Villain Group Directory July '08 - Jan '09
Name: A-Holes from Space
Currently Recruiting: We have no begun our taking in of servant Earthling refuse, but any and all Aliens are welcome to join us as equal conquers. There will /NOT/ be cake, but indeed there will be various flavors of frosties. ((we are looking for likeminded individuals who play for the fun and remain drama-free (unless its fun drama of course) and would like to jump into an established theme.
RP Level: RP sporadic and comedic. Serious RP is not only shunned, but will be reason for summary execution.
Theme/Concept: The A-Holes from space is a conglomerate of A-holes who happen to be from outer space
or perhaps beings from outer space who happen to be A-holes
.no matter, TAKE US TO YOUR LEADER and KNEEL BEFORE ZOD! ((Theme/Concept is an [Informal] Comedy based RP Villain Group comprised of various Alien species who have decided to pool resources in order to take over Earth. Think of every cliché pompous alien from movies, TV, Comic Books and toss them onto the same mothership. Can self-absorbed species from various planets all bent on Earths domination share a single ship without driving each other crazy? ))
Activity: A-Holes from space currently have 5 daily active founding members and 10 randomly active members who foolishly asked to join. Everyone is on the East Coast. We run daily Strike Forces and badge runs for fun and profit
Requirements for Membership: 1) Must be an A-Hole. 2) Must be from Space 3) See 1 and 2
Leadership: The Cumulus Family: A group of idiots who were banished from the Ice-moon Europa. Cirro, Pannus, Strata and Arctica Cumulus, respectively.
In-Game Contact(s): Global Channel: A**holes from Space [unedited]
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM me or pretend there is no out of game. All is game.
URL: [Undisclosed]
Coalition(s): [Undisclosed]
Other Details: Your world leaders will be executed via selective Waffle Cone injection. Your buildings will be turned into shaved ice and your Snowmen will be raised to the status of the superior beings that they are.
(reposted from last sticky thread)
Name: Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow
"One World, Our Way!"
Currently Recruiting: Yes
RP Level: RP-friendly
PvP Level: Varies by member
Theme/Concept: The private research fellowship known as the Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow was founded in late 2005 to tap the myriad powers of "mad" science. The Evil Geniuses come from many fields - biology, chemistry, physics, robotics and more - but are united in the noble cause of improving humanity's future... whether society accepts these gifts or not.
Activity: Low.
Requirements for Membership: Science or Tech origin preferred - both mad scientists/inventors and creations of same. No activity or prestige requirements.
Leadership: Dr. Forsythe, Gethsemane
In-game Contact(s): @Megajoule, Gethsemane
URL: no website
Other Details: A quiet and very hands-off VG. We provide the cool name, base facilities (see below), etc and ask nothing in return, though contributions (of prestige, salvage, spare inspirations, etc) are always appreciated. In its current form, the Evil Geniuses are more a backdrop and resource than an active VG. Several motivated members might be able to change this, however.
The base has a full set of teleporters, mission computer, storage bins, salvage vault, IO crafting table, and level 3 empowerment station. It also has an infirmary (with rez station) that doubles as the main lab for RP purposes, and another lab/library. The base does not have an Ouroborous Pillar - Forsythe believes that having one of these mysterious technomagical devices on the premises is an unacceptable security risk. (Check the link to the group's wiki page, above, for screenshots of the base.)
Members are encouraged to greet each other on the SG channel with an exchange of "Doctor." "Doctor."
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
[u]Name:[u] Anathema - site at
[u]Currently Recruiting:[u] We have taken a break from recruiting, but we will beginning accepting applications again in Autumn 2008!
[u]RP Level:[u] RP-intensive in /coalition and /sg, profoundly active on our own forums, and chatty, funny, and sometimes raunchy OOC in Global.
[u]PvP Level:[u] Extremely casual and individually driven.
[u]Theme/Concept:[u] Anathema is a community of sorts and is home to a number of outcasts, fugitives, extortionists, arsonists and varying and sundry other vile individuals. They come from all paths, be it from the power of Technology, Science, Magic, Mutation, or through some Natural design. These gathered have deemed it worthwhile to commune together. Some do it for protection, others for access to the Warrens, the home of Anathema, and still others do it simply because there is nothing better happening in the Rogue Isles. OOCly, Anathema is the Dauntless' Villainside counterpart.
[u]Activity:[u] Our prime time is predominantly North American in the evenings, and we have a weekly SG night.
[u]Requirements for Membership:[u] You have to be a good writer (this is more about the strength of your stories than the incidence of your typos!) and mesh socially with the crew.
[u]Leadership/In-Game Contact(s):[u] @Nira, @Elysienne (UK time), @Rhianwen, @TheVagabond, @StarEmber
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s):[u] We highly recommend registering through the main site at, which is also where we will receive character applications starting again in June.
[u]Coalition(s):[u] The Dread Aces
THE ROGUE KNIGHTS [u]est. January 2005[u]
The Knights are now looking for brave heroes and villains of all levels and archetypes. We currently have 11 super groups on the Virtue server. We are very active in all aspects of the game and have been nominated by the players of City of Heroes across all servers as one of the [u]Favorite Supergroups of 2006[u]! The Knights pride themselves with having a mature and fun group with some of the most accomplished players in the game. We have been in this game for over three years and have no plans of leaving.
