Computer won't turn on




So my computer turned off fine last night but it won't power up this morning. At all.

The green light on the back by the battery is green while the computer is still plugged in, but the computer won't power up when I hit the on button. I did notice that the yellow light on the Mo-board faded off after 30s of unplugging the computer.

I use a Dell Inspiron 530s.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
So my computer turned off fine last night but it won't power up this morning. At all.

The green light on the back by the battery is green while the computer is still plugged in, but the computer won't power up when I hit the on button. I did notice that the yellow light on the Mo-board faded off after 30s of unplugging the computer.

I use a Dell Inspiron 530s.
From what you are saying I would say it sounds like the power supply is bad, since you are getting nothing...

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...



Bah, where can I get a computer battery for my desktop on Christmas Eve?



Originally Posted by Nitra View Post
From what you are saying I would say it sounds like the power supply is bad, since you are getting nothing...
That would be my guess also, if the PSU is fine then your next option is the motherboard. I've seen this happen three times over the years; twice it was a power supply that just decided to die and once it was a dead motherboard.

Oh, I just thought of something... check and make sure that the power cord is firmly attached to the computer. I had a monitor once try to power up then quit thanks to a cord that was almost unplugged. It's unlikely but it doesn't cost anything to check!

Oh, just saw your post... do you have a laptop? If so the battery should be irrelevant while you're plugged in; you'd be running on AC, not battery. If your computer won't power up while plugged into AC then you're possibly looking at a new power supply... WalMart carries universal power supplies and so does Radio Shack and Best Buy.

Another stupid question here, but is your power supply plugged directly into the wall or into a power strip? Is the power strip turned on and it's breaker isn't tripped? Many times I've found it's the stupid stuff that causes me fits... I tend to look for the complex before the simple.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Bah, where can I get a computer battery for my desktop on Christmas Eve?
Santa, of course.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Bah, where can I get a computer battery for my desktop on Christmas Eve?
They're talking about the power supply unit, this is the part of your computer the power cord plugs into, not the battery. (Since the light on the battery is green, it's probably good.)

But I'm wondering if your problem might not be your power switch itself. Or maybe the power is coming on, but your display is not working. Maybe it is the power supply, but these other things should be ruled out as well.



The computer - desktop - does not turn on. No power, no beep, no machinery moving. When the power supply cord is connected the green light on the back by the battery comes on. Still, pressing the power button & nothing happens; computer remains dark.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
The computer - desktop - does not turn on. No power, no beep, no machinery moving. When the power supply cord is connected the green light on the back by the battery comes on. Still, pressing the power button & nothing happens; computer remains dark.
The confusion people are having is because there is no battery in a desktop. The part the power cord plugs into is the power supply. It just changes the voltage and splits it up among the parts.

Now if it truely isn't doing anything when you hit the switch including the power supply fans not spinning then you have a dead power supply. There should be plenty of places you could get a replacement power supply because I haven't seen any stores that aren't staying open till at least 6 for Christmas Eve. Your best bet would be to find a "Santa" with some Christmas spirit and a knowledge of computers to help you out.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Try this:
Unplug it, and press and hold the powerbutton for 45seconds. Plug it back in and see if it will power up for you.

If that doesn't work, you're looking at something cooked.
before you go buying parts... open your case and look at the capacitors on your motherboard. They should be smooth cylinders, if the top of them are "blown out" your mobo is cooked. Also make sure all of your expansion cards are seated properly.

My PC did the same to me a couple of months ago. It ends up being cheaper to just buy a new pc & put your hard drive in it as a secondary drive. You could buy a new powersupply find out that it still doesn't turn on, new mobo (new processor, new ram) etc etc. Unless you planned on replacing everything anyway just get new.



Thing is is when I unplug the power supply the mobo light goes out. When I reconnect the power supply the mobo light comes back on?



Doing some minor searching it looks like there is a possibility your system might need replacing. The problem is (at least according to a couple message boards I read) is that the 530s is deliberately built slim and it's almost impossible to find a replacement power supply that will fit.

So it looks like MikeRobe may be right. Your best option might be getting a new system and putting in your old drive as a secondary. Terrible news on Christmas Eve I know. You live anywhere in the Seattle area? I've got enough old parts laying around that I could probably throw something together. It would probably even be better than your Dell.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Thing is is when I unplug the power supply the mobo light goes out. When I reconnect the power supply the mobo light comes back on?
Yeah, don't worry about that. The 45 second thing is to discharge all of the capacitors in your powersupply to get it to do a full reset. Unplug it, press and *hold* the power button for 45 seconds then plug it back in. It may fix your issue and is a pretty cheap option to try



I'm going to swing by Microcenter & grab a power supply just in case.



Take your computer to the Vet (Microcenter) and threaten it with neutering, or replacement! And you may have to get your new PSU from Dell, as a standard PSU won't fit your case.

Be Well!



If THIS is your computer:

Then you won't be buying just *any* power supply:

Weaksauce 250? Nice. Although I do see a 400W from a place I've never SEEN before...

Also, I'm not terribly sure a standard power supply will work anyway, as Dell has been known to wire their completely differently. That difference can result in a dead motherboard when a 'regular' power supply is plugged in, although I can't specifically speak for the 530s and it's mobo's wiring.

THIS, people, is why you do not buy a botique or cute looking, or just plain small boxed computer... parts for it SUCK. You might as well buy a laptop in the first place.

I sincerely wish you luck, VoodooGirl.

/I might be a little bit biased by years of abuse... er, experience, with these kinds of things...

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



So I ended up purchasing a new computer - 6GB of RAM, 1TB of storage - yet I have an issue where my Windows 7 won't recognize the enclosure that contains my old harddrive.

My old system was Windows XP (love it) and this new system is running on Windows 7 (disgusting)

Would it nuke this new motherboard to swap out the new harddrive with my old one?



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
So I ended up purchasing a new computer - 6GB of RAM, 1TB of storage - yet I have an issue where my Windows 7 won't recognize the enclosure that contains my old harddrive.

My old system was Windows XP (love it) and this new system is running on Windows 7 (disgusting)

Would it nuke this new motherboard to swap out the new harddrive with my old one?
No it it will not nuke your motherboard what you will need to do is connect your old hard drive and it should boot up you will have to install the motherboard drivers onto your old hard drive but it should work, thing is you will only be able to use 2g's of ram using xp unless it's the 64 bit version... give 7 a chance it's a really good os

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...



It would be possible to "slave" my old harddrive to my new harddrive, correct?



How are you connecting your old drive to the new system? USB? SATA? Depending on your interface, your new system might have difficulty reading the old drive, particularly if you set the old drive to be bootable.

In theory, if you put in your old drive into the new computer as the primary drive, it should boot up, and allow you to log in enough to make a backup. But it'll be stop and go.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



I'm using USB to connect from the enclosure it is in. My old harddrive is easily plugs into the cables - however, it does not fit into the docking station inside this new computer.

Did I mention Windows 7 is hideous?

Like, really hideous?



Oh, and this motherboard isn't recognizing my ATI Radeon graphics card either.



Did you buy a completely new system with new everything? If so, who is the manufacturer, what's the motherboard and how powerful is the power supply? It would help to know what we're dealing with now.

What error message, if any, are you seeing with the graphics card, and are you running the latest version of catalyst drivers for the correct OS? (32 bit vs 64 bit)

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



I went from a Dell Inspiron 530s to a Gateway DX



I tried popping out the ATI Radeon HD graphics card and re-inserting it and this time the mobo seemed to recognize it - letting me actually plug the monitor into it, but it is reading it as "Generic Plug & Play." Redownloading the appropriate drivers for it now to see if that works.



For the ATI card, grab the Cat 11.9 drivers - the others have issues with City of Heroes.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.