Villain Group Directory July '08 - Jan '09




Name: Shadow Spiders
Recruiting: Always!
RP Level: Very Heavy; VG chat is in-character; we RP most nights
PvP Level: Casual
Leadership: Markel Darkweaver, Doc Von Havencrabs, Operative Griffin
In-Game Contact(s): @Sheyon
VirtueVerse page: Link

The Shadow Spiders are always looking for active roleplayers to fill our ranks and add to the community we have created! Though we have only been around for a few months, we have a very active roster and a rich RP history.

Most of our members are HEAVILY involved in RP, but some nights we just like to kick our heels back in a farm or an in-character ITF. If you have a storyline you would like to get off the ground, you will find that our members are very open and friendly and are usually more than willing to get involved!

We originally started out as an Arachnos villain group, but through in-game events, we have completely severed our ties with Lord Recluse. We are currently a paramilitary organization, but our RP is flexible enough to encompass most character types. Rogue operatives, freelancers, mercenaries, scientists, even mystics are welcome to join.

For more information, contact any of the characters listed above or visit our VirtueVerse page!



Name: The Jagged Stiletto

Currently Recruiting: We are recruiting for every level and every archetype; we're very small right now, and would be very, very happy to expand so we can run mission teams and strike forces, as well as having more roleplaying options available.

RP Level: Fairly RP-heavy, but we're not driving out the people that would like less. /sg is OOC, but mission runs are typically at least semi-IC, and all current members do full RP frequently.

PvP Level: If you'd like to do PVP, that's fine, but there is currently no SG-sponsored PVP.

Theme/Concept: The Jagged Stiletto is a group of individuals, bound together to pool resources. Their loyalties lie wherever they choose; access to our pooled resources is given out in character according to what each person brings to the organization. The resources are extensive, and the wary help of the others can make whatever goals someone seeks that much easier to achieve.

Activity: We are unfortunately small at the moment, but very much hoping to grow. What people we do have are on quite often, although we play over on blueside a great deal as well.

Requirements for Membership: No IC requirements; OOC, you need to be relatively mature. Jokes, RP content, and language can often be quite coarse, so steer clear if you're of particularly delicate sensibilities.

Leadership: Currently I and one other run the group; I have several characters that share the IC responsibilities.

In-Game Contact(s): I can be contacted in game at @Narianne .

Out-of-Game Contact(s): You can PM me here, or apply through the website as well.


Coalition(s): None at the moment, but we're definitely interested in forming one.



Name: Sin Enterprises

Currently Recruiting: Yes, by application and IC interview (see website).

RP Level: Hard RP. We have an OOC chat channel, but all SG comms are expected to be IC.

PvP Level: No official.

Theme/Concept: Shadowy high-tech firm, similar to Crey or Umbrella Corp.

Leadership: Kira Sin, Angela Sin, Death Rush

In-Game Contact(s): Global @Laughing Wolf @ Nitro-Girl @ Conquerer Worm @Shokbox @Onca @House of Usher @Mrr'Shaw

VVerse (under construction)

GuildPortal (main site)

Other Details: Heavy board-oriented RP; ongoing VG story arc. Some restriction on magic-origin chars- contact an officer.

Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.




[For more RG propaganda, see earlier posts]

Just a bump to let you all know we're still alive and kicking. What better way to celebrate i14 than with the most stylin' costumed villains of virtue, the Rogues Gallery?

If you like tights or a good old fashioned costume (none of that shirtless boyo or catgirl stuff) and enjoy RP but don't like the "rules", drop me a line at @nimrod or just swing by the forums.

We always have room for more creative, fun, concept-oriented players!



Name: The Anarchs [also The Chaos Legion and Blood Legion]

Currently Recruiting: Looking for enthusiastic recruits.

RP Level: RP-friendly to RP-intensive. We don’t demand you be in character at all times but we ask players try to keep their out of character discussions in brackets.

PvP Level: Some players do but it isn’t an SG thing.

Theme/Concept: The Anarchs is a group dedicated to fighting against the abuse of power and crimes against humanity. Their current focus is on Arachnos. The Chaos Legion is its magical arm and the Blood Legion is its martial arm.

Activity: We currently only have about a half a dozen players though all are active RPers. We currently are looking to grow the VG. Most players are on in the evenings and night.

Requirements for Membership: As an anti-arachnos group obviously the characters must fit that theme. We want people who are interested in RPing and having fun.

Leadership: Kaedryn

In-Game Contact(s): @Chaiya or @Druid knight

URL: Anarch's Guild Poral Page

Other Details: Fully functioning base with teleporters to all zones. The base is under construction but has great RP spaces.



Name: The Crazy Eight

Currently Recruiting: Always. Currently looking for Core Eight, and reservists.

RP Level: Heavy RP. We are always IC.

PvP Level: Casual.

Theme/Concept: The Crazy Eight are a group of Capes for Hire. The concept of the Classic Villains brought together working under a mysterious benefactor to further this man's own villainous goals so that we may get what we want, be it money, revenge, or something more.

Activity: We only have a few members as we are starting out, but hopefully we'll grow.

Requirements for Membership: Must be a good RPer, and your character must have some sort of goal or reason for being with us. As a player you must also be willing to help contribute to our story.

Leadership: Vexecutioner, Roboroach, Tradgedy Annie, GrinJack, Slash Kitty

In-Game Contact(s): @fourth (Me) is the main recruiter.

Out-of-Game Contact(s): Feel free to PM me here Or

URL: Name:;TabID=2584574

Coalition(s): We are currently Also Seeking Coalitions to join with us.

Other Details: We are a tribute to comic book villain teams, most significantly the Secret Six.

As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.

-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry



Well, this isn't about a villain group, but instead, a mission build in progress that will offer five villain concepts for free which I own the names to. I'm going to offer those five character concepts to the community as a villain team as part of the mission build. These characters have been my babies for like 15 years, and I finally have a place to set my universe free, so I'm going to start with these guys. If you or someone you know is part of a 4 or 5 villain team that runs pretty regularly, I can give out the whole team (which is themed, so you will want your regular players around), and those players will basically get their own origin story for free as a mission while they're at it. Contact me in-game for more. I'm almost done with mission 2 of 5 at the moment.

- Zaximillian, OmegaVerse Editor-In-Chief



Name: Ravenheart

Currently Recruiting: We are currently recruiting RPers of all origins/levels.

RP Level: RP-intensive. Supergroup chat is 100% IC and we have own channel for OOC.

PvP Level: Casual

Theme/Concept: An organization inspired by more classic styled villain groups such as the first incarnation of the Brotherhood of Mutants, Injustice League Unlimited, and of course the Sinister Six. We are a small but powerful force of villains of all origins bent on domination and the acquisition of power.

Activity: We are a newer Villain group so we have a smaller grouping of unique members though our player base is growing all the time. Our timezone is Eastern Time (GMT -05:00) and are very active.

Requirements for Membership: RP is a must. We also ask that all members register on our website to better facilitate group communication.

Leadership: Gregory Husk, Sumannus

In-Game Contact(s): @Sroxah, @Hoplite 1

Out-of-Game Contact(s): Recommended that potential members register to our website at

Virtue Verse:

Coalition(s): Ravenheart is currently seeking other villain groups to join with in a coalition. If interested please contact either @Sroxah or @Hoplite 1.



Name: Blitzkrieg Korps

Currently Recruiting: Accepting new members, all archetypes, all levels

RP Level: RP-friendly

PvP Level: Casual (Arena / Zone)

Theme/Concept: Imagine an Earth whose history was exactly the same as our own until World War II. Now search your darkest fears and allow yourself to drift forward into your worst nightmare. What would the world be like today if the Third Reich had succeeded in its insane visions of global domination? This is the premise of the Blitzkrieg Korps, superheroes on their own twisted world but villains here on ours.

Earth is a dark, dreary cesspool plagued by over population, pollution, and deep seated problems. When the Reich discovered a means to travel to a parallel Earth (our own), they quickly sent their most powerful superhero, The Reichsman, and the Amerika Korps through the portal and into the unknown. They never returned.

For over twenty years the "Portal" has been kept under close guard with no unauthorized access allowed while a new group of men and women, the Blitzkrieg Korps, has been formed to once more venture into the unknown. It is their mission to find and rescue The Reichsman and the Amerika Korps and pave the way for the Reich to expand into this new world.

Activity: Membership is small and play times vary by day and work schedule; nevertheless members are active in-game daily.

Requirements for Membership: Must be a villain on Virtue and tie their character’s background into the theme/concept of the VG.

Leadership: Ubermensch Prime, Viktoria Wagner, Verschollen, Fall Gelb, Nacht Claw

In-Game Contact(s): @Reinmar, @Andromitus, @Ikaris Rama

Out-of-Game Contact(s): Reinmar

URL: Blitzkrieg Korps

Coalition(s): None currently



Name: Dread Incorporated

Currently Recruiting: Accepting new members, any level or arch-type, no goofy names or number attachments without good reason.

RP Level: RP-friendly

PvP Level: Casual with a leaning towards PvP

Theme/Concept: The company itself sees itself as reformers, villians and vigilantes who find the world not to their liking. Dramatic change is required, through their actions they make this happen; legally accepted or not.

Activity: Heavy activities on weekends, every night 4-5 members are active after 11:00 PM, PST

Requirements for Membership: No major requirements at this time

Leadership: character name(s) Filled out later

In-Game Contact(s):
@Tenebrion in Flesh

Out-of-Game Contact(s):
URL: Underway


Other Details:



A.N.N.E.X. ( Allied Neogenetics, Nucleic Engineering and Xenobiology.)

Currently Recruiting:
We are currently recruiting active role players.

RP Level:
RP-Friendly to RP-Heavy. Supergroup chat is used for In Character chat unless people use the Out of Character brackets.

PvP Level:
Casual or Arena. It’s not required but some people may want to pvp.

A.N.N.E.X. is a science/mutant based group. (All origins are welcome though). A.N.N.E.X. is led by a man named Alexander Zegai who created the group to help him with the serum he is designing.

The group revolves around the lab Zegai has created. The serums that are being created are numerous. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of combinations of serums. Each serum gives a person a specific power and/or ability.

The group uses both regular humans and meta-humans for testing. The regular humans are more unwilling and are often taken captive (aka npcs) for testing while the meta-humans are mostly hired into the group to be used for testing. Only a few serums really work for normal humans. Most of the serums that are used on normal humans may either cause serious harm or even lead to their death if used. On a meta-human though, the serum almost always works. There is a 98.5% chance that the meta-human will gain a new power or ability through the use of a serum, BUT it only lasts for up to 5 hours.

The group is finding ways to make things work permanently for meta-humans who use the serums. There are also other goals in mind for the organization. The eventual downfall of Recluse is close up there in the priority list, but also the possibility of global domination through power and wealth. For now, the main goal is to make sure the serums are in working order.

We have about 8 active members right now and growing. We’re still sort of new and we are recruiting to fill our ranks again. I’m pretty active myself, on nearly every day of the week along with a few others. Our play times are usually from 6 p.m. PST/9 p.m. EST till whenever people go to sleep.

Requirements for Membership:
One of our requirements is: you need to be a role player. You must also have a grasp of the English language; meaning you need to at least be able to type whole words and not just type “u.” We’re not too picky about grammar. If you’re a decent RPer and forget a coma or period, we won’t care. (although we will joke around when people make typos .) We’re mostly looking for quality RPers to join the team.

Applicants must do an in character interview. People will be able to easily approach some of our members since we have been doing in character advertising for hiring people.

Alexander Zegai, Soulless Titan , Dimitri Dragnova

In-Game Contact(s):
Global: @Reldin. (There’s a period attached at the end.)

Character: Soulless Titan or Soul Evoker (They are the same character)

Out-of-Game Contact(s):
My forum account: x_Reldin_x

Primal Maelstrom, Coalition of Destruction, Inevitable Evolution

We are also seeking other active, like minded villain groups for coalitions.

Other Details:
For new members, I would like for characters below level 25 to run sg mode at all times and would like for people to keep running sg mode till 50, but that decision is up to the person. When we get enough people we’ll be scheduling TF/SFs to run. We have a pretty good sized base right now, worth about 1.5m prestige.

Thinking gets you nowhere.


Robo Medic: 50 Emp/Elec Def
Soulless Titan: 50 SS/INV Brute
Souless Titan: 50 Inv/SS Tank
Furious Storm: 50 Elec/FA/Mu Brute
Alexander Zegai: 50 Ice/Rad Corr
Ember Serpent: 50 Fire/Elec Dom



Name: Citadel of Eternal Damnation

Currently Recruiting: All AT's, all level ranges.

RP Level: Light to moderate RP, but is not required.

PvP Level: low to none

Theme/Concept: The members of the Citadel are underlings of a Demon Lord whose goal is to bring forth the next apocalypse on Earth and remake it anew as a new bastion of hell.

Activity: Active membership is rather low (many people have many alts) Maybe 2-3 what I would consider active members with another 3-4 in the minimal activity range. Would like to get membership high enough to run VG SF's

Requirements for Membership: Not really any aside for a burning desire to destroy and savagly beat everything in sight =)

Leadership: character name: Vladislause Dragulia (all ranks can invite though)

In-Game Contact(s): Global @Zilem Kain

Out-of-Game Contact(s): pm me here in the forums

Other Details:
Playing in SG mode is very much appreciated but not 100% required. The base is quite large and fully stocked both with functionality and decor, but there is always room for more decorative rooms in the base though. Very relaxed play atmosphere, no required amount of play time, casual/new players always welcome. Primary active time is about 5pm to 11pm central time weekdays, random on the weekends.



[u]Villain Group Description[u]
When Darkness Falls is a new World of Darkness Villain group with a mix of City of Villains role-players. We're looking for more Role-Players to join in the fun and add their own new ideas. The World of Darkness level is medium, in which we encourage characters to use World of Darkness as a guideline for your background and is used as a main Role-play theme but no character sheets are required.

Rebuilding an old Cathedral long since abandoned, this group of Camarilla loyal kindred have begun to establish themselves within The Rogue Isles. Our doors have remained open to those kindred loyal to the Camarilla, its laws and loyal to the haven's leader.

We expect members who join to remain in VG mode to help add to our existing prestige in which we use to create the large Haven that is our base. Please be kind and polite with other members while Out of Character to avoid unwanted drama and stress. We expect members to take part in some Role-play, keep Out of Character and In-Character chat while in VG Chat separated with the proper symbols depending on your personal preference as long as it is understood by other members. Examples of Out of Character would be [[ ]] (( )) ( ) [ ] < > << >>

[u]Role-Play Style[u]
"How many tics and tocs have sung out from that laughing clocks face since the day my name was painted within these risen walls of ruin? Drip.. drop.. drip I remember the sounds of the streets making their sweet music off the drums of my ears, how I remember those days and the pull of the family. My mind echoes the turning of its gears against the shell of this orb that they call a skull, better now are the gifts given by these crawlers of the night then the cattle of the city. No, no I do not regret my choice but yet embrace it's path into the shadows, for now we shall see into the darkness with eyes of clarity." -Colette Badeau, Clan Malkavian

[u]How to Apply[u]
Our Website can be found on or Via this link When Darkness Falls

In game contacts:
Dante Zakharov, Bitte Honey or Lorant Devion



Villain Group Description
Eridach's Lair is a new Vampire the Masquerade Villain group mixed into the City of Villains role-play. We're looking for more Role-Players to join in the fun and add their own new ideas. The Vampire the Masquerade level is medium, in which we encourage characters to use Vampire the Masquerade as a guideline for your background and is used as a main Role-play theme but no character sheets are required.

The Camarilla's arch-enemy is the monstrous sect known as the Sabbat. Perceived as mindless savages and bloodthirsty fiends by the Camarilla and independent clans alike, the Sabbat is vilified among the society of the Damned, and for good reason. They're just not the reasons other Kindred claim. While the "Kindred"of the Camarilla espouse concealing themselves among mortals and maintaining the tattered vestiges of their Humanity,the Sabbat favors a different philosophy. Not content to cower like beaten dogs from humans, nor to act as pawns in the schemes of their elders, Sabbat vampires instead prefer to revel in their undead nature. -Planetvampire

We expect members who join to remain in VG mode to help add to our existing prestige in which we use to create the large Lair that is our base. Please be kind and polite with other members while Out of Character to avoid unwanted drama and stress. We expect members to take part in some Role-play, keep Out of Character and In-Character chat while in VG Chat separated with the proper symbols depending on your personal preference as long as it is understood by other members. Examples of Out of Character would be [[ ]] (( )) ( ) [ ] < > << >>

Role-Play Style
"How many tics and tocs have sung out from that laughing clocks face since the day my name was painted within these risen walls of ruin? Drip.. drop.. drip I remember the sounds of the streets making their sweet music off the drums of my ears, how I remember those days and the pull of the family. My mind echoes the turning of its gears against the shell of this orb that they call a skull, better now are the gifts given by these crawlers of the night then the cattle of the city. No, no I do not regret my choice but yet embrace it's path into the shadows, for now we shall see into the darkness with eyes of clarity." -Colette Badeau, Clan Malkavian

How to Apply
Our Website can be found on or Via this link.

Or you can contact myself In-Game at this character name or chat handle - Eridach, @TheSyrup



Name: Sanctus Ordo Arachnid
Recruiting: yes we are recruting we will accept most anyone interested in a laid back semi serious rp group that is respectful of others and like to have fun
Concept: a Secret Society of Chosen ones working to Further Arachnos Influence thruought all of the world
RP: Light RP (no rp is discouraged)
PVP depends on the player

we are New to CoH/CoV and have much to learn and many that need to grow we have a player base of around 20 ish active players not counting thier alts.....

the Leader is Lady Arachnae, Avalonia Octavius, Necaria, Dirge Dancer, and quite a few others.....

if you are interested in joining you should feel free to contact a member of the Order.....our requirements are that you be OVER 18 and not be in a trial, like to have fun and be respectful of others

Chance favors the prepared mind, fortune favors the ruthless.



It's way after Jan '09, but it wouldn't be villainous at all without at least 8 months of procrastination, right? I must have hit the snooze a few times.


[For more RG propaganda, see earlier posts]

i16!!! We love it.

Need some fun, intelligent, concept-driven villainy to go with your new look!?! Contrary to popular belief, we are well spoken and quite friendly.

If you ever tried managing a forum, you'd find out that lot of the internet, however, is not! We had to tighten up the registration thing. The weed-out began to be a chore. If you're interested in joining us and wish to sign up at our lovely forums, please send me a tell in-game (@nimrod) or send an e-mail to with your preferred handle.

I'll get you in so you can introduce yourself to the gang and start harvesting our contact info to get the word out about your new webcam!

All foolishness aside, you'll be hard pressed to find more loyal, helpful, solid players in the game than this crew.

No, you hang up first...

No, you...



Name - Wild Card Unincorporated

Currently Recruiting - All levels and origins. (With a focus on SCIENCE! and Technology)

RP Level - High. I, myself, am almost always in character and would very much like those that wish to join to be in character the majority of the time as well. That's not to say that you can never chat OOCly or the like, but be aware that there will be RP events and there will be meetings that you will be expected to RP in.

PvP Level - Up to you. I personally don't PvP that often, so that's your discretion.

Theme/Concept - A group of individuals that are a sort of 'suave thieves'. Think Danny Ocean from Ocean's Eleven. The CEO and front-runner of the group is my character, Dingo, and he himself is an engineer/inventor, but also is an 'intelligent thief' and a con-artist. As such, there will be an emphasis on SCIENCE! and technology, but other interests are welcome, so long as the idea of robbing people while making it seem like you're doing them a favor appeals to you.

Activity - Two members. Consisting of my character, Dingo, and the robot he created, Irony, played by a friend of mine.

Requirements - A relatively calm, cool, and collected demeanor, a good grasp of the English language, a desire to lie, cheat, and steal, and the ability to be sociable. Razor wit preferred, but not required.

Leadership - Run by my character, Dingo. The hierarchy can, and most likely will change.

Contact - Zeris00x on the forums, Zeris Ookami in-game. @Zeris for global.

Other Details - The primary purpose of this group is to have fun. There will be moments of seriousness, but this is supposed to be off-cuff and enjoyable. Inflate your ego to make others comfortable around you, ham it up to make it sound like your savvy (even if you're not), and most importantly, don't take things too seriously. You're a con-artist, it's your job to play a character, playing a character. If you're looking for a group that fights constantly with other groups, or frequently commits random acts of violence, I'd advise you to look elsewhere.



Shikratia's Shirkers!!! XD

We are a fun VG( currently a newer VG) that always has its eyes open for FUN and EXCITING new recruits! We always have a team, of various kinds, going. Once a week, we have a Prestige Contest with prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, BUT for everyone else who participates gets a little something themselves!!!

We have 7 coalitions that we are apart of. We are a faily active VG, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give it about a 6.5.

We have a nice base that we are always upgrading. We have porters for all zones, excpet Pocket D(which is coming soon).

For each promotion you get, you get a prize according to which rank you where promoted to(50K, 100K, 200K 400K).

On an even MORE positive note, RPing is not required but is allowed. I myself RP with all my toons that are apart of my VG!!! Come all, all are welcomed!!!

BTW, did I miss anything?




Updating things again since it's been a while. The Supreme Society is rebuilding after a thwarted coup attempt. Now's the time to get in for the start of a new era of world domination!

And, um, yeah... activity took a bit of a hit with that other superhero MMO and that wacky school silliness you whippersnappers do around this time. But we are still here, and still ready to go.

Name: The Supreme Society

Currently Recruiting: We are currently recruiting heavy Roleplayers of all levels and ATs.

RP Level: Heavy, but of course some things are better discussed OOC.

PvP Level: Light-ish. We periodically set up RP-based casual PVP events against rivals, in particular our in-house rivals The Global Guard. Please note that participation in our PvP events is highly encouraged but ultimately not required. The RP and RPvP encounters between the Society and the Guard will also be planned out when possible, either at the Monday night meetings or on the SS forums. I do want to stress though that these encounters are of a casual, fun nature, and no “pwns j00” type actions or excessive RP “drama” will be tolerated or encouraged. In addition, most of the time the encounters will have set outcomes anyway, so PVP skill level, numbers of players, or character levels will rarely be a deciding factor.

Theme/Concept: The Supreme Society is a group of comic book style supervillains, similar to DC's Secret Society/Legion of Doom or an evil version of the modern Marvel Squadron Supreme. The long term goal of the Society is world domination. The short term goal of the Society is amassing power in any and all means. Once world domination is accomplished (hey, a guy can plan longterm and the Supreme Society is the dominant force, those operating under the Society banner will be able to go about their schemes as they please as long as those schemes do not interfere with the Supreme Society remaining in power.

BIG UPDATE: Previously, the Teen Tyrants were a separate VG entirely, but they've since been folded into the Society. They exist in name as a rank in the Society, but they are acknowledged as a separate group who work with the Society, and they have their own base.

As far as the concept of the Tyrants, think an evil version of the Teen Titans, pretty much. They will be a training ground of sorts for “evil” teens, and they will work alongside and occasionally be mentored by members of the Society. Any Supreme Society contact can also invite to the Teen Tyrants.

Activity: Primary hours seems to be after 9PMish, EST, but many members have different schedules.

Requirements for Membership: You must be a heavy roleplayer. Your character must be a comic book style supervillain with a sensible background. Examples of "comic book supervillains" are Magneto, Lex Luthor, Catwoman, Ultron, Dr. Doom, etc, etc. Essentially eccentric personalities. (Capes are not required but will get you brownie points.) Potential recruits will go through a brief OOC/IC interview before joining.

Teen Tyrant characters should be about 13ish to 19 years old.

Leadership: Agonus

In-Game Contact(s):
@The New Black,
@Weatherby Goode

URL: The Supreme Society site can be found here.

Virtueverse listings can be found at

Other Details: VG meetings are Monday nights at 10:30PM, EST. Wednesday night is a VG activity night, starting at 10PMish, EST. Said activities range from running RP missions to RP and/or RPvP encounters with rivals, that sort of thing. SFs are periodically on Sundays. The base is currently undergoing renovation, but will be fully functional and extra nifty upon completion. Alts are also allowed.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Voodoo Masters of Virtue

All Mastermind VG

We are currently recruiting any and all masterminds. We are a fairly new VG (about 4 months) with some pretty active coalitions. Our base is minimal but all of our coalies have full bases. RP is not necessary. We have only one rule no drama. We have regularly scheduled meet up times for SFs and such which are Mondays at 7:30pm est and Saturdays at 2:00pm est. That doesn't mean you can't play at other times. If interested contact @Ghoul Slayer or @Tiggy in-game.



Name: The Obsidian Oath

Currently Recruiting: we are seeking active players

RP Level: casually RP-friendly

PvP Level: very little at this point but not adverse to someone taking over this area

Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept: a marriage of science and sorcery, The Obsidian Oath is dedicated to the bettering of it's members through teamwork and tactics.

Activity: Generally have 2-6 members on at a time. We founded on day 1 of CoV but founders have been away until returning recently due to Going Rogue

Requirements for Membership: none at this time

Leadership: character name(s) Foxy Demonica, Ebonshroud, Briarthorne, Mindtrap, Horatio Hackenslash, Pool Boy,

In-Game Contact(s): Global @Pool Boy

Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) pixelforge

Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne



Name: The Sveziron

Currently Recruiting: Heavily recruiting and also looking for coalition allies.

RP Level: Medium-Heavy RP. The group is primarily a RP group. We have an ooc channel.

PvP Level: We do not require PVP and if a player wishes to do it on their own or invite anyone else to join them, it is not a problem.

Theme/Concept: After the unfortunate destruction and deterioration of their home planet, the Sveziron had little choice but to use their technology to survive. Part organic, part cybernetic, the Sveziron are scavengers, constantly looking for replacement parts as their bodies reject them. They took leave to Earth, a suitable environment. As their current leader and chief engineer, Botos seeks a way to give the Sveziron their natural bodies back.

The concept is basically a humanoid with tech parts, much like a cyborg. Though the tech does not have to be in the majority of the character. We do ask that a new toon is created or an existing toon be altered to suit the looks of the alien race. The naming policy is basically Hungarian or Slavik names but that is not a requirement. For more on background of the race as well as character creation guide, visit the website.

Activity: As we are new, we have at least half a dozen active players. We are hoping to make that number grow as we recruit. Hopefully this site can help =].

Requirements for Membership: Mature Roleplayers are welcomed. Some character creation or alteration may be required.

Botos - Leader. Schevaka - Commander.

In-Game Contact(s): @Xanxus, @TheSyrup

Out-of-Game Contact(s): Leave an in game tell or e-mail. Also messages in the COX forums.




Name: The Furioso Family

Currently Recruiting: We are recruiting all levels and all archetypes.

RP Level: light rp

Theme/Concept: We are a mobster-themed villain group

Activity: We are active everyday, Sunday is Meeting Day at 2pm CST with missions afterward, Thursday is designated SG night but we team up every day of the week.

Requirements for Membership: The Furioso Family has 2 rules: 1) Please play in SG Mode at all times and 2) please log in every 15 days to avoid being kicked from SG. Also 1 costume slot has to be dedicated to a suit, all black with a red spade in the over position. Colors are Red and Black.

Leadership: Catalina Furioso, Roxanna Furioso, Enrico Furioso

In-Game Contact(s): @Enrico Furioso, @Maiden of Darkness

Out-of-Game Contact(s): n/a

URL: n/a

Coalition(s): not sure at the moment lol

Other Details: First promotion after 25k in prestige and your suit.

we can't run from who we are, our destiny chooses us.
The Furioso Family has moved to Virtue

global @Enrico Furioso
Enrico Furioso Level 50 DP/Rad Corr



Great job necro'ing.

...Crap, I just did it too.