[u]What we have to offer
<ul type="square">Teaming at all hours: The Knights are lucky to have a extremely large player base of about 200+ players. Within those numbers are players from around the world and many different time zones. This opens up the opportunity for players to find teams at odd times. Not just any team, but highly effective and fun Knight Teams!
Weekly Task/Strike Forces and Trials: The Knights have a great staff of leadership that is constantly checking with the membership to see what special task forces need to be posted on the calendar. It is not unusual on a weekend to see a half dozen or more TFs run in a day. If you need a specific task force it is highly likely it will done. Many of the Knights have done these so many times they can be completed in record time and efficiency.
Role-Playing: The Knights boast some of the finest RP found on this server. Monthly in-game role-playing events help players create custom story lines that they can play out both in-game and on the forums. The Capes and Cocktails RP forum thread is on its way to its third year of RP and has spawned many player run story arcs. Mission based RP is available for those interested and those that do not RP are respectful of those that do.
Rewards!: The Knights hold many contests and programs for the membership to reward them for going above and beyond what is asked of them. The Oh, What a Knight or OWAK program has been well received. This titled is given to a Knight who has embodied the virtues of the group and has been both helpful and friendly to others. The recipient of this title is given a PK Collectible Coin. We also reward all characters who hit the one million prestige mark with a one of a kind commission from John Becaro. You can visit his site or ours and see several of the winners. Many other contests are held throughout the year!
Beyond the Game: The Knights are much more than your average super group, they are a network of people from all walks of life
they are a community. To be a Knight is to be a member of a fellowship of 240+ people who carry on a virtual friendship that often times extends beyond the confines of the internet. The Knights have banded together to purchase commissioned artwork and produce in-game movies among other things. A real life meet and greet occurred at this past Dragon Con in Atlanta and another is being planned soon. Many friendships have been built that will only increase well beyond City of Heroes.[/list]
[u]How to Apply
To apply to be a Knight you need to first visit Take the time to check out what all the site has to offer. Many of your questions about the Knights can be answered there. After you have decided that you indeed do want to be part of the Knights, click Join Paragonian Knights at the top of the screen and answer the couple short questions. This will set you up with a Guild Portal account. Finally, post a application on the forums using the format provided. Be as in-depth as you desire. After that is done one of the officers will post and provide you with contact info. You may also look up one of the in-game contacts provided below after posting an application.
[u]The Knight Groups
<ul type="square">
The Rogue Knights is the City of Villains branch of the Paragonian Knights. They operate under the same guidelines as the Paragonian Knights. Even though the group is comprised of villains, all members are expected to treat each other and other players with respect. All current Knights are automatically granted acceptance into the RK upon creating a new villain. The Rogue Knights has a 30 day activity requirement.
The Rogue Knights 2nd Battalion is the alt group for RK. Each member is only allowed one character within this faction. The activity requirement for this SG is 90 days.
The Rogue Knights Vixens is the female character only SG. At the time of this writing, you can have as many characters in this faction as long as they are female. There is no activity requirement for this group.
The Rogue Knights Terror Legion is our role-playing group on CoV. To become a member of the TL, a player must first be a member of one of our other supergroups. The Terror Legion is also the group we base our superteams. Currently we are running a all Soldiers of Arachnos superteam with other planned soon.[/list]
The Paragonian Knights have an excellent and extremely active website and forums. We are currently the largest City of Heroes/City of Villains web site on Guild Portal with over 1,000 members and growing. We are presently the fourth largest Guild Portal website based upon membership alone. We have hosted over 1,000 events. We also are happy to have in-game coalitions with some of Virtues most active super groups opening up many teaming and in-game event options. If any of these groups interest you please visit our site at or send me a private message here or at and I can fill you in more.
The Knights are all about fun and getting to know each other better. Alot of the Knights have been together since their early days with CoH and have built long lasting friendships.
Paragonian Knights in action! By
Some of the line-up by Juggertha
The Rogue Knights preparing for battle by
For Honor! A Tribute Movie by Cruse(Kichi)
An Interview with Grae Knight by
Ingame Contacts:
<ul type="square">
@Grae Knight (Founder)
@Mitch Koval (RP Officer-Honor Battalion
@Lady Grae (RP Officer-The Grae Academy)
@Devilchilde (PvP Officer)
@Cpt Slowloader
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
Name: The X-Patriots
Currently Recruiting: We are always looking for a few 'bad' (wo)men.
RP Level: RP welcome.
PvP Level: Casual and a personal preference. We do have a small group of players who are very dedicated to it.
Theme/Concept: Many of the X-Patriots are heroes that were wronged by the powers that be in Paragon City. It is a corrupt system designed to make the rich richer and keep those in power in power. They've pointed the finger at many of the city's heroes, using the very defenders that fought and bled for their people as fall-guys for botched missions, schemes, and cover-ups... sentencing them to the Zig for crimes they did not commit where some were never heard from again. Others, however, were.
We are the #1 VG on the Virtue Server. See our VirtueVerse page for more information:
Activity: There is almost always a few people online, but peak hours are in the evening, Pacific Time.
Requirements for Membership: Mature, intelligent players always welcome. Nearly everyone gets an invite if they are interested, but not everyone gets to stay.
