<--one overwhelmed new player
He probably just assumed that you were an older player, there is nothing wrong with telling him to slow down, you are just figuring out the game.
then he was just an ***
One recommendation I would make to the new player is to take the Broadcast chat off the bottom chat panel, because its already in the top, and you really dont need it twice.
I'd also say don't judge the whole community from one member. I can't speak for him, but I try to introduce people to things gradually.
I am not a new player, but I think that this community is one of the most helpful in the MMO world. It sounds like you saw a couple people who aren't as helpful, but many folks are more than happy to explain things to you in clear language. You may want to use the Help chat channel instead of trying ot follow broadcast.
You've got a leg up on most new players because you've discovered and are using these forums. Move down a few to Player Guides. Many of the links are currently broken now due to the new forum software, but try to check out the Guide to Guides. There is a great section specifically for new players.
One link that does work is Tog's Newbie Acedemy. I found that helpful even though I found it years after playing. IIRC, there is a glossary that may clear up a few of the acronyms that CoH vets use regularly.
Another good resource is the Paragon Wiki where you can search for just about any contact, term, or idea used.
When you do have specific questions come on back here. Do a quick search to see if it's answered, and if you don't see it, ask away. I'm sure a helpful member of the community will be along shortly. Welcome to the game!
Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!
I'm @Lucretia MacEvil
I play mostly on the Infinity server (except for one character).
I'm a bit of a perma-n00b (aka, I'm not into the numbers/technical stuff), but I do have a working knowledge of the game.
Come by and see me sometime (let me know that it's you), and I'll answer any questions to the best of my ability (without using too much in-game shorthand, which you can always ask about). I'll even answer them slowly, since I can't type too fast anyway.
One more thing, make sure you experience both AE and non-AE content before you decide whether or not to move your apartment into the AE building (I would personally start with the non-AE stuff, as it's intended to introduce you to the game).
Looking forward to hearing from you!
(type /t @Lucretia MacEvil, *your message goes here* to contact me on any character in the game)
Well I think other people have covered a lot of the basics (although I'll reiterate that Paragon Wiki is an excellent resource). The other thing that I'll add is to check out the sub-forum for your server here. Someone there should be able to give you the names of some of the global channels which are an excellent resource for finding teams. Also a lot of them have resources for SG recruiting which is useful since it's hard to really find out anything about a prospective SG in game.
I'd say that configuring your chat windows is super-duper important and helpful. I'm going to list the chat windows I use, maybe you'll like them too.
--Top Half of chat window--
Tab: Everything (This tab is occasionally impossible to keep up on)
-Private Message
-Architect Chat
-Levelling Pact
Tab: Broadcastless (Great for areas like Atlas Park where Broadcast is an unending spammy torrent of doom)
Same channels as above, without Broadcast or Architect Chat
Tab: Silence (Used when you're focused on your team)
-Private Message
Tab: Combat Info (Not a tab you actually watch, but occasionally you might want to check it for something)
- Damage Dealt Channels
- Healing Channels
- To-Hit Channels
- System
- Rewards
--Bottom Half of Chat Window--
Tab: DataStuff (Shows you enemy deaths, loot, XP gained, events like "Unusual monster activity in Croatoa", and when someone buys your auctioned stuff)
- System
- Rewards
- Consignment House
- Architect Entertainment
- Hero (or villain) Zone Events
Tab: NPChat (Shows deaths/loot/XP/Events, along with the often-brilliant dialogue that NPC's have.
- System
- Rewards
- NPC Chat
- Architect Entertainment
- Hero (or Villain) Zone Events
And that's my chatbar! Once you've set that up, you can go to menu - Options, scroll to the bottom and hit the Save Chat Settings button so you can load it on any new character. Wheeee!
I think my chatbar is a lot better than the insane default one.
Oh, and chat commands for the channels:
/g - Team
/hc - Help
/sg - Supergroup
/l - Local
/e or /em or ; - Emote
/t Dude's Name, - Private Message
Im carefull about making a judgement based on one little event. I'd never hold the commuity hostage because of a single player. Online gaming rule #1 with me.
One recommendation I would make to the new player is to take the Broadcast chat off the bottom chat panel, because its already in the top, and you really dont need it twice.
I'd also say don't judge the whole community from one member. I can't speak for him, but I try to introduce people to things gradually. |
On Virtue, as a side effect of being the unofficial RP server, I assume. People often speak in complete English.
Here's the secret decoder for COH-speak = http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Categoryefinition
Edit: the forum emote interpreter even affects links? (...Category : D efinition)
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
One recommendation I would make to the new player is to take the Broadcast chat off the bottom chat panel, because its already in the top, and you really dont need it twice.
I'd also say don't judge the whole community from one member. I can't speak for him, but I try to introduce people to things gradually. |

Welcome to the game and the forum, Sydney
If you need any in-game help, you can contact me on my global chat handle @Golden Girl - I can offer gifts to new players
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
If you're on Protector and you happen to have an urgent question while in Atlas Park just look me up. I'll be the Gypsy Juggling near Ms. Liberty.
Welcome to the City.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.
Unfortunately as a result of mediums like cell phone texting, aim and the like a lot of the youth of the current age seem to think everyone understands their gibberish. Don't worry, not everyone is like that. The majority of this community speaks in full sentences with proper English. And we're very happy to help newbies in any way we can.
Unfortunately as a result of mediums like cell phone texting, aim and the like a lot of the youth of the current age seem to think everyone understands their gibberish. Don't worry, not everyone is like that. The majority of this community speaks in full sentences with proper English. And we're very happy to help newbies in any way we can.
![]() |
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I'm not sure they meant txt spk - more the way stuff is shortened just to the starting letters - like "50 AV team lfm - 2 sks available" is normal English, but it's using game terms.
Proper English would read, "Level 50 team fighting Arch Villains looking for more heroes! Two mentors available for Sidekicks. Send a /tell if you want to join us!"

One recommendation I would make to the new player is to take the Broadcast chat off the bottom chat panel, because its already in the top, and you really dont need it twice.
I'd also say don't judge the whole community from one member. I can't speak for him, but I try to introduce people to things gradually. |
Broadcast channel is nigh-worthless while in Atlas Park or Cap au Diable. Slightly useful elsewhere.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
That's not normal English. That's text speak. Just because you're using specific game acronyms doesn't make it proper English.
Proper English would read, "Level 50 team fighting Arch Villains looking for more heroes! Two mentors available for Sidekicks. Send a /tell if you want to join us!" ![]() |
The sentence I gave as an example is proper English - it's like on the news, when they talk about NATO or the UN, or even US or USA - it's not txt spk, it's just using initials - it's still proper English, even if they don't say the full names.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
You're in luck- this game is easy. Trust me, despite all the MMO trappings, people can, do and enjoy playing this game while drunk.
If you can remember any particular technojargon you don't understand, tell us- we can tell you what it means.
Yeah I agree with what everyone else has said, when I first started out I had my fair share of buttballs and squarenuts calling me a nub/n00b/f00l everytime I went to ask a question, but theres always a few nice people floating around to help you learn the game.
If you're ever on the Liberty server be sure to send me a tell to @nelzy, if I'm online I'm usually hanging under the Atlas statue (Big dude holding the globe) in Atlas Park.
My characters are in my sig
Well, if any new player has questions, feel free to ask me ingame.
@kay nova or @evil kay nova.
Also, if you are on Guardian and want to play a bit, call me and i will get a toon on your level range and join you, showing around the game (except if i am on a Task Force - a series of linked missions that binds a team together for a few hours).
** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.
Hey all. I dont really have a question...just some random thoughts.
*little joke*
Im just getting started and I gotta tell ya, I feel an overload coming on. I recently came over from another super complex game that I had played sinse its release in '01 and until now, I never realised how tuff the n00bs had it. I've seen so many people (game vets) get frustrated with new players and I had never givin it much though. ...until now.
Watching that chat bar is enough to make your eyes roll right out of their sockets. Just like in my other community, the lingo is rapid short hand. EVERYthing is abreviated. One could argue that is isnt even English LOL
Last night, I was asked to join someone's super group...he asked if I was a tril and then he went off on a tungue twisting whurl wind of game short hand and before I could even type out a follow up question, he rattled off another school bus load of stuff I didnt understand then he vanished.
woohoo...glad he came into my life to ease the pains of being a n00bie.
How can anyone expect a player who has a total of 3.5 hours in game total to follow along when they arn't getting schooling that is at their level?
It's like people who wake up at 6am and start making phone calls. "What? Im awake, I assumed you were as well.
Take a minute to ask some questions to guage their level of knowledge before speaking to them "at your level" Consider who you're talking to first.
Love the game btw. I'll be subbing im sure of it.