23 -
On Virtue, as a side effect of being the unofficial RP server, I assume. People often speak in complete English.
Hello. I've just made my first tanker. Or more precisely the first one I'm actually going to play. In any case, I went for a stone/stone tanker, and noticed there were several armor powers.
I'm new to the game, so I'd appreciate it if you could answer my questions.
Do the armors stack, or work together in some fashion?
Is it smart to get one and not the others, or should I get all of them?
Is playing a Tanker better when you start out focusing on the your Primary, or should you balance it out more?
Any other advice? -
On an unrelated note, someone needs to destroy or remove experience from AE.
Quote:As clearly stated in the first post. I am level 10.If you are only level 4, you may need to gain another level before being able to access the Hollows (security level 5) or before the detective will give you missions in Kings Row. (Perez Park has a security level of 7, BTW).
You should have an initial contact in the basement of City Hall to give you some missions in Atlas Park. A couple of those and you should be good to go - and that will start your contact chain to take you to other zones. That's not the only way to start the contact chain, but those beginning contacts are one way to get there. -
So as you all know. OR SHOULD! (JK). I am new, I justed finished a sewers team on my level 4, going up to level 10. However, I can't find any missions or groups currently. Atlas park only seems to have 1-5 and 33-50, people hanging around. Steel Canyon doesn't seems to have anyone hanging around.
Where should I go to level at this level?
Note: I'm a defender, so I'm mostly looking for group play. -
AlsoAnima will be driving around town trying to find a store that sells City of Heroes.
[/ QUOTE ]
If you're on a trial account, you don't have to buy the actual, physical box to get a full account.
Log in to your PlayNC Master Account, and click the NCSoft Store link. Click on City of Heroes on the header nav links thingy.Click Buy Now for either City of Heroes: Architecht Edition, City of Heroes: Good Versus Evil Edition, City of Heroes: Mac Special Edition, City of Heroes, or City of Villains. They're all $19.99, and digital copies. If you purchase one of the "Editions", you'll get a perk associated with it:
<ul type="square">[*]City of Heroes: Architecht Edition: Choose either Super Booster I: Cyborg or Super Booster II: Magic to be added to your account, for free.[*]City of Heroes: Good Versus Evil Edition: Jump Pack power, Pocket D VIP Teleport power (and badge) and access to the VIP Lounge, and the Justice and Sinister costume parts.[*]City of Heroes: Mac Special Edition: Mission Transporter power, and Valkyrie costume parts.[/list]
ALL versions will give you one free month, and access to both City of Heroes and City of Villains.
[/ QUOTE ]Alas, I have no credit card. :3 -
Thanks again. I've now tried out every Archetype. I like them all, but my favorite, and I can't believe I'm saying this, is the Dominator. ^_^ I have a character of every Archetype and will be buying the full version of this game next paycheck, so look out for my characters.
All on Virtue
'The' Giant Shogun - Huge Magic Mastermind - Level 5 Currently - Ninja/Miasma
Samantha Zera - Female Magic Defender - Level 3 Currently - Empathy/Mental Blast
'The' Atomic Generator - Male Science Corruptor - Level 3 Currently - Radiation Blast/Radiation Emission
Eternal Eve - Female Science Controller - Level 3 Currently - Plant Control/Storm Summoning
'The' Last Vision - Female Natural Stalker - Level 2 Currently - Dual Blades/Super Reflexes
'The' Unsighted Seer - Male Mutation Blaster - Level 2 Currently - Mental Blast/Mind Control
Sapphire Titan - Female Mutation Brute - Level 3 Currently - Super Strength/Invulnerability
Modern Arthur - Male Magic Scrapper - Level 1 Currently - Broad Sword/Shield Defense
Modern Merlin - Male Magic Dominator - Level 1 Currently - Fire Control/Electricity Assault
Geo Shaper - Female Technology Tanker - Level 2 Currently - Stone Armor/Stone Melee
That's all I'm going to make until level 50. So yeah, see you around!
P.S. Seriously Modern Merlin wasn't taken HOW?! -
Thanks for the advice. Who knows? Maybe I'll be the wierdo with the good solo empathy game.
New Question: What's a troller? -
Giant Shogun will be taking over the world.
Unsighted Seer will be preventing the taking over of the world by various parties.
AlsoAnima will be driving around town trying to find a store that sells City of Heroes. -
Fire-Fire-Fire Blaster
[/ QUOTE ]This is so fun to say. -
Thanks for the quick response guys. ^_^ You always know what up.
So, I'm back with a new question. Giant Shogun has reached level 5 and it now lugging around 4 pieces of salvage. I don't remember them saying anything about this stuff in the tutorial, so besides selling it, what can I do with it?
Edit: If I buy the game, and install it, does the free month stack with my trial time? Is so, will the first fourteen days still be restricted with trial limits?
Edit: When is Issue 16 coming out? I didn't see any information on the date. -
Ah. Well there goes my plan for Mars Girl D=
Thanks for the heads up.
[/ QUOTE ]
There are lots of starbursts and planet symbols. You might see if one of those will suffice.
[/ QUOTE ]Doesn't really work when you're talking about the god Mars, rather than the planet.[ QUOTE ]
And this is why I think all parts should be unisex.
[/ QUOTE ]That would be nice. ^_^ -
Ah. Well there goes my plan for Mars Girl D=
Thanks for the heads up. -
So I was messing around making some characters that had been in my head for awhile. And for some reason they have every planet's symbol except for Mars. O.o Which is weird, because that's the symbol I needed. Is there a reason Mars Symbol just didn't make the cut? XD
Thanks for the advice, I'll change around my settings. It was the second one that was giving me problems except on my screen it took up the whole screen.
In any case, here are my characters in case you guys see me around, this seems like a game I could stick with -
All on Virtue
'The' Giant Shogun - Huge Magic Mastermind - Level 4 Currently - Ninja/Miasma - Mercy Island
Samantha Zera - Female Magic Defender - Level 3 Currently - Empathy/Mental Blast - Galaxy City
'The' Atomic Generator - Male Science Corruptor - Level 2 Currently - Radiation Blast/Radiation Emission - Mercy Island -
I don't know. It was talking about Enhancements. But there was no "Ok" or "Close" option, not red ex. It took up the half of the screen so I couldn't log out. I had to ctrl+alt+del my way out of City of Heroes.
Thanks for all the help guys. I made a Villain, and I'm playing my hero right now. Problem is that I did started the tutorial and half way through it has the stuff on Enhancement.
It is now plastered to my screen, taking up half of it. I cannot see, I cannot find a way to turn it off. o.o Help. -
Thanks you guys.
ParagonWiki is giving me a lot to read. @_@ But that's okay because I'm still downloading.
I appreciate all the advise you guys give, even if I don't reply to you specifically. -
Thanks for the information. ^_^[ QUOTE ]
What do you like to play as? The AT's play differently, but some AT's have multiple different playstyles, depending on power choices.
[/ QUOTE ]For a Hero, I'd like to heal and buff team mates, but I worry about solo capability. For a Villian, I like the same thing, but minions would be nice if there's an AT that controls them.[ QUOTE ]
Origin means very little.
[/ QUOTE ]That's a shame. -
Hey. I'm a new player and I was looking for some advice.
I played this game when it first came out on my friends account for a little while, I played a Blaster I think.
In any case, I was looking for an MMORPG I could play with my friends, and WoW didn't really appeal to me. I've been picking up superhero comic books (Deadpool, 52, Civil War, Countdown[Which sucked >_>]) and playing a lot of M&M lately so I thought I'd give City of Heroes/Villians a try. Maybe I'll bring two more player along with me ^_^.
So yeah, being as I play table top games a lot, I was wondering if there was an RP server or not? That certainly would add a lot of points.
Is the game casual player friendly? I'm not a big number cruncher.
Can you tell me what each Archetype/Origin does briefly so that I can know what I should start out as?
I remember there was 3 body types at the beginning, are there still only 3?
And last but not least, why is that posting box so tiny?
EDIT: Oh, and what are the limitations on my trial account?