Super Groups (Hero) on Virtue (Nov '07 - Jan '08)
Come on guys, please start posting your hero SGs here so we can get them to update our stickies. 31 views & nobody blueside to post yet?
Thats because there aren't any good blue side groups.
It is just math.
The ASSA has a site especially for interested parties. Check out the link in my signature...
Name: The Void Guardians
Currently Recruiting: The Void Guardians are currently looking for new and active members as we rebuild our group.
RP Level: RP-Intensive
Awash in the powerful glow of the Radiance, striving to bring some semblance of peace and justice to the planet Earth, the Void Guardians stand ready. Wielding the raw energies of creation and the cosmos and holding to a Charter of Duty akin to a Knighthood, yet walking in the ether of the universe, they struggle against threats to the planet earth both within and without.
The Void Guardians is a role playing SG on Virtue with a Cosmic setting. Much akin to the Nova Corps or The Green Lantern Corps in theme, the powers invested in each Guardian spring from raw cosmic energies.
Originally started as a group for a few friends to roleplay with we are now opening the group up to anyone who might be interested in joining. We have a rich written history on our guildportal site, and would invite anyone to stop by our website and take a look.
Requirements for Membership: Prospective members need to take a look at the Void Guardian Homepage to become familiar with the group (this is a neccessity).
Leadership: Michael Summers
Abyssal Sky
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Shadow X
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Bleedingseraph on the Virtue Forums for PMs
URL: Void Guardians Homepage
Coalition(s): The Void Guardians are currently Coalitioned with The Cerulean Legion and StormForce as roleplaying alliances. The Legion is a cosmic themed roleplaying group much like the Guardians.
Other Details:
We are currently working on establishing an SG day (looking to be wither wednesday or Thursday) and are enthusiastically looking forward to the infusion of some new members.
Also, if any roleplaying SGs are interested in possibly coalitioning with the Guardians, drop me a line and we can talk about it!
[u]Name[u]: The Peoples Vanguard / Peoples Vengance - both sides togther are called PV Unlimited
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Always looking for interesting people
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-lite to nonRP If you want to RP, feel free. Just don't expect everyone to follow suit.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: The original was a communist superhero group ("All Power to the People!") created by Mr. Marx. Since then, we're really just a group of heroes and villains who want to have fun and keep all the drama to a minimum.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: (1) DON'T SUCK! (2) NO DRAMA! (3) Register on our website ( Yep, simple and straight forward. Sick of drama? Tired of bossy leaders? Welcome aboard!
[u]Leadership[u]: True to the ideal of "All Power To The People!" we don't have *A* leader. Heck, we don't really have ANY leader! It best resembles anarchy with a few people making the minimal rules needed.
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Check our website for this one!
[u]Other Details[u]: Bases on both sides (blue and red) are complete. Storage, teleporters, etc. Storage use DOES require you be with us 30 days and "show commitment" (in other words, help us earn prestige.)
* Supergroup Name: War and Peace
* Website: War and Peace at
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: @SkyRocker
* Preferred Method of contact: ingame email or tell, this forum PM
* Guild Description: At this moment we are a small SG, but looking to grow. At the moment we have no rules, regulations, meetings, SG colors, etc. I would like those things to be developed by the membership.
RP friendly, but not mandatory. If you do, fine, if you don't, that's fine too.
We have a base with a Rez Ring, 1 Telepad (currently set to Kings Row and Steel Canyon for easy access to Yellow Line and Pocket D and the Green Line), and an invention table w/ invention Vault to avoid the crowds (and lag) at the universities. We also have enhancement, inspiration, and base salvage storage.
Even if you are the type that mostly solos you would still have access to the Telepad for zone hopping, you could rez in the base for quick access back to your mish and grab some inspirations or enhancements, or even the often used sg calling, gotta go excuse to get out of a bad PuG.
We are also coalitioned with another SG with base access to all zones, even the RWZ!
But rest assured, you will *never* be required to do anything. No demands that you join a certain group, or drop everything and go to a meeting, or play in SG mode for the prestige.
Decisions will be made by the group, and anything involving base expansion and/or prestige means that the more prestige that you generate, the more of a say so you have in how its used.
From level 1-24 playing in SG mode has no impact so it only makes sense to generate it through those levels, after that its an individual decision.
So if youd like to join an SG with all of the benefits, but none of the restrictions, send a tell to @SkyRocker or visit our website, and come grow with us and make War and Peace the SG that you WANT it to be.
So if you're looking for a super active group, right now this isn't it. Every group had to start somewhere, so this is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor.
New to the game and need to learn? Been in SG's before and got lost in the shuffle, or just didn't like the way things were run?
Send a tell...
[u]Name:[u] The Justiciars
[u]Currently Recruiting:[u] Always looking for new & exciting members to join our team.