Leadership/In-Game Contact(s):
Fire // Fire X // Fire Nox (Crimson Fire)
Corrupting Fury //Bludgeoning Fury // Cerebral Fury (Fury - handle: @Endless Fury)
Redeucer // Bladeware // Cold Deal (Redeucer)
Pyr's Hand // Hiro Pyre // Hiro Pyre-shu (Pyr9)
Silqi Devil // Blood Pedal Rose // Ms. Erry (Silqi)
Planetary Traveler // None Yet (PlanetaryTraveler)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): We are always checking our forums. Please feel free to contact us there.
Coalition(s): X-Patriots, our alt VG
Name: The Order of the Bloody Rose
Currently Recruiting: Yes
RP Level: Lite to Medium RP; SG/team/broadcast/local tells in character unless framed by (( ))
Theme/Concept: The Order is based around a cult that worships a self-proclaimed goddess of freedom and destiny. While the cult is the central group, mercenaries are hired to act as bodyguards, assassins, and to carry out miscellaneous jobs to further the name and glory of the Order.
Activity: Varies, as the core members of the group are raging alt-aholics with full schedules outside of the game.
We also hold team-up nights on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 8pm EST, as well as plan an SF now and then, usually for a Sunday afternoon. Anyone is welcome to come hang out with us whether they're a member or not. (Just send a tell to @Lela)
Requirements for Membership: None. We have a 30 day trial period to give you a chance to see if you want to stay and us a chance to see if we're gonna get along. Beyond that, we're more than happy to just have more people to rp and play with.
Leadership: Rose Lucian, Kaleb Lucian, Icey Thorn
In-Game Contact(s): @Lela, @The Mike, @Steverino
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM me here at the forums or find me on Yahoo Messanger as lela_d_nut or AIM as leladnut
URL: We don't have a website, but we do have a Yahoo Group to calendar events and keep in touch out of game (which you're welcome to join even if you'd just like to come play with us without becoming a member of our SGs/VGs):
Coalition(s): None as yet, but if you have an rp VG that you'd like to coalition with us, please let us know
Other Details: We also have an SG with which a few of our characters have affiliations for storyline purposes and hope to expand on that in the future.
Please bear in mind that while we love to rp and play CoX, we're also not hardcore/serious RP'ers or gamers, but just some laid back people that like to hang out together. If you're looking for a lot of structure and quick, purposeful movement (be it in level or story-telling progress), this may not be the group for you.
Name: The Society of Evil
Currently Recruiting: We ARE currently recruiting all origins/levels. Red and Blue Side. Always looking to coalition.
RP Level: Lite to Medium-RP, Immersion is at the discretion of the member, but the deeper the merrier
PvP Level: Very little activity, not off to the idea however.
Theme/Concept: Arachnos wing to deal with the troublesome Justice Guard, after a majority of it's founders handed defeat to recluse, thus saving the world. Dreadnot was entrusted with the gathering the most diabolic and destructive villains in order to wipe out The Justice Guard.
Typically Arch enemies of the Justice Guard are in the S.O.E, but all are welcome that can prove their worth, and of course, cause a lot of trouble, save it doesn't interfere with the will of Arachnos. (backstory on site.)
Activity: Current number of unique fluctuates due to the economy at the moment. We range from 00:00-07:00 Central to 17:00-00:00 Central. Middle Hours are so so compared to those other times. We see the most log ins weekends and evenings, SG was first founded in the wee hours.
Requirements for Membership: All Levels welcome, we have 2 SG's, one level 25-50, and one 1-24. We have a back up in case of emergency. Our VG is 1-50. Alts are welcome as long as they are played, no one likes dusting ^_~. We appreciate Guild Site usage, keeps us all in contact and a nice place to put our fiction, RP and whacky stuff. SG/VG limit is 45 days of inactivity, after which you are welcome back after you drop the officers a line to re-instate you.
Leadership: Dreadnot, Catalina 6.7,Cyber-Strife,Gray Moth (Plus officer levels)
In-Game Contact(s):@cap'tain Amazing (Dreadnot/Catalina),
@Moon Elk (Major Faultline), @OpposingForce (Death-Ray), @Hagia Sophia (Gray Moth)
Feel free to try more then one, we're not always on at the time.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CaptainAmazing (CoH Forum handle)
Coalition(s): Recluse's Claw, Marque of the Tarot, Conventicle, Femme Fatal
Other Details: Prestige is appreciated but not required, we all have bills to pay. We try to ask a fair split between infamy and prestige. We have a tier 3 plot Hero base and a tier 2 villain base. (Yes with teleporters to the major zones, come on, what ever happened to walking? :P), Hero Base comes with 3rd level buffers, storage for inspirations. (take a penny, leave a penny), medibot (the inspiration vending machine!) a
lovely meeting hall that seats 40 easy at one time, a Executive meeting room, and a lab. The bases are a flawless mixture of Magic and Tech, all origins welcome however. Villain base comes with Red side equals of the hero base, but the base is a tad smaller. We attempt to schedule at least one TF a week, with hopes of others who can lead
Name: Loose Canons
Currently Recruiting: if you want in, there's lots of room
RP Level: RP-friendly/RP-lite, but we have a policy against taking it too seriously
PvP Level: Squishy
Theme/Concept: Not taking things seriously. Villainy is often silly, so why not play it up?
Activity: Brand spankin' new (actually, about 8 months old, but passive recruiting is slow, apparently), with utterly random periods of activity.
