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  1. semiphreak

    Post a Character

    I have more fun thinking up characters than I do actually playing them.

  2. semiphreak


    I've been playing the CO beta for a while now. Think Fable. If you liked Fable game play and thought "this should be an MMO" then i've got a pleasant surprise for you.
  3. I've been looking for something like this. Expect a tell...
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    He never specified. It was in the tentonhammer interview for i13. He said, and I quote, "certain AT's were unbeatable" and another list of non-PvP'er complaints about how certain techniques were "unfair and unfun"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I bet it was Mind/Thorns Dom. UNBEATABLE!
  5. But, but who will teach the children how to play this game "properly"? We have to look out for the children!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Posi also believed that certain AT's were unbeatable in PvP, so it shows that he really doesn't have too much of an idea of what he's talking about.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow, which build did he think was unbeatable?
  7. I like the new PvP *ducks*. Fights are lasting longer, I had to change some builds around, but hey, gave me something new to do/think about.
  8. This latest hoopla re: farming, etc only reaffirms what I've known for years. CoX isn't a game. This is peoples lives we're messing with here! We all need to take this as seriously as it obvious is.

    The first article in the latest city scoop proves my point:

    You people need to get it together.
  9. semiphreak

    MA good for PvP?

    All those fast 50s via MA will need something to do with their new found power. I shall eat them in RV. muhahahaha
  10. I demand that everyone play like I WANT them to play, right now!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Sure you have people that enjoy farming, powerleveling etc, but most people burn out on games really quick when you can beat them in 1 to 2 days.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How exactly do you "beat" an MMO? Thats like saying don't surf the web too fast or you'll reach the end of the internet.
  12. A Hundred-thousand ways to do the exact same thing (kill skuls) but lets raise a stink about way 904?
  13. Title: Streets is watching
    ArcID: 81012
    Length: Long (not really)
    Description: There's a war going on outside no man is safe from. Two of the biggest rival dope gangs in the city have had an uneasy peace in an affort to keep the cash flow undisturbed. Peace can't last forever.
  14. Name: A-Holes from Space

    Currently Recruiting: We have no begun our taking in of servant Earthling refuse, but any and all Aliens are welcome to join us as equal conquers. There will /NOT/ be cake, but indeed there will be various flavors of frosties. ((we are looking for likeminded individuals who play for the fun and remain drama-free (unless its fun drama of course) and would like to jump into an established theme.

    RP Level: RP sporadic and comedic. Serious RP is not only shunned, but will be reason for summary execution.

    Theme/Concept: The A-Holes from space is a conglomerate of A-holes who happen to be from outer space…or perhaps beings from outer space who happen to be A-holes….no matter, TAKE US TO YOUR LEADER and KNEEL BEFORE ZOD! ((Theme/Concept is an [Informal] Comedy based RP Villain Group comprised of various Alien species who have decided to pool resources in order to take over Earth. Think of every cliché pompous alien from movies, TV, Comic Books and toss them onto the same mothership. Can self-absorbed species from various planets all bent on Earths domination share a single ship without driving each other crazy? ))

    Activity: A-Holes from space currently have 5 daily active founding members and 10 randomly active members who foolishly asked to join. Everyone is on the East Coast. We run daily Strike Forces and badge runs for fun and profit

    Requirements for Membership: 1) Must be an A-Hole. 2) Must be from Space 3) See 1 and 2

    Leadership: The Cumulus Family: A group of idiots who were banished from the Ice-moon Europa. Cirro, Pannus, Strata and Arctica Cumulus, respectively.

    In-Game Contact(s): Global Channel: A**holes from Space [unedited]

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM me or pretend there is no out of game. All is game.

    URL: [Undisclosed]

    Coalition(s): [Undisclosed]

    Other Details: Your world leaders will be executed via selective Waffle Cone injection. Your buildings will be turned into shaved ice and your Snowmen will be raised to the status of the superior beings that they are.
  15. Ahem....
    Villain Group listing for the Virture server for July 2008 to January 2009. You all know the drill: quote the template below fill it for your supergroup. Some of the sections listed might not pertain to ever group, so feel free to delete those...

    (Template copied from Grae_Knight's layout for Feb. '08 - June '08 )

    Name: SG Name

    Currently Recruiting: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.

    RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?

    PvP Level: Casual, hard-core, arena, zone, etc..

    Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'être

    Activity: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)

    Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.

    Leadership: character name(s)

    In-Game Contact(s): Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in

    URL: the group's website

    Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc. or whether it is an IC or OOC associate

    Other Details: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal
  16. It would! But for xbox controllers lying around, why not put them to good use by wearing them out on CoX
  17. I know others out there are doing it, but I haven’t found anything on the boards explaining how to set it up, so here it goes:

    COX allows joystick/gamepads which turns game play into a much more familiar experience for us old-console gamers. In particular, the Xbox S-type controller, with its 16(!) buttons can almost virtually eliminate the need to touch the keyboard/mouse!
    WARNING, if you’re not good with cutting wires and using tape, I suggest you not try this. It was written for an audience that knows at least, the very minimum about wires and ghetto-rigging various things (which is an art I must say…)

    What you’ll need:
    1 – Old Xbox controller. I say “old” because you will need to cut the cord.
    2 – A USB cable with flat, male end (typical USB cables)
    3 – A scissor. (or wire splicer, knife or shank or something that can cut wires)
    4 – Electrical tape

    First, unplug the safety release end of the Xbox controller cable. You can use this piece later to make a USB to xbox controller if you need to.

    Take your Xbox controller and at the end of the cord, behind the unplugged connector, cut the wire.

    You’ll need to gently peel back and remove about an inch of the black sheathing covering the wire to reveal the color coded wires inside.
    Do the same with the end of the USB cable. Cut the NON-MALE end off and peel back the covering to reveal the color coded wires.
    The wires inside both cables should look the same. I’ve done this to at least 4 controllers and USB cables and the colors always match, though, I can’t guarantee that they will in your case.

    Next you’ll have to peel back the sheathing on the little wires exposing a bit of the internal copper. Splice the wires from the controller to the USB together matching their colors. There will be one yellow wire left on the Xbox side, cut it off and save it for a souvenir (you COX players just love your souvenirs, don’t you?).

    Once you have the pairs all matched up, use the electrical tape to seal and cover each one and then wrap and seal the whole binding.

    Redcl0ud of the Xbox mod seen has already made a GREAT driver for the Xbox-controllers:
    Redcl0uds xbox driver Get it and install it then plug your controller into your PC!
    Your ‘puter should find a new USB device, might even find a “Gamepad” depending on your OS, will find the driver and your in!
    As I stated before, the controller is a 16 button, 8 axis gamepad so it will need a bit of configuration to get it to work well in COX. I’ve configured mine so that the left stick is look-around and the right is move and turned on all 16 buttons (including the game PoV pad). Save the following as “xbox.xgi”:

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
    Profile0=27292A280708090A0102030405060B0C191A1C1B1 D1E2423
    </pre><hr />
    And then in your control panel/gamepad Properties, load the config file you just saved. You should see your changes in the neat little interface on the gamepad properties.
    Once in the game, change the control options to joystick and then configure the buttons are you see fit.
    For instance, I’m using triggers to switch targets, the A thru PoV down to toggle through tray powers 1-7 and the back-start to switch trays.

  18. Now I know stranger things have happen, but I'm a regular reveler at the D and lately, people have been telling me that there are OTHER VERSIONS of me running around!
    Me, Gully Getmoney

    ..and a kid version that claims to be me at age 11!
    ...and some old geezer who says he's me at age 75!

    As far as I know, no time machines exist on the Isles or in Paragon...and I think i would remember being around here at age 11 so what gives?