Official Thread: Police Band Missions
Thank god. Having missions that are guaranteed to be in the same zone is a great thing for CoH.
Edit: Pulling out the radio kicks the snot out of my framerate. My machine is not top of the line, but it has a 3 Ghz CPU and a GF6800GS videocard. Am I alone or are others seeing this? It's not a big deal, I guess. I wouldn't mind a bit if the radio was the same as the radio that merc MMs use to call up their troops.
Thank god. Having missions that are guaranteed to be in the same zone is a great thing for CoH.
Edit: Pulling out the radio kicks the snot out of my framerate. My machine is not top of the line, but it has a 3 Ghz CPU and a GF6800GS videocard. Am I alone or are others seeing this? It's not a big deal, I guess. I wouldn't mind a bit if the radio was the same as the radio that merc MMs use to call up their troops.
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Possibly RAM problem then. That proc and video card should be fine as they are similar to mine although I have an 6600OC.
Varity in the Safe Guard mission is still needed. Just because we're heroes doesn't mean we don't like blowing stuff up too... Just make it evil stuff.
Did a level 50 Safeguard mission and came across a possible problem.
One of the side missions started in the sewers, went into a tunnel via a broken wall in the sewers, then into an office room via a hole in the floor. Several of the MoBs in the mission just disappeared when I tried to attack them. I searched high and low but never found them and didn't get to finish that side mission.
- End is for noobs! - Board quote
I haven't done any Live safeguard missions yet but this sounds like something that was happening on the villain side with a shipboard mission with PitBull and Bloody Vicious and Vanessa something. If you attacked a "mob" from a distance they would vanish. Turned out it was an accidental teleport and the mobs ended up out on one edge of the map in the water. It was still completable if you went out there and killed them but a stone pain till they got it fixed.
So every time I zone I'll get my contact list more cluttered? There goes my ambition of taking a warshade to 50 and having just the initial contact (I was already avoiding PvP zones with her for just that reason).
Beyond that minor complaint, this is all nifty cool awesome.
The game ends at 50.

Do not ever give Mind Control a pet.

My characters are not "toons".

Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue

Did a level 50 Safeguard mission and came across a possible problem.
One of the side missions started in the sewers, went into a tunnel via a broken wall in the sewers, then into an office room via a hole in the floor. Several of the MoBs in the mission just disappeared when I tried to attack them. I searched high and low but never found them and didn't get to finish that side mission.
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This was happening and /bugged on test.
Be well, people of CoH.

Possibly RAM problem then. That proc and video card should be fine as they are similar to mine although I have an 6600OC.
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Hmm. I have one gig of RAM. I think I will just suffer with it
*is frightend of Emberly's avatar* =O_O=
*hides inna box* [o_o]
I did some scanner missions today, and discovered that, in addition to bank robberies and jailbreaks, there are store robberies too! Never got one on Test, and mine was for a Jewelry store (which took place in a warehouse-like building, but no matter). It was a nice change of pace, and a different map to play on (for heroes, at least, since it's just the Smash & Grab map for villains).
Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls
Emberly's avatar is all I can think about right now - It stirs up feelings of squeamishness and aesthetic dissonance that are truly novel. I don't think I've been this disturbed by an image since the first time I saw Tool's music videos on MTV.
Excuse me, I need to find some bleach for my brain. . .
Mechanista 50 rad/rad Corruptor
Buster Braun 32 SS/Inv Brute
Mortua Manus 41 Bots/Dark MM
December Ashe 30 Ice/Fire Dominator
Umbra Sprite 32 Dark/Super Reflexes Stalker
Mister Large 30 Thugs/Bubbles MM
Dynamaxine 28 Electric/Stone Brute
Three-Alarm 19 Fire/Dark Corruptor
I don't know if I had a veryyyy long streak of bad luck, but I noticed that there is no more Malta Police band mission on live in Peregrine Island.
I remember getting several on the Test Server but zip on the live servers.
In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.
The safeguard missions are so much fun! I definately feel heroic doing them. And the police band missions just made low level leveling in CoH a lot less painful.
Two thumbs up! Way up!
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

