New Player
So yeah, being as I play table top games a lot, I was wondering if there was an RP server or not? That certainly would add a lot of points.
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Virtue is the unofficial one.
Is the game casual player friendly? I'm not a big number cruncher.
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Can you tell me what each Archetype/Origin does briefly so that I can know what I should start out as?
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What do you like to play as? The AT's play differently, but some AT's have multiple different playstyles, depending on power choices.
Origin means very little.
Tanks: Hard to kill, but low damage. Gather the foe's attention off of the weaker teammates. Some take a more offensive role.
Scrappers and Brutes: Flip out and kill things up close. Berserker mode! Some (self) defences.
Stalkers: Be sneaky, then kill stuff. Assassin.
Defenders: Buff the team, Heal the wounded or weaken the foes into nothing. And do a little shooting. Even the most healing-minded powersets are about much more than healing, and team buffs (and enemy debuffs) are more valuable in this game than in some others.
Blasters: Primarily ranged damage. Some melee damage. No defenses.
Controllers: Hold the foes, preventing them from doing harm. Do a little team buffing.
Masterminds: Summon Pets, send them forth to kill. Controlling Pet AI can be tricky.
Corruptors: Shoot stuff. Some team buffs/ enemy De-buffs.
Dominators: Control your foes, crush them as they lay helpless.
I remember there was 3 body types at the beginning, are there still only 3?
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Yes, but a whole lot more costume options since the beginning.
And last but not least, why is that posting box so tiny?
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The new forums will be up soon. Might change things.
Any archetype can solo, just not at the same speed.
Good solo'ers include, but are not limited to: Scrappers, Brutes, Masterminds and Blasters
Thanks for the information. ^_^[ QUOTE ]
What do you like to play as? The AT's play differently, but some AT's have multiple different playstyles, depending on power choices.
[/ QUOTE ]For a Hero, I'd like to heal and buff team mates, but I worry about solo capability. For a Villian, I like the same thing, but minions would be nice if there's an AT that controls them.[ QUOTE ]
Origin means very little.
[/ QUOTE ]That's a shame.
Trial Account Limitations
I play M&M myself, and although the Archetype system is more limiting than M&M's freeform builds, I've been having fun here for 4+ years.
Level pacts are good for two players who want to stay the same level. Check here:
Also, check out the same site for the Sidekick/Lackey and Exemplar/Malefactor system, which allows challenge and reward for a team of very different levels. is a great source of information for this game.
New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.
For a Hero, I'd like to heal and buff team mates, but I worry about solo capability. For a Villian, I like the same thing, but minions would be nice if there's an AT that controls them.
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For a Hero, I'd suggest a Defender. Not always the best solo'er, but some of them can do so very well. Peek around the Defender boards, but never use the word "Healer". They will tear you up.
You might like Masterminds or Corruptors. Corruptors are like in between Blasters and Defenders, or a reversed Defender. Ranged Damage is thier Primary and Team Buffs are thier Secondary. (Some team buffs affect the caster, and DeBuffing the enemy helps the caster as well.) Curruptors don't do as much damage as Blasters, but get a large bonus to damage wounded foes. (Sound villainous? )
Origin means very little.
[/ QUOTE ]That's a shame.
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Well, it's mostly a story-telling tool. And it affects the naming of the enhancements you use, and which stores you go to to get them.
The little piggy covered it so I will just welcome you to the forums.
Badging in a PvP zone?
If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.
This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious
And last but not least, why is that posting box so tiny?
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You can change the size of the posting box.
1) Click on My Home up on the top of page.
2) Under Main Configuration look for Display preferences, number of shown topics, languages, colors... Now hit the Edit button next to it.
3) Most of the way down you will see a box labeled TextArea columns? with the number 60 in it. Change 60 to 120. Now underneath that box is one labeled TextArea rows? with the number 5 in it. Change 5 to 10.
4) Hit Submit at the bottom of the page.
You posting box is now four times as large as it was.
"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me
Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.
Welcome to the game!
If you do decide to roll a character on Virtue here is a recent thread containing several global channels you'll probably want to look into. Learning your way around global channels is a great way to find teams that know what they're doing and will be happy to help you get started.
Here is a guide for new players on the ever popular ParagonWiki. It's aimed for people who didn't know what they were doing and got in over their heads, but it's full of information that would probably be useful. Just know that when it's talking about messed up builds and bad habits, it's not talking about you. You're already ahead of those people.
And the best advice is what you are doing now and the reason you've got a good start. Ask questions! Lots of them. People here love to talk. Sometimes even about the game. Ask here on the forums, in global channels, and if you see someone do something cool in game ask them how they did it.
