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Levi Nox. Yep that's me. Completely irresistable, devilishly handsome, and a helluva pool player. I'm gonna tell a story, you're gonna listen. Why? Because you know you want to. This might take a minute to tell, but I know you have time.
The Greyhound rumbled up the road heading toward our final destination on our long, long trip running away from home. Why running away? Same for most mutants I guess. Our parents couldn't handle us being freaks, mom flipped out and hurt herself. So me and my twin, that would be Eli, dipped out. We took off running like a bat outa hell. Now we are almost in Paragon. Land of the free, and home of the hoplessly freakish. We're gonna fit right in.
So what makes us different? Why did my mom flip out when Eli got mad? That's a little harder to explain. See six months after we dissappeared like dust in the wind I came home, well the dilapitated house me and my brother were squatting in until my table hustling paid off, to find my brother sitting at the half rotted table with a mystic that said she had been looking for both of since our abilities had sent out their ripple into the ether. So Eli, turns out the little emo is a living portal to a realm called the Fade. A place full of all the things that go bump in the night. All of who are scrambling away on the other side of his barrier trying to rip him a new one (literally) and escape into our world.
Then there's my glorious self. I'm the standing embodiment of the Aether. Basically the opposite of my brother. Go figure. So basically I'm a conduit for pure asskicking energy that never runs out and never slows down.
Anyway, thought the mystic chick was kinda hot. Then she pulled a BIG knife out of her robe and tried to split my brothers chest down the middle. I had my pool cue and me and my brothers reflexes run along the same line. So while I beaned her in the back of the head, snapping my precious cherry wood baby in half, my brother let the portal in his soul open just a little. Unfortunately it was enough for the tip of one of the womans fingers to enter. Thats all it takes with my brother. Give him a peice and what's inside of him will take the rest. The woman barely had time to scream before those shadowy arms reached from within my brother and pulled her in.
And that's what brings us here. A halfdead greyhound cruising along right into the heart of Paragon City. First stop? Atlas Park. Heard they have a hot little blonde hero training newbies there, sounds about perfect to me. Second stop? Food and a pool hall.
Think this is where I'm gonna stop for now, leaving it a cliff hanger just ain't my style. So, I'll letcha know how it goes, when it goes.
((This is the story of my set of twins on Virtue. Levi Knox, and his brother Eli. This is my first attempt at a RP story on the forums in a long time, hope you enjoy this little journey as much as I hope I will.)) -
((I had only planned to enter four char's in this RP. All with normal powersets who were neither the strongest or the weakest. . .But this seemed like a good way to write a decent death for two of my best toons. Once that is done I will resume my journey with my original four.
Maybe by then everything will have calmed down and this thread will have gotten back on track.
Oh and no worries En. I can always ret-con Bang and Dax into other RP's.)) -
How can I put this, your characters have a flavor most of mine lack. I'm trying to get over a bout of writer's block and get back to work on my own thread. But the way this looks already, it could turn out to be as good as Grey's Army.
Dax heard Bladewing's announcement and let a dark smile mar his face. He separated into his crystal cloud form and reappeared, surrounding the nodachi. Dax let the kinetic energy inside his crystals disperse and then focus onto the saurian's sword.
He then sharpened himself and added his considerable mass to the sword. "So man, you ever hit someone with peice of your friend that was fifteen feet long and weighed in excess of a ton??"
Bang sat up and spit some of Ruladek's stomach acid out of his mouth, "OY! This bloke has a sweet tooth, cause I had to wrestle with a giant candy bar in there." Bang noticed the now crystal sword and let a fiendish grin break out across his face.
"OY! Daxipoo, how bout a little more energy??" Bang ripped his mask off allowing pure chaos energy to roar toward the energy siphoning blade.
Dax cringed and let his crystal make a hole so that the chaos energy wouldn't touch him and degrade his crystal body. Kaega shrugged. He didn't need to add his own energy to the sword. . .did he?? -
((Trust me, 'Wing is gonna play a part in it and E-X if Tech wants to join in the battle. I think you'll have fun with Marty and Justice, after all they did hang around the DWC when they were kids.))
