Base Builders Community List

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Make the map view as you enter a base labeled so as you mouse over a room, you know what is there. I.E. you can label the room with your teleporters "Teleporters" your control room "Oracle and Pillar of Ice and Flame" etc. (Room titles customizable)



Off topic, but I am also reworking the forum sticky threads as we speak. Renaming, adding and removing some that are obsolete.




Originally Posted by Turbo_Starr View Post
Off topic, but I am also reworking the forum sticky threads as we speak. Renaming, adding and removing some that are obsolete.
Was just going to ask if you could redo that with our updated requests in the first post.



I would like to see NPC's also have settable Dialogue, not a long winded Conversation mind you. Just be able to input NPC phrases that you want, and have them "Chat Bubble" when a certain thing happens. For instance; when you res in the Medical Room, or Remove something from Storage.

I have commented on many such lists, and even started a couple over the years. I will post again in this thread with the rest of my suggestions. I agree we are beating a horse that has been beaten to death many times before though.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



What i like to see is 'Real' water(since slow fields only in some places) and waterfalls, NPCs would be nice(custom or ones you find/unlock). im the base builder of the 2 Man SG/VG im in. SG/VG mate love's what i do to the base. typing this as i work on the base.

He would like to see more plants and windows/glass walls to saw that's its a underwater base.(current theme for our VG) a classic villain base next to the Volcano base.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



With the possible return of base raiding, and considering that most bases have broken previous raid pathing while opting to create nice looking base effects (myself included) I would suggest the following:

We have the option to choose dual builds on our characters, why not have the option to have dual builds on a base; Build 1 for aesthetics, build 2 for raiding with pathing rules.



An undo Last!~ oppps I didnt mean to move that, or mmm maybe I did like it there *clicks undo last and it goes back*

*fixed, was verrrry tired this morning!*



Originally Posted by Ravenous33 View Post
An undo Last!~ oppps I didnt mean to move that, or mmm maybe I did like it there *clicks undo last and it goes back*
Just waking up almost made me not realize that you meant a undo button, at 1st i thought since you where quote'ing me it had to do with what i said. A Undo button would be nice(would have been useful last night.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



I would like to see;

The Undo Button: to counter the dreaded buttons that can change all ceiling and floor heights in the entire Base, or change the entire Theme.

More Lighting Control in the Lighting Tab, and lighting Items that you can actually set color and light intensity on.

More than 18 Storage Items per Base, if the current ones are to stay at the capacities they are now set at.

WW/BM Interface that is placeable.

The new UM Graphics added to Bases.


More Themes, and more control of how they look.

Dual axis control of items when placing them, meaning they rotate horizontally, and vertically, and are settable at angles. A +/- Key feature for elevation would be nice also.

Windows, and working doors I like the sound of. Though doors prolly wont happen due to Raiding supposedly coming back. Windows will still not let you see what's on the other side even in the new UM Graphics. You can see your reflection in them, if close enough. (Note: There may be exceptions to that last statement. I only looked at Villain side zones.)

Tailor Made floor sections, and wall sections that can have themes applied to them. C'mon, as much Stacking that is going on in Bases these days get rid of the desks, and the Stacking methods. Give us placeable Walls and floors. Better for your Servers, better for us.

More of the in-game Items we see everywhere. Slot Machines, Bar Items, the list goes on and on as to what I have seen in the game that is not available in Bases.

As for Functionallity;

Give us an Inspiration Vendor, not necessarily an NPC; though that would be nice. Have it sell all the Insp's. (This would do away with the Inspiration Collectors, I know. But, If we aren't getting more than 18 Storage Items per Base, I say good riddance). Heck make it a new Badge, make us work for it. Alot of us would love a new level of Base Badges to go after offering more for the SG to do together.

A Mission Computer Interface to AE. So that it isn't just collecting dust. Especially now that Mantis has gone Contact.

SG Specific AE Content, accessible from the Mission Computer. (For building the Story of your SG, and providing challenges for SG Rank increases).

Danger Room; Where you can fight simulated Battles, to build on teamwork. Difficulty Level interface would be nice here, and the ability to choose your opponents.

Raids from PVE Villain Groups, Longbow, etc... We piss alot of these guys off foiling their plans, don't you think they might figure out where we live and try to retaliate? This is not PVP, but PVE. Should be scheduled, but Random would keep us watching our Bases more.

I'm sure I'll think of more.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



I'm sure I've seen this suggested before in another thread, but no one has mentioned it here yet. I'd like to have a personal living space for my heroes. Seperate from the sg base. Where does my hero live?? On the street? Even Peter Parker had a crappy apartment he could call home. Just my 2 inf.



Originally Posted by BlueTurbo View Post
I'm sure I've seen this suggested before in another thread, but no one has mentioned it here yet. I'd like to have a personal living space for my heroes. Seperate from the sg base. Where does my hero live?? On the street? Even Peter Parker had a crappy apartment he could call home. Just my 2 inf.

My favorite MMO had this Feature. Neocron let you have personal apartments for storage (actully let you purchase as many as you want, and each zone and size were differnt from each other). Then there was the Clan HQ, for clan storage, meetings and such.



Originally Posted by Turbo_Starr View Post
I intend to compile this information and bring it to the attention of a developer who will be designated to bases. Feel free to PM me if you feel uncomfortable posting here.
Being the base representative, I can promise that our concerns will be addressed because I too am a base builder and want some closure. I will be following this thread regularly.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Some new floor, wall, ceiling textures like grass, water, and sky. I like making outdoor areas in bases but I am pretty much regulated to making them night time out door areas to be able to hide the wall and ceiling textures.

Being able to decorate the doorways between rooms and have multiple doorways side by side would also be sweet.



Most the things I'd like to see have already been covered here, but I think it might be a good idea to include a storage for recipes. With the large number of temp powers available, in addition to regular IO recipes, that could be really useful

-Michael: Ill/Storm Troller <><><><><><> Slide-Show Base-Tour: Its a London Thing



Originally Posted by Turbo_Starr View Post
I am building a list of things that our community would like to see improved in base design and construction. This could range from room/plot prices to issues with stacking or new creative units you would like to see. I have researched previous posts but would rather have it under one branch where we the community can hold a candid discussion.

I intend to compile this information and bring it to the attention of a developer who will be designated to bases. Feel free to PM me if you feel uncomfortable posting here. Being the base representative, I can promise that our concerns will be addressed because I too am a base builder and want some closure. I will be following this thread regularly.
Grats on becoming the base rep...I can't think of anyone better to represent us!

I would like all of the items available in map buildings to be made available to bases, including textures, elevators and more.

Some of the maps we enter have some awesome stuff. The tech is there, all they have to do is add it to the proper database with pricing.

I would like to see multi-level bases possible.

It's been saught after for years. All they would have to do is make it a plot option: Hidden/Secure/2 Floors/3 Floors

I would like outdoor areas to be implemented, along with the features we normally see outdoors.

This would require the option of having a room as big as the plot where we can place hills, trees, tree houses, name it.

I would like the Supergroup Computer to be overhauled.

It's about time it gave out missions. Maybe a mini AE interface that only SG Members and/or Coalitions can use. One that does not list the SG Missions in the main AE interface. This would allow us to create SG-specific arcs that ONLY members have access to.

I would like stores added to bases (optional).

To level up, change costumes, purchase items and more.

I would like a Base Tailor that provides the SG Costume Template.

It would make things easier for supergroups

I would like custom signs in the bases.

Signs or labels that we can stick on walls or place in front of items that describe things.

I would like popup maps and bulletin boards.

Everquest has a bulletin system where members can leave messages for other members. This would be great. Another feature would be a popup map that shows the layout of the bases with labels.

OR, allow the base builder to "waypoint" items in the base so that people can look on their own maps to see the labeled icons.



Bumping this thread, because it's just as important as the one I created.

Devs, please sticky this.



<--- lol

Hi all, Well i have the Massive secure Complex a base builders dreem to ply with.
Today i discoverd that the max Decorativ for my plot is 20000 but the funny thing is that for any plot size its 20000 @.@ .... how the hell ,I need more like 100000 to get this base how i wont it .
Also i dont see y thy put in the stats box that Decorative is Unlimited if its not!!, now i have 3 room that need work and knowing me there going to be 3floor ech room .

SO what did i do i sent a petition XD you know what thy told me here here let me get it....

ok here.........
Thank you for clarifying that further for us.

It's important to understand that plot restrictions are separate from room restrictions (in terms of the number of allowed items). Even so, since you're providing some feedback on what you'd like to see in supergroup base editing, I encourage you to post this suggestion on the official message boards for City of Heroes. You can find a segment of the forums specifically for base construction suggestions here: 8/ so now im here....

I dont think this will help me but just so u all know ..
I guessing ill have to chop up my base just to mace it work ..

P.S. I wood also love it if thy wood let us add ppl to the base set a path for them and all that like if thy work there that wood be so cool....B.T.W. my SG is Project red day 2012 this toon name is amber..



Hi all, Well i have the Massive secure Complex a base builders dreem to ply with.
Today i discoverd that the max Decorativ for my plot is 20000 but the funny thing is that for any plot size its 20000 @.@ .... how the hell ,I need more like 100000 to get this base how i wont it .
Also i dont see y thy put in the stats box that Decorative is Unlimited if its not!!, now i have 3 room that need work and knowing me there going to be 3floor ech room .

SO what did i do i sent a petition XD you know what thy told me here here let me get it....

ok here.........
Thank you for clarifying that further for us.

It's important to understand that plot restrictions are separate from room restrictions (in terms of the number of allowed items). Even so, since you're providing some feedback on what you'd like to see in supergroup base editing, I encourage you to post this suggestion on the official message boards for City of Heroes. You can find a segment of the forums specifically for base construction suggestions here: 8/ so now im here....

I dont think this will help me but just so u all know ..
I guessing ill have to chop up my base just to mace it work ..

P.S. I wood also love it if thy wood let us add ppl to the base set a path for them and all that like if thy work there that wood be so cool...



alfredo -- The item restriction of 20,000 per plot was instituted because anything over that was causing bases to crash, and people were losing stuff.

So, it's not likely to change until (IF) they ever re-vamp the base editing system.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



"Clearer TP beacons PLEASE. I use an overlay so I can read arcane ones but it really is guess work"

I have returned to the game after a very long time, and I was hoping that there had been a solution to this.

The bases, without PVP raiding really serve only a few purposes.
1. Something to do - build it, design it, decorate it.
2. Provide convenient transport from base to whatever zone.
The rub is, you have to figure out which beacon stands for what zone. You can click on the teleporter to see which one, or click on each of the beacons. Other than grouping the teleporters alphabetically, or by levels, (Galaxy with Atlas, Steel with Skyway, that kind of thing.), I've yet to figure out how to know which one to use without just memorizing them. And, once I do, what about newer members? Must there be a learning curve?

Please, don't misunderstand. I'm not complaining. I'm just wondering (and wandering the forum) to see if there is a better way to lay things out. Any ideas?

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
"Clearer TP beacons PLEASE. I use an overlay so I can read arcane ones but it really is guess work"

I have returned to the game after a very long time, and I was hoping that there had been a solution to this.

...The rub is, you have to figure out which beacon stands for what zone. You can click on the teleporter to see which one, or click on each of the beacons. Other than grouping the teleporters alphabetically, or by levels, (Galaxy with Atlas, Steel with Skyway, that kind of thing.), I've yet to figure out how to know which one to use without just memorizing them. And, once I do, what about newer members? Must there be a learning curve?...
This is also on the Consolidated Base Concerns thread (now stickied).

Please see my sig.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Along with what other's have posted these are the things I would like to see added:

Room Details--> Floor Tile: At least give us the option to apply the current styles to this tile, and give it a bottom.

Room Details--> Floor Tile: Give us a 1/4 size option. (I mean a floor tile that is 1/4 the size of the current one.)

Every Object: Give us a 'Group Objects' option. If I'm going to make a wall of bookcases, but I now nee to move them, let me turn them into one object. As with the above asked for 1/4 sized Floor Tile, this option would allow a 2x2 room to have three 'Floor Tiles' and then two or three 1/4 Floor Tiles combined to make another floor with a cut-out for stairs.



Hi. Not really sure if I actually posted this idea in here or just thought about it.

I would like to have some kind of a tab where I can place my current choices of the 5 most commonly used items. This way I wouldn't have to be forever switching from Arcane to Room Details and sliding things along.

Thank you very much.

Enjoy your day please.



Wud love to see some new plot sizes. maybe a 24x28 plot with a 2x3extention on the side for the entrance room A plot that can hold one single special room the size of 24x28 and allows ALL items to be placed in it (What ever plot limits are can be placed in the Special room) So upon entry of that room we are not stareing against all those wall's anymore that rise in the middle of rooms that are edited to look like 1 huge space. or even returning double (imagine Triple) doorways would make the outdoor look's of some bases i have seen and build just so much sweeter If possible wouldn't even be a bad idea to raise the roof to x2 of current height To allow for taller structures to be built or even to just have more space to move around and over structures. As for new item's More bricks in various colors / shapes / sizes would improve for more variation and style. Some in game items like doors that open when clicked that we can place in buildings/rooms to give base more of a interactive feel so its not all so Solid looking. More Floor details like Grass or Curved Roads in various textures. An item that we are surely all missing so far is water texture in a few tinted colors such as the Sewer water texture or even clear swimming pool kinda color. well we could probably find a million more things to list here but so far this is the basic of all things that would bring joy to all the Base edit guru's and may even attract more ppl to join the edit world of CoX bases. either way aslong as not more is being taken away from SG's and they're bases it can only improve i guess so lets just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best Happy Hunting/Editing all



My one and only wish for bases:

Developer interest/response.

Anything placed before this is irrelevant.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.