Super Group (Villain) Directory Feb. '08-June '08
Name: The Wraith
Currently Recruiting: In a sense.
RP Level: Full RP/RP Friendly.
PvP Level: Casual
Theme/Concept: Essentially it formed as a vanity SG for Flea however it can easily develop into a small mercenary group based around the principle of 'freedom'.
Activity: So far it's just me. Activity is...well...variable. I'm here a fair bit.
Requirements for Membership: Don't piss me off and you're pretty much good.
Leadership: Flea Mark Evil, Flea Mark Typhoon
In-Game Contact(s): @Not A Flea Honest or @Crystalline Nightmare
Out-of-Game Contact(s): ....Er...hi?
URL: Feel free to ignore this bit.
Coalition(s): Not being revealed, not IC as of yet.
Other Details: This is sparta....wait.
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Name: Wraith Spiders
Currently Recruiting: Always
RP Level: Heavy RP SG Chat is always IC, we have a global for OOC chat.
Theme/Concept: Arachnos The Wraith Spiders are the elite Arachnos unit dedicated to serving and protecting Ghost Widow.
Activity: Very Active out of our 70 current characters on the roster, 50+ are different players, and around 25 are consistantly active. We usually see anywhere from 10-15 people on on weekends, while during the week we usually see 7 or 8.
We mostly play EST/EDT, but have several players in other timezones.
Requirements for Membership: None, so long as your character serves/wants to serve Arachnos and Ghost Widow We are a military-styled SG, and saluting/respecting officers and commanders is required. While some backtalk is fine (and at times, encouraged), too much may get your character in trouble, and possibly kicked from the VG. This is NOT, however, an OOC issue, and you will not be removed from the global, nor the site, nor anything. If one of your chars is kicked, you are still free to retconn the actions that caused the kick (or write them off however you want), or bring a different char into the SG. We *never* take IC concerns OOC.
Leadership: Huntsman Fury, NightWidow Lysarien, and Tessella
In-Game Contact(s): @Green mantis (NightWidow Lysarien)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Gila-Girl here on the CoH boards
Coalition(s): Several, ad willing to take more! (if theres an IC reason for it)
Other Details: We ALL look that good
Name: Legacy of Tyrant
Currently Recruiting: Always looking for more people. We also reserve the right to retract our invitation if you are not working out.
RP Level: Non RP....
PvP Level: hard-core arena/zone (Its what we do)
Theme/Concept: No general theme. Show up and play hard.
Activity: 30ish active members. with alts. Just did a purge of inactive people.
Requirements for Membership: Interest in PvP. I nudge people to not have alts in other VGs to build a sense of unity. Most comply. I dont tweek if people dont follow that rule though
Leadership: Leadership follows the player not the Toon.
In-Game Contact(s): @-Syn (PvP) @Hot Temper (PvE)
URL: Legacy of Tyrant
Other Details: We do the LRSF alot many of us have the master of badge. We also run Cap TFs alot. But our main focus is PvP.
Name: Survivors of Vega
Currently Recruiting: We are currently recruiting all levels of RP'ers.
RP Level: RP-intensive - 24hr Roleplay if you care to partake.
Theme/Concept: We are the Survivors of a doomed planet. stranded on earth by the crash of our ship - The Bluestar. See the website for the full story.
Activity: We have over 60 characters played by 20+ active members. There are normally 12-15 active players during peak time most evenings.
Requirements for Membership: Must be willing to RP and have a good sense of humour.. You will need to rename or roll a new toon to enter the VG.
Leadership: Queen Xena, Vindicator Xahou, Didatch
In-Game Contact(s): @Queen Xena, @mahoutie
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Mahoutie,
Coalition(s): War Aegis, 5th Remnant, Silvermoon Pub and Inn, Der Wille von Mahakali, In the loop (I'm bound to have forgotten somebody!)
Other Details: The group is based around 24hr RP, with an ongoing story and weekly RP and social events. We have a large main base (The Bluestar) with everything you would expect from a large VG. We run regular mission teams, currently we have eight level 50s in the group with several members in their 40's. For more information please see the website
Name: branded
Currently Recruiting: Yes, but slowly, we like to add no more then one person per week if it can be helped.
RP Level: RP-intensive, we do allow ooc in (( and )) although discourage its use for long conversations.
PvP Level: Casual PvP but have been known to visit a PvP zone in force from time to time.
Theme/Concept: Branded is a group for social, physical or psychological misfits who have problems fitting in.
Activity: We have about 12 unique accounts that log in nightly.
