Rp and missed issues, when do you step in?
Well, if you haven't told anyone, how should they know? For all it's worth, they probably thought that was your concept for that character and never even got the idea you'd like to change that as time went on. Most people's characters are very static and don't really change or grow from their experiences - by extension, this leads to people not usually wanting to 'mess' with someone else's concept, thereby bringing about feelings of ire and intrusion.
My suggestion is that you find one or more people to actively get involved in this, and that you inform them OOC that you really do wish your character to change. Otherwise, they'll likely just go, "Neat concept." and move on with their own business.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Good point, I had been making changes over time slowly, maybe too subtle to stand out. Things like she cant open cans of soda, light a lighter or get the plastic off a pack of cigarettes. I have had her ask people to do it for her.
I also have her make comments about her hands not working right, and not being able to wear certain shoes because she falls down.
You could have her ask for help in character.
If you want to be more subtle, you could have her go to doctors about getting helped, with them saying they aren't skilled enough to do anything.
Another is that she could announce that she is dying due to her condition. Have some episodes to emphasize it.
Other than that, DeviousMe hit it on the head, so to speak.
Ah, the 'character change due to other players' deal. I love that- It makes it seem like the universe, as well as its inhabitants, actually change each other.
This sounds like an awesome idea. Plus, it doesn't sound completely ridiculous- It even sounds like a real lesson-learning ordeal.
Even super-powered beings can be brought down by mortal illnesses- Take Captain Marvel for instance. Died of Cancer. Invulnerable to everything but mortal illness, pretty much.
I thought he died of being exploded by a Nuclear Missle while he was in human form while he was being controlled by Mr. Mind?
...I'm SURE I saw a comic of him dying due to Cancer... <_<
Then again, my memory is pretty crappy, so... Y'know, I could always be wrong.
I've had a character who's story is rather involved but on the surface she is a bit nutty. I've found it impossible for people to really take the initiative and delve deeper into why she is the way she is to say nothing of actually helping her.

I thought there were a few different Captain Marvels...
The cosmic being is immortal, but the "avatars" or "hosts" (the distinction in this particular case was never made quite clear, though it leaned heavily on "avatar") were vulnerable to all sorts of harm.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Because, you know, a hero named after the parent company and influenced only by writers who'se paycheques are signed by said company wouldn't REALLY stay dead.
You can't spell Slaughter without laughter
All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.
My thoughts on November 30.
... nothing to do with the thread (informing someone OOC is probably the simplest solution, as has been stated), but...
Marvel Comics:
Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell)- a Kree warrior (with the rank of Captain) become an Earth Hero; posessed of Cosmic Awareness, and declared the Guardian of the Universe, or something similar- fought using limited invulnerability, superstrength, flight, and energy blasts from "Nega Bands" that he wore that gave him some kind of connection to an alternate universe (the Negative Zone, to be exact). Was exposed to carcinogens during one of his adventures, survived for a good long while due to the 'otherworldy radiations' of the Nega Bands, which had the unfortunate side effect of rendering the cancer incurable when it finally overcame that. Died of cancer.
Captain Marvel II- Monica something-or-other, a New Orleans Harbour Patrol officer- gained superpowers somehow (accidental exposure to a mad scientist's doomsday device, if I recall correctly) and was able to turn into any form of energy. Joined the Avengers, did nothing special for a long while, then had a writer who was bright enough to realize exactly how ungodly powerful this ability was (she crispy-fried Zeus at one point... didn't kill him or anything, but he was pissed), and became the team's resident Deus Ex Machina for a while. Hasn't done anything much lately, but I don't think she's dead.
Captain Marvel III- The original Mar-Vell's son (Genis-Vell, to be exact). Kind of a dink, don't know much about him, but he had the same basic powers as his father, and also inherited the Nega Bands. Also not dead to the best of my knowledge.
Captain Marvel (Billy Batson)- The World's Mightiest Mortal, the Big Red Cheese, the one hero that DC will allow to equal Superman, and often used as his primary foil. Billy was about 12 for most of his existence, eventually allowed to age to about 16 (without much in the interim ), but turned into a big super-type in a flash of lightning when he yelled "SHAZAM"- the acronym for his powers (wisdom of Solomon, which was invariably written poorly, strength of Hercules, invulnerability of Achilles, presumably without the heel problem, power (I think) of Zeus, stamina of Atlas, and speed of Mercury), and also the name of the wizard who granted him his powers. Mr. Mind was one of his villains, although I don't think he's dead either- just retired and making the former Captain Marvel Jr. jump through hoops to become the next Captain Marvel. It might have been an Elseworlds story that he died in, but he's gone boom in any number of what-if-type stories.
There's been a lot of Captain Marvels running around >.<
And Grey, you're thinking of Captain UNIVERSE- a Marvel comics bit where people will randomly be transformed into cosmic-empowered avatars for some 'higher purpose'.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
The more you know.
You can't spell Slaughter without laughter
All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.
My thoughts on November 30.
((Woefull, other than the OOC comments to other players - previously mentioned - why not use an alt to communicate her condition to your regular playing circle? Whether the alt is on the same "side" or not is irrelevant. Maybe they're a Hero who picked up some intel from Vanguard or Longbow. Maybe they're a Villain who went traipsing through the Aeon City University Medical Center records.
