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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    I'm going to assume that because CoH and CoV are now the same, you can no longer apply a old standard CoH code and an old standard CoV code to the same account since doing so gets you no benefit.
    The benefit is a free month of game time.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Well I know I've applied CoHCE to basic CoH, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to do the same with CoVCE, and I know I've heard of people doing it.
    I did it. I originally pre-ordered CoV before they offered the CE. About a year later I got a CoV CE box from Amazon and applied the code to get the Cape and Chest Symbol.

    I don't know about doing it the other way around though. Like, what if you started with the CoV CE and later tried to apply the CoV code? I would assume it would work normally, but I can't say for sure since I've never done that.

  3. You get access to Titles at levels 15 and 25. When changing your title you can also choose to remove the "The" at the begining. You can even remove only the "The" and choose no title if you want to. You get unlimited Title changes once you reach level 50.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GeneralHospital View Post
    Teleport Ally is also bugged the same way
    You mean Recall Friend. All teleport powers (sans Teleport and Teleport Team, which use different animations) have that wonky spastic animation now. This includes Recall Friend, Teleport Foe, Base Teleport (Day Job and Vet versions), Market Teleporters, Pocket D VIP Teleporter, and Mission Teleporter. And it doesn't really look like air humping, since only your arms are really moving.

    Not going to say anything on topic as it seems to be discussed to death already and as Mateo pointed out, since we weren't there and we have no chat logs we can only make assumptions based on the OP as to what really happened.

  5. One minor correction...

    Running this mission will allow you to get merits at a far greater speed than you would without doing it.
    Running that mission will allow you to get Vanguard Merits. If you do not run that mission you will not have the Member of Vanguard badge and will receive no merits.

    Otherwise great guide. Added to my faves.

  6. Quote:
    (the villain equivalent of Geas of the Kind Ones, if I remember right)
    Actually if you are talking about the bonus provided, not the requirements to achieve it, the Invader badge is the equivalent of the Task Force Commander badge on the heroside.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by akriidine View Post
    With the EU and US forums being merged will the EU and US clients be merged so we have access to US servers?

    EU servers are dead, theres about 200 people on at any one time and 90% of those are in AE
    A merging of the US and EU servers is something I suggested a while ago. It would give altaholics more server options, would give EU servers a fresh influx of US players and would give EU players an option to play on US servers without having to go through the trouble of getting a US account. It's win win win all around. I hope they do it. Let's cross our fingers.

  8. Quote:
    I had a dwarf-type character (SD/BA tanker) that chose Ghost Slaying Axe. Every time I used the power, it caused redraw. AND the Ghost Slaying Axe (which uses the Legacy Axe skin) looked nothing like the skin I chose for my Battle Axe (Impervium Axe).
    Firstly, the Ghost Slaying Axe does not use the Legacy Battle-Axe skin. It has a unique skin of its own.

    Secondly, the Ghost Slaying Axe should never be considered a part of your normal attack chain. It should be used in the special circumstances for which it is intended, fighting ghosts.

    I would have kept the character and used the Ghost Slaying Axe less often. But that could just be me.

  9. Blackavaar

    Costume Pieces

    The "fifth" costume slot can be obtained at any time, by getting one's hands on four pieces of event salvage (Statesman Mask, Lord Recluse Mask, Back Alley Brawler Gloves, Hamidon Costume). These salvage pieces can be purchased at Wentworth's or the Black Market if you've got the spare inf (you're probably looking at somewhere between a million and 2.5 million total, depending on the market), or you can wait for the annual Halloween event and find them yourself by trick-or-treating. Bring one of each to either Annah by the train station in Croatoa or Granny Beldam's shack in Nerva Archipelago and the extra slot will be unlocked no matter what level you are.
    This may have been what myskatz was referring to. These also can mistakenly be called "costume pieces" since they are themed as Halloween costumes.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyWolf View Post
    Well you have 2 choices.

    1. You can try to get someone under lvl 10 to get the atlas park mayhem mission.

    2. Run the Marshal Brass missions he has the mission to get the goldbrickers jetpack

    P.S. also like to add you can always go to Grandville there is a jetpack dealer that will sell you one unless they moved them.
    Note: Marshal Brass is a level 15-20 contact.

    Hint: You can guarantee you get the Goldbricker Rocket Pack mission as the first mission from Brass if you go to Seer Marino first and get the Talk to Bloody Bay Liason mission from her (at level 15). After doing that you can forgo the rest of her missions and go to Brass. Assuming this is the first time you have talked to him as a contact, the Goldbricker Rocket Pack mission will be the first mission he gives.

    If you get the Talk to Seer Marino mission or Talk to Bloody Bay Liason mission from Brass you may have to wade through his entire first arc before he gives you the Goldbricker mission.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
    Why do you think that? I imagine it'll be incorporated into the tailors.
    That actually has already been confirmed, I believe. I remember reading it somewhere. I can't seem to remember where though.

  12. Blackavaar

    Croatoa Query

    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    It doesn't look like he does anymore. I just finished the arc a couple weeks ago and he didn't.
    Oh, that's not good. Might want to report that.

  13. Blackavaar

    Croatoa Query

    Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
    But at least Lars Hanson's arc ends with you talking to Hess, so you don't have to go looking for him when you are ready to do his TF.
    True, but it's not that hard to find Katie. Buck tells you she's in Sunset Ridge, doesn't he? And you can always go to vidiotmaps if all else fails.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bruthaman View Post
    As spiffy as all this inovation sounds, I'll just bet I'm gonna have to make new alts in order to take advantage of all these customizable powers, aren't I?
    Well, I am. The majority of my current characters are created with concepts tying to the current color schemes. Most of them would just not feel right with different color blasts, different kinds of spines, etc.. So, the character creation system will be getting a workout from me.

    Now to figure out which of my 152 characters are getting deleted to make room.

  15. Blackavaar

    Croatoa Query

    Originally Posted by Kryhavoc View Post
    IRC, doesn't the Croatoa story continue into Katie Hannon TF? That's why Buck Salinger feels incomplete.
    Precisely. As you finished Buck Salinger, he should have told you about Katie Hannon. This introduction does not work like intros to new contacts. He simply tells you about her. She does not appear on your contact list nor does a little yellow arrow come up to point you to her. Ernesto Hess is introduced in the same way on Striga Isle.

    The Katie Hannon Trial is definitely the end that you are looking for. It ties up all of those loose threads.

    Good luck!

  16. With two Base porters you can visit your base twice as often. Both of them take quite a bit longer to recharge than the Ouroportal or the Pocket D porter. So, by having two you can alternate between using one or the other. It's come in handy for me on many occasions.

  17. Go to User CP > Edit Options and scroll to the bottom of the page. There you will see the option to view the forum default, the Heroes skin or the Villains skin.

    If you want more customization than that use Zombie's methods linked in his sig above.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
    I'm not sure they meant txt spk - more the way stuff is shortened just to the starting letters - like "50 AV team lfm - 2 sks available" is normal English, but it's using game terms.
    That's not normal English. That's text speak. Just because you're using specific game acronyms doesn't make it proper English.

    Proper English would read, "Level 50 team fighting Arch Villains looking for more heroes! Two mentors available for Sidekicks. Send a /tell if you want to join us!"

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
    I have the original QuickChat.mnu file linked to in the guide. You don't have to do any work at all if you just want your old menu back.
    You obviously don't know me very well. If I take a minute to do this I'll end up spending hours to make it perfect. And as long as I'm doing that, I'm not playing the game. Also, I like the new menu and the fact that they consolidated all of the newer emotes into it. I just want quick links so I can relearn the patterns so that I can use them fluidly once more.

    And while this would be easily done personally (though I know very little about making these kind of edits and would probably mess things up quite a bit before getting it right) it would be a lot more time consuming for me personally than it would be for the devs who could split the work between 4 or 5 different techs who could get it done over time within the next few days.

  20. Unfortunately as a result of mediums like cell phone texting, aim and the like a lot of the youth of the current age seem to think everyone understands their gibberish. Don't worry, not everyone is like that. The majority of this community speaks in full sentences with proper English. And we're very happy to help newbies in any way we can.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    This is exactly why I offered my hybrid Walk power suggestion in this thread yesterday.

    They could copy the Sprint power and do two relatively simple things to it:
    1) They could change the speed so that we would move slower than normal instead of faster.
    2) They could change ONLY the forward non-combat movement animation to the NPC walk animation.

    The net effect of this would be a Walk power that would look fine while walking forward and not in combat. I would gladly accept this power looking a bit silly in ANY other situation because the chance that I'd want to use Walk in ANY other situation is pretty much nil. BAB wouldn't have to change or newly create any transitional animation related to this new power at all. It would simply use all the defaults that Sprint uses now.

    A Walk power, using this scheme, would be 100% cut-n-paste from elements of other preexisting powers and animations. Based on that it should be almost trivial to implement it this way.
    Actually that's perfect. They could use the slowed down version of the Sprint animation for backward movement and strafing. It would fit well enough for players, I think.


  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FinalSpeed View Post
    Even if you're a roleplayer - surely power customisation would be your top priority. Unless of course the default powers fit your ideal characters. :P
    Considering that most of my character concepts were built around the powers that I chose, no, Color Customization is not my top priority. Though I may come up with some new concepts based around the new colors, I have about 3 out of 152 current characters that would utilize the new color changes. YMMV

  23. I didn't see any problems with my Sniper attack, but then I only played one of my Blasters last night. There doesn't seem to be an issue with AR's Sniper Rifle at least.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
    By "quick links", I assume you mean being able to type a letter appropriate to the menu or menu item to select it, rather than clicking it with your mouse? I refer you to the end of the syntax section in the guide:
    Well, for the wide variety of emotes I am used to using this way, that would be a hell of a lot of work for something that used to be standard.

    The devs should do it, because just taking away an ability that has been in game since day 1 is simply wrong. I don't care if I am the only person that ever used it this way (though I know I am not). There is no good reason to leave out these links if they are so easily added.

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
    You can easily alter the QuickChat menu to your own liking. How To
    But that doesn't include quick links, does it? I'm not seeing anything about making quick links to these menu changes in there, And that's not easy for someone who isn't code savvy and doesn't want to fish through their CoH files to find it.