetic Grenades
    > EMP Glove
    > Flashbang Grenades
    > Geometric Gauntlets
    > Goldbricker Rocket Pack
    > Loa Bone (Possibly renamed)
    > Stolen SMG (Called "Submachine Gun")
    > Summoning Amulet
    > Tranquilizer Darts (Made effective against all creature types)
    > Void Hunter Rifle
    > Iron Blade / Claymore
    > Pistol (That doesn't look like a toy - just sayin')
    > Nemesis Staff (Not available for permanent crafting due to the Veteran Reward)
    > Rune of Warding
    > Rune of Purification
    > Warwolf Whistle
    > Undead Slaying Axe (Not available for permanent crafting due to the Veteran Reward)
    > Wave Scrambler
    > Chain Gun (Going Rogue)
    > Heavy Pistol (Going Rogue)
    > Molotov Cocktail (Going Rogue)
    > Resistance HE Grenade (Called "High Explosive Grenade" - Going Rogue)
    > Web Grenade
    > Stealth Suit
    > Flamethrower
    > Shotgun
    > Sniper Rifle (Doesn't currently exist - would use the sniper rifle item image and an appropriately weakened version of the Sniper Rifle power from the Assault Rifle set)
    > Caltrops (Dosen't currently exist - would use an appropriately weakened version of the Caltrops power from the Traps set)

    There are many more options of course - but you get the idea.
  5. For our first event we will be running the Villain tutorial as a group break-out RP event. We will do this 6/8/2011 at 9 PM Eastern Standard Time, and again 6/12/2011 at 9 PM EST.

    If you are interested in joining email me at steelharbinger (at), or contact me in-game.

    Global: @steel-harbinger
  6. ((Guardian is a dead server. I would like to start kindling something of a RP presence there by starting this VG))

    The Circle of the Silent Blade is a recently resurrected order of assassins, rogues, mercenaries and thieves that operates on the Rogue Isles. Led by the villain Scarlet Snake, the organization seeks to establish itself firmly on the Rogue Isles, eventually expanding its control and influence into the realm of Paragon City.

    This group is built on the premise of being a mercenary organization - missions undertaken will be from the perspective of seeking to gather wealth and influence. Plotlines will be created and overseen by the leaders of the group to ensure that "recruits" are worthy to join.

    This is an RP-heavy VG, but we will do what we can to ensure that you can transition into the group smoothly.

    If you are interested - contact me at steelharbinger (at)

    Global: @steel-harbinger

    > We have an established base with teleporters to all Rogue Isles zones.
    > Our leader is a level 50 Incarnate.
    > Applicants of all levels and origins are welcome.
    > Villains and Rogues are welcome.
  7. Wow, he said that... disappointing...
  8. This is confirmed - Safe Mode fixed it for me. Gave me enough time to get *OUT* of Talos.
  9. Have there been any tech support responses to this?
  10. Yeah same problem here.

    Two toons lost in Talos so far - Virtue server. Is this a known issue?
  11. Global Name: Steel-Harbinger
    Server: Virtue & Guardian
    City of Heroes/City of Villains/Going Rogue
    RP Characters:
    All characters are RP
    Frost Frenzy
    Gamma Surge
    Calimon Nieminen
    Scarlet Snake
    (Many, many others)
    Type of RP: Always Heavy RP with RP teams / Casual to None with non-RP teams
    Can be contacted: PM or out of game email at SteelHarbinger (at)
    Times on: Between the hours of 9pm and 5am
    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
  12. *Any* Customization for Controller / Mastermind Pets would be *huge*

    Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
    For Illusion Control, Phantom Army: In the costume creator, when you look at this power the phantoms almost always match the character's body type. IE, Huge characters get Huge phantoms, females get female phantoms. It would be really nice if this could be added as an option for the actual power. Or better, just let the player select one body type.

