Can't Move Rooms
I'm assuming you have enough space on your plot grid? can you provide screenies?
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
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IT could be that the editor is trying to place the room in a 180deg rotation from how you think it is going. Try rotating it around and see if that works.
I once had this problem, I asked a GM, and the solution was not easy, but it involves emptying the room you wanted to move (and other boring things). So I just deleted the room, and created another (I really didn't want to do that, but that was the only solution).
You can try to ask for customer support, maybe they have found a new and easier solution to that.
There's two things that seem to randomly keep rooms from moving:
1. Stacked items. If anything in the room is stacked, the room won't move. This can include such piddly little things as jars on a table.
2. Veteran rewards. If you have any of the vet rewards in the room (especially posters on the wall), the room won't move.
Sometimes, also, if there's something ON the walls, the room won't move, because the editor is trying to put a door in a braindead location.
The first step is the most basic- if you have anything on the walls, move it up to the very, very top (raise the ceiling) or move it out of the room entirely.
Second step is to look for anything stacked, and move that to the floor. If you have a massive stacking project in there.. it's easier to move the other room.
Third step is to create a new version of the room where you were going to place this one, and just move everything by hand, 'cause you got stuck with one of the random crap bugs that occasionally pop up and there's nothing to be done about.
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I find the main reason why you can't move a room is because there's an item touching the wall where it wants to put the door. Basically, any item that is close enough to a wall to remove floor/ceiling trim (ie. within 2 ft of the wall) ... at any height ... will prevent that wall being usable for a Door.
Easiest solution then is to make sure NO ITEM is touching (or within 4 ft) of the wall where you want the Door to connect to when moving rooms around.

I have a medbay with 1 whole wall with nothing on or near it. I can add a doorway to that wall just fine. But when I try to move the room anywhere and get the blue room glow showing that it's ok to put it there, the move failed. I'm attaching it to a completely empty room. So there is nothing blocking a doorway. How do I move the room.