SG transfers & renaming




We already have character transfers and renames for a fairly cheap price...

How about adding in Supergroup renaming and transfers? Would be nce to be able to move a SG from one server to another and keep all the base goodies and prestige it has earned over the years.



And if not everyone wants to go? Or agrees on the name? Who has a say? Can it be overridden?

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Personally I agree with everything you have brought up, but with the addition of the new Super Leader rank Sunstorm implied that ownership of an SG belongs to the SL and not the SG members. (sadly that thread has been deleted so I can't get his exact words.)



I recall that thread and the implications.

I still dont like it, but it appears to be the way the Dev team is thinking about SGs.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



MY SG is about the only reason I haven't transferred my heroes to a more active server. Across all of my characters I have earned over 8 mil prestige. Its just too much work and effort to throw away...

I do hope one of these days this will be an option. Especially for the smaller sgs. Because my members would like to transfer as well. My server just isn't as active as it was 2 years ago and we often rely on pugs to team with. Would really like to move to virtue or some place more active and alive.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I like this idea. If I could transfer a SG, I would move off Freedom tomorrow, taking every character with me and I would buy more slots on my chosen server to fit them all. I'm slowly starting to create characters on other servers, but the idea of building my base all over again is not appealing to me at all.



I believe the only logical way is to only allow the superleader to have the power to rename and/or transfer the supergroup across servers. Does it give the SL quite a bit of power in the SG .. yes, but then the SG's SL is most likely the person that founded the SG in the first place. Only if your SL is a .. ahem .."Jerk" would he/she rename or move the SG without having a majority of the members approve it. If you think on it there really is nothing stopping a SL from kicking everyone in the SG except himself right now as we speak. just need to have reliable/trustworthy SL'ers.

Just the time savings of not having to ditch millions of prestige earned to start out with nil, not having to spend months .. heck years if your a small SG just to get back to where you were before the move is an idea I believe most can get behind.



MY SG is about the only reason I haven't transferred my heroes to a more active server. Across all of my characters I have earned over 8 mil prestige. Its just too much work and effort to throw away...

I do hope one of these days this will be an option. Especially for the smaller sgs. Because my members would like to transfer as well. My server just isn't as active as it was 2 years ago and we often rely on pugs to team with. Would really like to move to virtue or some place more active and alive.

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Sounds more like your SG is inactive rather than your server to me. After all you do find PuG members to team with, don't you?

Hehehe.. [sarcasm]Yeah, my SG mates are all a bunch of lazy slugs, so it must be the server.[/sarcasm]

I play all servers and have no problems finding teams when I want them on any of them. And many of my characters don't even belong to SGs. You're either not trying hard enough or you're insisting on the maximum amount of team members before you even decide to play. You realize you can do missions with less than 8 players, right? It may not get you the max amount of XP/hour but it can still be fun.




So long as it's the Super Leader only...or the founder.

MY SG is about the only reason I haven't transferred my heroes to a more active server. Across all of my characters I have earned over 8 mil prestige. Its just too much work and effort to throw away...

I do hope one of these days this will be an option. Especially for the smaller sgs. Because my members would like to transfer as well. My server just isn't as active as it was 2 years ago and we often rely on pugs to team with. Would really like to move to virtue or some place more active and alive.

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Sounds more like your SG is inactive rather than your server to me. After all you do find PuG members to team with, don't you?

Hehehe.. [sarcasm]Yeah, my SG mates are all a bunch of lazy slugs, so it must be the server.[/sarcasm]

I play all servers and have no problems finding teams when I want them on any of them. And many of my characters don't even belong to SGs. You're either not trying hard enough or you're insisting on the maximum amount of team members before you even decide to play. You realize you can do missions with less than 8 players, right? It may not get you the max amount of XP/hour but it can still be fun.

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I would guess that you are the exception to the general rule. If the servers were actually as active as you claim, people would not have insisted the service be added in the first place, right?

I use to play on Champion. Was there teaming opportunities? Yes. But the server still wasn't very active.

I transferred my main toons to Freedom...which is THE most active server. Since then, finding a team is not hard.

I left behind my own SG that I had formed on Champion...still have it there, with only a couple of my toons in it. I restarted an SG on Freedom and now it's #18, bigger and more popular than my old one.

Transferring SGs to another server woouuld be nice...but it's really not needed. You can start one and grow it pretty fast these days.

I'll even put that to the test. I'm going to create a toon on Virtue and focus on making a villain group from scratch...just to see how fast it can grow.

"renaming" an SG would be totally the bomb though. I hate the name I chose for my first SG. People assume it's a Christian-themed SG because of the name. Nothing wrong with being;s just not a themed sg.



I believe the only logical way is to only allow the superleader to have the power to rename and/or transfer the supergroup across servers. Does it give the SL quite a bit of power in the SG .. yes, but then the SG's SL is most likely the person that founded the SG in the first place. Only if your SL is a .. ahem .."Jerk" would he/she rename or move the SG without having a majority of the members approve it. If you think on it there really is nothing stopping a SL from kicking everyone in the SG except himself right now as we speak. just need to have reliable/trustworthy SL'ers.