Requirements for Membership: No requirements beyond playing and being able to Role play.
Leadership: Checkout girl and Woefull
In-Game Contact(s): Global @woefull
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Woefull
URL: -registration required for board use.
Having a problem with you career, social standing or just being able to get out of bed in the morning. Its not unheard of and when you super skills or powers, it only makes it worse. Hunted? No problem.
We can offer a warm bed, meals and the support you have been looking for so long. In our fully outfitted and powered secret sanctuary we have everything you might even want including acceptance.
And when your ready we have a full group of meta powered outcasts just like you who will have your back when it is time for a little revenge. After that, the sky is the limit for the personal gratification you can acquire, and all the while you never have to do it alone.
Im sure you might be thinking but not me! Dont be so down on yourself. We have members who have lobotomies, been institutionalized, deformed, abuse survivors, nymphomaniacs, ex-cult members and paraplegics. Whatever your personal hardship is, we have a place for you.
We reserve the right to turn anyone away and are not accepting members who consume flesh or the souls of other members.
[u]Name[u]: Swords of Anarchy
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Currently looking for new members. We're not interested in numbers, but would like to find active villain players who like to have a good time.
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-friendly! Many of us rp while teaming. The global channel is OOC, and we have been known to have rp nights, both spontaneous and planned.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Swords of Anarchy is home to many kinds of villains, with our primary focus being spreading chaos and dissension in the Isles, and getting as much enjoyment as we can out of it. Many of our members tend to be primal, driven, spur of the moment people.
[u]Activity[u]: Our active membership at the moment is very small, probably 3 or 4 people that are on every night, with 6 or 7 others joining in occasionally. We're looking to expand that. We're mostly in the eastern time zone, but not all of us keep regular hours so our active times vary.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Membership on our forums is required to join. Full membership after a 2 week trial period. Required to sign in at roll call on the boards every 60 days (roll calls are announced, and more or less a reminder to log alts in. Many of us have alt-itis and need the reminder!).
[u]Leadership[u]: Terra Silva
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @Darkfaith for in-game contact(s)
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: Darkfaith on the Official forums.
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: We have coalitions with two small groups to allow them access to our base. Always interested in discussing coalitions with other groups! We also have close association with the hero group E-Branch, with much shared storyline, rp, and writing (several of us from both groups write).
[u]Other Details[u]: Large base with teleporters to all zones, rez facilities, tons of storage for full members, empowerment stations (both tech and arcane), invention table, vault, Pillar of Ice and Flame, Oracle, significant amount of rp space (currently in redesign after the prestige grant).
Name: Mercs Inc.
Currently Recruiting: YES! Currently Im looking for like minded, mature RPers.
RP Level: Medium RP - Most of my gaming time is spent in character.
Theme/Concept: Mercs Inc. is a combination of assassins, thieves, ex-military and even ex personal security employees who were recruited by a wealthy private investor to act as a special ops team, able to strike at a moments notice. Kidnapping, personal protection and even assassinations are not out of our job descriptions.
Activity: Currently its only little ole me and I have a part time playing schedule (Tues and Thurs nights, all day Wednesdays and now and then Saturdays) but Im hoping to find some fun like minded RPers willing to join up.
Requirements for Membership: Membership is currently open to all ATs and origins though a back ground with some sort of ex-military or para - military history is preferred. It can be just about any background as my character is ex-longbow just as long as it ties into the groups theme.
Leadership: Kevin Curtis
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Tyler Xavier
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
Coalition(s): Currently looking for a coalition or any group to run cross stories with.
Other Details: We (meaning I) currently have a small working base with a med bay. The base is designed more so for RP but it does work and if need be I can even increase its usage. Even though its just me right now, the base is DAMN BAD [censored] if I do say so myself.
Name: Rogue Saints
Currently Recruiting: Yes, we are looking for open and active people who like to Rp.
RP Level: RP heavy-medium.
PvP Level: 0
Theme/Concept: Heroes operating in the Rogue Isles. Characters can be versions of blueside heroes or new creations, but good guys. All types welcome.
Activity: We are very new. I am on from 1230am to 3am ish almost everyday.
Requirements for Membership:Active and roleplayer are the only requirments.
Leadership: Saint Onyx
In-Game Contact(s): Global @stanito
[u]Name[u]: Sin Enterprises
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Always accepting new members since 3 months after CoV's launch.
