Superhero Classifieds for Virtue (Oct 10 - Jan 11)
Ok Ill bite since I love these kinds of threads
Although you should have said to put in a silly title that cant be more than 10 words long
(RP) Role-Player
Name: Mariel Martog
Security Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper (Kat/Regen)
Alignment: Only Hero
PvP: No
Looking For: RP not ERP
Ad Description:
Mariel is an Elf in the Classic AD&D way; she is a Mage and a swords woman, aka Warmage (old AD&D Elvin kit class) she runs her company which is a tech and securities company named Crüxshadow Corporation, she has retired from the hero business but is still politically involved and will not stand by when something bad happens.
Times: Random
Global: @Mariel Martog

((Really this kind of thread is actually stickied but that's OK since its always fun to see what I randomly say))
Character Name: Justin Hopkins
Character Level : 1
Character Archetype : Scrapper
Character Alignment : Good
Player Times : Usually in the evenings on tues wed and sometimes monday..schedule is up in the air a little right now because of work.
Looking For : Roleplay, Newbie-Friendly
If possible, please provide the following additional information:
Character Description: Brown Hair (gets lighter almost blonde when spending excessive amount of time in the sun), Green/Blue eyes, Athletic Build. Recently Discovered his abilities, not quite sure what to do with them. Just moved to paragon city.
Player Global Name : JGHopkins
Player PvP Preference : Don't know never tried
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
Some Local PPD offered to inform us on the Hero is this ad, this is the information they offered:
Ivanel Woodlimb
Paragon City Registration
32nd Security Level Hero
Archery and Tactical Devices
Considered: Blaster
Currently Seeking
Employment by private sector groups or larger Supergroups
(Time Zone)
GMT -6 [ Central USA ]
Contact Information
This just in! A Reporter was able to capture a snapshot of the Hero whilst he was on patrol in Atlas park, let's see what he looks like...

• Liberties
• 50
• Heroic Brute
• Online most days after 6pm est, available on a rotating schedule all day 2-3 days a week.
• Looking For New members for my small, but fully operational supergroup,Unified Force. We are searching for those of you out there that want light RP, with a serious storyline intent, who are active, and who want to team.
We currently have 4 regular members, with 2, myself and one Archangel Mycheal being on most everyday.
SG is themed as a liason driven branch of the PPD, technically seperate, but recieving a govt. black budget funding to try and bring the situations in Paragon back under control.
SG Base is fully functional with portals to most every map in Paragon City (The Chantry and PVP areas are all we are missing, I'm working on it...). We hold a weekly SG meeting, followed by Task Forces.
Feel free to join us on Facebook, search for the Local Gamers 859, we will be happy to have you in Unified Force.
• Character Description
I am the forgotten brother, the Fallen Son. A failed attempt at reproducing Statesman's powers through and arcane ritual brought my powers to life. I served for no small time as Kid Liberty, Statesman's loyal sidekick. However, when he left me for dead under a Panzer Mk XIV, I was understandably upset. My attempt on his life cost me my freedom, and through no small number of coincidence I ended up as a hero in the Rogue Isles, now I am set to serve Paragon City again, as a beacon of light in these troubled times. But I will never forgive him, for all that I and he have done, for the lose of my eye, for the gravel in my gut, and the anger that feuls my very powers. I will not forgive, I will not forget, and one day... One day we will have our fight, but today, the people of Paragon City need me... They need Liberty, even if it is cracked, busted, and Fallen.
• Player Global Name: @Enforcement
• Player PvP Preference: from an RP angle,
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

Roleplaying or Non-Roleplaying: Roleplaying
Character Name: Snaerr
Character Level: 39
Character Archetype: Blaster (Ice/Ice)
Character Alignment: Hero
Player Times: Likely mornings, though the schedule will vary.
Looking For: A semi-regular roleplay group
Character Description: A rather cynical academic with a taste for alcohol, Snaerr is nevertheless a rather astute student of history, mythology, and the occult, and is almost psychotically dedicated to his heroism, though he views the entire thing with a rather world-weary resignation. He's also a bit of an ***.
Player Global Name: Tramontane
Player PvP Preference: Not inordinately fond of it, but I'd be willing to do the odd bit here and there.
