Computer won't turn on




Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
So I ended up purchasing a new computer - 6GB of RAM, 1TB of storage - yet I have an issue where my Windows 7 won't recognize the enclosure that contains my old harddrive.

My old system was Windows XP (love it) and this new system is running on Windows 7 (disgusting)

Would it nuke this new motherboard to swap out the new harddrive with my old one?

Your problem will be that the copy of XP on the hard drive won't start up the current system most likely.

Moreover, you probably won't be able to find XP drivers to re-enable all the hardware even if it did.

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Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I'm using USB to connect from the enclosure it is in. My old harddrive is easily plugs into the cables - however, it does not fit into the docking station inside this new computer.

Did I mention Windows 7 is hideous?

Like, really hideous?
There are things you can do to reset Win7 and make it look more XP-like.

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There is a slight possibility that your new system won't ever be able to see the old drive. I build my own systems all the time, I swap components around and install new ones. However one old Dell I owned somehow formatted the drives in a non standard way. That motherboard could recognize and access them but all other systems saw the drives as being unformatted. There might be a way around it but I didn't find one.

If you can connect the drive inside the computer even though it won't fit inside the docking station do that. If the computer can recognize it that way you can just leave it hanging loose long enough to transfer all the data you want across.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



You're not used to it. Give Win7 a chance, you'll love it soon enough. And there is all kinds of "why you can't run XP" in that new box. All kinds. You'll regret trying, more than likely.

Accept your fate, and Win7...


August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
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3 months ago, I was using xp. Now I have win 7.

It definitely takes some getting used to.

But, you will get used to it. In a month, you really won't even remember xp.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Some tips for making the swap from xp to win7

I could not LIVE without these modifications:

and if you dont wanna disable the UAC but dont wanna always have to confirm running a specific program you use alot... this helps immensely:

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Bah, where can I get a computer battery for my desktop on Christmas Eve?
Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
The confusion people are having is because there is no battery in a desktop.
Based on the rest of the thread, this probably isn't the issue, but like the old cartoon goes , I can't stand it when someone on the internet is WRONG. [ ]

From Intel's support site, "A battery on desktop boards keeps the values in CMOS RAM active. The battery also keeps the real-time clock functioning when the computer is turned off."

I've had to replace the little wristwatch sized lithium batteries in three different desktops over the years when they started going out and causing all kinds of problems at startup. The first machine would just about get booted up and crash. "Bad power supply," said my friend who had his own small computer business. After changing the power supply for an old one he had laying around, and then replacing it with a brand-new one, he somehow deduced it was a BIOS issue or something before it crashed, replaced the battery, and that solved it.

About three years after buying my next PC, that one started having issues on startup as well, so we repeated the same process with power supplies and finally replaced the motherboard battery. That solved it again, and about four years later that was our first brainstorm when my third PC started acting up, and we fixed it that time without a trip to buy a power supply.

Again, I'm not saying that was the OP's problem, but if a PC is three years old or older, the mobo battery IS a possible $2 fix that might not even require a screwdriver.

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



While I may hate Windows 7, I was delighted that I can run my Radeon HD 5550 video card on an appropriate PCI slot and with 6GB of RAM the game now runs on Ultra Mode on the highest settings like glass.

I still hate Win 7. I like my interfaces to be cold and unfeeling.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
While I may hate Windows 7, I was delighted that I can run my Radeon HD 5550 video card on an appropriate PCI slot and with 6GB of RAM the game now runs on Ultra Mode on the highest settings like glass.

I still hate Win 7. I like my interfaces to be cold and unfeeling.
If you want to change just the appearance (transparencies and such) and not the functionality, right-click the desktop, select "Personalize" at the bottom of the context menu and scroll to the bottom of the window that opens and you can select the "Classic" windows appearance.

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Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
While I may hate Windows 7, I was delighted that I can run my Radeon HD 5550 video card on an appropriate PCI slot and with 6GB of RAM the game now runs on Ultra Mode on the highest settings like glass.

I still hate Win 7. I like my interfaces to be cold and unfeeling.
yea like grumble said you can adjust the appearance to "classic" to get that old style feel. Or even try the links I posted above to give you the functional feel of the old with the style and glitz of the new.

I personally have to say that windows xp was great... when I went to windows vista i was less than impressed with performance but upgrading to windows 7 i noticed a performance boost.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
Based on the rest of the thread, this probably isn't the issue, but like the old cartoon goes , I can't stand it when someone on the internet is WRONG. [ ]

From Intel's support site, "A battery on desktop boards keeps the values in CMOS RAM active. The battery also keeps the real-time clock functioning when the computer is turned off."

I've had to replace the little wristwatch sized lithium batteries in three different desktops over the years when they started going out and causing all kinds of problems at startup. The first machine would just about get booted up and crash. "Bad power supply," said my friend who had his own small computer business. After changing the power supply for an old one he had laying around, and then replacing it with a brand-new one, he somehow deduced it was a BIOS issue or something before it crashed, replaced the battery, and that solved it.

About three years after buying my next PC, that one started having issues on startup as well, so we repeated the same process with power supplies and finally replaced the motherboard battery. That solved it again, and about four years later that was our first brainstorm when my third PC started acting up, and we fixed it that time without a trip to buy a power supply.

Again, I'm not saying that was the OP's problem, but if a PC is three years old or older, the mobo battery IS a possible $2 fix that might not even require a screwdriver.
*huh* In the old days a dead BIOS battery just meant you had to configure the BIOS settings every time you started up. i guess it's been a looong time since i had to deal with that issue.

Still, VG's posts made it apparent that what she was talking about was the PSU, although the first few posts had me wondering if she had it plugged into a UPS and why she wasn't just plugging it directly into the wall.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
While I may hate Windows 7, I was delighted that I can run my Radeon HD 5550 video card on an appropriate PCI slot and with 6GB of RAM the game now runs on Ultra Mode on the highest settings like glass.

I still hate Win 7. I like my interfaces to be cold and unfeeling.
As suggested it's not hard to tweak Win 7 to be like XP in appearance. In terms of performance Win 7 is well worth the change once it's tweaked. Vista actually turned into a halfway decent OS once they released the rebranded service pack. At least for Windows native software.

Is it odd that every time a thread like this is posted i still expect je_saist to pop in with a rant that misuses technical terminology while it rails on and on about how Linux is superior and Windows is useless garbage?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



End of the story: The PSU was dead. Microcenter said they have carried it but it would be time before they got more.

My system was 4, going on 5, years old. It was time for an upgrade. While I am casting evil, hideous thoughts towards Windows 7, I am appreciating how City of Heroes is running on it.

Still, I am disturbed that I cannot get this new PC to recognize the hard drive enclosure that contains my old hard drive with all of my photography on it.



Once you have recovered your photos, I really would recommend doing regular backups to at least one external device (DVD, USB, cloud services etc).

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Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Still, I am disturbed that I cannot get this new PC to recognize the hard drive enclosure that contains my old hard drive with all of my photography on it.
Have you tried bringing your old hard drive to Microcenter to ask them to copy it over to a portable hard drive? If you don't have a portable hard drive already, borrow one from a friend or, worst case, I'm sure Microcenter would be happy to sell one to you.

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Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Still, I am disturbed that I cannot get this new PC to recognize the hard drive enclosure that contains my old hard drive with all of my photography on it.
Things to check:

1. That the power cord is plugged in and connected firmly to the enclosure, and the power switch is turned on, if there is one. I don't deliberately mean this one to be condescending, it's actually very commonly missed - a lot of the power switches are in strange locations, or are push-buttons instead of toggles.

2. If there's a reset switch, press that (it's a circuit breaker).

3. Listen carefully to the hard drive when it's plugged into both power and USB. You might hear a fan, but besides that you should hear the jet-engine-like faint whine of the hard drive spinning up. If not, it might not be connected securely inside the enclosure.

4. If all of that fails, disconnect everything and open up the enclosure.

5. Look for loose or missing connections. They're often very difficult to fully connect, so even if they look secure, pull each one off and re-attach it.

6. Check the jumpers on the hard drive. There should be a diagram on the label explaining how they work. Some enclosures require a certain exact setting: For instance, inside the PC it might be set to "Auto", and the enclosure might require "Master".

If none of those work, then either the hard drive is toast or someone sold you a bad enclosure. It's easy to test: Try it in another enclosure. If it doesn't work there either, the hard drive is gone.

Good luck!

Manga @ Triumph
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Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
Things to check:

1. That the power cord is plugged in and connected firmly to the enclosure, and the power switch is turned on, if there is one. I don't deliberately mean this one to be condescending, it's actually very commonly missed - a lot of the power switches are in strange locations, or are push-buttons instead of toggles.

2. If there's a reset switch, press that (it's a circuit breaker).

3. Listen carefully to the hard drive when it's plugged into both power and USB. You might hear a fan, but besides that you should hear the jet-engine-like faint whine of the hard drive spinning up. If not, it might not be connected securely inside the enclosure.

4. If all of that fails, disconnect everything and open up the enclosure.

5. Look for loose or missing connections. They're often very difficult to fully connect, so even if they look secure, pull each one off and re-attach it.

6. Check the jumpers on the hard drive. There should be a diagram on the label explaining how they work. Some enclosures require a certain exact setting: For instance, inside the PC it might be set to "Auto", and the enclosure might require "Master".

If none of those work, then either the hard drive is toast or someone sold you a bad enclosure. It's easy to test: Try it in another enclosure. If it doesn't work there either, the hard drive is gone.

Good luck!
Yup. Also you can get inexpensive adapter kits that allow you to connect almost any standard hard drive to a USB port. They usually consist of a USB to IDE/SATA cable and a power supply. Obviously not suggested for a drive you plan to keep using externally, but very handy for copying or running diagnostics on an old hard drive.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I'm going to borrow a few cables and cords from my old computer and see if I can slave my old hard drive to this new one so I can at least access the data.

Or punch the guy at Microcenter who said I would have no trouble swapping out the hard drives.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Or punch the guy at Microcenter who said I would have no trouble swapping out the hard drives.
now you don't want to go around punching the poor souls who work retail.

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Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
now you don't want to go around punching the poor souls who work retail.
I work in retail. All day long my manager keeps running over to stop me from punching myself. Customers place bets on which arm will win.

I'm right handed, btw.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I work in retail. All day long my manager keeps running over to stop me from punching myself. Customers place bets on which arm will win.

I'm right handed, btw.
50.00 on the left, pinky finger.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Did I mention Windows 7 is hideous?

Like, really hideous?
...compared to what OS that came out this decade? Which parts do you dislike? If this is about it being different than what you are used to, I can't imagine how you will react when you see what Windows 8 looks like:

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
...compared to what OS that came out this decade? Which parts do you dislike? If this is about it being different than what you are used to, I can't imagine how you will react when you see what Windows 8 looks like:

Click Me



To be honest, I've heard nothing but great things regarding the Windows Phone and newest Xbox 360 User Interfaces, which are all like Windows 8's.

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
...compared to what OS that came out this decade? Which parts do you dislike? If this is about it being different than what you are used to, I can't imagine how you will react when you see what Windows 8 looks like:

Click Me
Windows 8 brings out my inner rage.

It's the OS that says "you're too dumb to use a computer, so we're going to make you spend $1000 for a tablet without a touch screen".


Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
To be honest, I've heard nothing but great things regarding the Windows Phone and newest Xbox 360 User Interfaces, which are all like Windows 8's.
Windows 8 was designed around the assumption that all computers are either tablets or cell phones.