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  1. When: Wednesday Nights at 8:00-10:00 or later. Beginning June 27th
    Members: 8+ I'd like to have Eight Members with a few backups now and again. I'll form a SG to keep track of this when I can. Might even be nice to have a couple teams running at once.

    Where: Blue Side

    "What's the difference between you and me?"
    "I'm not wearing Hockey Pads"
    The idea is a theme based around the idea of Gotham City Impostors. In which we have a bunch of average citizens who are dressing up like members of the Freedom Phalanx and other canon supergroups, such as the Vindicators. I'd like the costumes to be more badly put together costumes.
    Example my character Statesguardian. He wears a Statesman T-shirt, a Statesman Replica helmet, a bedsheet cape, and blue jeans.
    Also I'd like everybody to be Natural or Technology Origin. If your character is using technology though, I'd like it to be minimal.

    I'd like everybody to be at least level 15 before the first meeting, which I don't think is too much to ask.
    I'm planning on starting one week from now, but if people want to start getting to level 15 tonight, I'd be more than up for it.

    Who: To get more information in game contact me @Fourth.

    Alpha Team Spots left: 7
    Statesguardian- StJ/WP Brute (Natural) - Statesman inspired
  2. Fourth_NA

    Retro SciFi SG?

    I saw this today and am working on a character. If that's cool.
  3. • Roleplaying or Non-Roleplaying: Roleplayin.
    • Character Name: Teen Supreme
    • Character Level: 26+
    • Character Archetype:Tanker
    • Character Alignment: Hero
    • Player Times: Most days after 4 PM Central
    • Looking For: Mentor, Person to be a Sidekick to.

    If possible, please provide the following additional information:

    • Character Description: Idol Worshipping teen powerhouse, looking for another big powerhouse to teach him the ropes.
    • Player Global Name: @fourth
    • Small Image of Character: At a later less lazy date.
  4. I apologize for now showing up tonight, but something came up. I'll make next week, but an unforeseen problem hit me.
  5. Let's see, Olympian Owl might work for either the Winged Hero, Mystical Hero, or Hothead/Comical spaces. Maybe less Winged, because he only has wings on one costume and that's due to his inconsistent powers.
  6. Fourth_NA

    A possible idea.

    Unfortunately I won't be able to do Sunday. At least I won't be able to do every sunday. Every other sunday is one of my SG meetings and they last long.
  7. Fourth_NA

    A possible idea.

    Sounds good for me. I've got an idea rolling.
  8. Fourth_NA

    A possible idea.

    Oh I'm so in for this. Been wanting to do something of this in a concept anyway.
  9. Fourth_NA

    SG Question

    I remember one from a while back the Cerulean Legion, but I'm not sure of anything else. It actually surprises me there are none about, but it's probably due to no one wants a SG where everybody has the same powersets.
  10. Alright, so while on Virtue RP 2011 a discussion began about football teams in Paragon and evolved from there. A varied interest in starting a Virtue Meta Football league then evolved from that. I don't remember all the specifics, but I'll post what I can remember. Anyone else involved please post what I forget.
    All members would have their powers supressed to a certain level (Exemp down)
    The teams would be co-ed
    They would consist of powered inviduals
    (I'm still not sure what our stance on mech suits would be)
    The ball is made of impervium...

    Anyway, this is here just to gauge interest.
    One idea is to create an entire SG or group of SGs just for this.
    The other idea was to take already existing School based SGs and ask them to form their own meta teams.

    So what's the thought process on this?
  11. *Name: Bailey's Academy for Young Heroes

    *Currently Recruiting: Recruiting Students. Got most of the teachers covered, though will be accepting a few.

    RP Level: RP-Intensive

    PvP Level: Casual

    *Theme/Concept: A school for young heroes and young villains who wish to reform their ways to become heroes. James Bailey, the founder, wishes to teach the heroes of today the values of yesterday and in that a set of skills that will help them survive the villain onslaught.

    *Activity: We only have twelve members at the moment, but we're very active and have at least one to two on at any given time.

    Requirements for Membership: Just be a RPer. We're lax on most everything else.

    *Leadership: Retro Rocket, Gen. Nemkus

    *In-Game Contact(s): @fourth

    *Out-of-Game Contact(s): Fourth.


    Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here, you might also describe the nature of it: alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc. or whether it is an IC or OOC associate.

    Other Details: Atomic Gaslight
  12. Fourth_NA

    Name Sit-ees

    Body Artist
    Sentinel Kid
  13. Okay, now I wanna join a SG that coalitions with that SG so I can RP in that base....

  14. No one expects the Span-
    No that doesn't work either.
  15. So I don't know if anybody remembers me, though I did have a reputation. It's been since '09 I think since I last played, but I played quite a long time. I played characters such as Wicked Jack, Hero Paragon, Dreadknock, Son of Gila, Roboroach, and quite a few others. Anyway, just wanted to say hi again and I hope if my computer allows it I'll be on for a good long while.
    Damn computers. They just don't stay working like they should.
  16. Uh huh... Anyway after my absense the channel seems to be picking up, like it never missed a beat.
    (Truth be told it was probably better off without me)
  17. My computer's been down so I haven't been around alot to promote the channel, so this is my obligatory. OH HEY GUYS!!! Post.
  18. Well there is always the the VG directories up there, and there is always my channel around to lend a hand. The channel VirtueRP Connect can help find a good RP villaingroup to join.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
    I don't know what game that references, but I can't help but notice the abbreviation for that is SPANC.
    Yes, it's a box card game called S.P.A.N.C. and it's in the same vein as games like Munchkin and so on.
    Great piece of work, I'd say.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    They're Space Pirate AMAZON Ninja Catgirls, actually.

    Yes, I own the game. It's hilariously cute.
    My mistake.
    It's surprising how many people actually get that reference.
  21. Fourth_NA

    Lf sg

    Yeah, the Redsox are ga-, I mean they are fa- I mean.... Yeah.. Redsoxs suck... >.>
    (I kid, I kid, please don't think badly of me)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    I'll Join, tomorrow,
  23. Okay doke, this is a continuation of my thread here

    This is more of an advertisement though, so lemme start with the pitch.
    The VirtueRP Connect channel is for people who are looking to flesh out their character's backstories with help from other players.
    Need an arch-villain? Join!
    Need a long lost relative or friend? Join!
    Looking for help with your character in general? Join!
    Looking for a Space Pirate Alien Ninja Catgirl? Go to the D!

    This channel is small, but growing (We had out max number of eight last night)
    So please consider joining us.
    We have cookies!

    EDIT: The channel is 'VirtueRP Connect'

    Note: Actual Cookies not available.