I did 3 police band missions this morning and found a possible problem. The first critter I arrest in the mission gives NO exp. These were organge minions. The proceeding arrest gave the correct exp.
I did 2 CoT and one Carnie police band missions, all of them Defeat so and so. I will try and do some better testing so I can give more information, but as of now first critter in all 3 missions gave NO exp.
I don't know if I had a veryyyy long streak of bad luck, but I noticed that there is no more Malta Police band mission on live in Peregrine Island.
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I had one last night - they're in there.
This has to be the first time I've seen someone want /more/ random encounters with the Malta Group!
I guess this must be just me, but the Police Band missions are regularly generating mobs at +1-2 instead of +0-1 for me on heroic. Happened all three times last night, and in the SG mish the vilain was Orange (although still a lt) instead of yellow.
Is this by design? I don't remember Newspaper/Mayhem missions working like this, although it's been a while since I did lowbie newsies (the PB mishes were on my lvl 5 PeaceBringer).
You were probably saying stuff, but that red faced avatar has terrified me and forced me to venture elsewhere.
I don't know if I had a veryyyy long streak of bad luck, but I noticed that there is no more Malta Police band mission on live in Peregrine Island.
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I haven't tried it on the hero side but on the villain side, if you leave a zone and reenter, you get a different list of newspaper missions. (Handy for stalkers who want to avoid the kidnap missions.)
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
how many of the extra missions are available after you thwart the bank heist???
Dear Devs,
SG Wyldfire, over on Virtue, tried out the new toys last night. We'd agreed to switch off from doing my Police Band missions, as it was getting late and I'm the highest-level member; but out of habit I checked the police band for jobs I could do next time I logged in.
Somebody invaded the BB Institute and kidnapped Dr. Priddy! The BBI are unable to follow up on their own, and are looking for help!
We came to a dead stop, as I told my friends over SG what mission I'd just been offered. And then we dumped our plan, grabbed that mission, and went running.
Thank you.
That was [u]awesome[u].
Our only suggestion would be that the game now needs a watermelon.
Scrapper roleplayer, Member of Wyldfire
I don't know if I had a veryyyy long streak of bad luck, but I noticed that there is no more Malta Police band mission on live in Peregrine Island.
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I haven't tried it on the hero side but on the villain side, if you leave a zone and reenter, you get a different list of newspaper missions. (Handy for stalkers who want to avoid the kidnap missions.)
[/ QUOTE ]Did this more than 10 times, probably 20. I know it was more than 10. I'll try again today, since I'm told it's there.
In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.
Ya, I'm getting the 'No Malta in Radio Missions' as well. I've went through 3 Safeguards now, with no mention of Malta in the list of possible Radio missions.
how many of the extra missions are available after you thwart the bank heist???
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Go to and he has all the Safeguard maps available for printing. It looks like there are 5 different missions after the bank on each.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
I tried two police band missions today. The first was on my level 15 tank in Faultline. As I got close to the mission, I realized it was outside of the western wall of the zone and there was no way I could get to it. The mission was "Rescue Audrey Farber".
The second one I tried was on my 38 def. It was "Defeat Arachnos forces in bank" in Founders Falls. First off, I thought it was odd that a bank would be in a cave door in south FF. When I zoned into the mission, the place was completely black and I was falling. I eventually hit the bottom and sat there in complete darkness.
Yes the bank police band missions are going to random doors in the zone.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
List of Invention Guides
This thread is for discussion involving Issue 8 Police Band Missions.
Please play before you post! Try out the new things in-game and see them for your self before posting. And, as always, please keep your posts constructive!
Issue 8 Patch Notes
Paragon Police Department contacts have been added to all City Zones except for Atlas Park and Galaxy City. They will be added to a Heros contact list as soon as they enter a zone. These contacts will direct characters to missions aiding the PPD in fighting crime in Paragon City.
Once you talk to a PPD Contact, your contact list will have a "Police Band Tuner" added to the top of the list. Clicking this will bring up an assortment of crimes-in-progress.
You will fight level-appropriate Villain Groups in random maps and random mission objectives. Once you have outlevelled a zone, however, you will no longer be able to get Police Band missions in that zone.
In addition to normal missions, the PPD will give out Safeguard Missions. You get Safeguard missions after performing three to five Police Band missions.
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