[u]RP Level[u]: 100% IC; emphasis on character interplay and development; OOC must be clearly identifed.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Sin Enterprises is a technology research and development firm that began hiring "Destined Ones" after feeling the crush of the Isles. It has steadily grown into a power of its own and continues to employ these "Destined Ones" for Powered Security forces and, with promotions, "field work". (See also, Other Details, below)
[u]Activity[u]: Upwards of 40-50 unique members filled out the roster at 75 prior to the increase. Alts have become a non-issue since then. Weekdays see anywhere from 4-12 people online and weekends see the same activity throughout the day, with an even number of members on the East Coast, Central and West Coast.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: The character must be interviewed by an authorized member of the security team. [Recruiting info & suggestions on how to seek an interview, both ICly and OOCly.] Demons and possessed entities or characters that answer to a "higher power" may find this interview difficult (with IC reasons). Characters whose goals involve destroying the world and/or commiting rampant villainy will almost certainly be rejected. Site membership and activity is strongly encouraged, as Sin Enterprises' ongoing story and all events are posted there, as well as a fair gang of competent writers.
[u]Leadership[u]: Angela Sin, Kira Sin, Death Rush
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @Laughing Wolf (primary contact; others are listed on the Recruiting page.
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: The best method, if you already have a GuildPortal ID, is to PM Laughing Wolf through GuildPortal. I will also answer PMs on these forums, though.
[u]URL[u]: Sin Enterprises
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: Coalitions are very particular. The interested VG must be full RP, not a sex-themed RP guild, can not be themed such that IC knowledge of a working relationship would ruin Sin Enterprises' public image and must provide measurable benefit to Sin Enterprises.
[u]Other Details[u]: [*] Base set-up is purely RP. Sin Enterprises does not participate in PvP as an organization and the "base" is considered highly secured such that no espionage, destruction, sabotage, etc, occurs without clearance from a Guild Officer or it being a group plot point.[*]Prestige generation is required up to a minimum amount and then is encouraged as an IC incentive for promotions. [*] The theme and activities of Sin Enterprises draw in non-vile characters. Normal people who find themselves with incredible power, the downtrodden hero and the sinister villain are all expected to get along, to an extent. And the less "morally ambiguous" are also expected to be capable of killing someone when told to.
Name: Inevitable Evolution
Currently Recruiting: Anybody whose membership makes RP sense.
RP Level: RP SG with group RP arcs. SG channel is IC with OOC in parentheses.
PvP Level: Casual, hardcore, RPVP, and we are considering raids
Theme/Concept: Inevitable Evolution is a revolutionary group for true individuals who won't be pawns of the establishment. We take in those with special abilities and fight the oppressors who would exploit the super community.
Immigrants flow into Mercy Island seeking liberty from the establishment, but what do they find? Arachnos, another establishment even more corrupt and exploitative. Don't bow to the tyranny of Arachnos or to self-proclaimed heroes who would label us villains simply for not conforming to their arbitrary rules.
We operate a school, conduct raids on opressors, provide a sense of community, and assist you in YOUR goals.
IE: We Are Not The Master's Tools.
Go to VirtueVerse for more!
If you are a rogue isle hero or a villain with a conscience, join!
Activity: One of the most active RP SGs on Virtue. 10 members concurrently online in the evenings (US time) is standard and there are many on at other times too. On monday evening conferences about 20 online. Inevitable Evolution is on the top 100 supergroups list.
Leadership: Run Riot, Chaos Ex Machina
In-Game Contact(s): @Thermo Healer
URL: Message Board
Coalition(s): Survivors of Vega, Fifth Remnant, Inhuman League
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
Name: Rogue Saints
Currently Recruiting: Yes, we are looking for open and active people who like to Rp.
RP Level: RP heavy-medium.
PvP Level: 0
Theme/Concept: Heroes operating in the Rogue Isles. Characters can be versions of blueside heroes or new creations, but good guys. All types welcome. We also just got a web site on Guild Portal, look us up!!
Activity: We are very new. I am on from 1230am to 3am ish almost everyday.
Requirements for Membership:Active and roleplayer are the only requirments.
Leadership: Saint Onyx
In-Game Contact(s): Global @stanito
Name: The Seven
Currently Recruiting: Yes! We are currently looking for other RPers to take the name of the remining Sins.
RP Level: Part time RP VG with working base (though mainly used for RPing) and Forums.
PvP Level: Casual
Theme/Concept: The Seven is a group of assassains based off of the Seven Deadly Sins. Each member takes the name of a Sin and builds their character off of that Sin.
Activity: Currently we are a Part time VG looking to first build a family type group. After we get organized we might expand to more.
