20 -
For me anyway, there is something screwed with FSAA causing it to loose major FPS when passing doors where you don't "zone" .. IE places like the hospitals. tried FSAA x4 to x32 and it would do it. Turn FSAA off and it no longer does it. I have been using the 280.26 nvidia drivers, one of the recent "patches" has issues with these drivers. I'll try dropping back to the newest 275. and see if that helps me as well.
I have had something similar ... but for me the slowdown only happens when I go through a door but not change zones. IE the portal between the vanguard base and the warzone proper, entering/ exiting the university building, anything where you go through a doorway but do not physically change zones. I can change zones/ enter missions/ bases with no problems at all. The easy way I've gotten to kick it out of the slow mo mode is to go into options and move the FSAA slider. Just moving it kicks it out of the slow mode and yes the slow mode happens no matter how much or how little FSAA I have it set to.
---System information gathered by CoH Helper version
DxDiag gathered at September 29, 2011 15:03 (-05:00)
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506)
System Manufacturer: OEM
System Model: OEM
BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Central Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 975 @ 3.33GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz
Memory: 6144MB
.Net Memory Report: 4749MB out of 6135MB available
Page File: 10652MB (1616MB currently in use)
C Drive: (INTEL SSDSC2MH250A2 ATA Device) 194505MB out of 238378MB (81%) free
E Drive: (WDC WD1002FAEX-00Y9A0 ATA Device) 840330MB out of 953866MB (88%) free
D Drive: (HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NS50 ATA Device) zero-size drive
Windows directory location: C:\Windows
DirectX: DirectX 11
DirectX Diag version: 6.01.7601.17514 (64-bit version)
Display Notes: No problems found.
Sound Notes: No problems found.
No problems found.
Input Notes: No problems found.
Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
Video Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480
Manufacturer / Chip: NVIDIA / GeForce GTX 480
Video Memory: 4063 MB
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 8/3/2011 10:50:00 AM
Driver Language: English
Sound Device Description: Speakers (Creative SB X-Fi)
Driver File: ctaud2k.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.1348
Driver Date: 7/7/2010 4:16:24 PM
Sound Device Description: SPDIF Out (Creative SB X-Fi)
Driver File: ctaud2k.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.1348
Driver Date: 7/7/2010 4:16:24 PM
WMI Information
Motherboard Manufacturer: EVGA
Motherboard Model: (empty)
Motherboard Product: X58 SLI Classified
Motherboard Version: Tylersburg
BIOS Manufacturer: Phoenix Technologies, LTD
BIOS Name: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
BIOS Version: IntelR - 42302e31
BIOS Release: 20100630000000.000000+000
Registry Information for Current User
Resolution: 1680x1050
3D Resolution: 1680x1050 (Not using renderscale)
Full Screen: Yes
Maximized: No
Screen Position: 0, 0
Refresh Rate: 60Hz
Vertical Sync Enabled: Yes
Physics Quality: Very High
Maximum Particles: 50000
Max Particle Fill? 10.000
Physics Card Enabled: No
Anti-aliasing: 32x
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x
Texture LOD Bias: Smooth
Water Effects: Ultra quality
Bloom: 1.000 (turned on)
Depth of Field Enabled: Yes
Desaturation Effects (Sepia) Enabled: Yes
Shader Detail: High
World Texture Level: Very High
Character Texture Level: Very High
World Detail Level (Vis_Scale): 2.000
Entity Detail Level: 2.000
Shadows Enabled: No
Shadow Mode: Unknown (5)
Shadow Map Shader: High quality
Environmental Reflections: Ultra quality
Advanced Occlusion Settings: Yes
Ambient Occlusion: Ultra
Occlusion Strength: Strong with color bleeding
Blur: Trilateral
Ambient Resolution: Quality
Gamma Correction: 1.000
Geometry Buffers (VBOs) Enabled: Yes
Suppression of FX When Camera Close Enabled: No
Close Suppression Range: 3.000
Show Advertisements: Yes
Audio Mode: Performance
3D Audio: No
FX Sound Volume: 1.000
Music Sound Volume: 0.600
Show Advanced Graphics Options: Yes
Overall Graphics Quality: 1.000
Reverse Mouse Buttons: No
Save Login Username: Yes
Transfer Rate: Unknown bytes/second
Current Game Version: ?
Installation Directory: E:\Program Files\City of Heroes
Mod files in the Data directory
No modifications found -
Sometime rotating 90 or 180 can help but in general the only way to eliminate the clipping flicker is to either alter the layout so there is no overlapping, or cover up the flickering area with something else.
Not sure about others but I try to keep the bases I have very user friendly by putting all the common use things near the entry (workshop, medical, teleport) but also strive for the "oooh pretty" in all the rooms. From my experience, most bases are built for function before shiney ... but thats just from what I've seen.
An easy way to avoid the get lost problem in bases is to have a vet to the SG give you a quickie tour around the base. If no one wants to give 5min of thier time for this then they are probably not a worthwhile group to join anyway =P. -
hmmmm .. maybe use the fluorescent lights that are off for the "floor" and one of the other light fixtures for railing? Costly prestige wise but would be kinda cool looking I think.
I have done some "forested" outdoor settings, thought the base is in the middle of a revamp I do have a couple of combination indoor/outdoor rooms done.
The arcane stone blocks would make good stone walls if you want a more rustic look with the thin wood cabinets for doors. Desks and the redwood bookshelves make good wooden walls (the other bookshelves cause too much gfx lag when used in large numbers). Glass windows are easy enough with the glass SG logo stands (wall banners can make some awsome drapes ^.^). Small desk lamps hovered to max height can make a good starfield overhead. I like Banshee's idea of the crystal ball .. maybe clip it into one of the large rectangular overhead reading lamps ....
You will probably have more luck using the larger decor rooms than the smaller 2x2 unless you have very narrow streets. -
I personally like to use the redwood book shelves or the arcane stone blocks for walls and have made my best doors out of the missionary wall cabinets and the glass SG emblems for sliding glass doors. If you wish to see it just send me a PM since I have no updated base pictures posted from my last base revamps. If you want to see them just PM me here.
Like you said, safes and stone blocks work ... many use the desks for they are easy to stack/ lineup and come in a variety of textured flavors. =)
The AES or Autonomous Expert System (aka Mystic Orrery for arcane) is the 3rd tier primary control unit (unlocked through a SG badge). Yes the AES will power the base mission computer.
Some new floor, wall, ceiling textures like grass, water, and sky. I like making outdoor areas in bases but I am pretty much regulated to making them night time out door areas to be able to hide the wall and ceiling textures.
Being able to decorate the doorways between rooms and have multiple doorways side by side would also be sweet. -
Mine usually ran between 800-900k ... when I stopped playing that night (2hrs max) it was pushing 1.4million. You could watch the mem usage increase gradually right in the taskmanager without even doing anything in game but standing still.
Still seems odd to see a 150%+ mem usage jump after a patch to me. -
Since this last patch the .exe is burning up a ton of system RAM.
Currently as I post this CoH is using 1,310,840K of RAM ... I know Pre-patch it was much lower than this.
Anyone else out there getting insane Mem usage? -
IT could be that the editor is trying to place the room in a 180deg rotation from how you think it is going. Try rotating it around and see if that works.
I have noticed on rare occations buildings and other such details blocking line of sight to the on screen mission beacon. If I flew over or around the blocking item it would once again show up on my screen. Have only ran across this twice ever.
Use the mini map to find mission door if needed. -
Some the guides here are from back before they got rid of base salvage. With base salvage gone all base items are now crafted using invention salvage.
To craft the telepads you need a basic forge in your base. In the forge will be the current salvage requirements to create a basic telepad. -
To keep people from abusing the free prestige for the first 15 members I think using the puchase tolken X-fer system like whats used for character x-fers is the way to go .... just take the entire SG name/ base and move it the new server. I'm assuming, for money income reasons for NC soft, each character would either have to be transferred individually (except the SL who has to go with the base) or a fee based on # of toons in the SG would have to be charged. Afterall NCsoft is here to make money =P No money = no game.
This way there is no prestige converting so no real way to abuse the prestige conversion to make billions of inf. -
I believe the only logical way is to only allow the superleader to have the power to rename and/or transfer the supergroup across servers. Does it give the SL quite a bit of power in the SG .. yes, but then the SG's SL is most likely the person that founded the SG in the first place. Only if your SL is a .. ahem .."Jerk" would he/she rename or move the SG without having a majority of the members approve it. If you think on it there really is nothing stopping a SL from kicking everyone in the SG except himself right now as we speak. just need to have reliable/trustworthy SL'ers.
Just the time savings of not having to ditch millions of prestige earned to start out with nil, not having to spend months .. heck years if your a small SG just to get back to where you were before the move is an idea I believe most can get behind. -
We already have character transfers and renames for a fairly cheap price...
How about adding in Supergroup renaming and transfers? Would be nce to be able to move a SG from one server to another and keep all the base goodies and prestige it has earned over the years. -
Name: Citadel of Eternal Damnation
Currently Recruiting: All AT's, all level ranges.
RP Level: Light to moderate RP, but is not required.
PvP Level: low to none
Theme/Concept: The members of the Citadel are underlings of a Demon Lord whose goal is to bring forth the next apocalypse on Earth and remake it anew as a new bastion of hell.
Activity: Active membership is rather low (many people have many alts) Maybe 2-3 what I would consider active members with another 3-4 in the minimal activity range. Would like to get membership high enough to run VG SF's
Requirements for Membership: Not really any aside for a burning desire to destroy and savagly beat everything in sight =)
Leadership: character name: Vladislause Dragulia (all ranks can invite though)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Zilem Kain
Out-of-Game Contact(s): pm me here in the forums
Other Details:
Playing in SG mode is very much appreciated but not 100% required. The base is quite large and fully stocked both with functionality and decor, but there is always room for more decorative rooms in the base though. Very relaxed play atmosphere, no required amount of play time, casual/new players always welcome. Primary active time is about 5pm to 11pm central time weekdays, random on the weekends.