[u]RP Level:[u] RP-intensive
[u]Theme/Concept:[u] Classic Iconic Themed Heroes in the mold of the Justice League, Avengers, and Kurt Busiek's Astro City. Our goal is to have a RP heavy SG filled with culturally and ethnically diverse heroes in the Classic, Iconic Hero theme. We aspire to incorporate SG wide original story lines on guild forums as well as ingame. We also wish to foster team unity & chemistry by regularly organizing SG mission teamups, Task Forces, and events.
[u]Activity:[u] Currently have approx. 60 members, 25-30 extremely active. We have members across all time zones and a few different countries, but mostly Eastern and Western Time Zones. Prime Time hours for us currently are from 6pm PST/9pm EST to 12am PST/3am EST. The goal is to have regular activity of 6-8 members at all times of the day.
[u]Requirements for Membership:[u] Levels 1-50 welcomed, guild registration and character bio posted on guild website, Main toons or highly active toons only, Check guild site min 1x per week for updates; guild forum participation highly encouraged, SG mode required; SG colors/emblem are not. Team bylaws (conduct, kick policy, promotions, etc...) listed in the "About Us" section of our guild site.
[u]Leadership:[u] Primes (leaders): Solairis, Midnite Paladin, Doc Arcus. High Justiciars (Sr. Officers): Celestial Huntress, M-State, Liberty Rose, Gods Speed. Chief Justiciars (Jr. Officers): Night Patriot, Raven Moonshadow.
[u]In-Game Contacts(s):[u] Global @ Last Solarian (Solairis) for in-game contact(s)
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s):[u] Solairis on Virtue Forums for PMs
URL: The Justiciars
[u]Coalition(s):[u] Justiciars Unlimited (houses our NPCs and acts as alt dump for members), Tavern on the Edge (Basically our own Pocket D with various toons not all in the traditional hero mold), United Sentinels of America (Newly formed coalition led by Lady America).
[u]Other Details:[u] Our main base for The Justiciars is named, The Vanguard Space Station (influenced by the JLA's Watchtower). It is fully equipped with all applicable teleporters, medbay, storage, invention tables, etc... The Tavern on the Edge is modeled after a typical hole in the wall bar, located in King's Row. The Justiciars Unlimited base is currently used as another level to our space station but future plans may alter it into an Earth based headquarters (ala Avenger's Mansion or the JLA's Metro Tower).
Solairis - 50 Invul/Energy Tanker
Councillor of Union Supreme
(Virtue Server)
I stickied both threads, but the links in the SG/VG site still point to the old threads, let me know when you feel these posts have enough information to re-direct those links, and I can include the original links in that document as (reference or historical)
Also the other threads are marked so they will not purge so they will always be around for reference.
Let me know if you need anything else from my end.
Virtue as always is a force to be reckoned with!
Name: KGB Special Section 8.
Currently Recruiting: Yes.
RP Level: Moderate to RP friendly. All out of character communication is marked with ((parentheses)).
Theme/Concept: A motley crew of Soviet heroes and newer recruits, KGB Special Section 8 is devoted to aiding the proletariat of Paragon City, whether by hero work or social work.
Activity: We do have a large roster, over 70 members. Membership is fairly casual, though we have regular scheduled events. Most activity is evenings and weekends, EST and PST.
Requirements for Membership: See our FAQ!
Leadership: Comrade Smersh. Soviet Shadow is our able second in command.
Contacts: Contact @Smersh or @Soviet Shadow in game, send a PM to Smersh on these boards, or post on our forums at our official communications board!
Official Website: This is the official frontpage of our site. Also of interest are our in-character archives.
Coalitions: A large RP coalition, including Freedom Factor, Maggie's Rock, The Other Guys, and some other, smaller groups.
Please feel free to make contact with any other questions you might have.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

[u]Name[u]: The Zenvious Foundation
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: The Foundation is always looking for interesting new members.
[u]RP Level[u]: We are a Roleplay-Intensive Supergroup, with occasionally dives into Non-RP mission runs.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: The Foundation is a group of heroes bound by one common thread: That we must use the tools we have available today to build a better tomorrow.
[u]Activity[u]: We have about 35 unique members, about 20 of which log on any given day. Our roster is fairly full, but with Issue 11 on the way I do believe that will be changing. Most of us are on at some point between 6PM and 12AM Central, with some spanning before that time frame and others after. We rarely have more than 10-15 members on at any given time.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Other than the desire to roleplay a character that is in line with our stated goal, the only requirement we have is that each person sign up on our messageboard and post their application. Our boards can be found here.
[u]Leadership[u]: Zenvious or Kaijitsu
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: @Zenvious or @Foundation
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: You can PM me here as Zenvious or at our website as Z.
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: We are currently coalitioned with Hyperion Force, The Neverenders, The Tomorrow Project, and the Overbrook Hot Tub Society.
Name: Freedom Factor
Currently Recruiting: actively
RP Level: RP group - moderate to heavy
Theme/Concept: formed in response to the 5th Column during WWII, we are a military backed, civilian super group. All are welcome if they are willing to serve and work well with us. Our motto, don't ask, don't care.
