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  1. Only if it has a "what're YOU lookin' at?" emote. And an eyepoke as one of the low level attacks.
  2. Name: Loose Canons

    Currently Recruiting: if you want in, there's lots of room

    RP Level: RP-friendly/RP-lite, but we have a policy against taking it too seriously

    PvP Level: Squishy

    Theme/Concept: Not taking things seriously. Villainy is often silly, so why not play it up?

    Activity: Brand spankin' new (actually, about 8 months old, but passive recruiting is slow, apparently), with utterly random periods of activity.

    Requirements for Membership: Must have a sense of humour. Must enjoy drama only for the comedy it creates (or not). Just be funny, or silly, or at least try.

    Leadership: Head Alien III

    In-Game Contact(s): @Captain Cathode

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): betsumei, Ryan whose e-mail address is at

    URL: I'll get around to it one of these days

    Coalition(s): None, although we are officially friendly towards any similarly themed group

    Other Details: Come on, unaligned villains! What have you got to lose? It's not like we'll hold a grudge if you decide you don't want to stay, so give us a try