Base Builders Community List

Ad Astra



I am building a list of things that our community would like to see improved in base design and construction. This could range from room/plot prices to issues with stacking or new creative units you would like to see. I have researched previous posts but would rather have it under one branch where we the community can hold a candid discussion.

I intend to compile this information and bring it to the attention of a developer who will be designated to bases. Feel free to PM me if you feel uncomfortable posting here. Being the base representative, I can promise that our concerns will be addressed because I too am a base builder and want some closure. I will be following this thread regularly.




Originally Posted by Turbo_Starr View Post
I am building a list of things that our community would like to see improved in base design and construction. This could range from room/plot prices to issues with stacking or new creative units you would like to see. I have researched previous posts but would rather have it under one branch where we the community can hold a candid discussion.

I intend to compile this information and bring it to the attention of a developer who will be designated to bases. Feel free to PM me if you feel uncomfortable posting here. Being the base representative, I can promise that our concerns will be addressed because I too am a base builder and want some closure. I will be following this thread regularly.
Thanks TS, I have been wanting to see a new and updated list for our beloved Dev's.

First of all I would love LOVE to see the ability to be able to break the continuity of the base while editing. If I want to redo a room in the middle of base and some of the surrounding rooms have false walls. HECK! We have to delete walls and such and if worse comes to worse, delete a huge part of the base just to make the Control Room 4 to an Operation Center and I want it in the same place(the middle of my base) I am really really screwed!

Simple fix would be allow us to SAVE our rooms, and everything in them!

Would also be nice to be able to place rooms side by side without the space or the doorway between the rooms to help save a bit on space.



sorry for the double post. I would also like to see some of the control items be able to be useable for looks that do not actully produce control or consume energy. Items such as the Database, or the corner terminals for tech decoration!



Originally Posted by Turbo_Starr View Post
I am building a list of things that our community would like to see improved in base design and construction. This could range from room/plot prices to issues with stacking or new creative units you would like to see. I have researched previous posts but would rather have it under one branch where we the community can hold a candid discussion.

I intend to compile this information and bring it to the attention of a developer who will be designated to bases. Feel free to PM me if you feel uncomfortable posting here. Being the base representative, I can promise that our concerns will be addressed because I too am a base builder and want some closure. I will be following this thread regularly.
gratz on becoming the base rep

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...



Originally Posted by Turbo_Starr View Post
I am building a list of things that our community would like to see improved in base design and construction. This could range from room/plot prices to issues with stacking or new creative units you would like to see. I have researched previous posts but would rather have it under one branch where we the community can hold a candid discussion.

I intend to compile this information and bring it to the attention of a developer who will be designated to bases. Feel free to PM me if you feel uncomfortable posting here. Being the base representative, I can promise that our concerns will be addressed because I too am a base builder and want some closure. I will be following this thread regularly.
Well, here we go again. Good luck.

I would like to know who the developer is that "is designated to bases" and what information he/she needs from the player community that hasn't been covered. In other words, how are existing lists inadequate (perhaps cleaning up them rather than starting over is appropriate) That seems to me to be reasonable. Is it not?

Also, I have a couple of PMs from a former base rep that pretty wells sumarizes that the devs have a thorough understanding of prior player related base requests. I can't post it here because of the forum rules but under the circumstances I can forward it to you separately.

I still think you are taking a shot in the dark and trying to solve a problem that doesn't really exist based on one word with a question mark from War Witch. But if it gets the devs "off the dime" I guess it's mission accomplished. [Edit add: If not, it just introduces more delay "the devs are 'waiting' for the players to compile a 'revised' list of what they want"]

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Well if the Rp'ers on Virture can get walk and moving tails there is no reason why we can not get bases fixed !!!

Anything I can do to help TS, let me know. This is a long time coming and I do so want to belive that the Dev's know this. With Rouges and the new Incarnate system, there will be an influx of new players. Super Bases is one thing that sets us apart from the others, but for how long? Changes will be coming, one way or another *again prehaps wishful thinking*



I'd like to see:

* An assurance that if PvP raiding is brought back, those of us who do not raid don't have to comply to their pathing rules even if we use a 'secure base plot' for energy requirements. A total opt out of PvP and pathing related to PvP

* More base items. There's some lovely items around the Isles/City (I recall a lamp in an arc somewhere) let's have at it

* Clearer TP beacons PLEASE. I use an overlay so I can read arcane ones but it really is guess work

* A couple of direction signs? "Porters -> "or "<- Vault" just a couple to aid people.