Small Image of Character: I'll get it later.
Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.
Ballistic Barrage and / or Milk TankLvl 44 / 39
Corrupter / TankMostly Hero - slash - reformed Villian / All American HeroPlaying 2-3 nights a week for 2-3 hours after 7:00 estBoth characters would love an SG where people did Hero Tips a lot, because I love doing the tip missions - short & sweet, great rewards. I love running missions "in character".
Milk Tank is a female human affected by a radioactive cowbite. She's a small-town girl in the big city, and is very much a "do good" kind of Superhero. She's fun in virtually all settings, but probably won't team much with people from the "kill the villain" school of superheroing.
Ballistic Barrage is a reformed villain, who's still trying to get a handle on the "reformed" part. She's trying to get used to idea that she's not there to punish but to have people arrested to be punished later - a bit more Batman than Superman, let's say.
Global Name - @Kittah
Player PvP Preference - Distinctly prefer not.
Billionaire playboy and part-time daredevil acrobat seeks outgoing, flexible partner for nighttime rooftop activities. Latex optional. Bring your own whip. Interested partners should light a signal into the sky tonight at midnight. No reporters, please.
Character Name: The Rooftop Wonder
Character Alter Ego: Lucas Price
Character Archetype: Stalker (martial arts / ninjitsu)
Character Alignment: Praetorian, but will become a hero
Character Level: 1 (I just created him and will start playing tonight)
Player Times: 8-12pm, Pacific Time
Player Global Name: @Altus Vir
Player Roleplaying Preference: Intrested in trying it out / learning about it
Player PvP Preference: A little interested, but mostly from an RP perspective
I prefer playing low-level co-op missions because I like trying out different characters.
I prefer smaller teams, mostly because I like to stop and chat or comment every once in awhile, or strategize or whatever.
I'd especially like to meet people on the west coast who are relatively new to the game.
I'm open to joining a supergroup, especially those with a forum, though I am already an active member of Fusion Force on Triumph. A small aspiring supergroup would also appeal to me, however.
I'm really big into themes and story-hooks. I spend a lot of time coming up with my characters, and I tend to enjoy coming up with new character ideas even more than I do actually playing them out.
I tend to ignore people who don't write descriptions for their characters, especially if they are higher level. It's not (entirely) a snobbery thing, it's just the first indicator that we may be into completely different playing styles.
I make a mean macoroni salad.
@Altus Vir
Triumph Server
In the pacific time zone? Join us on the "West Coast Heroes" global channel.
/chanjoin West Coast Heroes
• Roleplaying
• Character Name: First Player
• Character Level: 50
• Character Archetype: Blaster
• Character Alignment: Hero
• Player Times: Evenings are best, usually after 5 P.M. (EST)
• Looking For: A good, active roleplaying supergroup!
• Character Description: Miles Benedict is First Player, a video-game themed amateur superhero gifted with a technological intuitive aptitude that allows him to conceive, design and build highly-advanced mechanical devices with little effort. More info can be found here.
• Player Global Name: @First Player
• Player PvP Preference I don't PvP at all, it's not really my thing.

Single Red-Orange Animatronic Ferret-Human (SROAFH) looking for fun and adventure!
You may have seen me on the popular cartoon "Captain Canine and the Planet Rangers" as the super team's resident confident and heroic teenager or as my own awesome self in action at Twelve Flags Over Paragon City Amusement Park!
You may have also seen me revealed as part of an evil plot before getting sackbeat by the Freedom Phalanx, but we'll talk about that some other time.
But now, you lucky heroes, have an opportunity to have your very own fire-flinging fuzzy tailed sidekick! The one and only FLAMETHROWER FERRET is now a fully registered All-American hero, and he's ready for action, adventure, a little romance, and yeah sure comic hijinks too if you want. Its not my fault trouble follows me everywhere! Or that I can't keep my mouth shut or my attention focused or myself from getting in over my head or... uh... is this thing still on? Crapcrapcrap-
Roleplayer (No ERP, he's from a children's show!)
