Hand railing suggestions?




I'm making a more arcane-like base, and was trying to find a suitable odject for making a hand rail for bi-level rooms. Has anyone had any success making something work in that regard?


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Try the floor lamps. The floor lamp with a rectangular head(light) put closely together can make a nice railing.

"Character is what you are in the dark"-John Warfin



For a nice wooden hand rail you can clip the missionary counters (the multi tiered ones) into the floor. Here is a picture of the old base before the revamp that has an example of this in it.

Anyone else out there got some nice arcanish/wooden type railing?



Wow, all excellent suggestions. And a great use of the bridges. Thanks, everyon!


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The problem with Floor Lamps is that the textures on the top of the lamps can clash when they're overlapped and look ugly.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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I like the "high back chair" and "high back bench" under the "chairs" category.


If you have a floor/level made from the solid block desks all but the back sticks up above the floor. Unlike the floor lamps, the above mentioned benches/chairs looks quite arcane for a wooden railing. The best thing about using the benches you dont need a ton of them to do a whole room.