Activity: There are around or so currently active members. We've been around since beta and activiely working on expansion. We have weekly meetings and participate in event planning and hosting as well.
Requirements for Membership: Be a team player. Participate in group activities. Fill out the application. Be interviewed.
Leadership: We do have a rank structure whick is detailed on our site. Heading all of Freedom Factor in all branches is the Supreme Commander, General Hubert "Light-Waave" Paxton. Red Robin is the current acting Field Commander of Paragon City.
Coalitions: A large RP coalition, including KGB Special Section 8, Maggie's Rock, The Other Guys, and a few smaller groups. We have access to our coalition's teleportaion network which grants us access to the entire grid.
In-Game/Out of Game Contact(s): Our website has all the details, you can message me there or here. You can also contact me in game @dwarfstar for more information. You may also contact Red Robin if I am not around.
Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman
Name: Mouseion at Alexandria
Currently Recruiting: Yes.
RP Level: RP-lite. Prefer folks to play and interact in character whenever possible, but not necessarily 100% of the time.
Theme/Concept: Hypatia, daughter of Theon and last librarian of Alexandria; upon hearing of the order to destroy all pagan temples in Alexandria, utilizing knowledge acquired from the Library, managed to transport the Mouseion's scrolls to an alternate plane. She always had the intention of bringing them back once a new, safe location was found. Unfortunately, she was murdered before such a place was available.
Her daughter, Iokaste, knew the scrolls were safely in another dimension, but not which one, or how to retrieve them. She called on Cleio, muse of history; and Hecate, goddess of witchcraft and crossroads, for aid. Her aid arrived in the form of a Lampade, a nymph serving Hecate. The Lampade was made mortal with the knowledge that each generation would be bound in service and friendship with the eldest of Iokaste's line. It's powers over darkness remained, however; and with each generation bound at birth, the darkness of Hecate was shared between the infants.
The eldest of Iokaste's line, Ms. Hypatia, and her lampade friend, Cleio Ananke; continue to search for the scrolls here in Paragon City, with the aid of the Portal Corporation. But while they search they have opened a new Mouseion. It too contains copies of most of the works written since the destruction of the original scrolls, and it too is a center for learning and study.
Activity: Current unique players consist of 2 people. However, we hope to build an active group. We tend to play in the evenings (Pacific) and weekends and plan to have a weekly SG mission group, on Saturday or Sunday late morning, once we have more players.
Requirements for Membership: No level requirement for entry. Must be at least level 10 and a member for 30 days before promotion and access to base storage. Must be active: i.e. earn at least 100 prestige per month.
Leadership: Ms. Hypatia, Cleio Ananke
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Baisleac / @ Salagadoola
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Forum name Baisleac, email baisleac(at)gmail(dot)com.
URL: None at this time.
Coalition(s): Looking for IC SGs for coalitioning.
Other Details: The base currently has 2 teleporters to 4 zones and inspiration storage. Expansion for greater teleportation and storage is planned after i11 launches.
Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)

THE PARAGONIAN KNIGHTS [u]est. January 2005[u]
The Paragonian Knights are now looking for brave heroes of all levels and archetypes. We currently have 7 super groups on the Virtue server. We are very active in all aspects of the game and have been nominated by the players of City of Heroes across all servers as one of the [u]Favorite Supergroups of 2006[u]!
[u]What we have to offer
<ul type="square">Teaming at all hours: The Knights are lucky to have a extremely large player base of about 150-175 players. Within those numbers are players from around the world and many different time zones. This opens up the opportunity for players to find teams at odd times. Not just any team, but highly effective and fun Knight Teams!
Weekly Task/Strike Forces and Trials: The Knights have a great staff of leadership that is constantly checking with the membership to see what special task forces need to be posted on the calendar. It is not unusual on a weekend to see a half dozen or more TFs run in a day. If you need a specific task force it is highly likely it will done. Many of the Knights have done these so many times they can be completed in record time and efficiency.
Role-Playing: The Knights boast some of the finest RP found on this server. Monthly in-game role-playing events help players create custom story lines that they can play out both in-game and on the forums. The Capes and Cocktails RP forum thread is on its way to its third year of RP and has spawned many player run story arcs. Mission based RP is available for those interested and those that do not RP are respectful of those that do.
Rewards!: The Knights hold many contests and programs for the membership to reward them for going above and beyond what is asked of them. The Oh, What a Knight or OWAK program has been well received. This titled is given to a Knight who has embodied the virtues of the group and has been both helpful and friendly to others. The recipient of this title is given a one month time card and a PK Collectible Coin. We also reward all characters who hit the one million prestige mark with a one of a kind commission from Jomaro Kindred of You can visit his site or ours and see several of the winners. Lastly, each month a drawing is held of all the members who have been active on the forums. The winner is given the chance to pick from the prize pool. In the prize pool there is everything from time cards to rare recipes!
Beyond the Game: The Knights are much more than your average super group, they are a network of people from all walks of life
they are a community. To be a Knight is to be a member of a fellowship of 240+ people who carry on a virtual friendship that often times extends beyond the confines of the internet. The Knights have banded together to purchase commissioned artwork and produce in-game movies among other things. A real life meet and greet occurred at this past Dragon Con in Atlanta and another is being planned soon. Many friendships have been built that will only increase well beyond City of Heroes.[/list]
[u]How to Apply
To apply to be a Knight you need to first visit Take the time to check out what all the site has to offer. Many of your questions about the Knights can be answered there. After you have decided that you indeed do want to be part of the Knights, click Join Paragonian Knights at the top of the screen and answer the couple short questions. This will set you up with a Guild Portal account. Finally, post a application on the forums using the format provided. Be as in-depth as you desire. After that is done one of the officers will post and provide you with contact info. You may also look up one of the in-game contacts provided below after posting an application.
[u]The Knight Groups
<ul type="square">PARAGONIAN KNIGHTS
The Paragonian Knights is a light role playing super group. The Knights are mostly comprises of mature adult players but we invite all ages to apply. We were formed around the ideal of having fun and forging lasting friendships. Play times for Knights cover many different time zones so it is not unusual to find a Knight on all times of the day. You may only have one character within the main group. You must also remain somewhat active with that character that is on the main group as we require you to be active within 14 days.
The Paragonian Knights 2nd Battalion is a fully functional second group for the PK. It is not to be mistaken to be a alt group for the Knights. Many members call this group their primary home and it is within the Top 100 groups for prestige on Virtue. Each member is only allowed one character within this faction. The activity requirement for this SG is 30 days.
To be a member of the Sisterhood of Paragonian Knights, one needs only be a female character and have a willingness to have a good time. The Sisterhood is based around fun and friendship above all else. At the time of this writing, you can have as many characters in this faction as you like. All players are welcome to apply for membership if they meet those criteria. The activity requirement for the Sisterhood is 60 days.
The Honor Battalion is our one true alt super group. All of the members of this group have characters in the other Knight super groups as well. If you are not a Knight already please fill out an application here and post it for review. The actvity requirement for this group is 45 days.
The Paragonian Knights - The Grae Academy or The Academy for short is our newest Supergroup and is for heavy Role-players only. All communication, unless indicated, is in-character. This group utilizes the supergroup channel to communicate across zone. There is no activity requirements for this group, however, all members must be RPed into the group with one of the Teachers or the Student Body President. The Academy has a lot of rich and in-depth RP occurring both on the forums and in-game. For more information of the background on this fun and innovative group check out the website or contact one of the in-game contacts.
The Paragonian Knight Legends are only for knights that have achieved security level 50 status in the City of Heroes. This faction is for the level 50 character that is retired and rarely played. There will be no base or activity requirement for this faction.
The Paragonian Knight Elites are only for knights that have achieved security level 50 status in the City of Heroes. This is the more active level 50 group. The Elites have a raid capable base and participate in end-game content such as PvP and Raids. The activity requirement for this group is 60 days.[/list]
The Paragonian Knights have an excellent and extremely active website and forums. We are currently the largest City of Heroes/City of Villains web site on Guild Portal with over 800 members and growing. We also are happy to have in-game coalitions with some of Virtues most active supergroups opening up many teaming and in-game event options. If any of these groups interest you please visit our site at or send me a private message here or at and I can fill you in more.
The Knights are all about fun and getting to know each other better. Alot of the Knights have been together since their early days with CoH and have built long lasting friendships.
Paragonian Knights in action!
The Rogue Knights preparing for battle
For Honor! A Tribute Movie by Cruse(Kichi)
An Interview with Grae Knight by
Ingame Contacts:
<ul type="square">
@Grae Knight
@Lady Polgara
@Ledgerdemain (RP Officer)
@Mitch Koval
@Lady Grae (RP Officer)
@Fire Chief
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
Name: Die Zeitritter
Currently Recruiting: Yes.
RP Level: Medium RP. All OOC communication is marked with brackets or some other method.
Theme/Concept: Time Warriors, or, if you prefer, Ouroboros own little army. Before it came back to the present time, Ouroborus assembled a task force to deal with any issues that the general 2007-2008 Paragonian hero population might not be able to fix. In order to facilitate the strength of the team, Ouroborous traveled through time and recruited only the best and the brightest to serve. Every member of Ouroboros Zeitritter is exceptional in some way, or has some sort of specialty that contributes to the team beyond combat abilities. This could manifest itself as some sort of leadership trait, or perhaps an exceptional resourcefulness. All origins are welcome.
What, you didnt think Ouroboros came all the way back here without an army, did you?
Activity: As its based on I11 content, its just getting started.
Requirements for Membership: A character must be from a different point in the timestream. This could be in the future; this could be in the past. A character must also have been an exceptional hero during that time, and willing to leave his of her part of the timestream in order to stop The Coming Storm. Finally, a character must have a unique specialization beyond combat prowess that somehow adds to the team, perhaps as an intelligence officer, perhaps as a leader, perhaps as a hacker, or something along those lines.