* On the subject of editing; I usually buy a bigger plot size, edit etc (with copious use of expensive corridors) and then resize down but I'm dreading maxing the plot size because that takes away that option. I do appreciate the difficulty of breaking base continuity while editing. (Member zones in and is stuck. LOLs allround.) However, would it be possible to have a way to be able to make edits and changes which don't effect the actual base until it is "republished"? Similar to MA arcs. You can edit but nothing is set - errors are flagged but the changes not rejected - until you try to republish. This would enable members to use the base without any problems; it would be easier for them as they wouldn't get lost as the editor is moving things around! Only one person can edit a base at one time so there shouldn't be any issues regards conflict.

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Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
I'd like to see:

* An assurance that if PvP raiding is brought back, those of us who do not raid don't have to comply to their pathing rules even if we use a 'secure base plot' for energy requirements. A total opt out of PvP and pathing related to PvP

* More base items. There's some lovely items around the Isles/City (I recall a lamp in an arc somewhere) let's have at it

* Clearer TP beacons PLEASE. I use an overlay so I can read arcane ones but it really is guess work

* A couple of direction signs? "Porters -> "or "<- Vault" just a couple to aid people.

* On the subject of editing; I usually buy a bigger plot size, edit etc (with copious use of expensive corridors) and then resize down but I'm dreading maxing the plot size because that takes away that option. I do appreciate the difficulty of breaking base continuity while editing. (Member zones in and is stuck. LOLs allround.) However, would it be possible to have a way to be able to make edits and changes which don't effect the actual base until it is "republished"? Similar to MA arcs. You can edit but nothing is set - errors are flagged but the changes not rejected - until you try to republish. This would enable members to use the base without any problems; it would be easier for them as they wouldn't get lost as the editor is moving things around! Only one person can edit a base at one time so there shouldn't be any issues regards conflict.
I second Capa's list. We had/have a thread where we nominate items that we have found in-game that we would really really love to have in our bases - lamps, tables, televisions (instead of monitors), lab equipment. I particularly want to have all of the office furniture found in the villainside office maps and the various paintings found all over the place.

But my main wish is to have a base option that says my bases will never, never have to worry about raid pathing because my small 2-3 person SGs won;t be raiding (Capa's #1 above).

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Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
how are existing lists inadequate (perhaps cleaning up them rather than starting over is appropriate)
This is my question whenever a new "list" shows up. I've yet to find anyone give me an answer that doesn't involve wishful thinking on the poster's part.

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Basic "wall" and "floor" objects, please.

Also, windows and doors. If they can open or close when people click them like doors in instanced missions, even better.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Lets be honest here folks... this request for a list of base suggestions is obviously just a way for the Dev's to waste our time, while making us think that they are going to do SOMETHING for us eventually (which they will not). Just understand that we will not be getting anything for bases, now or ever, and learn to be ok with that.

Sorry to be the bearer of reality, but....



Originally Posted by Goldenbeard View Post
Lets be honest here folks... this request for a list of base suggestions is obviously just a way for the Dev's to waste our time, while making us think that they are going to do SOMETHING for us eventually (which they will not). Just understand that we will not be getting anything for bases, now or ever, and learn to be ok with that.

Sorry to be the bearer of reality, but....
Three threads with your drivel now. It's your OPINION and may or may not have any bearing on reality. Get over yourself.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

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I agree with you CaptA will you whiners get off the thread and let us dream please?

Now back to the busness at hand.....

I liked Capa's list and agree with it. I think that is what most of us want.
I would also like to see more tech small items that I can place around my base. Arcane has many small items that I can put places but in the Tech tab it is all huge items for the most part. Can we have some tech items that match the size of a desk?
Also I would like some basic floor and walls items that mimic our many many desks. I know that WarWitch liked what some of us would do with that. By having one item it would solve a problem about space that we have been having causeing the bases to crash.
Other than that don't have much to add.



Originally Posted by Ravenous33 View Post
Thanks TS, I have been wanting to see a new and updated list for our beloved Dev's.

First of all I would love LOVE to see the ability to be able to break the continuity of the base while editing. If I want to redo a room in the middle of base and some of the surrounding rooms have false walls. HECK! We have to delete walls and such and if worse comes to worse, delete a huge part of the base just to make the Control Room 4 to an Operation Center and I want it in the same place(the middle of my base) I am really really screwed!

Simple fix would be allow us to SAVE our rooms, and everything in them!

Would also be nice to be able to place rooms side by side without the space or the doorway between the rooms to help save a bit on space.

sorry for the double post. I would also like to see some of the control items be able to be useable for looks that do not actually produce control or consume energy. Items such as the Database, or the corner terminals for tech decoration!
I agree that there should be an option to save your progress as you build, much like how we can when creating AE missions. Perhaps a function as “publish” and “un-publish” is to AE. Control items and energy items should have options to be placed as “on” or “off” much like lamps and wall lights.

Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
I particularly want to have all of the office furniture found in the villainside office maps and the various paintings found all over the place.
A good start would be to have AE items enter our base editor options including the ability to add non-combat NPC’s such as nurses and technicians with animation options.

Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
But my main wish is to have a base option that says my bases will never, never have to worry about raid pathing because my small 2-3 person SGs won;t be raiding (Capa's #1 above).
Now I know what base to raid…

Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
Basic "wall" and "floor" objects, please.

Also, windows and doors. If they can open or close when people click them like doors in instanced missions, even better.

Yes, doors would be ideal and would help facilitate the space in between rooms. I propose having three door options broken into tiers with prestige cost varying. The less expensive door to one that holds a gun or two for defensive purposes. The idea would be that when attacking in a base raid, the team must destroy the door in order to go into the next room.




Full 3D rotation and more refined movement wouldn't hurt too.

Deliberate overlapping, I know for most it's possible but using certain objects to shove and stack other objects into other objects can get tidious, specially when you have to use 200 odd, to do so.

Would like current functioning items like control units to be placed lit, even unattached and non-functioning. Purhaps untargetable, so if and when base raids are re-enabled attackers couldn't target them, so they know it's not vital to running the base/defences.

More levels per room. I managed after several hours to create a ramped staircase using item stacking. Which required over 400 or so to do, the majority where deleted. As the rest make a room which the entery portal now sits. Going back over to the more refined movement. So I can set the height of objects with out the need to stack ontop of other items.

Love the idea of doors. Specially if they can only be passed by those of certain rank or global name. I.e having my own room with salvage racks etc. That all my account toons can access regardless of their rank. Away from untrusting new members.

All current items that exsist inside and out of zones, placable. Like carboard boxes and crates, cars, with ragdoll physic's if possible. With certain exceptions of course

Defo on civilian or even random looking villains/heroes/mob groups, wonder about the base, idle and animating.



"A good start would be to have AE items enter our base editor options including the ability to add non-combat NPC’s such as nurses and technicians with animation options. "

I would LOVE to have NPC's for my base. Bartender and techs and all of that!



Originally Posted by Ravenous33 View Post
"A good start would be to have AE items enter our base editor options including the ability to add non-combat NPC’s such as nurses and technicians with animation options. "

I would LOVE to have NPC's for my base. Bartender and techs and all of that!
Specially if they can be specifically placed, as with other items, and told to perform certain action(s).



Originally Posted by Chaos_Reaver View Post
Specially if they can be specifically placed, as with other items, and told to perform certain action(s).




I am putting my two cents in on the NPCs, how about the bartenders from Pocket D or a Icon employ (sorry for misspellings)



I'm in agreement with the other requests in this thread, but my #1 by far is to have a market interface in our bases. This would save a lot of time and effort and make market visits less a chore.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



I would like to see Larger SG's able to donate Prestige to newer and smaller SG's to help them get going



I'd like to second the requests for an Icon representative, and a market interface. Along with an easier way to stack, these would probably be the best QoL improvements to base building. Also, I wouldnt mind seeing generic NPCs like nurses or doctors to place in the med bay, maybe even engineers to take care of my TP rooms



Originally Posted by Cainus View Post
Along with an easier way to stack
Here's what I want:

Remove 'stickiness' completely. Just gone.

Instead, have the elevation controlled by the up and down arrows. Horizontal position would still be controlled by the mouse, and rotation still by either right click or the "R" key.

So, instead of having to stack stuff up to raise objects, all objects could be raised and lowered by selecting them and hitting the up or down arrow keys. New items would be inserted at whatever elevation was last set.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered