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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    So now that CoH and CoV are the same game, would it be possible to get some balance for content?

    The villians have so many fewer zones, so many fewer Task forces and less of everything except class.

    What have the villains got for new zones or zone revamps that are NOT shared zones?

    As far as I know... errr.. anyone? anyone?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To my understanding that was the feedback that the CoV devs got from the playerbase when the game was designed; fewer zones, less TFs and more Story Arcs. Not that I agree with that feedback, but that seems to be the story I've read.

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    and if they were not "the same game" that would be ok, but now that they are offically "the same game" I dont think totally ignoring the villian side is a reasonable option anymore.

    That would be like only fixing up half your car, if you decided to fix one out of two autos up thats a choice, but to fix up half is just stupid.
  2. So now that CoH and CoV are the same game, would it be possible to get some balance for content?

    The villians have so many fewer zones, so many fewer Task forces and less of everything except class.

    What have the villains got for new zones or zone revamps that are NOT shared zones?

    As far as I know... errr.. anyone? anyone?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    I need to update my page, but im so behind on it.

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    Same! So many to do but sooooooooooo lazy....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    fail.. sorry your lazy isnt anything compared to MY lazy.
    MY lazy has vitamins and still doesnt do the dishes.
  4. *sighs*

    I need to update my page, but im so behind on it.
  5. Name: Branded

    Currently Recruiting: RP'ers who also run missions

    RP Level: Full time RP, minimal OOC, Must use (( and )) for OOC. Mrp-open

    PvP Level: Casual

    Theme/Concept: branded is a safe house for people who are Unwanted by others, and for people who are very wanted for death or jail. Many misfits within. No casual killers.

    Activity: Very active, on a heavy night we may have 15 accounts logged on, on light times 2-3. Night owls welcome.

    Requirements for Membership: Must be a Rp'er and be tolerent ot Mrp, alts restricted in promotions but allowed. I main per player. Must level more then once a blue moon, we dont need base sitters, our base is pretty much attached to the ground.

    Leadership: Woefull, Checkout Girl, Tera Volta, Luna Firespeaker, Millenial.

    In-Game Contact(s): @woefull

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Pm Woefull here for more info or questions.

    URL: http://woefull.proboards62.com/index.cgi

    Coalition(s): Denile and Widows Web

    Other Details: We offer mains with VV pages the chance to have there own rooms inside the base. We have a high RP, High activity group. Lots of fun people... well except woe.
  6. Name: Branded

    Currently Recruiting: RP'ers who also run missions

    RP Level: Full time RP, minimal OOC, Must use (( and )) for OOC. Mrp-open

    PvP Level: Casual

    Theme/Concept: branded is a safe house for people who are Unwanted by others, and for people who are very wanted for death or jail. Many misfits within. No casual killers.

    Activity: Very active, on a heavy night we may have 15 accounts logged on, on light times 2-3. Night owls welcome.

    Requirements for Membership: Must be a Rp'er and be tolerent ot Mrp, alts restricted in promotions but allowed. I main per player. Must level more then once a blue moon, we dont need base sitters, our base is pretty much attached to the ground.

    Leadership: Woefull, Checkout Girl, Tera Volta, Luna Firespeaker, Millenial.

    In-Game Contact(s): @woefull

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Pm Woefull here for more info or questions.

    URL: http://woefull.proboards62.com/index.cgi

    Coalition(s): Denile and Widows Web

    Other Details: We offer mains with VV pages the chance to have there own rooms inside the base. We have a high RP, High activity group. Lots of fun people... well except woe.
  7. Branded has been under going a lot of clean up and has really come a long way to being a group we all are very proud of and to be a member of.

    Check out some of our changes

  8. Name: branded

    Currently Recruiting: Yes, but slowly, we like to add no more then one person per week if it can be helped.

    RP Level: RP-intensive, we do allow ooc in (( and )) although discourage its use for long conversations.

    PvP Level: Casual PvP but have been known to visit a PvP zone in force from time to time.

    Theme/Concept: Branded is a group for social, physical or psychological misfits who have problems fitting in.

    Activity: We have about 12 unique accounts that log in nightly.

    Requirements for Membership: No requirements beyond playing and being able to Role play.

    Leadership: Checkout girl and Woefull

    In-Game Contact(s): Global @woefull

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Woefull

    URL: http://woefull.proboards62.com/index.cgi -registration required for board use.

    Having a problem with you career, social standing or just being able to get out of bed in the morning. It’s not unheard of and when you super skills or powers, it only makes it worse. Hunted? No problem.

    We can offer a warm bed, meals and the support you have been looking for so long. In our fully outfitted and powered secret sanctuary we have everything you might even want including acceptance.

    And when your ready we have a full group of meta powered outcasts just like you who will have your back when it is time for a little revenge. After that, the sky is the limit for the personal gratification you can acquire, and all the while you never have to do it alone.

    I’m sure you might be thinking “but not me!” Don’t be so down on yourself. We have members who have lobotomies, been institutionalized, deformed, abuse survivors, nymphomaniacs, ex-cult members and paraplegics. Whatever your personal hardship is, we have a place for you.

    We reserve the right to turn anyone away and are not accepting members who consume flesh or the souls of other members.
  9. Yes, I do find myself that bored. My Mrp and Erp standards are unreasonably high.

    Level 50 of course.
  10. Well if it's not you, it will be some other random person.

    Ask rook, she knows it's true. When im bored I go to the D and find a redside toon under level 15 and run them on missions untill they cant stand it anymore.

    In all honesty I bet I have given away over 200 levels to people I never talk to again.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    HRMMM Should I bother Woefull to take my Mastermind from 7 to 15.... 0_0

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quite honestly if you catch me when I'm not busy I'd be happy to level up your toon.

    I do it all the time, not a problem.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    As a newbie to Virtue RP, what are the distinctions between people who put RP, MRP, or universal RP in their descriptions?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rp- Role play. PG
    Mrp - Mature role play, adult themes, drug use R, rated
    Universal Rp - No idea beyond all types of Rp
  13. [u]Name[u]: Branded

    [u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Recruiting Rp'ers

    [u]RP Level[u]: RP-intensive, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial

    [u]Theme/Concept[u]: This group was started as a Mrp theme, but were looking to re direct it into a RP group first and formost

    [u]Activity[u]: At this time we have about 6 regular players, but a week ago we had 4, so it's growing

    [u]Requirements for Membership[u]: must be over 18 and not offended easily. Also should log in more then 2-3 times a week. Activity breeds activity in a group. Should also be willing to run missions.

    [u]Leadership[u]: Woefull and checkout Girl

    [u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @woefull

    [u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: You can leave Woefull a PM here

    [u]Other Details[u]: Branded started as a Mrp group, but we would like to bring it out and make it more of a Rp group with Mrp inside. Rp is more important then Mrp, just like RL is more important then CoX
    If you just want to troll for Erp, then this group isn't for you. If you want to Rp in a Mrp setting, then call us

    [/ QUOTE ]
  14. If you roll a villian I can get you to about 15 in two hours, give or take.

    All you need to do is find me @woefull and of course sign your name in blood on this contract. No no no nothing you need to read, it is all standard. Just sign.

    But seriously, this is what I do.. I find sub level 15 people and take them on some missions... It is a sickness... dont look at me!!

    I told them Id shoot, I told them.
  15. Realistically, you can make it back to 22 in one week and not really have to loose so much sleep. Just stop rp'ing for a few days.
  16. Thanks everyone.

    The character in question, woefull doesnt know she is going to die shortly. She just knows " my head is broken " so her announcing it to others wont really work.

    I am fully content as a player ( but a bit sad ) to let her die in her sleep. It happens in the real world all the time " wow did you hear that Mrs Wilkens just died in her sleep? Wierd huh? The doctors say she had a hairline fracture in her spine from the car accident two years ago."

    I am going to try to lay the clues out a little more, but im not going to directly tell anyone. If she dies.. she dies. If someone acts to help her, then it works. If no one does anything, it should be a interesting rp event.
  17. Good point, I had been making changes over time slowly, maybe too subtle to stand out. Things like she can’t open cans of soda, light a lighter or get the plastic off a pack of cigarettes. I have had her ask people to do it for her.

    I also have her make comments about her hands not working right, and not being able to wear certain shoes because she falls down.

  18. I’m curious about this and what people have to say about this.

    I have a character whom in game had her brain damaged. Since then I have been very slowly introducing more and more severe effects.

    It should be well known, with people that she talks to, the damage has never been treated.

    My personal goal was that as some time someone would in fact notice, and try to help her. Although people have noticed, no one has actually tried to help. I had hoped it would actually happen naturally, but it I had set a timeline that she would die before 2008 if no one acted.

    The lack of help I think is due to a couple issues
    1) Due to the damage, she can be difficult to communicate with, and people often get frustrated and avoid her.
    2) People who I –think- are getting the clue, usually at some point change to alts and are no longer involved
    3) This has been a very slow process and if you did not know her for a while, you would just think these are quirks.

    So with all that said, should I just have her die and be done with it? Or should I break character and tell them. Honestly I could just drop it and forget it, and no one would notice since I haven’t ever told anyone ooc.

    Thanks. I have only been actually Rp’ing for a little over a year now, and was looking for advice.
  19. Name: Branded

    Currently Recruiting: Yes

    RP Level: Heavy rp. All chat is IC unless the (( and )) are used.

    Theme/Concept: IC Kink group. OOC a Heavy Rp group. There is a difference between full time Rp and functioning Rp. We want to see if we can make one that functions but doesn’t give free license to run wild under the "its all just Rp" flag. For example; playing two alts on different sides of a fight without anyone’s knowledge while using ooc information to complicate things isn’t good Rp, it’s cruel and egotistical. If you want to discuss this please let me know, I'm happy to do it.

    Activity: Small selective group right now, growing over time we hope. We have no hesitation to kick members if there is no other choice.

    Requirements for Membership: No hard rules other then if your theme or concept wont work, it just wont work out. You concept and Rp may be the best in the universe, but if it doesnt work in gameplay, thats that. If you are making an alt for 2 hour a week cattle mrp call, can skip that also.

    Leadership: Checkout Girl and Woefull

    In-Game Contact(s): @woefull

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): woefull works for now

    Other Details: Eventually we would like to have a healthy size group with that included all aspects of the game (SF's PvP and PvE) as well as the Rp aspects.

    This is a group for grown ups who want to both play the mechanical game and Rp as well. If you are shy or lack maturity, this is not the group for you.
  20. Thats because there aren't any good blue side groups.

    It is just math.
  21. Now accepting applications for Branded.

    This group is under the leadership of Checkout Girl and Woefull. It is in the early stages, but applicants shouldn’t hesitate to give us a call if you want to know more.

    Applicants shouldn’t be skittish or shy.

    ((On to the ooc garbage.

    We are trying to make a Heavy Rp group so we can have some fun for whatever time we choose to spend in the CoX game. If you want to run missions like a banshee and chat with a group of fun people, call us. If you want to get hover and never leave the base again, call us. If you aren’t social, and just want to solo to 50 without ever talking to anyone, but want to have some people you can trust in case you need help, call us.

    If your not social, only use /t to talk, are demanding and are offended easily, don’t call us.

    I think there is a difference between good or excellent Rp, and Rp that works. Sure we could all make characters that are black at heart and evil to the bone. I'm sure the idea of making a compelling character that kills his or her lovers and eats them makes for great books, but in a cooperative effort it isn’t something that can function for long.

    Realistically how long can your happy go lucky thrill villain tolerate the twisted serial killer in close proximity before one or the other reacts.

    This group although is a serious Rp group, also recognizes the fact that Rp like anything else can be overdone until it becomes destructive to the fun factor of the game.))
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I only ask the questions on this, I was confused as to what this player wanted to do with her interview half the time I think she was in character the other out of character. Not even sure if english was the player's first lanquange.

    Again I am not responsible for what PLAYERS respond with. I handle the out of character interviews. Encounters is the in character interviews.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Three cheers for you in doing what you do, myself and I'm sure the vast majority of the players appreciate the effort you put out. I did not intent to insult your interview.

    I play on Virtue and I think we are slightly different animals then most of the servers.

    My comments are born due to my personal pet peeve as a full time villain on a "unofficial" role play server on heroic characters who are just villains who got in the wrong line, and everyone turns a blind eye.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    Apparently heroes are only villians that get parades and a brand of sugar cereal named after them.

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    Well that about sums up how I feel about heroes.

    I only play a hero at my day job.


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    Agree and since Im from virtue *glomp*
  24. Ref: QUEEN X " the hero "

    Sorry to be a nit-picker, but shouldn't your " Hero " who is chosen to represent something positive and heroic maybe not be overjoyed about [u]killing[u] people?

    "What other hobbies do you have?
    Hmmm… besides killing foes "

    "What is your favorite aspect of the game?
    ...you being a super-hero. Playing, and killing Arch-Villains "

    I enjoy the city scoop, but just had to say something about the murderess who ignores the same laws that protect her for personal satisfaction.

    Apparently heroes are only villians that get parades and a brand of sugar cereal named after them.
  25. Inevitable Evolution is still in Buisness and still willing to accept people into the group.

    Contact Run Riot or Strawberry Poundcake. You can also contact any member and get anything out of them they are willing to spill. If all else fails I *sigh* guess you can contact me @woefull.

    We are a solid group of RP'ers. We have all themes inside the group from very dark and twisted to light and fun with all shades in between.

    We do not allow active vampires, or anything that will consume any parts of our members, souls, fingers, eyes, etc etc.

    We do a good deal of internal grouping, and try to make an effort to run group only strike forces.

    We have about 50 members, and nightly hit about 10-18 people on line at a time.