Illuminati style VG forming!
As you know i'm totally in this with my Stalker, ""Auf Der Jagd". We'll be in touch.
@Mazzo Grave

Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Illuminati werent evil thou they were scientist
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Sounds like fun. Shame the Baron's apparently a Monkey.
Winston Churchill
Oooh, I like this idea. Vinique would fit in perfectly.
I'll send you an ingame tell soon.
If the leader isn't a lizardman, FAIL!
If the leader isn't a lizardman, FAIL!
[/ QUOTE ]

-=Crey Threat Profile=- : : THE CHALLENGERS on Virtueverse
Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign
I've been looking for something like this. Expect a tell...
I think my MM would work perfectly for this...
Please, send me a forum PM or ingame tell to Vynym, or I'll get in touch with you at some point. Either way
This sounds very pretty much like my Shade Cell group & its front Tokyo Screamplex.
Though we really don't rp,
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
Illuminati? Somebody hit the Hagbard Celine signal!
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
"Der Wille zur Macht... We must never forget why we're here."
((New "evil Illuminati" type static villain group is recruiting, where instead of Mr. Fantastic and Dr. Strange, you will join Baron Crimson as you bend the world to the will of the strong! The Darwinian Order is forming and looking for cruel tyrants, megalomaniacs, evil scientists, and anyone else fond of genocide of the weak. :P
Machiavellian plots, internal and external political intrique, get in on the ground floor of an up and coming force in the Rogue Isles.))
A storm approaches the Rogue Isles from the horizon as it's citizens sleep...
((The Order operates like a council, with Baron Crimson as the Head Chairman, and a handful of Chairmen and their Lieutenants. The main goal of said organization is the realization of a twisted darwinian idea, the complete subjugation of anyone they deem as weak or unworthy. A world of perptual war, where regimes fall and rise, and the weak or sick are systematically terminated if they are found to be of no value.
Baron Crimson himself is a perfectionist of an insane scale, unerringly believing in his ideal of not only shaping the world, but also it's people and even himself. A baptism by fire on a planetary scale, and if anyone should turn to ash, then they were never worthy to begin with...))
"In the end, the strong shall inherit the earth..."
((So far there is only the Baron and his two right-hand men, all other positions are open. So if you think you're ready to go to war with the world, toss me a tell at @Baron Crimson or reply to this message.
"I will wash away the scum and weak and trash of this world... and make it shine again for those truly worthy of her majesty. I will show them all how empty and worthless their lives truly are!"
((We're a mature RP group (No, not THAT kind of mature!) looking for people that are interested more in political plots than emoness. ;P ))
"The time shall come...
When all men shall kneel before me...
And we shall be as gods."
~Baron Crimson