19 -
My random advice: Get a cheap digital camera with a bit of a zoom, get used to using it one-handed when you're bored, and then keep it on your person -- in a fairly snug pocket, or strapped to your belt, or anything that stays on you; keys go into ignitions, and might become unreachable. If your cellphone camera is at least as good as Dave Barry's "CrapCam", that's plenty good enough. Thus prepared, if anything ever happens on which you might someday be called to testify in court, you can take pictures of all the players and the scene for future reference!
Adrenalin does two things to your brain's data-intake system: you start taking in more information, more details, to the point that later on the memories look like bullet-time; and instead of packing the information away neatly, your brain stuffs the data into storage FAST, without using any of the usual techniques that make it reliable and useful later on.
THEREFORE, if you unexpectedly experience, say, a lunatic in a stolen truck trying to drive through your vehicle instead of wait his turn to cross the intersection (for example), and after he powers through you he drives away, and he goes around the long block and then comes back to look before leaving again, you'll have pictures of him AND of the vehicle he was in for the nearest cop and/or cape. Trying to describe the jerk after Adrenalin Spike #2 wears off is nowhere near as useful as they suggest on Castle and NCIS. -
Thank you kindly, Eislor and MadScientist! I'll stuff the Quickfoot in storage for a sgmate, then.
There were problems with the Stealth IO's, so no IO sets in Swift.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't follow. Should I be worried about any IOs that I have slotted in Stealth because I have the Fitness pool? What's the relationship here between Stealth IOs and the Fitness pool?
I believe you, I merely don't grok it. -
I'm more than half convinced that I must've missed the obvious here; I apologize if I'm asking something silly, but I've done several forum searches and come up with nada.
I've got Swift from the Fitness pool, and it claims to be able to take any Enhancements from the "Enhance Running Speed, Enhance Flying Speed" categories. I have in the past slotted basic "Invention: something" IOs into the first power from a power pool, so why can I not place "Quickfoot: Run" into this power? Is it "working as intended" that this power cannot take sets?
I've also noticed that Assault from the Leadership pool doesn't list any "Allowed Enhancement Sets Categories". All the other powers I took, though, from those same pools and from Leaping and Body Mastery, allow me to put IO sets in them if I want.
Thank you kindly for your patience! -
Frustrated, Darkity cried out, "It's not fair! She's so mean!"
And Statesman, who was moving across the face of the zone, paused to ask, "Do you need help?"
Darkity trembled, remember the stories of Tanker and Regen. "Yes?" she said.
"Hmm..." Statesman said and passed her by.
[/ QUOTE ]
Beautiful! Perfect! I laughed so hard I frightened the dogs.
And the children of the Isles, needing no greater excuse, rushed into fight them. And they could not see a thing, either, except for the sons and daughters of Stalker, who had their hands full not getting hit by accident.
And there was much ganking and wailing and gnashing of teeth, and tremendous property damage, until everyone was exhausted. Everyone except Darkity who--inspired by her friends' willingness to risk themselves for her--fought harder than ever.
Finally the gloom lifted and Dark Darkity could be seen trying desperately to catch her breath, along with her allies (except for Stalker's children, who could only be heard.)
"I have... (wheeze) to go home... (gasp) for dinner," Dark Darkity said. And she fled, leaving her sheep to hurry after her as fast as it could. The other villains all began to look at their watches and remember other things they had to do.
And Darkity decided things could have been worse.
[/ QUOTE ]
This passage is so great that I wish I could condense it into a rotating sig! I can't wait to repeat this to my tabletop group, this weekend. -
Ok we are leaving out Synapse. So how about
[/ QUOTE ]
Ritalin Runner?
[/ QUOTE ]
Sugar Rush
or, maybe, "Hyper" -
Name: Wyldfire
Currently Recruiting: We are accepting new members.
RP Level: RP-intensive, mock-gritty setting, one OOC forum available and occasional OOC chat permitted anywhere but /local and /supergroup channels
PvP Level: Not really our thing, but we're not stopping you, either.
Theme/Concept: A subsidiary of Phoenix Industries, Wyldfire is a privately-owned superhero team sponsored by (and answering to) Dr. Jean-Claude Gironde. Their primary focus is anti-terrorist activity, at least officially, but their association with the Gironde family's industrial holdings has led to a lot of corporate conflict against other organizations like Crey Industries and Infinity Incorporated. Counterespionage experts with experience in the slightly skewed field of corporate espionage, specifically, are a definite plus.