Character Name: Flamethrower Ferret
Character Level: currently 25
Character Archetype: Fire/Fire Blaster
Character Alignment: Hero
Player Times: 6pm to 11pm Eastern weekdays, anytime on weekends, depending on work, real life, and other RP commitments
Looking For: Team, Roleplay, Friends, ADVENTURE!
Character Description: Still a bit of a work in progress, but its what it says on the tin. An animatronic ferret-human hybrid based off of an environmentalist TV show, created by Crey, rehabilitated by Positron and Citadel, and now registered as a full-fledged Paragon hero. Chatty, bouncy, fiery, and naive in only the way a teenage resident of the animation age ghetto could be.
Player Global Name: @SpyralPegacyon
Player PvP Preference: None until I work out the finer points of fire blasting.
Mutant Blaster Seeks Mutant SuperGroup
Character Name: NovaRed; César Summers
Character Level: 34
Character Archetype: Blaster
Character Alignment: Hero
Player Times: All over the place really
Looking For: Super Group to join, I'm a roleplayer so RP Super Group is a must. Mutant based Super Groups are a plus but of course not required. Always wanted to be in a "Mutant Academy" type group like the X-Men ^.^.
Character Description: César looks to be in his early 20's with Black Hair and Blue eyes. He's in excellent physical condition and sports a goatee.
Player Global Name: @Rhythm
Player PvP Preference: Think I'll enjoy it more when I reach max level.
Have you seen Lorelei Lately? Lorelei Lately@Hexarkana on Virtue
Theme Song "Lorelei" by the Scorpions
[Mob Princess, Normal Human with a magic deck of cards and a job at the Giza as a show girl working for Sonata.
More info on the Roleplaying thread "One Knight in Cairo" My personal Vigilante Open RP Project Check it out!
Looking for a sophisticated significant other Friend, Lover, Mentor, Master it's all up to how the cards are played to join me in a well developed story I hope to turn into a COX Comic!
Open RP just ante up and say Hi!
((This is my first Virtue character I like the RP nature of the server and will try to migrate my main and her praetorian spin off from Freedom to here ASAP, or just recreate them here))
*Scanning Post.....*
*Scan Complete....*
*Querying internal systems.....*
*Data found....*
*Relaying information....*
Alias: Prototype Rho Nu Model No. 01, XRN-01 for short.
Security Clearance: Level 4
Classification: Scrapper
Specializations: Kinetic Melee and Invulnerability
Programmed Alignment: Hero ((Open to switch around based on what factions pick this char up, he is a robot after all.))
Programmed Time-Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Mission-from-Vanguard: To find a Super Group suitable for ((roleplay)), task forces, missions,defeat villains ((PVP but when I get the level up higher))and other activities to train the AI of this unit.
Global Communications Call Sign: @AbyssPetal
General Information:
Prototype Rho Nu Model No. 01, abbreviated XRN-01, is a magnificent new development from Araxi Corporation, and shall bring forth the coming of the new age in robotics and a new era of safety and security on the streets of Paragon City. We here at Araxi Corporation promise tha...
*Error 404 file not found*
*Receving update...*
*Downloading Update....*
*Opening vangu01.txt...*
*Retrieving Data from vangu01.txt....*
Greetings Citizens from Vanguard,
This unit was found among the rubble of the Rikti War Zone. From the data scrounged from it's damage memory banks we have concluded that this robot is from the now defunct Araxi Corporation who were around before the First Rikti War. This unit is still in disrepair and our engineers at Vanguard have been retrieving the unit from the field periodically to upgrade it's armor and weaponry.
Currently we have placed it on assignment in Paragon City to help enhance it's sophisticated AI systems and allow it to learn and adapt to the ever changing environment of modern day Paragon City.
Also please pardon it's state of disrepair, we are trying to restore it's original armor and weaponry from what we can find scattered throughout the Rikti War Zone.
Please file any and all complaints with this unit to your nearest Vanguard Representative today!
Roleplaying or Non-Roleplaying: Roleplayin.
Character Name: Teen Supreme
Character Level: 26+
Character Archetype:Tanker
Character Alignment: Hero
Player Times: Most days after 4 PM Central
Looking For: Mentor, Person to be a Sidekick to.
If possible, please provide the following additional information:
Character Description: Idol Worshipping teen powerhouse, looking for another big powerhouse to teach him the ropes.
Player Global Name: @fourth
Small Image of Character: At a later less lazy date.
As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.
-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry
• Roleplaying or Non-Roleplaying: RP
• Character Name: Commander TJ
• Character Level: 50
• Character Archetype: Corrupter
• Character Alignment: "hero" (in-game is now Vigilante)
• Player Times: Most days after 10pm CST, or during the day if I have off work.
• Looking For (Keywords): RP, missions, romance, political, underground
• Character Description (Roleplayer): PPD Commander, only "registered" because of genetic ability to leap. Highly trained with assault rifles, sniper rifles and other battle technology. Is corrupt but to what extent is unknown, and no proof has surfaced. (looking to get some shady RP going. Also possibly a guest speaker or part-time teacher position regarding law enforcing and/or drug awareness. MRP is fine).
• Player Global Name: @Teege
• Player PvP Preference: N/A
• Roleplaying or Non-Roleplaying: Roleplayer
• Character Name: Metrosexual Messiah
• Character Level: 37
• Character Archetype: Scrapper
• Character Alignment: Hero
• Player Times - Anywhere from 9am to 9pm Australia Time. But I'm generally on anytime between 7pm to 7am American EST.
• Looking For:
- An RP Supergroup (I'd prefer everyone to look unique, rather than a uniform appearance. Think Super Friends as opposed to Fantastic Four)
- In/Out of Character friends
• Character Description: A goofy, friendly, loveable dolt. Obsessed with his appearance. He's part surfer, part nightclubber, part fashionista all rolled into one handsome hunk of humanity. Read all about him over at his VV!
• Player Global Name: @Cyarm (Feel free to send a tell or in game email!)
• Player PvP Preference: Not moi!
• Small Image of Character
In Superhero Mode
Regular Person Mode
Character Name: Gut Check Girl
Character Level: 25 and rising
Character Archetype: Scrapper
Character Alignment: Hero
Player Times: Most every night after 6pm EST
Looking For: RP, Teams, A regular RP group, a RP Supergroup
Character Description: Gut Check Girl is caring, loyal, and occasionally unintentionally ridiculous as she begins her career as a hero of Paragon city. She is looking for a group of similar minded heroes to work and play alongside as well as new friends. For more here is her VV page:
Player Global: @sh0kker (send a tell or email in-game!)
PVP Preference: No thanks
Roleplaying or Non-Roleplaying - Roleplaying! It's all about ze arpeesz!
Character Name - Goes by "Sonja"
Character Level - 50
Character Archetype - Scrapper & Blaster
Character Alignment - Vigilante (Mercenary)
Player Times - Monday - Thursday 5PM-10PM EST. Friday - Sunday varies.
Looking For (Keywords) - Mercenary assignments. Acquisitions are a specialty. Terminations are analyzed on a case by case basis. Not generally into killing civilians these days, but, depending on the assignment, might not be opposed to it either. Terminating various villain group members is a generally accepted assignment.
((Outside of that, I'm open to RP of most any sort. Just requires communication ahead of time. Right now, my main goal is to get this char back into the underground/mercenary world.))
If possible, please provide the following additional information:
Character Description (Roleplayer) - Sonja Rayne Kincaid, also known as Blade Rayne, was born into the Knives of Artemis; daughter to the commander of her unit. Her training spans all manner of weapons, in addition to hand-to-hand combat. As ruthless as they came, "Sonia" (spelled with an "I" back then) still operated within two rules; the biggest of which was that she never killed kids.
Commander Evelyn Kincaid decided to test her daughter's loyalty, and failed. Setting her up on a mission with agents (where she normally worked alone), it wasn't revealed until the Knives descended that a child was the target.
Sonja protected the child, killed the other agents, took the kid to safety and went on the run. With her face and reputation what it was, her run wouldn't last. After nearly losing her life to capture by her mother, "Sonia" managed to escape.
Using the only contact she had that she could trust (connection with the Family), Sonja changed her face, changed her name, and now walks the streets of Paragon, living below the radar.
Player Global Name - @Tanklet
Player PvP Preference - I'm not a PvPer, but, if it's integral to the story, I -might- consider it.
Small Image of Character (Thumbnail Appreciated if image larger than 200 x 200)
• Character Name: Innocence Girl
• Character Level: 34, right now
• Character Archetype: Dominator
• Character Alignment: Vigilante, for the purpose of going to the Isles, but in RP, a heroine.
• Player Times: Random
• Looking For (Keywords): Roleplay mostly (yes, including, but not limited to, ERP)
• Character Description: Innocence Girl appeared in Atlas a few weeks ago. She does not remember anything of her life previous to that day. All she knew was ho to use her powers and that she should try and help innocent people. Since then, she has had some success into fighting the crime in Paragon. But there are rumors she might not be so innocent as her name seems to indicate.
• PVP: If part of a RP scene, sure. Not in PvP per itself, though.
• Global name: @Innocence Girl
(Title format based on QuarriosSoul's "Supergroup Directory for Heroes (Aug '10 - Jan '11)")
Hullo City of Heroes Forums folks! So as I venture through Paragon City, I keep thinking of new and exciting things I can do to in a general super-heroic manner. But now and then I’ll think to myself not just about what to do, but perhaps whom to do it with.
This thread is designed to be a sort of “Classifieds” section of the Virtue forum. This thread is not designed for asking folks to join you, but rather to advertise yourself to others! I don’t know how it’ll work out in the end, but I figured I have a forum account, so I might as well use it to post some kind of contribution to the community. Again, I don’t even know if this has already been tried, so…oh well.
To further emphasize, you can post whatever you are looking forward to doing here, whether you’re a healer looking to support a team, a tanker looking to tank, a Blaster looking for a sniping partner, a beast looking for his beauty, a dominator looking for an S&M club--if it’s something you want to do on Virtue, but haven’t found someone or a group to do it with, let Virtue know!
How To Advertise
Please provide at minimum, the following information (if you are a roleplayer, feel free to speak in-character when providing your description/advertisement):
• Roleplaying or Non-Roleplaying
• Character Name
• Character Level
• Character Archetype
• Character Alignment
• Player Times
• Looking For (Keywords)
(Example Keywords: Team, Roleplay, Partner, Missions, Experience, Inf, Salvage, ERP {if it suits your fancy}, Guard, Sniper, Tank, etcetera)
If possible, please provide the following additional information:
• Character Description (Roleplayer)
• Player Global Name
• Player PvP Preference
• Small Image of Character (Thumbnail Appreciated if image larger than 200 x 200)
With that said, feel free to post some info! If there are any questions, mention them in your post and I’ll update this post with an answer.
<><><>Important Edits<><><>
*Please note that this is designed to be an easily-read list rather than a topic. Please keep discussion limited, in order to reduce clutter. Also, consider consider minimal use of acronyms (or provide a definition), in order to improve ease of access for potential new players.
**When inputting your answers, remember that you are essentially typing in keywords. To make this thread as easy to search as possible, try to input certain facts as search-friendly as possible. The idea is readers can use the Find function to search for specific information:
Simple Game Standard:
"Level: 34"
"Alignment: Villain"
"PvP: Yes"
If there is additional information you wish to add, place it after the game standard:
"Level 34 (30-40)"
"Alignment: Rogue, on holiday in Paragon"
"PvP: Yes, Arena Only"
In conclusion, here’s an example post (and consequently my own to start!):
(RP) Role-Player
Name: Khazghron
Security Level: 50
Archetype: Brute (Super Strength/Fiery Aura)
Alignment: Vigilante, Heroic Tourist
PvP: No
Looking For: Team, Roleplay, Partner, Guard
Ad Description: Big, burly Brute, looking for work as Bodyguard, Security Personnel, or Mission
Support. Have experience in criminal endeavors, rogue operations, heroic efforts, and vigilante
activities. Good at heavy lifting, brawling, wrestling, and accidentally knocking things over. Can lift
a semi-truck, and enjoy kicking around Trolls, Warriors, and Council. Will dress appropriately for
contract. Send message!
Times: 2000 hrs - 2400 CST
Global: @Bernard the Beast