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
Can you tell me what each Archetype/Origin does briefly so that I can know what I should start out as?
[/ QUOTE ]
What do you like to play as? The AT's play differently, but some AT's have multiple different playstyles, depending on power choices.
Origin means very little.
Tanks: Hard to kill, but low damage. Gather the foe's attention off of the weaker teammates. Some take a more offensive role.
Scrappers and Brutes: Flip out and kill things up close. Berserker mode! Some (self) defences.
Stalkers: Be sneaky, then kill stuff. Assassin.
Defenders: Buff the team, Heal the wounded or weaken the foes into nothing. And do a little shooting. Even the most healing-minded powersets are about much more than healing, and team buffs (and enemy debuffs) are more valuable in this game than in some others.
Blasters: Primarily ranged damage. Some melee damage. No defenses.
Controllers: Hold the foes, preventing them from doing harm. Do a little team buffing.
Masterminds: Summon Pets, send them forth to kill. Controlling Pet AI can be tricky.
Corruptors: Shoot stuff. Some team buffs/ enemy De-buffs.
Dominators: Control your foes, crush them as they lay helpless.
[/ QUOTE ]
Welcome to the Game .
In addition to the other "casual friendly" features of this game, the game begins at level 1, not at level 50. You don't need to rush to the level cap to get to the "real game"; you're in the real game as soon as you log in. So feel free to try out several characters and see what fits you. You aren't "throwing away" progress by spending time on an alt. There are even a few people who have filled up every character slot on every server with alt characters .
And last but not least, why is that posting box so tiny?
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There's an option somewhere to increase the height of that box, but it's been too long since I did it for me to remember where it is....
Thanks you guys.
ParagonWiki is giving me a lot to read. @_@ But that's okay because I'm still downloading.
I appreciate all the advise you guys give, even if I don't reply to you specifically.
And last but not least, why is that posting box so tiny?
[/ QUOTE ]
You can change the size of the posting box.
1) Click on My Home up on the top of page.
2) Under Main Configuration look for Display preferences, number of shown topics, languages, colors... Now hit the Edit button next to it.
3) Most of the way down you will see a box labeled TextArea columns? with the number 60 in it. Change 60 to 120. Now underneath that box is one labeled TextArea rows? with the number 5 in it. Change 5 to 10.
4) Hit Submit at the bottom of the page.
You posting box is now four times as large as it was.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, all this time and I never even knew about this! Thanks!
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Welcome to Co'X'... there's plenty here for everyone...
Just stay out of the AE building until you really get your feet wet... There is a lot of content here in-game... too much can be missed if you're just rolling your first toon(s)... get used to teaming and game play of many types.

Thanks. Just maxed mine at 120x45.
Now I don't have to chop stuff out and edit in a notepad.
[/ QUOTE ]
You learned just in time for the Forum transfer
Oh well
Upon due consideration I probably shouldn't have bothered posting the instructions considering that they will be moot next week.
"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me
Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.
I'm going to go into a little more detail on Defenders, because that's what most people "heal and buff" with. Specifically, I'm going to talk about healing and buffing.
Buffs and debuffs are VERY MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN HEALS- but they don't get there until, roughly, level 22. In most cases. The example I use- not the "Best" defender, but the best example- is Force Fields. A Force Field defender can add 45% Defense to everyone on the team, which [through bizarre math] means that enemies will have 1/10 the chance to hit them, compared to a completely unprotected character. To rephrase: 90% of would-be hits just... don't. An environment that would normally kill you in six seconds won't kill you for a minute.
The equivalent amount of healing would be to heal everyone on the team for ten times their hit points every fight.
Oh, and that Force Fielder has 75% or more of their time free to blast enemies and otherwise engage in their other hobbies.
To be fair, at level 12 that Force Fielder only stops about 60 or 70% of hits. So makes the team two or three times as tough.
I understand that in some games, if you're a "healer" it's a full time job and if you stop healing, the team dies. This game is not those games.
Welcome to CoX!
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Thanks for all the help guys. I made a Villain, and I'm playing my hero right now. Problem is that I did started the tutorial and half way through it has the stuff on Enhancement.
It is now plastered to my screen, taking up half of it. I cannot see, I cannot find a way to turn it off. o.o Help.
You're talking about the information window? There's no [ok] or [close] button? Do you see a little red dot on right side of a top or bottom border? That's the regular close window action button. Do you see that?
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I don't know. It was talking about Enhancements. But there was no "Ok" or "Close" option, not red ex. It took up the half of the screen so I couldn't log out. I had to ctrl+alt+del my way out of City of Heroes.
You'll need to resize your windows. The default is too large for me too, so I feel your pain. When you log back in go to Menu - Options - Graphics and Audio. You want the Window Scale slider. Just crank it down.
If you have it happen to you again, you don't need to log out to get rid of the unwanted text. Zoning will clear it, and you can still access the menu to lower the window size until you can see the close button. Because it keeps thinking you want to read the pop up, you will have to drag it around the screen to be able to click on the menu options.
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
I don't know. It was talking about Enhancements. But there was no "Ok" or "Close" option, not red ex. It took up the half of the screen so I couldn't log out. I had to ctrl+alt+del my way out of City of Heroes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not sure where you got stuck, but I made a quick character and entered the Hero Tutorial to try and see if we can find out.
Here is the First popup window from the Enhancement portion of the Hero Tutorial. You can close that window by clicking on "Leave" in the lower left or the (X) in the upper right.
Here is the Second popup that talks about Enhancements. You close this window by clicking OK at the bottom of the window.
Here is the Third (and last) popup window dealing with Enhancements in the Tutorial. Here you can close the window by using either of the methods from the first window, but what you should do is click Be introduced to a new contact. That will introduce you to Coyote, who will give you a brief mission to go on .
Can you tell us which window was giving you trouble and what you could see of it?
it's likely the second one.
Changing your resolution to something bigger than 800x600 will help that quite a bit.
It's generally a good idea to set it to whatever the resolution of your desktop is. The option to change resolution is located in the Graphics and Audio tab in the Graphics section, it'll be the first option you see in that section that has a drop down. in the drop down menu there will be a list of resolutions, there should be one with (desktop) next to it.
Some older PCs may not be able to handle games on higher resolutions, so the alternative is to lower the scale of your windows, which can be found in the options under the Graphics and Audio tab in the User Interface section.
When you have a dialog box that's too big so that you can't hit the button, just type
Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog
And just to be contrary
Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog
It sounds like you need to resize your windows. What screen resolution are you using?
"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me
Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.
It's generally a good idea to set it to whatever the resolution of your desktop is. The option to change resolution is located in the Graphics and Audio tab in the Graphics section, it'll be the first option you see in that section that has a drop down. in the drop down menu there will be a list of resolutions, there should be one with (desktop) next to it.
[/ QUOTE ]
And you get to these options by Clicking Menu in the upper right (or just press the "\" backslash key), then click Options near the bottom of the list (or just press the "O" key with the menu open).
It's generally a good idea to set it to whatever the resolution of your desktop is. The option to change resolution is located in the Graphics and Audio tab in the Graphics section, it'll be the first option you see in that section that has a drop down. in the drop down menu there will be a list of resolutions, there should be one with (desktop) next to it.
[/ QUOTE ]
And you get to these options by Clicking Menu in the upper right (or just press the "\" backslash key), then click Options near the bottom of the list (or just press the "O" key with the menu open).
[/ QUOTE ]
that was already explained a couple of posts up, so i left it out, since the OP seems to actually read things instead of jumping around, heh
Thanks for the advice, I'll change around my settings. It was the second one that was giving me problems except on my screen it took up the whole screen.
In any case, here are my characters in case you guys see me around, this seems like a game I could stick with -
All on Virtue
'The' Giant Shogun - Huge Magic Mastermind - Level 4 Currently - Ninja/Miasma - Mercy Island
Samantha Zera - Female Magic Defender - Level 3 Currently - Empathy/Mental Blast - Galaxy City
'The' Atomic Generator - Male Science Corruptor - Level 2 Currently - Radiation Blast/Radiation Emission - Mercy Island
Hey. I'm a new player and I was looking for some advice.
I played this game when it first came out on my friends account for a little while, I played a Blaster I think.
In any case, I was looking for an MMORPG I could play with my friends, and WoW didn't really appeal to me. I've been picking up superhero comic books (Deadpool, 52, Civil War, Countdown[Which sucked >_>]) and playing a lot of M&M lately so I thought I'd give City of Heroes/Villians a try. Maybe I'll bring two more player along with me ^_^.
So yeah, being as I play table top games a lot, I was wondering if there was an RP server or not? That certainly would add a lot of points.
Is the game casual player friendly? I'm not a big number cruncher.
Can you tell me what each Archetype/Origin does briefly so that I can know what I should start out as?
I remember there was 3 body types at the beginning, are there still only 3?
And last but not least, why is that posting box so tiny?
EDIT: Oh, and what are the limitations on my trial account?