Issue 21.5 Badges




Here is a repost from the Beta forums for the new badges that went live today. Since not everyone may have access to those forums, I thought it would be a good idea to have the badges listed here too. The original poster was Snow Globe.

Trial Badges

Section 1: TPN Trial Badges
Master of TPN Campus.

  • Hint text - Achieve the following special achievements during the TPN Campus Incarnate Trial: Spin Doctor, News Flash, Fair & Balanced, Television Addict and Tonight's Top Story.
  • Completion text - You have mastered the Incarnate Trial: TPN Campus.
  • Spin Doctor
    • Hint text - None.
    • Completion text - You have completed the Incarnate Trial: TPN Campus.
  • News Flash
    • Hint text - Complete all three 500-point Public Opinion challenges, taking no more than 8 minutes per challenge, and then finish the trial.
    • Completion text - You managed to successfully complete each major broadcast to the people of Praetoria within a few minutes, establishing to the world that Tyrant's Imperial forces are no obstacle to the Incarnates and their mission to deliver the truth to the people during the raid on TPN Campus.
  • Fair & Balanced
    • Hint text - Do not allow a single Telepathist to convert 4 or more citizens for the duration of TPN Campus, and then finish the trial.
    • Completion text - The Imperial forces threw some of Mother Mayhems' mindwashing Telepathists at the populace in an effort to turn them against you, and you stepped up to shut them down. No Telepathist managed to convert four citizens during the raid on TPN Campus.
  • Television Addict
    • Hint text - Complete all four terminals in all three buildings during each 500-point Public Opinion challenge, while also keeping H.D. above 80% health at all times, and then finish the trial.
    • Completion text - During the raid on TPN Campus, H.D. offered you his assistance in delivering the truth to the world, with only his protection as his price. You accepted his bargain and delivered far better than would be expected with the IDF swarming the facility, thus ensuring that H.D. had the greatest chance to deliver your message with no interference.
  • Tonight's Top Story
    • Hint text - Defeat Maelstrom within four minutes during each of his three encounters.
    • Completion text - Maelstrom arrived during the raid on TPN Campus to send a message of his own: that he would not allow the Incarnates to spread their 'lies'. Not only did his efforts fail, but you also managed to defeat him handily, adding his humiliating defeats to your message to the people of Praetoria.

Section 2: Minds of Mayhem Badges
Master of Minds of Mayhem
  • Hint text - Achieve the following special achievements during the Minds of Mayhem Incarnate Trial: Mental Voyager, Dreamwalker, A Perfect Storm, Daylight Saver and Lost Connection to Server.
  • Completion text - You have mastered the Incarnate Trial: The Minds of Mayhem.
  • Mental Voyager
    • Hint text - None.
    • Completion text - You have completed the Incarnate Trial: The Minds of Mayhem.
  • Dreamwalker\Dreamkiller
    • Hint text - Defeat all of Malaise's possible nightmares at least once.
    • Completion text - Through persistence or madness, you have faced down the many nightmares of Malaise while battling him in the dreamscape of the Minds of Mayhem.
    • Required Arch-Villains - Eochai, Jack in Irons, Paladin, Babbage, Adamastor, Jurassik, Crystal Titan, Kronos, Lanaruu the Crazed, Ruladak the Strong, Lord Winter, Bat'Zul, Deathsurge, Caleb, Lichen-Infested War Walker, Avatar of Hamidon (note - these must be defeated in phase 1 of the trial. The versions that appear in phase 4 don't count)
  • A Perfect Storm
    • Hint text - Defeat Penelope Mayhem while creating no more than 4 Eyes of the Storm, then complete the trial.
    • Completion text - Despite the furious typhoon of psychic energy enveloping you within Mother Yin's layer of the Minds of Mayhem, you were able to keep calm, efficiently using the precious Eyes of the Storm to put an end to Mother Mayhem's hold on Penelope Yin.
  • Daylight Saver
    • Hint text - Defeat Mother Mayhem without allowing Aurora Borealis' health to drop below 75%, and then complete the trial.
    • Completion text - Deep within the Minds of Mayhem, you came across the long-suffering Aurora Borealis, whose body and mind had been taken over by Shalice Tilman. Separating the two was never going to be an easy task, but you did it while causing minimal risk to Aurora Borealis, delivering her from Tilman's torment with a minimum of suffering.
  • Lost Connection to Server
    • Hint text - Defeat Shalice Tilman without missing any opportunity to sever her connection to the Seer Network, and then complete the trial.
    • Completion text - When you finally were able to confront Shalice Tilman within the depths of the Minds of Mayhem, you found that she would not go easily, for she was strongly connected to the Seer Network. Despite this difficulty, you found a way to sever her connections with little trouble, never allowing her to regain her strength after being chased from Malaise's broken body.