Leadership: Wrath- and Greed-
In-Game Contact(s): @TylerXavier
URL: Forums at
Coalition(s): Currently looking for avail Coalitions. If any group is interested pelase stop by the forums!
Name: Dire Consequences
Currently Recruiting: Always looking
RP Level: Non-rp
PvP Level: Casual
Theme/Concept: Just a pool of competent players using a comfortable base.
Activity: Were in a rebuilding phase. We used to be #2 on the server, but have since slipped to #21. We have about a dozen
active players who are on in no discernible pattern.
Requirements for Membership: We just want pool of solid, friendly, non-idiotic players, who are ether good or learning.
Leadership: Skull Mistress, Tia Sane, Oppiz Bus
In-Game Contact(s): @subzippo, @sara sane, @burgandy
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Sub Zippo
Coalition(s): OOC functional, The Enclave of Shadows, Evil Isles Dojo, Shadowfangs, The Animals of War, Ziggursky Asylum, Death Perception.
Other Details: All we ask in return for membership is that you run in SG mode when your low level and it doesn't cost you anything. Storage is available, but only high ranking people who have proven trustworthy can draw from it, otherwise you have to ask someone with rank.
Name: Sisterhood of Naughty Space Vixens
Currently Recruiting: We are always looking for more who fit our requirments, a female toon and a desire to have fun.
RP Level: Informal, most of us RP our toons but it is not mandatory that you do so.
Theme/Concept: We are loners, drifters in space who have found our way to Earth. We are outsiders, survivalists, and opportunists looking for a place to anchor ourselves in the constant chaos that surrounds us. The Sisterhood is that anchor, our common ground, our refuge from the planet's laws, persecution and violence (or a nice secure place to stash our loot). When making a space vixen, good sources of inspiration can be taken from sci fi fem fatales from the Flash Gordon stories, anime, such as Esmeraldas, Faye Valentine, and the ladies from Outlaw Star, and from books, such as the Bene Gesserit and the Honored Matres from the Dune series. We also take in those looking for a place to belong and have taken in vampires, gangsters, monsters and even Earthling fem fatales if they can cut it. Comic supervillainesses are a good inspiration as well, such as Saturnyne, White Queen, Lady Mastermind, Mystique, Bomb Queen and other such "bad girl" comic characters.
Activity: Founded in Febuary 2006, activity is moderate, spiking late at night. We have a weekly tf and a weekly meeting both on Sundays.
Requirements for Membership: Must have a female toon and a desire to have fun.
Leadership: Bellonda (founder and leader), Mental Chick (2nd in command and Co-leader)
In-Game Contact(s): @Forever Zer0, @MC, @Lady Grey, @NUCLEAR
Coalition(s): In the Loop, Rouge Entertainment, and has contact with leadership in several top ten sg's.
Other Details: The big thing about us is that nothing is Mandatory, not weekly meetings, not rping, just have fun anyway you want. Our atmosphere is friendly and low key. We have a MASSIVE base that will fit your every need and friendly leadership that is happy to help. One thing we are not is a cybor group, but we can be rather mature and adult oriented sometimes. Currently ranked in the top 50 on the Server and the highest ranked sisterhood on Virtue.
@Forever Zer0
Forever Zero lvl 45 Grav/Kin Controller
Bellonda lvl 50 Bots/traps MM
Mid-Night Marauder lvl 50 DM/Invuln Scrapper
((repost with new site urls))
[u]Name[u]: Swords of Anarchy
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Currently looking for new members. We're not interested in numbers, but would like to find active villain players who like to have a good time.
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-friendly! Many of us rp while teaming. The global channel is OOC, and we have been known to have rp nights, both spontaneous and planned.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Swords of Anarchy is home to many kinds of villains, with our primary focus being spreading chaos and dissension in the Isles, and getting as much enjoyment as we can out of it. Many of our members tend to be primal, driven, spur of the moment people.
[u]Activity[u]: Our active membership at the moment is very small, probably 3 or 4 people that are on every night, with 6 or 7 others joining in occasionally. We're looking to expand that. We're mostly in the eastern time zone, but not all of us keep regular hours so our active times vary.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Membership on our forums is required to join. Full membership after a 2 week trial period. Required to sign in at roll call on the boards every 60 days (roll calls are announced, and more or less a reminder to log alts in. Many of us have alt-itis and need the reminder!).
[u]Leadership[u]: Terra Silva
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @Darkfaith for in-game contact(s)
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: Darkfaith on the Official forums.