Indoctrination into the supergroup can be RPd as an actual meeting or as the character having been part of Ouroboros for a period of time up to the creator of the character. The organization is supposed to be at least somewhat assembled prior to arriving in the present, so it would be helpful if several applications decided that their characters had been part of the Zeitritter for awhile.
Leadership: Alluring Onyx is the Wotan Knight, and leader of the Zeitritter. Heavenly Diamond, her sister, functions as a recruiting officer.
Contacts: Contact @Seigyoku or @Zandock.
Official Website: None, at the moment.
Coalitions: None, at the moment.
Please feel free to make contact with any other questions you might have.
[u]Name:[u] Sentinels of Liberty and Right (SOLAR)
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Yes! We've had some people drift away for a time, and with the I11 bump, we have more room than ever!
[u]RP Level[u] RP Friendly + Light RP. Not mandatory, but recommended. Strongly recommended to mark OOC in Coalition and when people are RPing. Not draconian. Our actual members run the gamut from very little RP to fairly hardcore.
[u]Theme[u]: Very much a "Classic" Supergroup, dedicated to Justice, Freedom, and Virtue. We started off largely populated with Light/Fire-focused heroes (thus the SOLAR moniker) but have outgrown that as we have grown.
[u]Activity[u]: Prime time is typical US based times - Evenings, weekends. Not long ago prime time was 5-8 people on weekends, 3-6 on weeknights. It's dwindled a bit now... but here I am. (Most of us would rather be playing than recruiting )
[u]Requirements[u] Be mature, literate, courteous, and friendly. We want other cool people.
[u]Contacts[u] @plasma @msk @adair @Mr. Lyonar
[u]Out of Game Contact[u] Visit the website..
[u]Coalition[u] Strong RP Coalition with 4 top-100 SGs. (And we're very close to the top 100 ourselves, and climbing. Another week, I think.)
[u]Info:[u] We're privileged to have a bunch of great players. Mature, creative, fun, and great players. A bunch of 42+ monthers. The kind you *like* to team with. We've never needed rules, so we don't have them. We have a fully stocked base with all the bells and whistles. Here's what we do:
* Team
* Help each other (Both IC and OOC; you can get some pretty great build advice from our veterans)
* Run a Superteam (fire/rads)
* Occasionally PvP
* RP
* Badge Hunt
[u]Name[u]: The Justice Guard
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: We are looking for all types of members. There is no level, origin, or archetype restriction. We are a medium roleplay SG and are coalitioned with several other groups, both RP and non-RP.
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-lite / Medium. We try to roleplay as much as possible, but not heavily.
The Justice Guard is the re-emergance and reorganization of one of Paragon's earliest premier SuperGroups. Sole remaining original member, Liberty Guard, and his close associate, Cap'tain Amazing have breathed life anew into the organization after a solid defeating of Lord Recluse's latest attempt at world domination. It's purpose, to provide a direct secondary option in threat response should the Freedom Phalanx be unable to attend to a given crisis. With both being members, and having a direct connection with local law enforcement via a third founding member, ArchStrike, The Justice Guard serves to bulwark the defense of the Paragon and the rest of the world.
[u]Activity[u]: We have members and leaders on at all times. And are ever expanding. We are currently considering adding additional SG's to expand our numbers as well. We have members that play at all times of the day and night as well as leaders.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Currently there are no restrictions/requirements for joining the Justice Guard short of being a hero and a team player.
Captain Amazing
Sixty-Second Man
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]:
@Cap'tain Amazing
@Moon Elk
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]:
CoH Forums: Aesri CaptainAmazing _Psi_
[u]URL[u]: The Justice Guard
[u]Other Details[u]: Founded by three RL friends of long standing, TJG is a Medium RP centered, Bronze and Iron Age supergroup focused on characters and mutual character development, fun (paramount), and a feeling of family.
We're a returning name to the skies of Paragon, but membership has grown at a fair pace and now with a medium but still growing membership we're settling down to not only focus on each other's enjoyment and experience both IC and OOCly, but on the development of our SG resources and activities. Our SG database and forums are accessible at The Justice Guard's website and we encourage any to come learn more about us and say hello! We've a FULLY functional and still-expanding base with Medical, storage, Teleport and Invention capabilities that has become not only an expression of the SG, but the input of it's members and a center to our RP. We're also aligned and coalitioned with some of the strongest, longest lasting, and plain old fun SG's on Virtue!
We're an inclusive group. Rper?....great. PvPer?...great. Just like to grind missions?....great. Our overriding goal is to supply a invested, interesting, involved and integral membership with the tools and opprotunities to not only enjoy and express their characters to the fullest, but to explore them, evolve them, and come away feeling like more than just a name on a roster. Quality and active members are our goal, not just large numbers, for the better interactiveness of all of us. Need friends at a certain time of day? People to team with for TFs or what have you? We're attempting to broaden our already healthy membership's playtime spread so that in concert with our active and populous coalitions to ensure that no matter what, teaming is easy.