Requirements for Membership: Must have a sense of humour. Must enjoy drama only for the comedy it creates (or not). Just be funny, or silly, or at least try.
Leadership: Head Alien III
In-Game Contact(s): @Captain Cathode
Out-of-Game Contact(s): betsumei, Ryan whose e-mail address is at
URL: I'll get around to it one of these days
Coalition(s): None, although we are officially friendly towards any similarly themed group
Other Details: Come on, unaligned villains! What have you got to lose? It's not like we'll hold a grudge if you decide you don't want to stay, so give us a try
Name: Sisterhood of Naughty Space Vixens
Currently Recruiting: We are always looking for more who fit our requirments, a female toon and a desire to have fun.
RP Level: Informal, most of us RP our toons but it is not mandatory that you do so.
Theme/Concept: We are loners, drifters in space who have found our way to Earth. We are outsiders, survivalists, and opportunists looking for a place to anchor ourselves in the constant chaos that surrounds us. The Sisterhood is that anchor, our common ground, our refuge from the planet's laws, persecution and violence (or a nice secure place to stash our loot). When making a space vixen, good sources of inspiration can be taken from sci fi fem fatales from the Flash Gordon stories, anime, such as Esmeraldas, Faye Valentine, and the ladies from Outlaw Star, and from books, such as the Bene Gesserit and the Honored Matres from the Dune series. We also take in those looking for a place to belong and have taken in vampires, gangsters, monsters and even Earthling fem fatales if they can cut it. Comic supervillainesses are a good inspiration as well, such as Saturnyne, White Queen, Lady Mastermind, Mystique, Bomb Queen and other such "bad girl" comic characters.
Activity: Founded in Febuary 2006, activity is moderate, spiking late at night. We have a weekly tf and a weekly meeting both on Sundays.
Requirements for Membership: Must have a female toon and a desire to have fun.
Leadership: Bellonda (founder and leader), Mental Chick (2nd in command and Co-leader)
In-Game Contact(s): @Forever Zer0 (gone for 6 months starting in August), @MC, @Lady Grey, @Ble the Barbarian, or just join the "Space Vixens" global channel and ask for a leader or officer on there.
Coalition(s): In the Loop, Denile, New Moon Pub and has contact with leadership in several top ten sg's.
Other Details: The big thing about us is that nothing is Mandatory, not weekly meetings, not rping, just have fun anyway you want. Our atmosphere is friendly and low key. We have a MASSIVE base that will fit your every need and friendly leadership that is happy to help. One thing we are not is a ERP group, but we can be rather mature and blue sometimes. Currently ranked in the top 50 on the Server and the highest ranked sisterhood on Virtue.
@Forever Zer0
Forever Zero lvl 45 Grav/Kin Controller
Bellonda lvl 50 Bots/traps MM
Mid-Night Marauder lvl 50 DM/Invuln Scrapper
Name: "The Morning and the Night"
Currently Recruiting: We are always recruiting. In character, however, there is no recruitment process as new members join by their own free will.
RP Level: We're a roleplay focused VG. Certain chat channels are 100% IC, otherwise it's your choice. Anyone interested in story lining some player RP events, feel free to contact me.
PvP Level: Considering I've yet to do any CoX PVP, I'm highly interested.
Theme/Concept: Originating in Japan, The Morning and the Night is a demon worshiping ninja clan. The theme itself revolves around my mastermind, Asa to Yoru, which translates to "The Morning and the Night", and "he" as the immortal soul of a demon who leads his followers.
Activity: We're brand new, so I've only got some alts of my two co-workers right now. We're all active though they frequent Justice more often than Virtue. You can expect a meager base for a little while
Requirements for Membership: We require only that you have an asian culture/mythos themed villain. The VG itself has a Ninja and Oni focus, but these are not requirements.
Leadership: Asa to Yoru
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Asa to Yoru
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Feel free to PM
URL: If the group gains in popularity and activity, I'll get a forum up for it. For now, there's my Virtueverse page.
Coalition(s): Possible in the future, any active and related VGs out there, give me a heads up
Name: Academie de Vindicta (or just The Academie)
Currently Recruiting: Yes, we are looking for RP minded individuals.
RP Level: Medium RP with a global for general chit chat.
PvP Level: At own discretion (The SG is not PvP oriented)
Theme/Concept: The Academie is a school dedicated to helping those who want to understand and utilize their powers, as well as furthering that understanding into a concrete goal. We go where the profit fits best and matches our goals, and neither side with Arachnos or Longbow.
Activity: Roughly 15+ unique members, at various times of the day throughout the week.
Requirements for Membership: Must be a role-player. Past that no other requirements.
Leadership: FelFox, Delta Eclipse and T. Silverspar
In-Game Contacts: @FelFox and @Silverspar
Out of Game Contacts: FelFox and Silverspar
Coalitions: The Embassy, The Rogue Register and Treskel Foundation
Other Details: AdV is a long established, family oriented group. We have hit a couple of recent milestones, including just having broke into the top 100 super Groups on Virtue as well as achieving two years as a supergroup. We try to do things for our members, giving them rooms, helping them level as well as offering oppurtunities to enjoy groups with Strike Forces and other such things. Check out the website for more information.
Name: Legion of the Bloodmoon
Currently Recruiting: We are currently recruiting any demonic themed characters. We are also looking for demonic themed SG's for coalition.