    It would be nice if all the pet powers had an "alternate animation" choice that summoned a different looking but equivalent pet, but I'm guessing that's way outside the bounds of what's being asked here.
  13. 1) The outdated Axe animations need some sprucing.
    2) The outdated Mace animations need some sprucing.
    3) The dual-pistol (less uber-epic) options, in-fact , the option between less and more elaborate animations for every power set would be excellent.
    4) More martial arts options, specifically a set that would be more appropriate for a Batman-esque style of fighting.
    5) More defensive activations animations - maybe related to the costume change emote animations (drinking a potion to activate a MOG would be *awesome*).
    6) Elemental melee set weapon/no-weapon options (This would be *huge*)
    7) Not really a power - but an updating of responses to Knockback effects would be cool - to put it more in line with sliding along the ground - and less looking like a rag doll.
    8) The option to use all "eye beams" for energy blast, and possibly for radiation.
    9) A less "Spider-man" option for [Jump Kick]
    10) A *more* "Martial Arts"-like set of animations for the "Fighting" pool power set, for all those Ninja Masterminds out there.
  14. Instead of serum why not give us an Airstrike??
  15. It is generally understood that the idea of "Equipment" or "Gear" as represented in many MMOs and RPGs is generally absent from CoX, largely due to the presence of inventions and temporary powers.

    However, I was thinking of a change that might allow for the *Feel* of equipment without handling it the way that Champions Online has handled it (costume pieces that grant certain abilities/bonuses)

    Costume Slots could be customized with one slot each for special enhancements (earnable or craftable, preferably both) - that would allow you to basically assign "Equipment" bonuses to the costume slot in question.

    This could alter a character's function significantly without changing powerset or anything similar.

    For example:
    Your Tech Defender (Force Fields/Lightning Blast) has three costume slots.

    The first costume slot is your "Basic" costume slot, for his standard costume. There could perhaps be an "Equipment enhancement" that would give you a prestige earn bonus while wearing this costume.

    The second costume slot you've used to create your character's off duty costume, so you've chosen to put a "Light Equipment" equipment enhancement there. This enhancement reduced your damage resistance but boosts your defense, or something similar.

    The third costume slot you've used to create your heavy armor costume, so you've put a heavy armor enhancement in it. This increases your damage resistance but reduces your speed, etc.

    This may sound upon first glance like it would only work for Tech/Natural characters, but. This approach could make science/mutant/magic characters very interesting with clever enhancements to reflect more stable secondary mutations, enhancements to reflect special enchantments your character has on herself, and enhancements to represent drug treatments or chemical experiments she is undergoing.

    All in all, this system could be used to replicate the feel of having "gear" but in a suitably super-heroic way and without interfering with the existing costume design/slot system too dramatically.

  16. Objective:

    1) Rent reduction, new stacking ability, overall base cost reduction:
    All 100% awesome. Aside from the glitches involved with placing items I am very pleased and look forward to what the devs have for us in the future.

    2) Base salvage to Invention salvage:
    I believe I understand the intent of this change, and I definitely agree with it. Base salvage was highly outdated and needed to be dumped quite some time ago. Moving everything to one system makes much more sense and will allow for more flexibility in the future for whatever is planned. I only think that the invention salvage drop rates should be increased to compensate for the increased usage of those items.

    3) More items items items. I've been waiting a long time to do epic stuff to my base (but i know you guys have to get things straight before you can move forward).

    Overall I am very pleased with I13 - a clean-up issue was much needed and I am happy to see you got around to it!
  17. My only concern is about the temporary jet pack situation. A villain can both purchase and earn (through day jobs) a temporary jet pack by visiting grandville (which is relatively easy with a high level friend or a good SG teleporter), but a Hero absolutely cannot gain one until level 40. This seems highly imbalanced.

    I also agree that for the temporary powers a number of charges, or a times per use thing would be preferable to the current system.
  18. Name: The Circle of the Silent Blade

    Currently Recruiting: Anyone who has a character concept that would fit well with our group.

    RP Level: RP-Light/Moderate - We are looking for players who take their RP relatively seriously, restricting OOC chat to brackets, etc. We are looking for a moderate level of immersion with a good amount of attention to character detail, background, etc.

    Theme/Concept: The Circle of the Silent Blade is an organization of Assassins, Mercenaries and hired guns who provide services to the highest bidder. Comprised of ex-military, rogue scientists, dark-hearted magic users, and a wide variety of other blackguards, the Circle of the Silent Blade is interested in two things; money and power. ((Any character is welcome to join, regardless of AT or Origin.))

    Activity: 5 current highly active members, 6 members who have been inactive for some time. Usually active during East Coast evenings and afternoons. Commonly active over the weekend.

    Requirements for Membership: We require that players be active at least once every 30 days. We do not allow powerleveling, cheating, or the use of exploits to level characters in the Circle of the Silent Blade. Players who are found to have purchased Infamy in violation of the ULA will be ejected from the group. Also, each character must have a fully developed profile and a name that is not a "joke", offensive or inappropriate.

    Leadership: Scarlet Snake

    In-Game Contact(s): @Steel-Harbinger (feel free to send emails)

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Steelharbinger [at]

    URL: Website pending

    Amenities: In game we have a developing base (with teleporters, med bay, and other amenities) and global chat channel for members. We will soon be putting up a website where we will plan events and coordinate play times for Strike Forces and other activities.

    Other Details: If you are interested in joining our group - feel free to send an email or a tell to Scarlet Snake (global: @Steel-Harbinger)
  19. Agreed Brad.

    I like being able to get badges and temp powers just as much as anyone else - but by the same token - maybe it should be restricted to an Ouroboros thing at this point. I was there for the Rikti War, and maybe it would be best if we left events like this to the City of Heroes past. It would certainly help RP quite a bit.
  20. Kinda disappointed.

    Is it really that hard to spread the powersets around? What about Thermal Rad for defenders? And storm for MMs? Don't get me wrong I love this game - and any improvement is improvement...

    But guys a few more powers? Pretty pleeeease
  21. 1) SG missions from the mission computer that function in a manner similar to newspaper/scanner missions.

    2) SG missions building up to a SG mayhem/safeguard.

    3) SG missions using the giant monster/rikti code so the mobs don't have levels and you bring along anyone in the SG.

    4) Special rewards ranging from costume pieces to base decorations to useful base items for completing SG missions with other members of your SG (OR) coalition. Including "trophy" rewards.

    5) Possibly a reward that would allow SGs to build temporary powers (perhaps themed to an origin) so that SGs could have some uniformity of bonus powers as well.

    6) Possibly a reward that would allow you to "recruit" or "capture" npcs to defend your base during a raid or just mill around and look nice.

    7) Bonus prestige!

    8) NPCs in town talking about your SG!

    9) SG missions where you can go on adventures with members of the iconic hero groups. Statesman should want to party.

    10) NPC raids (if at all possible).
  22. They get knocked out. lol.

    My friend "kills" them, he's got a machine gun though, not much room there.
  23. Why not just have the SG base missions run in the manner of scanner missions? Have them announced or scheduled with random missions you can get from the mission computer that are formulated similarly to the scanner/newspaper missions. When you go on the mission, have the mobs arranged using the giant monster code so they are a challenge to everyone present so supergroups can actually team up regardless of level. Once you have done enough of the smaller missions (collectively) you can prepare for a larger "Pain" mission where you will win the recipe for an item of power and you can use the salvage you earned in the previous smaller mission computer missions to build the thing.

    As far as base raids go, have destroyed base items contribute points (prestige whatever) to the raiding team but have them rebuilt with a 100% success rate, or maybe just come back damaged and be automatically rebuilt over time for no prestige cost to reduce griefing and help promote use of the system. Hell even the RP groups would raid at that point I think.

    For raids you could also make defense items cheaper and easier to place, or perhaps allow the hiring of staff with "supergroup defense badges" that allow you to "purchase" some longbow troops or the odd arachnos guy. You lose your (relatively inexpensive but limited in number) support staff and those must be replaced by rebuying as well as your (easier to get and place) defenses but the rest of the items just get damaged during the raid and repaired relatively soon after.

    Since the SG base system seems to be leaning much more heavily toward the whole Avengers West Coast style superbase, do it all the way and make SG bases a real gathering point for supergroups- I personally think it would add a huge element to the game.