Section 3: Winter Event Badges
Gift Which Keeps Giving
  • Completion text - You've passed along the mysterious Duplicating Gift left by the Gamester!
Gift Getter
  • Completion text - You've received a copy of the mysterious Duplicating Gift from another! Don't forget to pass it on!



Curses! They release both itrials before I'm done with day job badges with EI!


Hooray for new content!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Tenjoy View Post
Also, there is a badge for defeating all 16 of Malaise's possible nightmares at least once.

He has that listed...badges is called "Dreamwalker" it seems


I see your edit now....never mind then! Carry on

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



im glad theres more badges, i just hope they are reasonable like the underground trial badges and not like keyes badges

at least ill be finished the final day job in first ward in the next 2-3 days then ill be all for the trials lol



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
im glad theres more badges, i just hope they are reasonable like the underground trial badges and not like keyes badges

at least ill be finished the final day job in first ward in the next 2-3 days then ill be all for the trials lol
Yeah I've mentioned it in the beta boards but all of the newest badges are pretty reasonable I think.

The two "hardest" badges to get would be, I think:

in the TPN trial:

Let no more than 4 civilians get confused by the Telepathists. The QA dev said that was actually very do-able in their play test groups that they had.

I guess the other "hard" one in TPN would be the one to get 500 Public Opinion in 8 mins or less. But that's not really hard per se...just have to get people up to speed on what to do and I think it could be very do-able.

As for the MOM trial:

Lost Connection to Server

This would be the hardest I think. It takes a good league to listen and not try to hit the EB mobs while the tanker is taunting the nightmare EB next to the AV....especially if there are still geometry holes that stop the EBs from moving

The next 'hardest' badge I see for the MOM trial is

A Perfect Storm

again nothing hard about it really could take a few runs to get it.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
Here is a repost from the Beta forums for the new badges that went live today. Since not everyone may have access to those forums, I thought it would be a good idea to have the badges listed here too. The original poster was Snow Globe.
Well, I was going to post it here.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Well, I was going to post it here.
Well now you don't have to



Having done both trials a couple of times, I'll tell you the ones that are going to be a pain, based on the group that I had (Full leagues, mostly at +3, one attempt fail, one attempt success on each trial)

for MoM:

Once you get the tactics down, none of them are particularly harsh, except maybe Perfect Storm. Everythng else is a matter of learning the tactics and repitition to get all the nightmares.

for TPN:

This is more interesting, as I'm still not 100% sure about certain aspects. We got Fair and Balanced on the second run, mostly due to getting an efficient high damage ST team to deal with the telepathists. A target telepathist bind/macor helps here. I can see where it might cause an issue.

News flash I can see being a pain, but eventually dooable. I think it's going to come out to experiments on balancing between the inside teams and the outside team.

Television Addict, I have to say, I have no idea how to get, largely because I have no idea who HD is, how he takes damage or how you stop him taking damage. More practise will probably bear fruit here.

For this crop of trial badges, I have to say, they've found the balance. There's none for "doing it in hard mode" (ie. making things much harder for yourself deliberately to get a badge, such as all the lambda temp power ones) and pretty much all of them will, I believe, fall as teams get used to the tactics. How long it will take, we shall see.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
Well now you don't have to
The thing is that most people look for my posts about new badges and while you did attribute it, you've basically didn't bring anything to the list.

You should have let me post it seeing it was my work, not yours.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The thing is that most people look for my posts about new badges and while you did attribute it, you've basically didn't bring anything to the list.

You should have let me post it seeing it was my work, not yours.
Well if you really feel that way, I'll delete the post. I was just trying to help out in the forums since I couldn't find any other topic outside of beta that even mentioned the badges



Originally Posted by Gideon View Post
Television Addict, I have to say, I have no idea how to get, largely because I have no idea who HD is, how he takes damage or how you stop him taking damage. More practise will probably bear fruit here.

HD is a big ol' Television inside the buildings so if you're always on the "outdoors" team then you'll never see him.

He's pretty hard to miss but all you have to do is have a "healer" heal him when needed...honestly the one and only time I did a TPN in beta we got that badge so..not hard to get from my point of view.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You should have let me post it seeing it was my work, not yours.
I don't get this at all. He gave credit to you so...what's your problem?

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
Well if you really feel that way, I'll delete the post. I was just trying to help out in the forums since I couldn't find any other topic outside of beta that even mentioned the badges
You might have given me a day.

At any rate, don't bother now. You can't delete posts after people have replied to it.

Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I don't get this at all. He gave credit to you so...what's your problem?
It took away my control to edit the list before posting, it makes it harder for those looking for my list of badges to find the new badge list a few months down the line, and he didn't bother to wait even a day to see if I was going to do it.

Edit: I'll also point out that only VIPs can do the Incarnate Trials, and all VIPs have access to that section of the forums.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You might have given me a day.

At any rate, don't bother now. You can't delete posts after people have replied to it.

It took away my control to edit the list before posting, it makes it harder for those looking for my list of badges to find the new badge list a few months down the line, and he didn't bother to wait even a day to see if I was going to do it.
If there needs to be changes (or edits in the future); you can always just either post the updated list in a post in this thread, create a new thread (since this one will not be at the top most likely) or PM the OP with the changes and he could edit the post.

I would encourage others to try to help others (unless they're providing false information and knowingly doing so of course).

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You might have given me a day.

At any rate, don't bother now. You can't delete posts after people have replied to it.

It took away my control to edit the list before posting, it makes it harder for those looking for my list of badges to find the new badge list a few months down the line, and he didn't bother to wait even a day to see if I was going to do it.
I apologize for stealing your thunder. I had no idea I was going to get this kind of reaction from posting a simple badge list. If I had known that you intended to post it later today, I would not have done so myself. And if it helps any, I certainly won't be posting any lists in the future.



Do we have a count of all 16 nightmares? It seems many are at 15/16.

The Transcendent One
Level 50+ PB (Badge Count 1404)



Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
And if it helps any, I certainly won't be posting any lists in the future.
No, that doesn't help at all. I would continue to try to be helpful and ignore the whining in this situation.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
I apologize for stealing your thunder. I had no idea I was going to get this kind of reaction from posting a simple badge list. If I had known that you intended to post it later today, I would not have done so myself. And if it helps any, I certainly won't be posting any lists in the future.
PM sent as I don't want to derail this further.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Transcendent_One View Post
Do we have a count of all 16 nightmares? It seems many are at 15/16.
I don't think there is one but....I'll start with the ones I (and my league) defeated tonight:

Winter Lord (whatever his name is)
Avatar of Hamidon
Kronos Titan

crud; forgot the 6th one we defeated tonight....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



The original post has been updated with specific AV requirements for the Dreamwalker badge.



Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
The original post has been updated with specific AV requirements for the Dreamwalker badge.
So since only the ones in the first phase of the trial count for this badge and since the ones that do spawn seem totally random I guess it's just going to take a random number of runs to get them all. Hopefully they are all equally likely to spawn - it'd be crummy if one of them was like 10x less likely than the others.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Does it have to be in one go, or can you just do the trial a bunch of times and hope to get it randomly?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Does it have to be in one go, or can you just do the trial a bunch of times and hope to get it randomly?
Pretty sure it's something that will take multiple runs by design. I did the trial once last night and now have a progress bar for that badge. Apparently only like 3(?) of them spawn for that first phase in any given run.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I don't think there is one but....I'll start with the ones I (and my league) defeated tonight:

Winter Lord (whatever his name is)
Avatar of Hamidon
Kronos Titan

crud; forgot the 6th one we defeated tonight....
Jack in Irons

and the Jade Spider spawned with malaise twice. i don't know if he counts or not.

Thanks for posting this thread, and many thanks to Snow for preparing it in Beta.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Does it have to be in one go, or can you just do the trial a bunch of times and hope to get it randomly?
It has to be in multiple runs of the trial. Three random monsters spawn each time, so it takes a few runs to get all 16 of them.

My team got the badge last night by running the first phase, then quitting and doing it again repeatedly. But I think that anyone who runs the trial on a regular basis will eventually get this one without any special effort.