RP Level: RP-light, working on becoming RP-heavy
PvP Level: Low
Theme/Concept: Demonic theme, organizing to take over the planet and enslave mankind.
Activity: new, so dont expect to much activity
Requirements for Membership: must be demonic themed
Leadership: Beast of the Grave
In-Game Contact(s): Global is @Shadow Flame Avenger
Name: Empire of Shadows (as well as Empire of McShadows) (Hero Side is Empire of Virtue (I, II, and III))
Currently Recruiting: Always looking for people
RP Level: Not Really RPer, but some members are
PvP Level: Casual
Theme/Concept: The Empire of Shadows (also have some side guild parts on Pinnacle) is part of the The EmpireS, a Long standing guild across multiple MMOs (such as DAoC, LOTRo, AoC, soon to be WAR etc). We have been in CoH/V since the beginning of the game.
Activity: Roughly 10-15+ Unique people on during peak hours, with 20+ unique members, as well as the 100s of Empire members across other MMOs. Time zones vary with people on the East Coast, West Coast, and Europe. So we do usually have someone on.
Every Saturday at 7pm EST we run a TF/SF of some sort.
Requirements for Membership: Must be willing to bring all of your characters into the Guild. We recruit the person, not just a character. We look for good people, not just good players. They must be willing to follow the rules as layed out on the Website (G/Family rated chat, visit the website/forums, etc).
Leadership: BinkDeBook - Magistrate (runs it), Multiple Officers in game etc
In-Game Contact(s): @BinkDeBook, @Beanstalk1, @Many Toons, @PinkSparkler, @Relentless., @Criselli, @Terhial, etc (see link: Clicky to Officer Global name thread on the site)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): BinkDeBook here on the Forums, as well as BinkDeBook on the Empire Site
URL: (Note: Currently redirecting to
Coalition(s): N/A
Other Details: As mentioned above - we are across multiple MMOs - we look for good people, not just good players, we've been around for 7+ Years, 600-1000+ People registered on the Website, etc
Take Care,
Virtue: CaptainMayhem-50 Inv/SS Tank; NaomiArmitage-50 DM/Inv Scrap; Captn Randomizer-50 MC/Kin Cntrller; Murky Thecat-50 Claws/SR Scrap; Professor Junk-50 Bots/Traps MM; +Others Arc Id #77311, #227436
Name: Inevitable Evolution
Currently Recruiting: Always ready to accept new people interested in fun.
RP level: Moderate. The Group is an RP group, we run group and individual stories, but take time to level our toons, run Farms, and complete Strike Forces together and the like.
PVP level: Casual to Moderate. PVP is not required, but many members engage in it, and train with one another. Some characters are non pvp, but it is not frowned upon.
Theme/Concept: I.E. is a revolutionary force in the Isles, dedicated to over throwing Arachnos, and freeing others from oppression. Its members work outside the boundries of the law, and hold much contempt for modern society. The group takes in Mutants and metahumans of all stripes, particularly looking for young metas to train them in the use of their powers and give them a sense of family.
Activity Level: low during the early afternoon(EST) around noon to 3pm but steadily picks up in the evening. Many of our members are Pacific time zone. Upwards of 20 unique members on at peak hours in the evening and weekends.
Requirments for Membership: Must fit conceptually with I.E. and be able to follow its Three rules.
Leadership: "Run Riot" and "Chaos Ex Machina" are the heads of said group. Officers include "Veridian Vision", "Franco Mancini" "Ani Reaves" and "Rezz"
In Game Contact:
@Run Riot
@Ani Reaves
@Franco Mancini
Virtueverse entry:
Coalition: A Full and active coalition.
Other Notes: SG chat is IC. We have an OOC Channel used for chit chatting and keeping in contact with one another. We have group meetings on Monday Nights at 10pm(EST) where we discuss plot elements, Group Buisness, and plan Task Forces and the like. Saturday Nights tend to be Task Force Nights. We are one of the top 100 SG's over a year old now, with a full base fully loaded with all conviences.
Name: The Young Entrepreneurs' Club
Currently Recruiting: Yes.
RP Level: RP-intensive, but OOC chat is fine.
PvP Level: Almost zero - we only PVP for story reasons.
Theme/Concept: A group of up-and-comers, still in their teens and 20s, collected together and willing to put up with each other in order to take even more of what they want from the Rogue Isles.
Activity: Daily activity, but random. Weekends remain the best for any major activity.
Requirements for Membership: Your character must be relatively young. It also helps if they're slanted towards crime, as opposed to villainy, but it's not a strict requirement.
Leadership: Sunless Flame
In-Game Contact: @IanTheM1
Out-of-Game Contact: IanTheM1
Other Details: Our base is intended to be non-functional, aside from Invention utilities. All of our prestige will be going towards making a detailed RP space for our members, though earning it is not mandatory.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
Name: The Pariah Project Annex
Currently Recruiting: Yes!
PvP Level: PvP is not a team activity for the Project.
Theme/Concept: The Pariah Project Annex is an extension of The Pariah Project (SG), based in the Rogue Isles. As such, we are not "villains," per se. Some members will be versions of Paragon City heroes who happen to spend time in the Isles. (As you can imagine, this makes then unconventional heroes.)
Requirements for Membership: We have no minimum level requirements, but do expect your characters to be played often. We have a no-alt policy... one character per player.