At present there is no costume requirement, nor are members "required" to remain in SG mode at all times but it is requested that one does to help assist us in upkeeping a base that's both functional and complete for the enjoyment and convenience of everyone. As our experience together evolves, so might our needs but with communication and the investment of energy of our members, we're sure to come to terms with any changes, post haste.
With a focus on fun, character development, and the unity that is fundamental to a sense of family, The Justice Guard opens it's doors to any who would answer the call!
"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw
<-- boy
[u]Name[u]: The Legion of Freedom
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: We are looking for adult and adult-minded players of all ATs, levels and degrees of experience. We do not limit recruitment by age but find that older players tend to mesh better with the group, which ranges in age from mid-30s to early-60s. We are GLTB-friendly with a large proportion of GLTB members.
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-light. We are very RP friendly and frequently RP in teams. We are tolerant of MRP, meaning we explore mature themes in RP, -not- cyb0rz. You can certainly do that on your own time if you like but we reserve the right to tease you over it.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: The Legion is a old school, silver-age JLA-type supergroup, drawing together heroes of all backgrounds in a mutually supportive community. Members may RP within the context of any origin or background.
[u]Activity[u]: Our members are split between the east and west coasts of North America and are mainly active during the evening hours. We are looking to expand our membership, which has shrunk with the departure of some of our oldest members.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: We accept players of all ages, backgrounds and orientations. The only requirement is an open mind. Our members includes Christians and Pagans, gay and straight, right and left, but all united by our appreciation for the game and our mutual respect for ourselves and each other.
Many, many alts!
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]:
@Rainbow Avenger (Ringleader)
@Synergy One
@BeowulfinIA (recruiting)
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]:
CoH Forums: Rainbow_Avenger
[u]URL[u]: The Legion of Freedom
[u]Coalition(s):[u] Paragonian Knights. Cross-server mutual assistance coalition with Rainbow Alpha Force (RAF) (Victory).
[u]Other Details[u]: Founded by SnipeFu in 2004 and among the oldest SGs on Virtue. Private global channel. Two raidable hero bases, 2 VG bases (1 raidable). We also have a 50's SG which after 2.5 years operation is nearly full so we're looking forward to the cap bump!
We have an optional SG uniform, active forums with build advice, open RP threads and a core of highly knowledgable veteran players eager to help out newbies, whom we value as the lifeblood of the game. We prefer characters under lvl 30 be played in SG-mode but will happily disburse funds to lower level characters as needed. We do not demand prestige quotas of any kind.
"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age
Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue
Name: The Silver Guard
Currently Recruiting: Currently accepting all applications for supergroup membership
RP Level: Rp-required in supergroup and coalition channels
Theme/Concept: The Silver Guard operates under four basic founding principles - Trust, Truth, Protection, and Respect. These are considered the core ideals of the Guard, and are things we strive to uphold and embody in the fight against evil.
Activity: Membership activity times range primarily from 5pm until 12pm, with additional late-night activity on weekends.
Requirements for Membership: An application must be submitted at our website (located below), and applicants must meet up with Silver Guard officers for both an in-game IC interview and a short IC 'combat assessment' merely set up for additional RP time. Active members, barring some extraneous circumstances, are asked to log on at least once per 21 days.
David Tanner [Silver Leader]
Ernie Komodo
Leaping Lemur
Ozell One
Sally Sleet
In-Game Contact(s): @Sephorus - @sadronmeldir - @Vesveras
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Please contact Sephorus on the CoH forums (that'd be me!) for any additional information concerning the Silver Guard.
Coalition(s): The Shield of Paragon (RP-required coalition). Details available at for all current coalition members.
Other Details: We have a supergroup global channel available to membership, as well as a second global channel for the entire coalition.

Name: Society of Superheroes
Currently Recruiting: We are currently actively recruiting for potential officers and leaders of the group. We are trying to set up a core group of heroes before actively opening up our doors. However, please head to the site and apply for membership. ((Recruitment process will begin at the issuing of i11))
RP Level: We are a heavy RP SG.
Theme/Concept: The Society is based of the classic golden age theme of the comic books. Our inspiration is known groups such as the JLU,JSA, and more so from the Superfriends.
Activity: We are a newly founded SG, so our roster is low.
Requirements for Membership: There are no level requirements to join. Only requirement is that your hero is Golden/Silver age theme and that our members have fun.
Leadership: Marvel Maiden (until i11 comes out and it will be Captain Sentinel), Majestic Guardian, Earth Engine
In-Game Contact(s): @Maiden of Steel
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Send PM if would like more information.
Coalition(s): Currently do not have allies of now. We would like our rank to develop first before we consider such action. However, in the future we would like to develop friendship with many great SG in the city.
Please feel free to send PM or contact me ingame for any questions. Thank you
Name: Wolfen Legion
(motto: Live and Die for the Pack!)
Currently Recruiting: Accepting new members of all origins (please have a valid reason why your character is a Science or Technology origin), archetypes, and levels.
