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  1. SubZippo

    Trapped in 6 fps

    I hope this is appropriate for this board..

    So, I came back to the game recently after getting a hardware overhaul last winter. AMD 6 core 3.2 ghz processor, Radeon HD 5830 card, 256 bit with 1 gig ddr5 ram, and 8 gig ddr 3 ram. Since coming back, I've had intermittent performance issues.

    While I am in my base or on a mission map, the game runs well, consistently over 30 FPS on Quality settings. However, if I am in Ouroboros, and about 70% of the time on a world map, or on the only Incarnate Raid I have done since coming back (Neuron's reactor thing), I average six frames per second. Sometimes the lag issue even follows me to the character select screen. It doesn't seem to matter if I run the game on Quality, minimum, or safe mode settings. The issues occur just as often, stay in the 6 fps area and seem out of my control.

    I have been going back and forth with NCSoft support but nothing they have suggested so far has helped me. I upgraded my graphics and motherboard drivers, which were out of date at the start of this and upgraded DirectX 9. I have tried disabling both the windows firewall and my routers firewall. I've cleaned my PC with CCleaner and hijackthis. I've confirmed it runs cool enough when the lag issues occur. Can anyone suggest something we may not have tried yet? I can post system reports. In the process of troubleshooting I've used both the NCSoft Game Advisor and Sandra Lite.

    Gah, found my solution in the forums. Stupid NCSoft support couldn't figure out I needed to roll back my drivers. Sorry for misposting.
  2. SubZippo

    Reformed Badge

    Late to the party here, but I'm glad to see devs listening and learning from mistakes, making things better, not not removing things that don't hurt anyone. This is a step in the right direction and shows that you care about the game.

    Now, about the LGTF level range....
  3. No. Sorry, but the game's resources are divided too much already.. The effort of making a new game would be better spent adding to the games we already have, especially cov.
  4. Name: Dire Consequences

    Currently Recruiting: Always recruiting good players, quick learners and nice people.

    RP Level: non RP, but RPers are welcome, and may like using our base as a backdrop.

    PvP Level: Casual

    Theme/Concept: Mostly we are just a group who strive to be good players and have fun with each other, and network with other good players. Our base has an industrial look, with mostly tech items, but a splash of arcane.

    Activity: We have a handful of veterans and a few more recent recruits right now. We play sporadicly, but mostly at night when we like to do Strike Forces. We're looking for more players to hopefully drive up activity.

    Requirements for Membership: Our only requirement is for you to play in sg mode if you are below level 24, when it does not cost you anything. Players above level 24 are welcome to join with no real requirement, except to be civil.

    Leadership: Tia Sane, Skull Mistress, Oppiz Bus

    In-Game Contacts: @subzippo, @burgandy, @Hellen Back, @Sara Sane

    Out-of-Game Contact: Sub Zippo

    Our base is state of the art, with full teleporters, defenses, a hospital, vault, workbenches, and more.
  5. SubZippo

    Really long hair

    I would love to see it.

    I would love to see it MORE if it behaved like a cape.
  6. A lot of existing badges are reasonably impossible to get without unusual play and AFK farming. I know a large group of people who leave their accounts logged into overnight to farm heal badges in the arena, and I myself have had to set up solo damage farms to get Born in Battle on my villains. Some are impossible even if you don't have certain powers.

    Not only is it annoying to me, the player, but its wasteful to server resources, not to mention electricity.

    My suggestion, let certain jobs earn credit for badges during, or after, you earn their relevant badge.

    City Official/Demagogue - Mentor badges
    Law Enforcer/Arachnos agent - Damage taken badges
    Shop keeper/Smuggler - Auction transaction badges
    Intern/Crey employee - Mez badges
    Caregiver/Pain specialist - Heal badges
    Banker/Thief - Inf badges
  7. The new web site makes me dizzy @_@ its like I'm standing on top of a very tall building looking down, and theres no crappy draw distance to make it seem less intense.
  8. If this recommendation sounds like a rant, its probably because it is. The Sting of the Manticore and Executioner Contract drops account for MORE THEN HALF of my tf/sf drops. Between the two sets there are FOUR recipes that drop for a 50 who completes one. I mostly play redside, and I almost never see anyone use a sniper attack, and these recipes always sell to a vendor for more then they do at the market. PLEASE at least two of them out of the TF pool and put them into the critter drop pool..
  9. Like many, I would like to see Illusions as a powerset.

    What I have to add to this suggestion, I would like to see the pets use the MM's costumes.

    Also what would be cool, if the pets were functionally indistinguishable from the MM himself in PvP.
  10. At first I was really upset about the news of base salvage being dropped because they thought teh n00bs were getting confused that they needed to delete my groups surplus of salvage, but I read on and if Im reading it right it should be a positive change.

    If they don't delete the existing base salvage and let you still craft it, let you keep invention salvage in those masive bins already in place, still require you to craft regular salvage into component salvage, and this is the important part, [u] if they INCREASE salvage drop rates to compensate [u] for the lack of base salvage drops and the new demand on invention salvage, then I will appreciate and support this change.
  11. Name: Dire Consequences

    Currently Recruiting: Always looking

    RP Level: Non-rp

    PvP Level: Casual

    Theme/Concept: Just a casual group of competent players using a comfortable base, trying to stay in the loop with Virtue's best.

    Activity: Were in a rebuilding phase. We used to be #2 on the server, but have since slipped to top 50. We have about a dozen
    active players who are on in no discernible pattern.

    Requirements for Membership: We just want pool of solid, friendly, non-idiotic players, who are ether good or learning.

    Leadership: Skull Mistress, Tia Sane, Oppiz Bus

    In-Game Contact(s): @subzippo, @sara sane, @burgandy

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Sub Zippo

    Other Details: All we ask in return for membership is that you run in SG mode when your low level and it doesn't cost you anything. Storage is available, but due to problems we've had, only top ranking members can withdraw from it. If you deposit something, a leader will be hapy to retrieve it for you.
  12. Three things I would like to see.

    Supergroup pets.
    Robots, zombies, sewer monsters, ect, that can defend the base. A doctor who can heal people in the med bay. Cosmetic pets, like a butler. (Alfred, anyone?) Maybe an unlockable Kronos you could build with the 1250 tech material and power you don't have a use for.

    Plaques or bulletin boards you can click on for info, like the ingame history plaques, than can be filled out by the placer. "Hello. Welcome to our base. Please wipe your feet." or "General Enhancements.", "Lieutenant Enhancements", "Offensive Inspirations", etc.

    Training dummies.
    Like Vanguard have. They arent just a silly diversion, Dominators could use them to build domination.
  13. Name: Dire Consequences

    Currently Recruiting: Always looking

    RP Level: Non-rp

    PvP Level: Casual

    Theme/Concept: Just a pool of competent players using a comfortable base.

    Activity: Were in a rebuilding phase. We used to be #2 on the server, but have since slipped to #21. We have about a dozen
    active players who are on in no discernible pattern.

    Requirements for Membership: We just want pool of solid, friendly, non-idiotic players, who are ether good or learning.

    Leadership: Skull Mistress, Tia Sane, Oppiz Bus

    In-Game Contact(s): @subzippo, @sara sane, @burgandy

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Sub Zippo

    Coalition(s): OOC functional, The Enclave of Shadows, Evil Isles Dojo, Shadowfangs, The Animals of War, Ziggursky Asylum, Death Perception.

    Other Details: All we ask in return for membership is that you run in SG mode when your low level and it doesn't cost you anything. Storage is available, but only high ranking people who have proven trustworthy can draw from it, otherwise you have to ask someone with rank.
  14. Content like costume pieces and emotes should come with purchase, or in extreme cases, be earnable with in-game achievements. For that matter so should renames and server transfers..

    Should. One of those funny english words like Only and Just, that get abused on a regular basis.
  15. The Asteroid Warriors

    Just a group of compitent people I've been trying to assemble. Anyone who finishes a mission without pissing off me or one of my officers is welcome.

    Motto: He wouldnt be so tough if it wernt for all that power.
    Colors: Blue and teal.