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: We have coalitions with two small groups to allow them access to our base. Always interested in discussing coalitions with other groups! We also have close association with the hero group E-Branch, with much shared storyline, rp, and writing (several of us from both groups write).
[u]Other Details[u]: Large base with teleporters to all zones, rez facilities, tons of storage for full members, empowerment stations (both tech and arcane), invention table, vault, Pillar of Ice and Flame, Oracle, significant amount of rp space (currently in redesign after the prestige grant).
Name: Creatures in Cold Mirrors
Currently Recruiting: Absolutely.
RP Level: RP-intensive. Because the basis of the group is in-character social interaction, base and VG channel are in character, unless indicated by some means e.g. ((OOC)): Words and stuff., (()), [], whatever.
PvP Level: Casual none. PvP is not the focus of the group.
Theme/Concept: Slither out from beneath your rock, fiend. Crawl on your bloated belly, monster. Let your leathery wings spread wide, beast. Creep behind the shadows, cadaver. Join us, the freaks, the forsaken, the abominations, and the things that should not be. Where the world of men ends in the shadows, and the mist, we lurk watching and waiting for the dusk, and the witching hour. No longer will we be shunned, we have a home, we have friends and allies. Where the light dares not shine, we are there, reveling in the madness that mortals fear.
(( Creatures in Cold Mirrors is a VG started for my character that just doesnt belong anywhere else. The group is for Horror or arcane-based characters that want a VG but dont want, need, or have a rigid mythos to subscribe to. Have your own interpretations of what a vampire should be? Your definition of a lycanthrope doesnt match the rules set down elsewhere? Decidedly not human and dont know where to turn? Cenobite gone rouge? These are the characters that I would like to meet. Influences and inspirations are Cabal by Clive Barker, Simon Greens Nightside series, Lovecraft, the Nightbane dice and paper RPG, the artwork of Brom, etc.
The group is brand new, just starting out. Ill be perfectly honest; its my first attempt at starting and leading a group. I expect trials and tribulations along the way. I hope to start, and provide a place where friends can be made, fun can be had, and life can be enjoyed by people pretending to be things. ))
Activity: At present, just some Alts of mine. Its
brand new-ish, hence the recruitment posting.
Requirements for Membership: Because of the theme of the group, only mature, chronologically (18+) as well as mentally, players need apply. I hate to be exclusive, but I just dont have the patience to baby-sit. Because it is a new group characters below level 25 are requested to remain in VG mode, displaying logo and colors at their discretion, as it costs them nothing to do so. I would request that only people intending to play the characters in the group join to avoid creating a ghost town, but life and alts happen. Doubtless more rules will evolve with the group, but right now, I only have the one: Play nice, dont be a jerk. Promotions and leadership roles will be doled out strictly at my fancy, but likely as a result of being an active, and worthy member.
Interested crawly creatures should contact me in or out of game to arrange an interview.
Leadership: Mucklurk, Everdead, Witch Witness
In-Game Contact(s): @Dour
Out-of-Game Contact(s): _Dour_ (thats me) here on the CoX forums.
URL: None at this time. It is my impression that guild oriented websites are frequently an unused and unnecessary level of bureaucracy. However should it be warranted in the future one would be set up.
Coalition(s): None at this time.
[copied from SpectralDaisey's original post]
Name: Project G.H.O.S.T.
Currently Recruiting: Yes
RP Level: Heavy RP. RP in Spatial and SG Chat Required! Team OOC-ok but discouraged.
PvP Level: Casual...for now.
Theme/Concept: Doctor Morro was the lead scientist on the G.H.O.S.T. Project. A top secret operation funded by Crey Industries to develop a Geneticly Hybridised Offensive Strike Team, or G.H.O.S.T. for short.
Viral Programming to increase combat effectiveness was the ultimate goal. Enhanced Reflexes. Less battle fatigue. Accelerated healing due to an enhanced immune system.
These are the baseline hopes for what Crey had hopes for G.H.O.S.T. to become. Many unfortunate mishaps occured during simple procedures, and there were cleanups to tend to.
Crey was getting impatient and the Doctor grew worried. He had poured his life into this researcha nd he became obsessed with producing satisfactory results.
Professor Cho Nagurai was his assistant and she had brought in someone new to assist during one of their final test subjects. They were really hoping this would work....mainly because this specimen was such a young child. His mind however was far advanced. Signs of Psychic abilities were already starting to occur in the boys life, and the Doctor thought that this could be the only explanation. The Human mind could not handle the evolution of its DNA code and the body would be at war with itself. This usually caused all of their experiments in the past to fail...quite gruesomely in some cases.