(Magic origins permitted -- and present! -- but preference given to mutant, science, and tech origins where reasonable; we're a lot more like the old Batman: the Animated Series than we are like Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman. Tone down the Wahoo! factor a bit, avoid soap opera angst, and remember that Children of Destiny should be shot on sight, and we're kind of like a superpowered version of S.H.I.E.L.D. Only with a tiny budget.)
For (lots!) more details, see our UHotVU entry or our official website.
Activity: We'd probably qualify as a "light activity" group: we currently have six members, most post-college with time-intensive "day jobs". The founding members try to meet every Sunday and Wednesday night (Central Time Zone), with higher-level officers generally exemplaring to help out lower-level members with missions. Special case holds for scheduling Ouroboros Missions! We're rearranging our offline lives to try to put as many of us online at once as we can manage.
Requirements for Membership: Membership on website required at Wyldfire's official website, on Guildportal, limit two characters per player, and we'd like to resume an additional requirement for continued membership: "please write one Mission Report per month even if you don't log into the game." More details available here.
Leadership: Jarissa is Team Leader, Iradium and Silver Valor are the current Field Leaders, but we all answer to our sponsor, Dr. Jean-Claude Gironde ((an NPC)).
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Jarissa or @Skyburner for in-game contact
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Fastest contact is through our website, http://wyldfire.guildportal.com, where we have some open forums publicly accessible to anyone with a free Guildportal account; or contact Jarissa (me!) via PM here on the official boards
URL: http://wyldfire.guildportal.com
Coalition(s): Right now we're in a roleplay coalition with Sapphire Dawn, and we used to be in coalition with the now-defunct Tomorrow Foundation; we'd love to join a larger RP coalition, but haven't found one with room for us.
(By the by, if anybody knows the former members of the Tomorrow Foundation's Guildportal site: it still exists, but has absolutely no members. Should someone see if Guildportal will take it down? I have no idea how to get in touch with JackShade these days.)
Other Details: Wyldfire has been on Virtue since October of 2004, and we'll be around for a long time to come. Our members live everywhere from UTC-4:30 to UTC-9 (Alaska Standard), and some of us work swing or night shifts anyway, so it's not astonishing for a couple months to go by where we only run into each other by website posts and in-game mail. That's the main reason why I try to put anything interesting up on our OOC forum for scheduling discussion, with plenty of advance notice so anyone who's interested will have input.
We operate on the assumption that every member is a competent adult; you'll have the ability to add and edit events on the calendar yourself, to make contributions for our Random Quote feature on the front page, to grab a pre-existing plotline and send it in a new direction, to add your own decorating touches to the Generator And Containment Room or the Server Room or any new rooms we have built in the future, to be weirded out by Bucky's magic workshop, and to play your Alternate Universe self from a much more militant reality. We use TeamSpeak for our entirely optional Voice Chat capability, which does make it easier to communicate "Look out!" without having to hit the enter key fast enough.
And, hey! We have a medic on the team! His bedside manner's about what you'd expect from an ex-ParaJumper, but it's fast service, anyway.... -
[u]Name[u]: Wyldfire
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: We are accepting new members
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-intensive, mock-gritty setting
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: A subsidiary of Phoenix Industries, Wyldfire is a privately-owned superhero team sponsored by (and answering to) Dr. Jean-Claude Gironde. Their primary focus is anti-terrorist activity, at least officially, but their association with the Gironde family's industrial holdings has led to a lot of corporate conflict against other organizations like Crey Industries and Infinity Incorporated. Counterespionage experts with experience in the slightly skewed field of corporate espionage, specifically, are a definite plus.
(Magic origins permitted -- and present! -- but preference given to mutant, science, and tech origins where reasonable; we're a lot more like the old Batman: the Animated Series than we are like Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman. Tone down the Wahoo! factor a bit, avoid soap opera angst, and remember that Children of Destiny should be shot on sight, and we're kind of like a superpowered version of S.H.I.E.L.D. Only with a tiny budget.)
[u]Activity[u]: We'd probably qualify as a "light activity" group: we currently have eight members, all post-college with time-intensive "day jobs". The founding members try to meet every Sunday and Wednesday night (Central Time Zone), with higher-level officers generally exemplaring to help out lower-level members with missions. Special case holds for scheduling Ouroboros Missions! We're rearranging our offline lives to try to put as many of us online at once as we can manage.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Membership on website required at Wyldfire's official website, on Guildportal, limit two characters per player, and after the end-of-year holidays we'll try to go back to a "please write one Mission Report per month even if you don't log into the game" participation requirement. More details available here.
[u]Leadership[u]: Jarissa is Team Leader, Iradium and Silver Valor are the current Field Leaders, but we all answer to our sponsor, Dr. Jean-Claude Gironde ((an NPC)).
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @Jarissa or @Skyburner for in-game contact
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: Fastest contact is through our website, wyldfire.guildportal.com, where we have some open forums publicly accessible to anyone with a free Guildportal account; or contact Jarissa (me!) via PM here on the official boards.
[u]URL[u]: http://wyldfire.guildportal.com
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: Right now we're in coalition with Sapphire Dawn, and we used to be in coalition with the now-defunct Tomorrow Foundation; we'd love to join a larger RP coalition, but haven't found one with room for us.
[u]Other Details[u]: Wyldfire has been on Virtue since October of 2004, and we'll be around for a long time to come. Our members live everywhere from UTC-4:30 to UTC-9 (Alaska Standard), and some of us work swing or night shifts anyway, so it's not astonishing for a couple months to go by where we only run into each other by website posts and in-game mail. That's the main reason why I try to put anything interesting up on our OOC forum for scheduling discussion, with plenty of advance notice so anyone who's interested will have input.
We operate on the assumption that every member is a competent adult; you'll have the ability to add and edit events on the calendar yourself, to make contributions for our Random Quote feature on the front page, to grab a pre-existing plotline and send it in a new direction, to add your own decorating touches to the Generator And Containment Room or the Server Room or any new rooms we have built in the future, to be weirded out by Bucky's magic workshop, and to play your Alternate Universe self from a much more militant reality. We use TeamSpeak for our entirely optional Voice Chat capability, which does make it easier to communicate "Look out!" without having to hit the enter key fast enough.
And, hey! We have a medic on the team! His bedside manner's about what you'd expect from an ex-ParaJumper, but it's fast service, anyway....
Big thanks to SpectralDaisy for the most excellent form! -
I wish we still had a way to submit a screenshot for Cryptic's use, however they'd like, maybe to show all who'd wandered away just what they're missing.
See, on "Rikti Hill" -- you know that hill, on Talos Island, north of the Green Line station; the spot where Virtuites gather to hold off the invading aliens -- I usually have a pretty narrow view. I'm a kind of short character, and I can't keep up with the lag if I take a long camera distance, and scrappers can't exactly afford breathing space between themselves and the target anyhow.
Thanks to sheer luck with the "Print screen" button around two thirty in the morning Eastern time, I got this:
slightly shrunk, otherwise unaltered screenshot from Rikti Hill
and, for me anyway, it sums up all the awesome that kept me fighting Rikti invasions long after I finally got badges and an accolade.
Thanks again, Cryptic and NCSoft. This event was AWESOME. -
Just finished a quick dinner break after running around Kings Row, then Steel Canyon while the invasion in Skyway finished up, then ran off to Founders Falls just as the Galaxy invasion completed, then the mighty fight on the hill in Talos. This is awesome and I'm enjoying one last blast here on Virtue.
I'd like to thank the Devs again -- first, for letting us complete our badges if our day jobs kept us from taking advantage of the original event; and second, for being EVIL enough to send a bombing run right past the Founders Falls train station. That was a great shock, zoning in and realizing the whole place was shaking! Talk about getting into the mindset fast.... -
Go get 'em, Skippy!
[/ QUOTE ] -
Dear Devs,
SG Wyldfire, over on Virtue, tried out the new toys last night. We'd agreed to switch off from doing my Police Band missions, as it was getting late and I'm the highest-level member; but out of habit I checked the police band for jobs I could do next time I logged in.
Somebody invaded the BB Institute and kidnapped Dr. Priddy! The BBI are unable to follow up on their own, and are looking for help!
We came to a dead stop, as I told my friends over SG what mission I'd just been offered. And then we dumped our plan, grabbed that mission, and went running.
Thank you.
That was [u]awesome[u].
Our only suggestion would be that the game now needs a watermelon. -
I'm among the many who voted for the costume options.
I tell you folks, I have members of my tabletop RPG who can't afford to upgrade their computers so they'll run this game -- and after I let them sit with me at my computer and create their tabletop character in the game (just long enough for me to take some screencaps and print them out), their low-end computers are the ONLY thing stopping them from each getting his own Co* account.
The costume creator alone sells this game; every fascinating thing after that is the reason I stay after I've finally exhausted our costume ideas. -
Thank you, Devs! I now have that Energy room our tiny little SG has been trying to afford since early in 2006, so our worktable is usable -- and we afforded an extra storage device even after buying the generator! Awesome! Thank you, thank you!
(( absolutely excellent story! ))
Hmm ... I'll have to think about this. There are some things I can think of that were scary to me, but I don't know that they'd bother anyone else in the same way.
{Storyteller's note: The song is "In Another World" by Michael "Moonwolf" Longcor, filk god extraordinaire and a very gracious and generous man in person. I hope he won't mind if I borrow his ballad and apply it to a different sort of "true love lost" story altogether. The protagonist below is female, as is her typist, but somehow the lyrics work best for this story if I don't rewrite them to female perspective.}
{Storyteller's second note: Oh. I'm a firsttimer to the challenge series. I hope the 750 words is a **minimum**, because I am shamefully unable to do "short" well. If I'm too long, please let me know and I'll delete. Thanks!}
On the thin ledge outside their apartment's single window, Jarissa settled into place. Her back wedged more-or-less comfortably against the wall, she drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her tail around her toes. Just by tilting her head slightly, she had a pretty good view up the alley to the front door of SubGenetics -- not the busiest place in Steel Canyon, but with the completion of the new branch campus for the university just down the street, and the entire fifteenth floor, far above her, getting leased by Saeder-Krupp Industries as a marketing office, foot traffic immediately after lunch became moderately heavy. Rissa got to indulge one of her favorite hobbies -- people-watching, ideally without being noticed or making anyone self-conscious -- to excess, for the relatively small price of a few hours' sleep.
So many worlds of might-have-been,
So many paths await;
So many maybe roads to walk,
So many tolls to pay.
But different drummers play the march
With different flags unfurled:
What am I doing in another world?
Humming contentedly, Jarissa looked around one last time to make sure the pigeons still agreed that her ledge was certain death to them, and also to make sure that the Outcasts and Trolls weren't engaging in another fistfight in the alley below her. With all trouble spots clear, she turned ears and eyes toward Cascade Street, and the citizens passing by on their business.
A man returning to a nearby business with coffee cup in hand was impeccably dressed, except for the painted, flashing, neon, day-glow tie pinned carefully to his shirt. Must've gotten that from little kids for a birthday -- yesterday, maybe? -- and made a point of wearing it in to work today, she mused while finger-combing a rosette on her left arm. And he didn't cheat, and switch to a normal tie after he got out of the kids' sight. Either his boss puts a lot of stock into being a family man, or this guy just doesn't care what his co-workers think of his priorities. Good for him.
Three Saeder-Krupp employees stepped out into her view, obviously just now leaving the front entrance of the building. One looked at the sky and scowled, another looked across the street at SubGenetics with his own share of scorn, while the third went about the far more useful business of looking for a taxi. Jarissa knew they were SK employees because of the big, gunmetal-grey umbrellas each man carried: they were hoping for rain, and then they could oh-so-casually open their umbrellas to show off the giant screenprinted company logo. Nice try, but someone in marketing hadn't done enough research to understand that Rhode Island as a whole wouldn't get a fraction of the rain that their main US office in Seattle got. She figured that it would only take two villain attacks before these guys would return home in disgust. That reminds me -- got to find out what they actually do, so we know which flavor of vexation to expect.
A kid barely twenty years old wandered into sight, nose glued to a cheap green flier. University newbie, trying to find the laundromat. He hasn't figured out that the map was printed upside-down. For a moment, Rissa thought she'd have to go rescue him, as she could see an Outcast striding toward him with that greedy, cocky gleam in his eye. Fortunately, a heroine stepped out of SubGenetics just then; the ringlet-haired blonde turned as she exited to make sure her cape didn'tcatch in the door, and realized what was about to happen. Faster than the Outcast could stutter, "Wait, what?" she had him pinned to the sidewalk. She made the lost kid hold her packages long enough that she could hogtie the Outcast with his own decorative chains, then slapped an arrest transport chit onto his forehead. As he was fading from view, the heroine politely retrieved her purchases, then flew off. Admittedly, the boy still didn't know how to get to the laundromat, but at least he'd been reminded to look around him more often. Rissa decided that she didn't have any sympathy for him. Either he'd figure it out for himself, or he'd learn to make the first trip with somebody who already knew their way to the destination. Some cat-faced chick walking up and flipping the paper in his hands would just convince him that random licensed heroes would solve all of his troubles for him.
In another world, I'm a family man with seven kids or more.
In another world, I'm running guns in a dirty jungle war.
In another world, I'm alone and lost, A man without a clue.
But in another world, I would still love you.
Her therapist thought this people-watching hobby to be a minor bad idea. He said it'd be fine if she were seeing passersby as they really are, virtues and flaws together, every one of them possessing their own set of problems and seeming persecutions. He felt that Rissa was entirely too inclined to believe that everyone's life was "normal" and therefore happy in comparison to her own, and that she'd benefit more from going out and getting involved with so-called "normal" people on even terms. He'd even pointed out that Habitat for Humanity was looking for volunteers who were comfortable with tight, elevated places. She pointed out right back that roofing tar gunks up any fur for weeks and would mess up the rosette pattern on leopard fur to the point that she'd lose the advantage of natural camouflage; she expounded further that she had trouble turning pages in a book without damaging them, and she couldn't safely use a video game controller, and she'd already seen Sky High, and Serenity wasn't in theaters yet; and then she asked whether her boss wanted her to stop doing the people-watching in her free time. Maybe she was making someone nervous, as if she were trying to pick dinner out of a herd of sheep? He said something terse to the effect that her boss didn't care whether she wanted to play "Snoopy The Vulture" during her off hours, so long as she gave no one reason to call the cops, and then her therapist went back to the endless topic of separating reality from her preconceptions.
If Dr. Gironde gave out end-of-year bonuses to Wyldfire agents, she was going to demand that hers arrive in the form of a painting or statue or some other depiction of a black-and-white beagle looming on a tree branch. In the meantime, though, she wasn't about to give up her daily escapism. What might her life have been like, if she were that woman just getting out of the cab?
Tiny things can change your life with every little choice:
The morning smell of breakfast, the sound of someone's voice.
Good or bad or in-between, it all gets mixed and swirled.
What am I doing in another world?
Once the cab drove off, Jarissa could see that the woman wore a smartly-pressed Air Force dress uniform. Iradium hadn't taught her enough yet that she could decipher much from the patches and the insignia, but the embroidered space shuttle was pretty indicative. Holy crap! Rissa made an abortive move toward the window before she realized that her camera was still charging up for the evening's patrol, and she didn't have anything worth asking the lieutenant colonel to autograph. Watching the brunette join a somewhat scruffy man Rissa knew from the docks of Striga Isle -- Long Jack -- she strained to hear until she caught something about a nearby Dirty Duck. They'd probably be busy talking in there until long after Jarissa headed for work.
In another world, I'm an astronaut who's headed for the stars
In another world, I'm a lonely drunk who's crying at the bar
In another world, I'm a captain with a tall ship, and a crew
In another world, I would still love you.
Of course, her roommate had a standard-issue communicator with a built-in camera, too. He was out, though, and in fact had been gone already when she woke up: Silver Valor didn't need as much sleep lately as he had when they first escaped, and anyhow, he'd gotten home and gone to bed at least an hour before she'd finished up a rescue operation in the Skyway sewers last night. Too bad. He would've loved to meet the lady with the silver leaf on her shoulder.
Well, maybe he'd be home in time to meet them coming out of the Dirty Duck Bar & Grill.
As if her thoughts summoned him, Jarissa felt the faintest caress from a peculiar breeze. Her ears twitched in several directions, quickly sorting echoes of sounds for just the right low hum -- there! Up on Tach Ave, the street that ran parallel to Cascade from north of the train station until it looped around a building and dead-ended into Ninth -- in fact, she thought from the hiccups in the hum that he must've just passed by, and would probably head toward the downramp for Eighth ... and seconds later, here he came again, a silver blur with blue and white highlights.
Carrying an overstuffed plush palm tree.
Which meant he'd spent the morning at the video arcade.
Which meant, in turn, that he'd been on a date.
"There's nothing wrong with that at all," Jarissa said aloud, firmly, albeit quietly. "In fact, it's a good thing. Maybe it was the one who smells like strawberries and coconuts. Maybe he'll finally get around to telling me about her. And then I'll be happy for him."
The pigeons ignored her words.
She tried an Anglo-Saxon monosyllable, instead, and put everything she was really feeling into it.
It didn't make her feel much better, but it did alarm the nearest brace of pigeons into fluttering off for a while, just before the window opened and curly white hair poked out. "You're up early," Silver Valor observed. "What's new?"
So she told him about the astronaut, watched his blue eyes literally light up with excitement, and listened as he raced out of the apartment ... zoomed back in to grab his camera ... rushed back again and reappeared at the window.
Oh, life is comic, life is strange; life is often cruel
The master of my fate, but now the master is a fool
The many worlds of might-have been are ghosts that drift and call
I don't want what I have here, but I can't have what I want.
Once she'd extracted his most solemn promise to not interrupt a meal or an intense conversation, or in fact to make a big scene, she managed to get out "Dirty" before he finished "DuckBarAndGrillgotit!" and was gone again. Jarissa had to laugh -- if it weren't for the fact that a superspeedster would (by his own nature) take up the least amount of the lady's personal time, she'd have been right behind him, probably doing such an awful fangirl bit that she'd start slurring her sibilants again, and they'd think she was going to attack.
Non-volunteer genetic recombinant experimentation programs really messed up the most commonplace things: Speech. Kinesthetics. The ability to wear shoes. Any chance of enjoying a good pizza with the works.
No point to dwelling on any of it, though; it had to be approaching two in the afternoon, and there was an older couple who walked down this street every Wednesday in the early afternoon, stopping at the espresso cart to fortify for the walk to the Yellow Line station after lunch with their son. Rhode Island might be the wrong state, and of course the voices weren't the same, but on a purely visual level they reminded her very much of her parents. That was kind of comforting, really.
She went back to people-watching, humming under her breath.
In another world, I'm a superstar with beauties on my arm
In another world, I'm a homeless man who's trying to keep warm
In another world, I'm a trumpet player blowing smoky blues
In another world, I would still love you
In another world, I'm a writer that the critics all adore
In another world, I'm another corpse in another jungle war
In another world, I'm alone and lost, a man without a clue....
But in another world, I would still love you.
In another world, I would be with you. -
Supergroup Name: Wyldfire
Website (if any): Wyldfire link (thanks, Guildportal!)
Leader or Recruiting Officers: Jarissa is Team Leader. Iradium is our PR Chief, and is the point of contact for all press and potential new Agents.
Preferred Method of Contact: Contact us on our forum at above listed website, or send in-game email to Iradium to set up a meeting.
Motto: To Free the Oppressed
Guild Description:
(From the front page of our website)
A subsidiary of Phoenix Industries, Wyldfire is a privately-owned superhero team sponsored by (and answering to) Dr. Jean-Claude Gironde. Their primary focus is anti-terrorist activity, at least officially, but their association with the Gironde family's industrial holdings has led to a lot of corporate conflict against other organizations like Crey Industries and Infinity Incorporated. Dr. Gironde also takes personal offense to Dr. Vahzilok's work, and will occasionally send Wyldfire out the door with orders to "get those things away from my customer base".
[/ QUOTE ]
Wyldfire is a Roleplaying SuperGroup with a mock-gritty setting, somewhat closer to the original Batman: The Animated Series than it is to the Dark Knight's very mature genre. Successful applicants will be roleplayers who enjoy that setting, with adult maturity only (meaning "no bodily function jokes" and "spell out words like YOU and FOR"; not meaning "all Wyldfire talks about are {CENSORED} and {CENSORED}!! LOL!!1!").
We are looking for agents of all security levels and archetypes.
Characters should be original creations, native to the superhero genre, and old enough to not get us thrown out of the bar where we hold our off-duty gettogethers.
Members are required to join the website before they will be invited into the SuperGroup on Virtue Server.
Members are expected to be erudite enough to enjoy writing "arrest records" or "mission progress reports" in the Forum on a semi-regular basis. We try to get at least one per character per month, just to establish that a given member is still involved: these "reports" can be kept on the character's blog, if any, or placed on our forums -- anything, really, so long as we can see the Agent is actively participating.
We have roleplay and story forums (collaborative fiction AND solo varieties), and we are working on setting up a voice chat system for Task Force Wyldfire missions.
All of our members have regular jobs, so we're not constantly active, but we try to do a group night every Wednesday and Sunday, and agents might meet up to assist each other's missions on other evenings.