Leadership: The Project is an egalitarian group, with no "leaders," per se.
In-Game Contact(s): Dyna Red is your best bet, redside. Dynamistress, blue side.
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
URL: (No separate site for the Annex)
Other Details: PLEASE read the information section of the team website carefully. It spells out very clearly what kind of group we are and what sorts of characters (and players) we're looking for.
Name: Arachnos Youth Corp.
Currently Recruiting: We are a relatively new VG that is currently looking for new members with teen villains characters.
RP Level: We are a Med-RP group. RP is encouraged, but not manditory, at all times.
PvP Level: Not currently PvP-focused. However, once we get larger, we will be forming a rivalry with the teen hero SG, The Youth League, which would include PvP and base raids.
Theme/Concept: The Arachnos Youth Corp. is a group of young villains whose purpose is to train and acquire power so that they will be in a position to become the new elite of Arachnos and the Rogue Isles once the old guard has aged and become weak.
Activity: Currently low. As of this posting, we have less than a dozen members, of varying activity. Most members are EST, operating in the 6:00pm to 10:00pm timeframe.
Requirements for Membership: Character must be from 14 to 19 in age (or at least apparent age, for you immortals). We would like characters to log in at least once a week to show that they are active and provide Prestige.
Leadership: Iron Venom, Diamond Jill
In-Game Contact(s): @nytemare (Iron Venom)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM LordDynamo on the forums for contact
URL: (no website yet)
Coalition(s): We have a small Coalition, made up of alliances with another youth-oriented VG and an older VG of adult villains.
Other Details: We have a small base with basic storage, but are coalitioned with an older VG, whose base is available for teleportation needs until ours gets larger. All members should be in SG mode as much as possible. Older members (and their alts) can help with Infamy, if necessary.
Name: The People's Vengence
Currently Recruiting: We are recruiting new members of any level or experience.
RP Level: We don't RP, but if you do that's fine. We don't mind. Some people will RP with you without a qualm!
PvP Level: Very little PvP, none as a group.
Theme/Concept: The original concept of our hero group was a Soviet-era Communist group, "Vengence" was to be the evil version of them; but when you don't RP much that's not so important. What IS important is you (1) don't suck (2) aren't a jerk (3) accept people for who they are (4) help the little guy!
Activity: Currently less then a dozen full time active, mostly in the Central time zone. Evening play with a few in the morning.
Requirements for Membership: The only requirement are the ones listed above ("Don't suck" being primary) and to join our global channel.
Leadership: Leadership? You mean like, people in CHARGE and telling you to DO stuff? That really happens?
In-Game Contact(s): @Blue Pyro @Gold Falcon @Bland @Spydar @Spydarus @VTron21 @VTron22 @Kegan @Scrap Cat @Hugh Voltage @Dust Mite @ElementalMaster
Coalition(s): Several other small groups use us for teleportation, as well as our collation with our BLUE SIDE HERO Group!
Other Details: 4) We've fully stocked bases, both on Hero and Villain sides - teleporters and workbenches as we need them.
We use both Teamspeak and a private global channel for communications.
Were tolerant as grownups should be. Keep the drama down and your spirits up and youll fit in.
Weve been around in one form or another since Beta. Members and leadership may shift, but the People endure!
What we are not:
We are not big on formality. If a very structured hierarchical SG with designated and official roles are what you want, it's best to move on. We don't have an official Recruiting Officer or Public Relations Officer. In fact if you ask who is in charge, expect blank looks. If someone generates an idea, the folks that are interested in it just do it. The folks not interested do something else. If you play well, and act well, let's go!
No begging to be power-leveled. This includes the subset of "but I already have a 50 and I want to get this specific toon to 50 for PvP." There are other SGs for that. Above all else, PLing is boring, and those that do nothing but PL miss a LOT of the experience.
We are not "Teh Uber". While we have experienced and intelligent players, we are not solely geared toward the extreme optimization of high-level toons for PvP. Will we participate in PvP? Yes, but that facet does not consume our coalition overall. CoH was fantastically cool before PvP, and we aren't switching to a 100% PvP-oriented SG as some have chosen. Variety is fun!
We have storage of all types available to those that have been with us for over three months and are actively earning prestige.
Name: Misfit Amazons
Currently Recruiting: accepting new members, wanting to let others know we exist.
RP Level: RP-friendly,RP-lite
PvP Level: Casual
Theme/Concept: Rogue Misfit Amazon women who do not follow a code of honor. Tall and aggressive females who thrive on chaos. Men who serve the Misifts are not weak but they are loyal and will follow orders.
Activity: 1 Member but I am seeking to be very active, I have 10 hours a day I can devote to the group.
Requirements for Membership: Women must be at least 5'10", men bust be no taller than 5'10". Must earn 1000 Prestige per week per character. You may have alts. Must attend scheduled meetings. Be fair and decent but above all have fun.
Leadership: Julie Pink Fist
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Lemon Lass
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Lemon Lass on forums or
Coalition(s): TBA
Other Details: FREE CRAFTED COSTUME PIECE FOR EVERY NEW MEMBER plus 20,000 infamy starting cash
Name: The Rogue Register: Paragon Edition
Currently Recruiting: Yes.
RP Level: RP-intensive. SG/coalition chat is IC unless otherwise marked.
PvP Level: We don't have a PvP focus at the moment.