((Bang ain't a hero. Will elaborate more later when he goes crazy. Never intended for him to go to Bastion any way. I thought it would be cool for Bang and Dax to have a big DBZ style fight then take them out of the thread. The only ones I had intended to be in this thread were Justice, Marty, Arran, and Dee.
Sorry for any confusion.)) -
*POP* A Wolf-spider looked over his shoulder and received a dagger to the left eye socket. "OY I've gotsa loverly bunch of cookanoots sittin up one an two an three!"
Bang walked to the edge of the platform he had appeared on, unzipped his fly, and began to noisily urinate with the force of a firehose onto the cockpit of an Arachnos Flyer. "What the hell do you think youre doing!?!" Shouted an approaching soldier.
"Oy mate, If'n you knew how long I'dd been waiting to do that you'dd just let me," Bang shouted as he zipped up his fly and roughly dissappeared. He'd never seen what the hub of Arachnos looked like and it had been an interesting experience.
With another pop he appeared behind a Bane Spider. "Oy. Mate your main base ain't as impressive as I thought it'd be. . .they let me walk straight up to one of their fliers and take a leak right on the wind sheild."
Before the soldier could even turn around Bang had snapped his kneck four times in different dirrections. He had appeared in the bowls of an Arachnos strong hold who knew where and who cared. It was time for fun!
Dax looked the saurian straight into his right eye. "I got a bad feelin about this one buddy. Bad feeling." -
((This is going to be excellent Grey. Rachek has always stuck out to me in your other threads and I'm glad to see that he has finally gotten his own thread. I can't wait to see where this will go.))
The blast struck Kaega dead center and flung him backwards. He slid across the ground as if he had been struck by a speeding 18-wheeler. Arget acted on it's own quickly flipping over and stabbing to the hilt into the ground, halting Kaega's movement.
This wasn't a particularly smart move on Ruladek's part. See Kaega was the first one to introduce Dax to human's and allowed Dax to begin developing a personality. Kaega was also the one that showed Bang how to work a microwave. . .lets just leave it at they were pissed.
Bang had wormed his way into the giants stomach. He looked around and noticed a sore, "Oy the big lugg's got a bleepin ulcer." Bang smiled as he ripped his mask off and released a Torrent of chaos energy at the weakened section of stomach lining.
Dax began to get skinnier, the crystals in both the air and land mass began to flow to ward his right arm at once, and formed a giant drill that would give any guy who worked on an oil rig nightmares. He reared back and launched the spinning crystalline device of death at the giant's midsection. -
((I claimed the Shard. It's more green glowing crystal islands than anything now and all part of Dax while he's there. Since he's not its kinda in power down mode))
Bang jumped three or four times in the air roughly bringing his boot heels down on Bladewing's shoulder, "YeahYeahYeahYeah DEATH-DESTRUCTION-MAYHEM lets go killem all"
Bang leapt into the air and promptly dissappeared. The crystal cat looked at Bladewing, "From all the chaos caused by those deaths he has gotten stronger. We will have to keep an eye on him. You never no when he will pop." -
((Yeah I think the original intention of the thread was to be a future version of the two super school threads they got going. I knew as soon as I posted that would go down the drain fast. Always seems to happen when I show up.))
"Nah mate. 'Kega gone. He left right at the end," Bang said as his quicksilver mask changed from the sunny smile to a crying mask with a single teardrop under one eye.
Dax looked first at Bang and then at Bladewing, "It's okay man, what you gotta realize is that Kaega had lived far longer than he ever wanted to. He even got to see his son right before the end, that put a smile on his face."
Storm clouds had started to build. Maybe it was a natural occurence, or maybe it had something to do with the painful memories going through the chaos god's head. -
Dax's back bristled as hundreds of crystalline spikes grew from his back and then launched themselves all at once toward Ruladek's eyes. They flew as if they had a mind of their own.
Kaega launched himself into the air, Arget glowing with enough energy to light a small galaxy for a few hours. He positioned himself so that his sword would peirce the giant's spine right between his shoulder blades.