Just the time savings of not having to ditch millions of prestige earned to start out with nil, not having to spend months .. heck years if your a small SG just to get back to where you were before the move is an idea I believe most can get behind.

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Here's a thought...let us "sell back" our SGs. We all know what the exchange rate is...well...if we sell our sg back, we get influence multiplied back to us, and we can take that to any server, start the sg there, and exchange the influence again, getting equal value for the sg we sold.

Just a thought.



I believe the only logical way is to only allow the superleader to have the power to rename and/or transfer the supergroup across servers. Does it give the SL quite a bit of power in the SG .. yes, but then the SG's SL is most likely the person that founded the SG in the first place. Only if your SL is a .. ahem .."Jerk" would he/she rename or move the SG without having a majority of the members approve it. If you think on it there really is nothing stopping a SL from kicking everyone in the SG except himself right now as we speak. just need to have reliable/trustworthy SL'ers.

Just the time savings of not having to ditch millions of prestige earned to start out with nil, not having to spend months .. heck years if your a small SG just to get back to where you were before the move is an idea I believe most can get behind.

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Here's a thought...let us "sell back" our SGs. We all know what the exchange rate is...well...if we sell our sg back, we get influence multiplied back to us, and we can take that to any server, start the sg there, and exchange the influence again, getting equal value for the sg we sold.

Just a thought.

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Oh yeah there's a brilliant idea. I can form an SG, put 15 alts into it and sell the 300k enlistment bonus back for 150 million inf. Then repeat the process as often as I want. I could easily earn several billion an hour.

Uhm . . . HELL NO!



To keep people from abusing the free prestige for the first 15 members I think using the puchase tolken X-fer system like whats used for character x-fers is the way to go .... just take the entire SG name/ base and move it the new server. I'm assuming, for money income reasons for NC soft, each character would either have to be transferred individually (except the SL who has to go with the base) or a fee based on # of toons in the SG would have to be charged. Afterall NCsoft is here to make money =P No money = no game.

This way there is no prestige converting so no real way to abuse the prestige conversion to make billions of inf.



And what happens to the SG's where not everyone wants to leave the server?

Are they going to get to keep the base and SG they contributed to, while the the others start over on a new SG?

Are the devs supposed to come up with some convoluted equation for determining a fair division of prestige? Or are they just going to divide the SG prestige in half.

And if they do allow something like that to happen, is it really fair to the players that are remaining on the original server to see their base destroyed and have to be rebuilt with only half of the resources?

And what happens to the crafted base items? That salvage is gone forever.

Who gets the SG badges and the items they unlock? Surely you're not suggesting that the people leaving to go to another server are more entitled to them than the ones remaining behind.

And when a base is deconstructed in order to turn it into prestige to be converted, what happens to all the items in storage? Most SG's have more items than they can carry.

Do those items get sold off to an NPC store for a flat rate as is done during a respec?



MY SG is about the only reason I haven't transferred my heroes to a more active server. Across all of my characters I have earned over 8 mil prestige. Its just too much work and effort to throw away...

I do hope one of these days this will be an option. Especially for the smaller sgs. Because my members would like to transfer as well. My server just isn't as active as it was 2 years ago and we often rely on pugs to team with. Would really like to move to virtue or some place more active and alive.

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Sounds more like your SG is inactive rather than your server to me. After all you do find PuG members to team with, don't you?

Hehehe.. [sarcasm]Yeah, my SG mates are all a bunch of lazy slugs, so it must be the server.[/sarcasm]

I play all servers and have no problems finding teams when I want them on any of them. And many of my characters don't even belong to SGs. You're either not trying hard enough or you're insisting on the maximum amount of team members before you even decide to play. You realize you can do missions with less than 8 players, right? It may not get you the max amount of XP/hour but it can still be fun.

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Yes my SG is pretty inactive. We are a multigaming group and most of the nubs either returned to that cursed game World of warcraft or have moved on to other things. But most of the prestige has been earned by me and the few that still play.

As for me not trying hard enough to find a team. I've sometimes broadcasted for a straight 2 hours without finding a team. And don't even get me started on how hard it is to put together a well built team nowdays. Its even hard to find a farm teams sometimes in AE.

Yes I realize you can do a mission without 8 players. 5 + is ok with me but anything below that is too boring. I don't want to spend all day killing a single spawn... This is a mmo after all and If I have to solo I simply won't play. I log and try again later usually.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



AND YES, I've changed my mind over the past few months.
And I don't even wish to switch servers with my SG.
I take that back.

I wouldn't mind transferring my villain group over to Virtue, since it has more Infamy then the newer one.

But my Blueside big one is staying put.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And what happens to the SG's where not everyone wants to leave the server?

Are they going to get to keep the base and SG they contributed to, while the the others start over on a new SG?

Are the devs supposed to come up with some convoluted equation for determining a fair division of prestige? Or are they just going to divide the SG prestige in half.

And if they do allow something like that to happen, is it really fair to the players that are remaining on the original server to see their base destroyed and have to be rebuilt with only half of the resources?

And what happens to the crafted base items? That salvage is gone forever.

Who gets the SG badges and the items they unlock? Surely you're not suggesting that the people leaving to go to another server are more entitled to them than the ones remaining behind.

And when a base is deconstructed in order to turn it into prestige to be converted, what happens to all the items in storage? Most SG's have more items than they can carry.

Do those items get sold off to an NPC store for a flat rate as is done during a respec?
First, as I said above, I don't really care whatthe "contributing members" want. When it comes to my SG, I make the decisions.

Dividing prestige is bull. If people want their own SG, just start one and put in the work I did. Did I do it alone? No. But I alone directed it's path. I alone kept it active by recruiting and setting in place the 10 day inactive limit. I alone stayed from start to finish.

And every member knows, what I say goes...all 140 or more members (minus alts). You might think I'm a dictator. Maybe I am...but I'm well-liked by all members or they wouldn't stay there. If I go inactive for more than a few days, I get emails asking if everything is alright.

But you DO have a valid concern. Some leaders/Members have their own storage bins...they should be given time to empty them. So give a transferring SG 14 days before it processes, and an automated message warning people.

Make Character Transfers permanently free so people can come to the new server and get back what they lose.

And the Superleader Toon should be transferred along with the SG, so that it maintains it's structure.



That's good for you that you, as the Founder and Super Leader, have put so much work and effort into your SG such that it completely dwarfs (and apparently negates) all efforts of your members. I'm still not sure how any of your rant about your dedication to your SG means that the other members don't have any rights to the things that they have earned, but whatever, you're clearly the only person in your SG that cares even the slightest about it and everybody else is just a leech trying to steal your hard-earned SG. It's all yours.

However, what about those groups that are formed by a group people? It was created not as a means for one person to have a Super Group that ended up gaining members, but as a community project (so to speak). The fact that one character ended up creating it is really only a short-coming in the system rather than that character or account being the visionary Founder of the group. Granted, in such a situation, one hopes that the community aspect of the group is enough to keep the Founder from being a jerk about things.

I present to you the following scenario. A Super Group is started by a group of people who, as a group decided, that they wished to have their own Super Group. Perhaps they are all breaking off from a different Super Group that they didn't like for whatever reason. The Super Group is formed by character "SuperDuperLeader". Time passes, there is another falling out over something, even something petty like the Super Group colors, and the player with the SuperDuperLeader hates his previous friends. He decides, that since SuperDuperLeader is an alt that he doesn't care about, but feels like being vindictive, that he simply maintains his Founder position and retracts all of his other characters.

Time passes, the other members work hard and create a respectable SG and base that just happens to have a Founder that nobody cares about. Then he finds out that he can transfer the SG to another server, thereby evicting all of its other occupants of his choosing. He reinvites all his other characters, moves the Super Group, kicks out the people he now doesn't like. Are the other players, who invested heavily in the enterprise and much more heavily than the person that maintains the Founder rank, simply out of luck?

Certainly it is a very specific circumstance, but expand the reasoning behind it (that it is possible for the body of a Super Group to have more heavily contributed to it than the person withe the Founder rank) and the possibility of massive, massive griefing becomes evident.


50s: Anaxagoras - En/En/For Blaster, Vicious Kittie - Claws/SR Scrapper, Rad. Therapy - Emp/Rad/For Defender, Anaximander - En/En/Mu Brute, Marble Vanguard - Stone/EM Tanker
Current: Vitriolic - 42 Bots/Poison MM, Aseity - 38 DB/WP Scrapper, Tai Shar - 42 Earth/Storm



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
First, as I said above, I don't really care whatthe "contributing members" want. When it comes to my SG, I make the decisions.

Dividing prestige is bull. If people want their own SG, just start one and put in the work I did. Did I do it alone? No. But I alone directed it's path. I alone kept it active by recruiting and setting in place the 10 day inactive limit. I alone stayed from start to finish.

And every member knows, what I say goes...all 140 or more members (minus alts). You might think I'm a dictator. Maybe I am...but I'm well-liked by all members or they wouldn't stay there. If I go inactive for more than a few days, I get emails asking if everything is alright.

But you DO have a valid concern. Some leaders/Members have their own storage bins...they should be given time to empty them. So give a transferring SG 14 days before it processes, and an automated message warning people.

Make Character Transfers permanently free so people can come to the new server and get back what they lose.

And the Superleader Toon should be transferred along with the SG, so that it maintains it's structure.

Wow. It took you almost a year to think up a response . . . necroposting FTW!



Wow. I should check the date before I get all into a debate. Silly me.

50s: Anaxagoras - En/En/For Blaster, Vicious Kittie - Claws/SR Scrapper, Rad. Therapy - Emp/Rad/For Defender, Anaximander - En/En/Mu Brute, Marble Vanguard - Stone/EM Tanker
Current: Vitriolic - 42 Bots/Poison MM, Aseity - 38 DB/WP Scrapper, Tai Shar - 42 Earth/Storm



In a strange case of netflix imitating the forums, I'm scheduled to receive Zombieland today in the mail. I'll save it for tonight though.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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