Theme/Concept: The Rogue Register is a company that started out as a newspaper publisher on the Rogue Isles. Opposed to Arachnos' heavy-handed rule, some of its publications carry political messages aimed at criticizing the regime in power. At the same time, the company also makes clear its opposition to Longbow and other government-sanctioned hero groups. The Rogue Register maintains a stance of watchful neutrality, valuing integrity above profit or popularity.
In order to fund its own activity, the Rogue Register dabbles in multiple markets. Medical research, retail, security, tech support, and modern appliances are some of its areas of focus.
Activity: We're not a large group, and we're currently in a lull. Some of our members are currently on hiatus.
Requirements for Membership: Roleplayers are welcome. Activity is highly desired. We have no thematic limitations, but rogue heroes and anti-heroes are preferred.
Leadership: Rain of Radiation
In-Game Contact(s): @ROBOKiTTY
Out-of-Game Contact(s): See
Coalition(s): We're happy to coalition with roleplay groups on an alliance/business-partnership basis.
Other Details: I have a global chat channel for personal use, but members serious about making the Rogue Register their home are always welcome on it. We frequently run impromptu TFs/SFs.
I18 Hamidon raiding guide
THE ROGUE KNIGHTS [u]est. January 2005[u]
The Knights are now looking for brave heroes and villains of all levels and archetypes. We currently have 11 super groups on the Virtue server. We are very active in all aspects of the game and have been nominated by the players of City of Heroes across all servers as one of the [u]Favorite Supergroups of 2006[u]! The Knights pride themselves with having a mature and fun group with some of the most accomplished players in the game. We have been in this game for over three years and have no plans of leaving.
[u]What we have to offer
<ul type="square">Teaming at all hours: The Knights are lucky to have a extremely large player base of about 200+ players. Within those numbers are players from around the world and many different time zones. This opens up the opportunity for players to find teams at odd times. Not just any team, but highly effective and fun Knight Teams!
Weekly Task/Strike Forces and Trials: The Knights have a great staff of leadership that is constantly checking with the membership to see what special task forces need to be posted on the calendar. It is not unusual on a weekend to see a half dozen or more TFs run in a day. If you need a specific task force it is highly likely it will done. Many of the Knights have done these so many times they can be completed in record time and efficiency.
Role-Playing: The Knights boast some of the finest RP found on this server. Monthly in-game role-playing events help players create custom story lines that they can play out both in-game and on the forums. The Capes and Cocktails RP forum thread is on its way to its third year of RP and has spawned many player run story arcs. Mission based RP is available for those interested and those that do not RP are respectful of those that do.
Rewards!: The Knights hold many contests and programs for the membership to reward them for going above and beyond what is asked of them. The Oh, What a Knight or OWAK program has been well received. This titled is given to a Knight who has embodied the virtues of the group and has been both helpful and friendly to others. The recipient of this title is given a PK Collectible Coin. We also reward all characters who hit the one million prestige mark with a one of a kind commission from John Becaro. You can visit his site or ours and see several of the winners. Many other contests are held throughout the year!
Beyond the Game: The Knights are much more than your average super group, they are a network of people from all walks of life
they are a community. To be a Knight is to be a member of a fellowship of 240+ people who carry on a virtual friendship that often times extends beyond the confines of the internet. The Knights have banded together to purchase commissioned artwork and produce in-game movies among other things. A real life meet and greet occurred at this past Dragon Con in Atlanta and another is being planned soon. Many friendships have been built that will only increase well beyond City of Heroes.[/list]
[u]How to Apply
To apply to be a Knight you need to first visit Take the time to check out what all the site has to offer. Many of your questions about the Knights can be answered there. After you have decided that you indeed do want to be part of the Knights, click Join Paragonian Knights at the top of the screen and answer the couple short questions. This will set you up with a Guild Portal account. Finally, post a application on the forums using the format provided. Be as in-depth as you desire. After that is done one of the officers will post and provide you with contact info. You may also look up one of the in-game contacts provided below after posting an application.
[u]The Knight Groups
<ul type="square">
The Rogue Knights is the City of Villains branch of the Paragonian Knights. They operate under the same guidelines as the Paragonian Knights. Even though the group is comprised of villains, all members are expected to treat each other and other players with respect. All current Knights are automatically granted acceptance into the RK upon creating a new villain. The Rogue Knights has a 30 day activity requirement.
The Rogue Knights 2nd Battalion is the alt group for RK. Each member is only allowed one character within this faction. The activity requirement for this SG is 90 days.
The Rogue Knights Vixens is the female character only SG. At the time of this writing, you can have as many characters in this faction as long as they are female. There is no activity requirement for this group.
The Rogue Knights Terror Legion is our role-playing group on CoV. To become a member of the TL, a player must first be a member of one of our other supergroups. The Terror Legion is also the group we base our superteams. Currently we are running a all Soldiers of Arachnos superteam with other planned soon.[/list]
The Paragonian Knights have an excellent and extremely active website and forums. We are currently the largest City of Heroes/City of Villains web site on Guild Portal with over 1,000 members and growing. We are presently the fourth largest Guild Portal website based upon membership alone. We have hosted over 1,000 events. We also are happy to have in-game coalitions with some of Virtues most active super groups opening up many teaming and in-game event options. If any of these groups interest you please visit our site at or send me a private message here or at and I can fill you in more.