Bang was having difficulty wiggling through the giants cirrculatory system. Yeah the bloke was gonna atleast have a bad case of heart burn from the wriggling chaos being. -
Bang nodded quickly headbutting the saurian in the juevos five more times before pointing over Bladewing's shoulder, "Kitty ober der"
Dax chuckled, "Good to see your defenses still waver in atleast one place. So what are we doing now, 'Wing? Still trying to destroy the forces of evil while killing boredom at the same time? Or have we given up on killing boredom and just began to slap around every one in an attempt to find someone strong enough to actually fight?"
The crystal cat quickly did a double take to make sure no one had over heard him, it wouldn't do him any good for anyone to know he was anything but a green cat. Bang pulled the rest of his body through the portal and jumped up onto Bladewing's shoulders. "Oy! Lets go find us some dames and get me welcome home party started!" -
Bang looked with wonder at the arm that was half in, half out of nothing. "Man I haven't seen anything like that since me, you, 'Kega, and Morin took that little trip to Guam and 'Kega decided that the bartender had one arm to many," The jester said while making a face at the cat.
"Don't remind me. I had to play peace maker that time and we ended up causing a civil war," The cat said as it leapt forward through the hole.
Bang looked around for a second as if to make sure no one was watching, "I wonder if I can do that." Bang spent the next ten seconds trying to stick his right arm through his stomach before finally succeeding. "Man it sucks being this weak. At full power I could swallow my leg up to the knee without a problem, now I have trouble even sticking myself through. . .myself."
"Oh well guess I should pop in and say hello to 'Wing," Bang said as he shoved his body through the hole head first resulting in Bladewing getting headbutted in a very sensitive area (I think, well it would be on a human male) before looking up at the saurian's face, "OY!"
All of a sudden Bang seemed to be every where at once, hugging the dark saurian and kissing him, "Mate, if you knew how long I've waited to see ur ugly mugg. Now I know I'lll get to destroie something." -
((Swing and a miss, En. She is and forever will be insane to the point of being dangerous. Looks like things are heating up to the point of being fun.))
"OY! Daxipoo? I don't suppose you know how to get back to where ever it is you came from?" Bang said looking quizzically at the crystal feline.
"No idea. I latched a crystal onto Bladewing when we came to see if you were out here. Guess I could send him a message for extraction. Let's just hope we don't have to fight anything till we have back up," The cat said as it scratched his ear.
"Sounds likee youve lost youur spiiiiirit kittty," Bang said as he bent closer to the cat. He still was no where near fully powered.
"Shut up you idiot of a jester. Presiding over your realm while your friends die and dissappear doesn't prove beneficial to ones fighting spirit."
Fourth Scale to the Left of the Second Scale on 'Wing's Arm
A small green crystal turned red and broke apart to form a miniature humanoid form no more than a quarter of an inch tall. The figure looked around before it realized how tall in comparison to the others around it. It shrugged it's shoulders and began to climb up the saurian's scales.
Once it reached his shoulder it walked across his shoulder and stopped right beside his ear. It then spoke in a voice on par with the decibal level of a fog horn, "WE ARE READY COME PICK US UP!" -
Bang floated in the air in the lotus position, "Oy! Daxipoo! Mind givin me a boost?????"
Dax looked around, "Damn Chaos dude. Kaega you and Dax ready to pull the up and over steam roller?"
Kaega nodded, Bang clapped gleefully. Dax reached out a hand and grabbed each of them by the back of the kneck. He summoned more of his crystal cloud from the air and added it to the crystal mass in his arms. He reared back and threw the two at Ruladek's face.
Halfway through the flight Kaega poured his love of battle into Arget and released the swords inner power. Glowing a brilliant white, the sword sand into the giants chin. Bang landed a little bit lower. . . .crotch level actually. Bang dissappeared inside Ruladeks skin, "EEEEEEK! Dax! Where did you throw me???"
Dax couldn't answer, he was too busy rolling on the ground laughing. -
Bang's physical self let out a gurgle as the Scarlet Eye left his body. He fell backwards, the world fading around him.
*THUMP* "I don't remember you being such a wimp," Said a musical voice that shounded like the chime of breaking glass.
Bang looked around him and saw that he was braced from falling all the way to the ground by a chair made of luminous green crystal. "Ohhhhhhh, SHINY!" Bang said as he looked around for the person who had said something. He looked left, noone, he looked right, noone.
"Doofus I'm down here," Said a voice from shoe level.
Bang looked down and saw a green crystal cat. Bang cocked his head to the side and looked quizzically at the cat, "That is so frikken cool, man! A talking cat! In all my years in Paragon I've seen loads of weird crap but I've never seen a talking cat!"
Bang reached down and picked the cat up behing the front arms and began lazily dancing around in a circle, "I say this calls for a song of discovery, a song of rapture, a song of endless love!" Bang stopped his spinning, the light in the area seemed to dim to nothing.
A single beam of light came out of the sky spot lighting Bang, who was now dressed in a white suite jacket, "Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you d..."
Green luminous claws seemed to come from every direction, shredding the jacket and slicing into Bang, "Idiot it's me, Dax. And If you ever decide to treat me like a normal house cat I'll kill you. And don't ever sing that song again."
Bang looked around, "Were'nt you taller the last time I saw you? 'Sides What should we do now?" -
Bang laughed gleefully as his side of the mentalverse faded away into blackness. Two pinpoints of red light appeared floating in the air in front of the elemental. "Granted," The voice seemed to come from every direction and from none, from both the inside and the outside.
The rows of chaos elementals all snapped into movement at once, the glass that housed them shattered into non-existence. The elementals streamed through the air, all whispering their name to the chaos elemental before invading his body and adding their power to his.
All the while the masked laughed, "It appears as if my body is now whole. Still, I shall not join with you yet. In the proverbial frat-boy sense this chaotic keg isn't even tapped yet, and I intend on drinking my fill."
"Leave." The voice commanded, a rend in the air appeared behind the elemental. -
The peals of laughter shattered the throne. "So you where my first born? The one with the strength, guile, and skill to evade me through the millenia. There were one-thousand-and-one elementals released from me and scattered throughout the whole of reality. I have captured one thousand, and you are the last.
"But without an opponent living in this here and now would grow boring and irrelevant. Fine, do not swear in the old language, swear in the language of chaos. I will restore the power that is your birthright on these conditions: Never choose only one side in a battle-play both against the middle, never allow a mortal to know your true name or my identity, and finally do not allow anyone to know the extent of your power beyond what they themselves are capable of comprehending and battling on equal standing," With every condition that was spoke glowing red letters appeared in the air spelling out each of the conditions. If the elemental looked close enough he would see that behind each of the letters stood an elemental that mirrored the Scarlet Eye, and each where being put through methods of torture only thought of in a realm of chaos.
"The elementals you see there were each offered the same thing as you. They could not follow my conditions so now they will never again get the chance to wreak havok on the human world," With every word cracks appeared in the landscape allowing red light to shine through.
Within what seemed like the lifetime/second that was the longest/shortest that any being could experience the mental landscape dissappeared until around the two humanoids where row upon row of chaos elementals. Each of the elementals were housed in glass jars, and each looked either very pissed or very bored.
"Do you accept, my first born?" -
The mask chuckled darkly making the conjoined mindscapes shudder. "Do not be fooled. He is more than merely insane. He has spent enough time in my prescence to have gained chaos power equal to one tenth your own," The mask had a disquieting way of speaking both on the inside and the outside of a being. The chaos elemental would feel every word down to his core.
Bang on the other hand was busy fuming on his mini-mini-train. "OY! Yah want power?? Guess what mate, he says that if you swear in the old language, the language of the gods, that you won't harm me-he will give you power. I suggesting you take it 'cause if you don't and you leave me flippin head I'm gonna crush you pahdna."
Meanwhile, the Dax cat sat on the outside of the two inner warring quazi-deities contemplating whether the government had released any new flavors of cat food since he had been asleep. -
OOC: Sorry about my extended absence graduated from highschool and got stuck at my moms for a month long party. Still recovering from that actually. Can anyone catch me up?
Deffinately am interested in this. Bang and Dax are both gods so to speak already. . . .Bang is a human who wears the mask of the Once Chaos God and is trying to regain that power. Dax is a crystaline figure who hasn't been defeated yet. He can reshape the world as long as he can plant his crystals in water (Problem there, if water hits his origin cluster he grows uncontrollably and looses his sense of self) if he wants too.