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  1. Melee can do fine in PVP but now it's all about building the right powers to work as a melee class.

    I do just fine on my SS/Elec, but thats just it right there. For Brutes and Tanks, it's really SS or nothing to be competetive against the majority of opponents, followed up by having either WP or Elec as a secondary.
  2. Biff here knows who I'am and I know who he is, were on the Same Server and we deal with the Same thing.

    My SS/Elec has a 1.78 Global Accuracy Bonus, and then I throw on Rage, and then I throw on Focusses Accuracy. I'm also slotted for an Extra Chance to Build up, so I can say I'm specced damn near much as you can be, to Hit.

    Because I've focused on almost NOTHING but To-hit and Accuracy, I tend to win again the Majority of Forts and Widows I fight.

    At the same time I have to take a step back and go.. I've done Nothing But Spec for Accuracy and To-hit in order to fight Defense classes.

    Before then I was running 1.78 Accuracy on my EM/Elec and even with Focused Accuracy, it Just wans't enough to Hit. I missed them every time.

    This is the new State of PVP... everyone trying to either A) Build up so much Elusivity and Defense and Stack on the Phase Shifts and PFF's to be unkillable..

    or B) Throw in as much To-hit,Accuracy, or Defense Debuffs they can to counter A.

    Overall it's just sad.
  3. As everyone has pointed out here the reason why you need SS is because it has Perma Build up, they like to refer to as "Rage".

    It's the exact same stats as Build! 20% to hit, 80% extra damage! Except for it being up all the time beyond it's small 10 second window down.

    With everyone Villain Side playing a Widow or Fort.. if you decide to take a Tanker in, your going to need that perma BUild up.

    Otherwise, without signifigany buffs, you'll just whiff all the same time.. except for that 10 second window you have Build up for on any other Melee set.
  4. You need SuperStrength on your tank for Zone PVP.

    Otherwise you'll never land a single blow on the Legions of VEATS you'll be facing from the Villain Side.
  5. You'd think the Resistance based character would be able to play Offensively to win.

    But My SS/Elec brute beats Forts and Widows by playing defensively and running them out of End -_-.

    It's sad when the "Brute" character spends the match running away, powersinking, and Aid selfing, in order to be able to "Bring the fight" to the Defense based Ultra Damage dishing toon.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Lets face it, i12 PVP was pretty bad to begin with. Espically for those of us who liked to handicap ourselves by playing something like a LOLmelee class.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Let's face another thing.

    I12 was no where near as epic fail as I13 is

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did you bother to read the rest of my Post? Because thats pretty much what I said.
  7. Some of the theory that went into making i13 was sound at first.

    Lets face it, i12 PVP was pretty bad to begin with. Espically for those of us who liked to handicap ourselves by playing something like a LOLmelee class.

    Still, I did Well enough on my EM/Elec Brute to get respect and it stayed close to my character concept and I was happy for it.

    Then EM got nerfed, and VEATS came out and it was [censored]' Fortunatas all over the Damn place.. and I thought to myself "Oh thank gawd their changing pvp in i13!"

    Now post i13 it's still Fortunatas all over the damn place, along with Sharks.. Only now I've just upgraded to a SS/Elec and yeah thanks to my insane to-hit I get respect again and can even outduel 90% of the VEATS out there, even while playing a LOL Melee without Sharks (need the webvelope from Mako for flying and jumping opponents)

    But it seems even worse then before. Less Class options are Viable, and it's even harder for newbies to break into the scene.

    I took one of my SG members into the Arena has he was showing interest in getting involved in PVP now that he was 47 and wanted to know what it was like at 50.

    Well, even though I took it easy on the poor guy, the fact that he couldn't effecivetly do a single damn thing to my toon pretty much turned him off to PVP completly.

    The game is harder then ever for new players to break into, espically if they choose the wrong power sets.

    Fortunatas are still overpowered against 90% of the other AT combinations out there, Elusivity is overpowered, SuperStrength is the only power worth having for tanks and Brutes, and the game requires a completly second build now to go from PVE to PVP.

    If anything i13 was a fail of epic proportions for PVP.

    I can't even imagine what the more Hardcore Team Based PVP Crowd had to go through compared to us medium core single Duel and Zone folk.
  8. He's the most lovable sweet cat in existence.

    Rescued from a parking lot where he was left to die as a kitten in a box. Loves people, has no fear of them, would never scratch or bite anyone.

    That and he's a bowling ball with legs. 22 pound Black Cat.
  9. Name: Inevitable Evolution

    Currently Recruiting: Always ready to accept new people interested in fun.

    RP level: Moderate. The Group is an RP group, we run group and individual stories, but take time to level our toons, run Farms, and complete Strike Forces together and the like.

    PVP level: Casual to Moderate. PVP is not required, but many members engage in it, and train with one another. Some characters are non pvp, but it is not frowned upon.

    Theme/Concept: I.E. is a revolutionary force in the Isles, dedicated to over throwing Arachnos, and freeing others from oppression. Its members work outside the boundries of the law, and hold much contempt for modern society. The group takes in Mutants and metahumans of all stripes, particularly looking for young metas to train them in the use of their powers and give them a sense of family.

    Activity Level: low during the early afternoon(EST) around noon to 3pm but steadily picks up in the evening. Many of our members are Pacific time zone. Upwards of 20 unique members on at peak hours in the evening and weekends.

    Requirments for Membership: Must fit conceptually with I.E. and be able to follow its Three rules.

    Leadership: "Run Riot" and "Chaos Ex Machina" are the heads of said group. Officers include "Veridian Vision", "Franco Mancini" "Ani Reaves" and "Rezz"

    In Game Contact:
    @Run Riot
    @Ani Reaves
    @Franco Mancini

    Website: http://ieonvirtue.proboards102.com/index.cgi
    Virtueverse entry: http://www.virtueverse.com/index.php...able_Evolution

    Coalition: A Full and active coalition.

    Other Notes: SG chat is IC. We have an OOC Channel used for chit chatting and keeping in contact with one another. We have group meetings on Monday Nights at 10pm(EST) where we discuss plot elements, Group Buisness, and plan Task Forces and the like. Saturday Nights tend to be Task Force Nights. We are one of the top 100 SG's over a year old now, with a full base fully loaded with all conviences.
  10. Name: Inevitable Evolution

    Currently Recruiting: Yes, and always looking for those interested in taking part in stories with us.

    RP Level: High, but friendly to newbies, and willing to show them the ropes. SG chat is IC unless put in (()) we have an OOC channel, though its not mandatory.

    Theme/Concept: Were an Anti-Hero Revolutionary group dedicated to taking down groups such as Arachnos, Crey, Longbow, Wyvern, Freedom Corp, and others. Eventual goal is the transformation of society into what we define as "Better".

    Activity: Currently about 35-40 active players with alts and the few semi-active players. Most activity is toward the evening and weekends. Many members roleplay in the D, some avoid it at all costs.

    Requirements for Membership: Basically you can't have it in for your fellow revolutionaries. Characters dedicated to committing terrible atrocities over and over again need not apply. We do boot those who become to troublesome for the group, but this is a rare thing.

    Leadership: Run Riot, Chaos Ex Machina. Also, Angel Sin, The Veridian Vision, Blast Shadow, Team Kill, and Grim Lynn.

    In-Game Contact(s): Sending an in game email to any of the above works, also try me at @orphan81

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): Inevitableevolution@gmail.com

    URL: http://ieonvirtue.proboards102.com/index.cgi

    Coalition(s): The Dread Aces: Information providing and team ups, though we'd like to work on some more cross-over stories with them.
    The Fifth Remnant: Allied with Archon Dread and his individual soldiers, not the council proper. We engage in Heavy RP with this group and there always willing to team. Dread and Prentice are hilarious too.

    Other Details: We have an OOC channel, its not Mandatory but helps to keep in contact and exchange ideas while on Alts and the like. We have a fully functioning base with AutoDoc, Teleporters, and now personal quarters as well. We have a weekly meeting every monday at 10:00pm EST if you can attend, where we exchange ideas OOC and IC wise and talk about things going on.

    We now have a smaller somewhat informal "Paragon Branch" called "Inevitable Revolution" for those wishing to roleplay in Paragon with hero friends, or play Hero Alts who agree with I.E.'s goals, but aren't neccessarily wanted by the law just yet.
  11. I have to agree with Raven here quite abit. Heading up an SG I have alot of fun these days letting the lower level members of the group feel special and highlight them when they mention things like "Being the new up and coming Villain of the Isles" as well as "Being replaced by a Nemesis Robot".

    As being in a community of roleplayers its always nice to help your fellow Roleplayers have a moment in the limelight. I feel this is espically important for SG leaders to facilitate as well.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "If you're going to be a Hero, play in CoH. If you want to play a Villain, play in CoV. Because honestly, it's real hard to explain how your 'evil' charry just came to the aid of the PPD. Just like it's hard to explain how your 'good' villain character just robbed a bank."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, I have a 'good guy' villain. They just don't do mayhem missions, or if they do (Just to get contacts) I RP it as never having happened. And another 'good guy' villain I have is a killer, but only kills evil people, or steals items not meant to be in the hands of a dangerous group. Villains can be heros.(Anti-villains), and heros CAN be villains, but if they're as evil as said person brags, they never should have been, admittedly... Villains have more leway on the 'good-v-evil' bar...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have to agree with this completly. I had a player give me grief OOC wise due to Run Riot, my level 50 Brute, being Morally Grey and much more of an Anti-Hero then a "Mwahahaha, look at me, Im a Viliian!"

    Villian side has much more leeway about playing characters who don't neccessarily fit into the Villian Mold.

    Heroes, are registered and carry around Security ID's for working with the city, while Villians are assigned a Threat from Arachnos. Arachnos is also a very scizophrenic organization, and doesn't have a problem with Villians fighting it and opposing it. Where as I would expect the U.S. goverment, and Paragon, would take issues with a Hero who murdered innocent people.

    That being said, theres nothing wrong with putting "unregistered Hero" in your Heros Handle to let everyone know, your Hero skirts the edge of the law.

    Im gonna have to say in the end, telling people how to play there characters is just wrong.