And following that vein of thought, why not use a newspaper mission to flesh this out? I believe there are several where you have the option to kidnap a reporter or a nurse. Either could have been doing research on the event that caused the damage. Perhaps your character's reactions to the things that are said would help clue in your RP partners.
I wish you luck! ))
Writing: Cape Fic
Featured Art: MechaTerp & CorporateRock, by Shia
Music: DJ Pyrria

Thanks everyone.
The character in question, woefull doesnt know she is going to die shortly. She just knows " my head is broken " so her announcing it to others wont really work.
I am fully content as a player ( but a bit sad ) to let her die in her sleep. It happens in the real world all the time " wow did you hear that Mrs Wilkens just died in her sleep? Wierd huh? The doctors say she had a hairline fracture in her spine from the car accident two years ago."
I am going to try to lay the clues out a little more, but im not going to directly tell anyone. If she dies.. she dies. If someone acts to help her, then it works. If no one does anything, it should be a interesting rp event.
As a writer I think you are letting a chance to grow you and your character and experience very moving pass you by. Reach out to someone either IC or OOC. You will not regret it. In the end it is your choice though, and the death of a character you love will be something you always remember.
Had to toss in my two bits on Cap. Marvel. There was an issue of Avengers were Avengers East Coast fought Avengers West Coast because of an Omnipotent guy wanting kicks.
In the comic Silver Surfer fought him and used the whole of his Power Cosmic. SS was killed when the Cap. snapped his fingers and melted his armor away. Interestingly enough the one who won the battle was Hawkeye, he pulled a carnival trick against the omnipotent guy and it was all rewritten.
That Captain Marvel had ALL (Not partial as in Silver Surfers case) Use of cosmic power. He was so powerful he spent all of his time floating around on an asteroid drinking red wine because nobody had the juevos to fight him.
I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build
"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad
I think you may be getting two storylines mixed, or possibly two characters, since I actually have the comic (er, one of the comics) you're referring to-
Neither the Silver Surfer nor Captain Marvel (er... the female Captain Marvel, Monica... Flambeau, I think it might have been, was probably there- it's the right era- but she's not the one you're talking about) were members of the Avengers, East or West Coast.
The storyline you're talking about was a plot by the Grandmaster to game with Death to resurrect one of his buddies (and gain immortality when she got pissed with him and kicked him and his buddies out). Hawkeye performed a quick bit of sleight of hand ("I've got two arrows left; one with a head, and one without. If you can guess which hand the arrow with the head is in, you win; if you guess wrong, I win and things go back to normal." Then he snapped the head off the arrow that the Grandmaster correctly guessed, confusing and distracting him just long enough for Death to break loose and curbstomp the Grandmaster and return the Avengers to life... a great postscript to that story was after everything got returned to normal, the Avengers went back to their baseball game between the two teams, and Captain America- the only other one with Hawkeye at the time when he pulled a carny trick on the Grandmaster- whispers to the umpire "Watch Hawkeye. He cheats.")
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
My memory isn't what it used to be, but for some reason that idea is still stuck in my head. Silver Surfer was there because he was with the fantastic four when they were teleported. I want to believe that the game master dropped SS in space. He started flying around and saw the bloke {red shirt, blonde hair if that helps} and said something like "Captain Marvel? What in the Multiverse?"
And the bloke replies with "I was bored and he said I would be able to fight someone able to weild the Power Cosmic. Pity it's a peon such as you."
Then boom.
I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build
"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad
.. but the Fantastic Four weren't there either!
So confused >.<
Of course, I think the FF may have banged heads with the Gamesmaster as well... dunno. Although in the storyline in question, Death was resurrecting all kinds of heroes to fight the Avengers.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
Death brought back Bucky to fight Captain America. . .BUCKY I lost all respect for the man(?) as soon as I saw that.
I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build
"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad
When I first heard of Bucky, I expected a half-buck half-man hybrid. Maybe half-platypus too, just 'cause it's already a mix of everything but buffalo.
MAN, I was disappointed.
Though, it's better than something half-man, half-bear, half-pig.
No dude it's Pigbearman.
Really I thought it was Bearpigman.
I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build
"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad
I personaly do not attempt to alter someone elses character without OOC prompting. some people like the tormented characters to never quite get what they need and id hate to mess that up. Although since one of my characters spends a lot of time with woe and now that i see what the player wants there might be something that can be done.
Im curious about this and what people have to say about this.
I have a character whom in game had her brain damaged. Since then I have been very slowly introducing more and more severe effects.
It should be well known, with people that she talks to, the damage has never been treated.
My personal goal was that as some time someone would in fact notice, and try to help her. Although people have noticed, no one has actually tried to help. I had hoped it would actually happen naturally, but it I had set a timeline that she would die before 2008 if no one acted.
The lack of help I think is due to a couple issues
1) Due to the damage, she can be difficult to communicate with, and people often get frustrated and avoid her.
2) People who I think- are getting the clue, usually at some point change to alts and are no longer involved
3) This has been a very slow process and if you did not know her for a while, you would just think these are quirks.
So with all that said, should I just have her die and be done with it? Or should I break character and tell them. Honestly I could just drop it and forget it, and no one would notice since I havent ever told anyone ooc.
Thanks. I have only been actually Rping for a little over a year now, and was looking for advice.