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  1. Shield Wall Proc +3 Resistance to All for sale 2.1b

    lvl 50
  2. Fights in D.
    if both parties want to.. who cares.

    RP power via actual level.
    for me it is just a tad easier to feel powerful on a powerful character so I level them and build them in mids and push them to be as self sustaining as they can be and overpowered as the numbers allow for pve and pvp if possible.

    Powers you don't have literally via the game engine?
    I am also ok with this. Of course abusers like super mind boinkers will just be ignored made fun of and pointed at. No one wants you to walk around with your deus ex all powerful /compared to you/ character and push you around. It is unpleasant to be
    manipulated by psychics that put /no effort/ into a story or colorful character. Perhaps before you try the mind boink try roleplaying with the person and stop using it as a crutch to break the ice that just creeps people out.

    If a level one annoys you tell them to meet you in Grandville or Peregrine and just stand near evil npcs and the problem might take care of itself?

    there seems to be two camps. The I am going to roleplay my city of heroes character being in the city of heroes world as they stand. Vs the I use city of heroes as a graphic text based roleplay engine. Both parties in theory can get along but there are fundamental differences that are going to cause snags. Understand that and deal or avoid. Also read closely power descriptions.

    Above all else you are the author of your stories write them how you want, there is nothing you can't roleplay into that you can not roleplay out of. The most well played village idiot is still an idiot.
  3. *tosses an ewok holding an armed thermal detonator through the door and runs*
  4. if you find a really neat name that's taken and has a global. ask them if you can have it.

    I got a couple really nice because I was crying about getting them and they were taken. A friend just simply asked the owners.

    thank you Talen :P

    If the owners say no. ask how much IG items/money it would take to get them. You might be surprised. Or offer to team with them to get another character to that level with a different name. Trade them one of your good names your not using.
  5. can we all get back to pretendy fun games now?

    good luck finding rpers to have fun with! Welcome to virtue. the servers are back up!
  6. id put the kissmet in frozen armour
  7. I have a elec/nin stalker with danger sense tactics+perc proc. I thought this would allow me to see stalkers at ten feet. I noticed today in rv that this puts me exactly 1 foot short of seeing them at all.

    I was in RV yesterday and was seeing them at ten feet.. so perhaps I had the perc buff secondary mutation or something.

    My question is if the above mentioned powers are not enough to see them, what is? I know veats can see them around 100ft, Id like to stick to my /nin stalker.



    just got the answer, i also need to add hero power pool target drone. so 4 perc bumps or no seeing stalkers.

    mods can delete this if they want
  8. I would suggest you take the sharks hold and sharks. The hold changes the game for a stalker.

    do not take parry, you will not be standing around using it


    sharks hold

  9. tactics aim build up power build up kismet unique

    these powers exist specifically to ruin your fun on a def based anything.

    shadow meld might be a viable option for you, with enough recharge and timing
  10. get it to 50 asap and play it and have fun. game time is to short to worry about nerfs
  11. virtue seems to be stuck in a mapserving loop after the maint window
  12. I would suggest against ar/dev for low damage no buildup or aim.

    you might get lucky in zones if you stealth around and snipe almost dead stalkers or corrupters..
  13. Name - Raincheck
    Global Contact - @check
    Level of Classification- 50 brute
    Origin - mutation/magic
    Villian Group - branded
    Optional - [X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.
    specialty - Pilon/giant rikti punching

    Name - Chaste Virtue
    Global Contact - @check
    Level of Classification - 45 scrap
    Origin - mutation
    Super Group - Midnight City
    not willing to lead squadron
    specialty - magus hunting
  14. I second the keep trying. Sometimes RP missfires happen.

    Just don't forget that if you rp'd your way into it you can rp your way out of it.
  15. its so much better then aid self you will never look back. it is a game changer for /elec
  16. Thank you very very very much Deebs!! I love it!!
  17. Checkout

    The Grind to 50

    also those rwz missions get you vanguard merits way faster then they used to.
  18. Checkout


    I like devices for pve and pvp. Mine was leveled to 50 Pre ED. with sets i have a perma 15% dammage bonus. stealth cap and perception is pretty high. I don't have any trouble rolling along with a full team dishing out FA on almost every spawn, immobolizing AVs with web nade or placing 18 mines down to take that first chunk off them. With perma gun drone (if i feel like resumoning it all the time) you can drag it into spawns to take the alpha strike.

    one thing you must realize is the play style differs greatly between solo and a team.