The Doctor began the same procedure as always and he watched, and waited. Things seemed stagnant for awhile and then the data started to stream across the viewscreens. The boy whimpered as his body ached in pain. The screens flickered with static,and the lights in the lab were turning off and on rapidly.
Finally with one big surge of energy the Doctor yelled out "Shut it down!" and Cho did just that. The room went dark and silent. The sounds of chaos were all that were heard from broken monitors, electric discharges from ruined wires, and steam gushing from pierced pressure valves.
The banging sounds were heard moments later as armed men burst into the dark room. Flashlights is all that could be seen and their cries were muffled by high-tech masks to protect them in case of a viral outbreak.
Veer Vulang walked into the lab. His suit finely pressed and he inched the brim of his glasses back up the beak of his nose. Glass shards crumbled as his shoes walked over them and he stopped hovering over the feeble old man. Doctor Raf Morro. Veer Vulang was in charge of this Operation and he thought of it to be a watse of company resources. His facial expression didnt show any light of change in the man's views.
"Doctor Morro" he started slowly. " You and your colleagues and all of this mess are to be washed away. It was a good try old man, but you just couldn't cut it". Raf Morro looked up in fear as the High-tech armored men approached him with guns in their hands. The long shaft of the rifle inched upward and the pilot flame of the flamethrower attachment burned into Raf's soul as he felt his life about to end.
Just then...he watched as the small flame danced a bit, as if a shrilling breeze were in this sealed room. Then the ember flickered again and seemed to retract into emptiness. It was odd as if all sound was stripped from the room. No more drips of water, shuffling of feet, not even a breath could be heard.
With a searing flash of crimson and hellfire the ember respawned to life and engulfed the thug in flames. The screams and confusion of the other guards started to sing out in harmony as the room itself became chaos.
Veer Vulang disappeared in all of the mayhem, and the Doctor looked around in confusion until his eyes met with a shimmer of movement in a dark corner. Darkness played about the room until another Grunt was scorched toward his doom alongside the charred remains of his fallen comrades. The light from these flames could be seen twice by the Doctor.
Once out of the corner of his eye from where the flames originated, and the second from where he was staring. The reflection of the cold empty orbs in the corner. His Final specimen, the boy....codename Psionic Screamer.
This was all his doing. Pyrokenesis! it had to be!
This was years ago, and now the Project has evolved. Psionic Screamer held the key to making Raf's dreams come true. DNA extracted fromt he frontal lobe of Psionic Screamer was fused with the GHOST virus and controlled at a time release self-sustaining level via microscopic nano-machines.
These tiny unseen robotic beauties kept the Screamer's DNA alive and "fed" Every new specimen would become linked now. An empathic link to one another.
Can you hear me now? Good.... No you did not need electronic signal for this little power. It seems that the virus had other mysteries too. In most cases it caused the host to evolve and mutate. New abilities were born in every new subject. There was plenty of research to discover now and plenty of experiments.
Now with some bit of power and control on his creation the Doctor had plans to take back what was rightfully his. He originally had hoped to get into Genetics to cure diseases and improve the human race and help us win the War againts those who would opress us such as the Rikti Invaders, but now the Doctor had new motives.
Activity: Current Population= 1 Active member (Me) LFM. I play Nights PST usually and almost all day sundays and mondays.
Requirements for Membership: Stick to the theme of the VG and its RP. Weekly Activity encouraged. Long Inactivity=boot. Alting is ok...but your G.H.O.S.T. toon represents his activtiy. VG Theme is somewhat mature and professional.
Leadership: Raf Morro (29 MM) ( @Ronin Medjai) I also play Arden Null (4 COR)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Ronin Medjai
Out-of-Game Contact(s): ME!
Coalition(s): Seeking RP partners and or friendly VG's to hang with.
Other Details: We are cool
Name: Nightmare Menagerie
Currently Recruiting: Carefully, but yes.
RP Level: RP-intensive, but with 0 requirements of you.
PvP Level: Casual/All.
Theme/Concept: A collection of nightmare machinations, freaks, monsters, and pretty much anything that puts the fear of god into small children when they see it.
Activity: We're a vanity title. Getting in is the hard part. But the prestige of getting in is what is worth it.
Requirements for Membership: Must be level 1, must at least -try- to level afterward... And well, theres no punishment if you don't. We really don't care. But what we -do- really require is that when people see you in game they react with a resounding "What in the hell is that?!" or "You're such a creep for making that!". Our preference leans toward classic movie monsters, well done serial killers, clownish monstrosities, ghostly entities, nightmare causing dream-eating freakish demons... Suffice to say, we're not nice people... we're not friendly... we're not ICly nice... we are in fact recruiting sarcastic sharp-tongued fast witted people that are sick of doing anything non-villainous. These people don't usually like being too open with the net. And usually prefer to run alone.
Leadership: Stabbo the Clown.
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Deightine
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Deightine, or stabbo[at]
URL: If we put it up, it'd be too graphic to link.
Coalition(s): We know all sorts of people. Money is involved.
Other Details: We don't arrange anything. We don't gather. We don't meet up. We may get together to kill people... sometimes. You're on your own. -But- we do have friends. We know people. And in the Isles, that is what matters.
Name: Archon X
Currently Recruiting: Accepting new members & seeking active allies and perhaps some rivalries.
RP Level: RP-intensive, /sg IC, Quite immersive
PvP Level: Casual, base raids (training/rp events), arena & zones. We have a few members really into PVP and a few of our events have included a RP PVP element.
Theme/Concept: Vigilante & Anti-heroes working in the isles to combat the corruption and evil found there. The heroes willing to do the dirty jobs most won't in the name of common good. We're also looking for neutral professionals who put contract above all else, mercenaries, and other persons for hire.
Activity: We are active 7 days of the week through various time zones, we have a small sized group and an extremely active relationship with two large Paragon City based groups.
Requirements for Membership: Requirements are minimal, all characters must be vigilante/anti-heroes, or professionals (mercenaries). No true villains or evil characters. Maturity and respect for your fellow players is required, and a desire to be part of the group, and its activities. Membership on our website forums is highly recommended as well.
Leadership: Ava Mannheim, Trevin
In-Game Contact(s): @Ran Kailie, @Trevin, @Robziel
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Please contact us in game or through the website below.
URL: Archon X Website, Archon X @ VirtueVerse
Coalition(s): Ongoing relationship IC with:
+ Shinsengumi: Training, contract jobs, intel. We are part of their OOC global channel.
+ Hyperion Force: IC but casual relationship, no true in game contact or official connection.
+ Death Seven: Mercenaries for hire, contracted them for additional help as needed.
Other Details: Rules & Regulations, Recruitment Information & Application.
Benefits to Members:
+ Fun, mature, and low stress atmosphere;
+ Open storage in base;
+ Fully outfitted base with teleporters to all zones, medbay, mission computer, access to Ouro, and RP settings.
+ Discounted IOs: Common IOs are available for most levels for only the cost of salvage and crafting.
Branded has been under going a lot of clean up and has really come a long way to being a group we all are very proud of and to be a member of.
Check out some of our changes
The X-Patriots are looking for mature, active, and ambitious players to join us. While general activity declines, we want to be the opposite of that trend. We have some sort of event going on most nights, and are trying to get base raids going, as well as the occasional RP night and zone PvP.
Check us out at:
I'm going to post Or Die Trying here because we technically have a villain group. That being said, our focus is to create a community.
Name: Or Die Trying
Currently Recruiting: Yes - 1 on 1 recruitment only, so you won't see any /broadcast spam.
RP Level: RP-friendly - no requirements and /sg is assumed out-of-character.
PvP Level: Casual - no specific plans for PVP at this time, but that could change; see Theme/Concept for more.
Theme/Concept: ODT is the team to go to when you're looking for a challenge. Most groups stack the odds in their favor when selecting missions, power sets, and difficulty levels - to get a great reward with minimal risk. ODT members prefer to assemble a team and test it to destruction, taking on increasingly difficult tasks until the bodies start falling. In short, we enjoy overcoming the greatest challenges we can face while laughing in the face of death - and debt.
Activity: Prime time varies, but groups are consistently active from 6-11 PST M-F and throughout the day Saturday and Sunday. Plans are in the works to host strike forces each Saturday.
Requirements for Membership: Membership requirements are very lose - once again, we're trying to develop a community, not necessarily recruit people into the VG. An interest in completing the most difficult tasks possible and a sense of humor are mandatory, as well as a degree of player skill. No character level or time commitment requirements are in place, and the only expectation is that VGmates aid one another if possible.
Leadership: Desdemona Hart, Putrid Remains
In-Game Contact(s): @Desdemona Hart
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
Official Forums: Hart
Coalition(s): Paradox, Mournlanders - functional association.