The Knights are all about fun and getting to know each other better. Alot of the Knights have been together since their early days with CoH and have built long lasting friendships.
Paragonian Knights in action! By
Some of the line-up by Juggertha
The Rogue Knights preparing for battle by
For Honor! A Tribute Movie by Cruse(Kichi)
An Interview with Grae Knight by
Ingame Contacts:
<ul type="square">
@Grae Knight (Founder)
@Mitch Koval (RP Officer-Honor Battalion
@Lady Grae (RP Officer-The Grae Academy)
@Devilchilde (PvP Officer)
@Cpt Slowloader
[/ QUOTE ]
We are no longer accepting applicants into any of The Rogue Knights groups without the player first being a member of the Paragonian Knights heroside. If you are still interested apply on our website at
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
Name: The Supreme Society
Currently Recruiting: We are currently recruiting heavy Roleplayers.
RP Level: Heavy, but of course some things are better discussed OOC.
PvP Level: Light-ish. We periodically set up RP-based casual PVP events against rivals. Please note that participation in our PvP events is encouraged but not required.
Theme/Concept: A new supervillain organization, intended for those who are willing to assist in the greater goal of removing the opposition, is being formed in the Rogue Isles. What's the point of having power if you can't use it to get what you want? It's sort of a take on the modern Squadron Supreme without any pretenses of them being a force for good.
Activity: We're small with a handful of active players, but looking to expand. Primary hours seems to be after 9PMish, EST.
Requirements for Membership: You must be a heavy roleplayer. Your character must be a comic book style supervillain with at least one comic book costume. Potential recruits will go through an IC interview before joining. Further details can be found here .
Leadership: Agonus
In-Game Contact(s): @The New Black, Eiko-chan
URL: A work-in-process site can be found here.
Other Details: VG meetings are Monday nights at 10:30PM, EST. We're in the process of trying to set up VG RP mish nights Wednesdays starting at 10PM EST, which in theory would last until too many people have to log. The base is another work-in-process project.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

Name: Nightsisters
Currently Recruiting: Absolutely! We'd also like some good coalitions.
RP Level: We plan for moderate RP, but are new and trying to work the kinks out.
PvP Level: Maybe, but still trying to work the kinks out.
Theme/Concept: We are based on the Nightsisters from Star Wars. We're not actual Nightsisters, more like a cult, which explains the whole lack of Force powers thing. Once again, we're trying to work some kinks out.
Activity: We have about 3 unique members with 9 alts between us at the time of this writing. We play a lot, one of us is usually on at any given time.
Requirements for Membership: The character must be female, have the word 'Nightsister' as the first word in her name, and have Magic or Natural origin. So you're probably going to have to create a new character.
Leadership: Nightsister Arsenic, Nightsister Alsatia
In-Game Contact(s): @Narky1, @Arion (whose brother sometimes uses her account so you may not get a reply)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): My e-mail is
Coalition(s): 2 so far, and looking for more!
Other Details: We have a very small base that I'm working on (Prestige has been a major limitation of what I can do) and few members, but we intend to make a nice-sized VG with friendly and active players. If you join now, you could be one of the first members of a very great future VG! Rank promotions are every 10,000 Prestige earned, right up to Spellweaver rank (2nd only to the leaders, called the Matriarchs).
Name: Dementocracy
Currently Recruiting: We are not actively recruiting, but will not turn down the right applicant. This posting is mainly to make ourselves known.
RP Level: "What degree of immersion do you expect or require?"
Immersion in what? Is this some kind of game to you?
PvP Level: Casual
Theme/Concept: We are a political party advocating rule by the mad. This is in no way a challenge to Lord Recluse, as he has been called "madman" by his detractors. We advocate the violent overthrow of reality, and support many neglected advocacy groups including:Citizens Against Postmarital Sex (CAPS), Citizens Against Baby Seals (CABS), and American Citizens Resolved In Defense of the Construction of a Historic Environmentalist Monument In Cooperation with American Lumberers (ACRID CHEMICAL).
Activity: We have one player, one character, and 4 ninja. Most of our membership is on completely at random, but Grahn is usually on in the late evening.
Requirements for Membership: Must accede to the wisely mad leadership of our most benevolent leader, Grahn E. Smith.
Leadership: President: Grahn Elric Smith
Ninja:Newt, Scooter, Carl, and Hank
In-Game Contact(s): Global @<Grahn E Smith> for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs :Grahn_E_Smith
URL: guess . . .
nope. guess again . . .
nope. We don't have one. Grahn's never used a computer in his life.
Coalition(s): guess . . .
nope . . .
nope . . .
nope. We do too have an alliance, its just a secret...
Other Details: We expect near constant SG mode and unfaltering loyalty. We offer nothing. You'd have to be crazy to join us - please feel free to submit yourself for consideration!
Villain Group listing for the Virture server for July 2008 to January 2009. You all know the drill: quote the template below fill it for your supergroup. Some of the sections listed might not pertain to ever group, so feel free to delete those...
(Template copied from Grae_Knight's layout for Feb. '08 - June '08 )
Name: SG Name
Currently Recruiting: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
PvP Level: Casual, hard-core, arena, zone, etc..
Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'être
Activity: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Leadership: character name(s)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: the group's website
Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc. or whether it is an IC or OOC associate
Other Details: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal