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  1. Well even if this has been said... i'm saying it again!!!


    I USED TO PLAY GUILD WARS and was thinking of playing guild wars 2 but after
    this BS play I will NEVER play a NCSOFT game ever I don't care what they come out with
    if it has NCSOFT attached it will not be played by me

    good job wrecking a good thing first city of heroes NOW twinkies what's next!?!?
    not blaming NCSOFT for twinkies... on second thought.... O_o
  2. How funny is this... I wanted Enhancement Catalyst, and what do I get? A VERY big black dog with glowing red eyes "while it does help me to complete tf's faster" does nothing for making my orange ATO'S become purple ATO'S!!

    And while i'm on the subject... I could have sworn I heard that these purple ATO'S will be able to be emailed to other toons on your account only, if and when you UN-slot them...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
    Keyes was the hardest, but also was the most accomplished. We worked our tails /off/ since it was literally the day before the pet bug was fixed.
    I remember when the Mostf first came out... NO level shift. Lore pets and so fourth and it was the same feeling... when we got it it was like YES!!! you felt good... I haven't gotten any of the keys badges yet because like Snow said. you need to really get a team that gets it, and it does suck when one person can mess it up if they so choose... I will get it, it's just a matter of time... It would be nice if you could do cross server runs and be able to help other people on the less populated servers get the chance to suceed in it.
  4. Nitra

    No 5 year badge?

    Just a wait and see...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Initially Windows 7 kept trying to do all sorts of things for me and "organize" things that didn't need organizing and prompt for things that didn't need prompting. i don't recall all the changes i made at this point, but it was several hours of looking up ways to change settings and disable unnecessary cruft. Now it works just fine for me. Does what i want it to do and doesn't do the things i don't want it to do. Mostly. There are occasional exceptions that crop up.

    All the Windows 8 stuff i've seen so far...
    I agree... in fact not a big fan of having to buy a touchscreen so this metro interface can run the way it's meant too... I like my NON touchscreen monitor and my mouse and keyboard... call me old fashion but if I want a tablet i'll go get one... O_o

    so what's next? Windows 9... no computer parts at all, they inject it into your head!!!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    To be honest, I've heard nothing but great things regarding the Windows Phone and newest Xbox 360 User Interfaces, which are all like Windows 8's.
    That's fine if you have either of those... I don't think we need to have our pc's look and run like a big smart phone. The guy and that video.... maybe it's me, but he comes off as very condescending, like "we know what you need yes we do... and what is good for you, so eat this" I do like windows 7 but from what I have seen of 8 not so much...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    So I ended up purchasing a new computer - 6GB of RAM, 1TB of storage - yet I have an issue where my Windows 7 won't recognize the enclosure that contains my old harddrive.

    My old system was Windows XP (love it) and this new system is running on Windows 7 (disgusting)

    Would it nuke this new motherboard to swap out the new harddrive with my old one?
    No it it will not nuke your motherboard what you will need to do is connect your old hard drive and it should boot up you will have to install the motherboard drivers onto your old hard drive but it should work, thing is you will only be able to use 2g's of ram using xp unless it's the 64 bit version... give 7 a chance it's a really good os
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    So my computer turned off fine last night but it won't power up this morning. At all.

    The green light on the back by the battery is green while the computer is still plugged in, but the computer won't power up when I hit the on button. I did notice that the yellow light on the Mo-board faded off after 30s of unplugging the computer.

    I use a Dell Inspiron 530s.
    From what you are saying I would say it sounds like the power supply is bad, since you are getting nothing...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    If I could grow an extra arm, I'd make it three thumbs up *Goes and co-opts a random thumb*.
    I agree 1000% I got a mushkin chronos 120 and it sings, in fact... I'm teaching it christmas carols for this up coming season!
  10. When the new staff sets comes out...

    I'm pretty sure I will not be paying to hit someone with a big stick!!!
  11. Nitra

    Forum Question

    Ok, this has been bugging me for a while... I see some people with gold names on the forums and most without what is the deal there... also how does one change the title under your forum name... is it based on joing a group aka "forum Cartel" I'm sure it changes based on how many posts you do but is there a way to find out the order? I think I have gone through Citizen, Cohort, I am now on Rookie I was just wondering how that works.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
    I got MoTPN on my blaster, who I do not badge with (and I am not really THAT proficient with), on a 14 man PuG, and very little direction, first try. Could be we had alot of vets in the league (I did not look) It was quite possibly the "smoothest" trial I have ever been on, and that takes into account Apex, Kahn, BAF...all of went that well
    That's cool Kotchie, you lucked out for sure because there is a big timing factor, i'd have to guess that some if not all the people on that team had done it a few times before to get
    to the point where you got the whole thing on the first try... grats O_o
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
    Hardest - Keyes

    Easiest - TPN
    TPN? Really...
  14. Out of all the Master Runs which do you think is the Hardest to do and optain
    and which is the easiest...

    Hardest: for me is the MoKeys, even though it's been nerfed it's still a though one.
    although the MoLambda wasn't a walk in the park, I'd give the nod to MoKeys

    Easiest: MoApex without a doubt

    Paragon studio's are going to employ the "Weekend at Bernie's" technique which means you will have to drag Statesman's dead body along with you while doing the STF... trust me, no one will know the difference O_o
  16. Update:

    Hyper, you were spot on... it was the sound card...

    First I disabled the on board sound through the bios and I was still crashing, then I updated
    the drivers for the sound card still was crashing. I disabled the sound card and went with on board sound and have no had a crash since... so thanks for pointing that out, it's been great being able to play with out crashing...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Were you nice to the CS rep the last time you called or did you yell at them?
    Me yell>? lol no even though he didn't really help... thing is you cannot call and speak to support anymore... I wonder if this has to do with tons of free players calling because I guess you can't get support unless you are a sub and maybe they are trying to qualify people who are asking for support... not sure
  18. Ok,

    So if you call nsoft support with a game issue you can no longer talk to them on the phone
    you have to fill out some BS request thing and hope you get help and they will only call you back if it's a billing issue... REALLY

    Is this where we are going. so if you are having problems with crashing or anything non billing related you will have to deal with extremely crappy method of playing email tag

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    40 million isn't rich. 40 million is in the range of "if I remember to log in and check for people asking for inf, I probably send that much to strangers just because I thought it would be nice to help out poor people in the game". I think I have around 8b total across alts, and that's still not really rich..
    Indeed, in fact when I do have the urge to help out a new player I will give them 100 mil and not even think about it...

    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    On the topic of converters: If you got a couple per month as part of your VIP stipend, these would have a big effect on the market. As is, though... This is a pretty direct $->player-power conversion. Not super happy about that philosophically, although I'd care more if I viewed CoH as a competitive game.
    I agree and let me take it a step further... what is next? Does this game become like most f2p games... a money pit? I have seen more than a few people that play these game drop thousands of dollars into cash shops similar to the paragon market in order to make their characters better be it weapon upgrades or like this game enhancments costume parts or whatever. and please don't misunderstand me, paragon market is not there yet but is this where it is headed?

    While people are not forced to spend money on these types of games, what it comes down to is, how good the people behind these games are at hiding the fact that you are spending real money behind those points you easliy spend. Example: In this game the German Sheppard, for 500 points which is $5.80 (if my math is right) for a vanity pet that does a few tricks and The Undead Survival Kit, for 400 points which is $5.00 which gives you 30 charges of an item most people delete. it's all about marketing, and sure they should try to make money in order to keep the game going strong no doubt but we also pay subs too. This game does have a f2p aspect to it but, you really don't get anything good unless you upgrade to vip or pay to rent certain elements of the game, which again is spending money... This f2p model is desgined to intise you into upgrading. I just hope it's not headed down that path of becoming like those other f2p games.
  20. So there you go... This means that people will not be selling those low end purples and pvp recipies on the market and will instead, keep them to convert to try and to increase their value into something better... The only way this this an be curbed is if coverting is not cheap, then it might balance out... if not this is really going to turn into a nightmare for the players that don't have billions to spend to buy the highend recipies for their toons.

    I guess this will be a wait and see type of thing...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Yeah turns out when I responded to you about this I didn't realize you had to complete a MoM before that progress bar would appear. I was lucky enough to finish the trial the first time I ran it so I just assumed the progress bar would show up regardless. Sorry about that.
    Nah it's cool... I just need to get the right ones to spawn to finish off the last 8... of course I'll get to 15/16 and it will take weeks before you get the one you need...
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    1: Just post the CoH Helper and HJT logs here.
    2: Check to see if you're on the latest drivers. If not, update.
    3: Check to make sure you have the on-board sound device disabled in the BIOS. This way Windows doesn't get corn-fused about which device it's supposed to be using.
    4: If it continues, try removing the sound card from one of the machines and use the on-board.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Give us a dump of your CoH Helper and HijackThis logs.

    Likely your sound driver is crashing and taking the game down with it.
    Great point Hyper, most people think it's a graphic issue and I wasn't sure that's why I posted this... Thing is I have 2 machines same built and it's happening on both and I didn't even think of upgrading the sound drivers! The sound card I am using on both is the Xonar Dx, should I take them out and just use the onboard sound?
    I can redo the coh helper and hijack and send it to you via email if that's cool?

    Thank you very much for your help on this
  24. I am running a gtx 560 ti and from time to time I will get this crash which the game freezes and there is a sort of sound loop affect which causes me to have to reboot the machine to get rid of it... I contacted CS and they had me do a game advisor and the answer they came up with was, upgrade to a beta driver which didn't work even rolling the drivers back didn't work. I don't think it's a sound issue because I am running a seprate sound card I have 16 gigs of ram and 1 gig on the card the os is win 7 pro 64 bit. Some people say it's a client issue at this point I have no idea... is anyone else dealing with this?