RP Level: We try to keep most chat in the SG channel IC and use an OOC channel for other chat. However, we are not RP-intensive and some of our members do not RP at all.
Theme/Concept: The Wolfen Legion is made up of a race of bipedal, humanoid wolves (Wolfen) from another plane of existence. They fled to this world centuries ago to avoid destruction at the hands of a demonic entity known as Necrom the Undying. Since that time, the generations of Wolfen have lived in the shadows of this world and carried on their fight against evil (which they view as Necroms hordes or his demonic influences upon this world).
The SG is a themed group and requires that members create their character in the following manner:
Color, Height and Body Size are completely up to you. However, most members have chosen to be Huge body type to represent the massive nature of Wolfen.
1. You must choose a Monstrous Head. Most members have gone with Beast 2, (please no Beast 6).
2. You must choose Monstrous: Hands (hairy), Monstrous: Legs (most go with hairy, but other non-tech options are okay), and Monstrous Claws: Feet (hairy).
Some members have chosen Monstrous Hairy for Chest and others have chosen some sort of armor, its up to you and how you want to depict your character.
3. Finally, you must have the word Wolf as the second part of your name. (For example, Platinum Wolf, Ice Wolf, Silver Wolf, etc.)
With the larger population base on Virtue, it has become difficult to find good two part names for Wolfen characters. Therefore, some members have went with three word names ending in Wolf; while others have used words in other languages (Spanish, German, etc.) to find an acceptable Wolf name.
Activity: We recently moved the SG from Protector to Virtue. As such, we are actively rebuilding our numbers. Most, if not all, of our current membership are in-game on a daily basis. Furthermore, we schedule SG events (pack hunts (mission & sewer runs), pit fights (SG arena matches), etc.) multiple times per week.
Requirements for Membership: Other than the basic build requirements, all we ask of our members is to be friendly and have a great time playing. If any assistance is needed just ask (in-game or via the SG forums) and a friendly and helpful Wolfen brother or sister will be to your assistance ASAP.
Leadership: Platinum Wolf (Alpha), Krieg Wolf (Council Elder)
In-Game Contact(s): @Ryzix (Platinum), @Rex Havok (Krieg)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): (CoX forum IDs) PhoenixRZ, Rex_Havok
URL: Wolfen Legion
Coalition(s): None at this time. However, there are plans (membership numbers allowing) of creating various tribes of Wolfen (as described on the Wolfen History Page) and having them all in one Coalition. But this will be at a much later date.
Other Details: Our Den (base) is under construction and should be finished in the near future. The Wolfen Legion membership covers a vast range of levels and while primarily located inside the United States, has members in all the time zones, ensuring that there are pack brother and sisters on at almost all times. Please take a moment to read the Wolfen History and some of the Wolfen Background Stories and it will help you create a background for your Wolfen character.
[u]Name[u]: The Reciprocators
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Currently taking in new members
[u]RP Level[u]: RP required. SG and Coalition channels are IC.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: A group of heroes willing to hit a little harder, similar to Daredevil and Batman. It doesn't matter how many broken bones you bring them in with, as long as they're alive to stand trial. Intentional killing is expressly forbidden.
[u]Activity[u]: 39 unique, active members. Peak hours are 6pm EST - 11pm Australian EST, with the busiest period being about 9-12pm EST. No specific days of the week seem to be busier than others, though weekends see more organised events.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Must file an application on the website and be reviewed by officers. Should be willing to take on the uniform of the Reciprocators and check the forums regularly, but this is not an absolute requirement. You will need to log in at least once a month.
Black Starbeam (Primary Tier)
Static Bolter (Primary Tier)
Pariah Flux/Tech Flux
Alexus Apollo/Alexus Apoiio
Kitsuki Kaijuko/Radiant Redemption
Officer Zap
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: @Scrier
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: This forum handle
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: Circular coalition, where all groups are coalitioned to each other, under the Shield of Paragon. Currently coalitioned with the Silver Guard, The Dawn Patrol, They Might Be Heroes, The Guardian Angels and the Mighty Brigade. The Coalition also maintains an RP space and alt area, for characters who don't fit the groups of the coalition.
[u]Other Details[u]: Base setup... as big as we can with plenty of distinct RP areas. The base is also raidable. Task Forces are done usually impromptu, though have been planned in the past, with an average rate of one per week. Ultimately what I'd like for the Reciprocators is a group of RPers, all looking to interact with each other as much as possible and to help others have a good time.
[/ QUOTE ]
Black Starbeam - The Reciprocators
Making money, not earning it.
Supergroup Name: Guardians of the Gate
Website (if any): Guardians of the Gate
Leader or Recruiting Officers: Dr. Quietus (@Golden Lodestar), Amazing Zatala
Preferred Method of contact: In-game or Board Forum
Guild Description:
As a new role-playing Supergroup on City of Heroes Virtue server, we are fans of magic-based comic book characters. We are light to heavy mission-based role-players and like our characters to have the distinctive individuality of the weird, wonderful world of four-color sorcery. Our inspirations come from every corner of illustrated fiction, from Golden to Modern age comics, to pulp novels with a Lovecraftian bent.