Other Details:
*Zero prestige is A-OK. Well-geared teammates are more fun than decorative plants. We have all the base essentials already.
*Planning to run weekly SF each Saturday; still debating timing due to East/West coast issues.
*Anyone from any VG is welcome to join our forums and use our site to schedule and announce events of a challenging nature.
*Willing to coalition with superteams and other small groups to provide base benefits.
Name: The Secret Syndicate
Currently Recruiting: The Syndicate is now recruiting. Applicants will have to go through an OOC prepped IC interview before fully joining.
RP Level: Heavy. OOC chatter is not discouraged or anything though.
PvP Level: Not much. Some of us dabble a little.
Theme/Concept: A small group of comic book supervillains that have banded together in secret to further their own goals. Kinda like these guys. See here too.
Activity: Primarily 10PMish, to about 2AMish, EST. We're small, with around 3-5 regulars and a few others. Looking to expand a bit though, hence the posting.
Requirements for Membership: All I really ask is that your character has either a comic booky costume or a codename. (Both would be great but are not necessary.) No AT, origin or level requirements.
Leadership: Nemesis Red and Gabijah
Contact(s): See above, also EvilMidniteGamer here on the CoH/CoV boards.
It's a work in progress, please pardon the dust.
Jesters of Chaos
Menace X
Underground Entertainment
Other Details: Rank is based on activity. The more frequently we see you're on, the higher you will be ranked.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

<ul type="square">[*]Villaingroup Name: The Hall of Doom
[*]Theme/Concept: The Hall of Doom is the evil counterpart to The Hall of Justice on Victory.
If we have any theme, it's 'classic super villainy'. Megalomania and insanity. Classic villain schtick: Take over the world, hold the city for ransom, become the mastermind behind all political power in the country, build a giant death-ray, random destruction for destruction's sake.
[*]Requirements for Membership: The Hall of Doom is a community dedicated to fun, maturity, low stress, good sportsmanship, teamwork, and family values among its members. And evil.
[u]This supergroup should be for your main villain.[u] We would also like to see as many of your alts in the supergroup as possible to increase our prestige generation. Private global channel should be joined.
[*]Recruiting: Always
[*]Activity: All US timezones with some members in the Pacific and Europe. Membership varies, but for a guideline, we've had 38 characters online in the last 7 days, 70 characters online in the last 30 days and at least 108 characters online since CoV launch (not including characters kicked for extreme inactivity) and we have banked more than 1.1 million prestige and are one of the top 25 supergroups on Virtue. The heroside of our group (The Hall of Justice) has had at least 200 players over 4 years.
[*]RP Level: Role Play Friendly is how I'd describe it. It's more like everyone tolerates the slight eccentricities that crop up when doing a little RP.
[*]PvP Level: We're not focused on PvP. Some of us PvP, but it's only very occasionally.
[*]Other Details:
[u]It is every members responsibility to help another member who is in need of assistance or team.[u]
Easy-to-Follow Guidelines.
Relaxed Dresscode.
Efficient, Open Storage in Base.
Decadent Base with Teleporters, Medbay (Tree of Wonders), Mission Computer, Massive Storage Capabilities (Enhancements [700 capacity], Inspirations [400 capacity], Base Salavge, Invention Vault), Invention worktable and Empowerment stations.
All characters below level 25 should be in supergroup mode at all times.
No power-leveling.
[*]Leadership: Sgt. Toxic, Pravda, Mr. Grave Butcher, Sh3-R3ap3r, Genesis of Evil and many, many more.
[*]In-Game Contacts: @Cannonfodder, @CB, @Das Butcher
[*]Out-of-Game Contacts: PM Storyteller on the forums,,,
[*]Website:;TabID=1376931 Go to and search for "Hall of Doom". Also see, the website of The Hall of Justice.
[*]Coalitions: Rogues Gallery (a Silver Age villaingroup), The Baby Kitchen (Paramilitary group with ...unusual eating habits)[/list]

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
[copied from SpectralDaisey's original post]
Welcome to the new SG (hero group) directory for Virtue covering Febuary 2008 to June 2008. Please quote this post and edit as needed for your SG listing if you desire. If something I have listed is irrelevant for you, don't worry about including it in your entry. If you can think of something major I don't have in this "template," feel free to let me know in a PM!
Name: SG Name
Currently Recruiting: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
PvP Level: Casual, hard-core, arena, zone, etc..
Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'être
Activity: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Leadership: character name(s)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: the group's website
Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc. or whether it is an IC or OOC associate
Other Details: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company