All of our heroes are of in-game Magic Origin or are magically themed in some way. We are team-oriented and are respectful of one another and the other heroes we encounter.
We are PG-13 in our role-play and do not aspire to overly mature themes involving sex, drugs, etc.
We have numerous contacts within the superhuman community and the potential to be involved with a powerful coalition once established. We have an arcane themed SG Base waiting to be filled with the treasures and trinkets our members bring forth.
In-game, we are the last refuge against mystical and otherworldly threats. We are the keepers of the light in a world filled with darkness. We are a bastion of hope against menaces most of the world cannot be bothered to believe in.
We are
the Guardians of the Gate.
All of our characters are of Magic Origin, magic themed, or freakish in some way. We draw our inspiration from all magic comic sources including the Golden, Silver, Bronze and Modern Age. Also accepted are characters inspired by the great works of H.P. Lovecraft and his style. And of course, there are many mystical influences in the game itself - Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon, etc.
Name: Golden Age Heroes SGs (Gods of the Golden Age & Young Gods of the Golden Age (young heroes))
Currently Recruiting: Recruiting "classic" style heroes, from the pulp magazines of the 1930s through the Golden and early Silver Ages of comic books (1940s-early '60s). Characters must have appropriate theme, name, and costume. No gimmicked names (misspelled, extra punctuation) allowed.
RP Level: RP at all times. Any OOC comments clearly marked with ((brackets)) or prefaced by <OOC> marker.
Theme/Concept: Heroes who feel their powers/abilities give them the responsibility to use those powers for good, despite any personal risks or sacrifices. No anti-heroes (aka Punisher), demons, gag characters, fantasy characters.
Activity: Medium to large group, mainly active evenings, some until wee hours of the morning, US time. We also have active coalition groups, so plenty of teaming is available.
Requirements for Membership: Must be at least somewhat active. Characters not logged in for extended periods (three weeks plus, usually) may be released with the option to rejoin when activity level increases. We request you run in SG mode at least until level 25, when you start losing prestige for being in SG mode. Any additional time in SG mode is greatly appreciated. It MAY be possible to contact SG leadership to have higher level charactes fund some of your enhancements if you are willing to help us earn more prestige, but that would be a rare case.
Leadership: Mr. Virtuous, Flambelle, Guidestar, Terratonic
In-Game Contact(s): Contact the characters above via ingame emails or /tells, or contact us on our website.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Via our GuildPortal website.
URL: the group's website: Golden Age Heroes
Coalition(s): Various RP groups.
Other Details: Must look good in spandex or pulp retro costume. New members bring the doughnuts for the monthly meetings.

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet
[u]Name[u]: World Heroes
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Recruiting
[u]RP Level[u]: We do love to RP, but we do have RP friendly / Non RP members
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: The World Heroes has a national personification theme. National personifications, in this instance, are people like Sir England, American Avatar, and any other hero that dons the colors or flag of their country as their uniform/costume. We are internationally themed, but do have quite a few American members and aren't averse to recruiting even more.
[u]Activity[u]: We have quite a few players in the supergroup, but the activity is very low (Which I am desperately trying to change). Our schedules seem to be spread across the clock face, and I haven't been able to get schedules from many of my players. My schedule is post midnight CST during the week, and afternoon until whenever on the weekends.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Must have at least one costume themed around the flag of your character's nation and player creativity and ingenuity is required (no intentionally misspelled names unless there is an RP reason and no unnecessary punctuation)
[u]Leadership[u]: Sir England, American Avatar, Freedom's Archer, The Liberty Bowman, Nana, Celtic Seer, Lady Inverness
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: @Angel Silhouette, @Azreal's Tears, @Dia Bolic, @Xiao Liang, @Siela
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: Contact us in the World Heroes Forums
[u]URL[u]: World Heroes
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: Shinsengumi, Hyperion Force, The Peacekeeper Initiative, International Superheroes League
[u]Other Details[u]: 2 base teleporters, salvage vault, invention table and enhancement storage. Access to all teleporters via PKI base.
Welcome to the new SG (hero group) directory for Virtue covering November 2007 to January 2008. Please quote this post and edit as needed for your SG listing if you desire. If something I have listed is irrelevant for you, don't worry about including it in your entry. If you can think of something major I don't have in this "template," feel free to let me know in a PM!
I'm going ahead and starting this since nobody else has & I started the VG one already & trying to get the attention to get the stickies swapped. Please help to be sure everyone knows this new thread exists by telling your friends who are SG leaders if you are not, especially until we get it stickied.
[u]Name[u]: SG Name
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'être
[u]Activity[u]: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
[u]Leadership[u]: character name(s)
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
[u]URL[u]: the group's website
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc. or whether it is an IC or OOC associate
[u]Other Details[u]: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal