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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
    I'm not handing it off. That said, quite frankly, the answer to that question is no.

    And it's no because there are no co-leaders anymore. If there still were, then I would have.
    And we spoke about this briefly before.
    If you want to discuss this further, then call me.
    K I'm kinda buzzed but felt the need to comment just for ***** and giggles. I agree 100% with you. I mean I don't give a **** if you designed the SG base 100%. If you leave it you relinquish all "rights" to it and have no grounds to be "pissed". Just my unwanted 2cents though.
  2. Augenblick

    Tanker Question

    So I made my first (super strength, invulnerability) Tank and was curious about two power sets and whether I should or should not invest in them.

    Presence and Fighting? Any thoughts?
  3. Villian 11
    Banshee Song- Mutant, Corrupter
    Powers: Sonic Attack, Sonic Resonance
    Age: Unknown
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 110lbs
    Eyes: Glow Red
    Hair: White

    Not much is known about the woman Banshee Song. She seems to serve Lord Recluse with a fervor matched only by her desire to manipulate those around her. She delights in playing the politics of the underground world and uses her abilities to seduce men around her. Perhaps her one weakness is women as she has either no desire to control them, or perhaps is unable to do so even if she wanted.
  4. Resistance Member 8
    Alex Shaw- Mutant, Tanker
    Powers: Super Strength, Invulnerability
    Age: 30
    Height: 8'0"
    Weight: 500lbs
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Bald

    Alex Shaw is one of two identical twin brothers born with super strength and invulnerability powers. These giants worshiped weight lifting and their giant size coupled with their competitive spirit with each other only feed their desire to push their bodies to the limit. The Twins joined the Praetorian Police shortly after registering their mutant powers and they had enjoyed serving their city, untill the resistance showed up that is. Now they find themselves questioning their duties with every order given.
  5. Hero 36
    NovaRed- Mutant, Blaster
    Powers: Energy Blasts, Energy Manipulation
    Age: 25
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight 200lbs
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Black

    Cesar Summers was born a mutant in Manhattan, New York with the ability to fly and manipulate energy into powerful blasts. His gifts didn't fully manifest till High School and he kept them a secret, never wanting anyone to find out about his mutations. After seeing mixed reactions to mutants he decided it was best to avoid the situation all together. He set out for College at Paragon University where he was studying criminal law, his studies would be short lived however when Paragon City fell under attack by Arachnos. He watched with pride as the hero's of Paragon steped forward to defend the citizens and it was at that point he knew it was time to step up and take a stand with them. None to fond of the hero registration, he was reluctant to join at first, but could no longer stand aside and watch innocence suffer at Lord Recluse hand. He took on the alias Novared and fights to defend the citizens of Paragon City.
  6. So my Super Group finding skills leaves much to be desired and so I thought instead I would post a description of my characters and see if any Super Groups think I would fit in with them. I do ask that the Super Group be a RP group though. Other then that I would love to hear about the possible teams I would fit in with. I have 4 characters in total and I would post pics of them however I can't figure out how images on this forum work >.< so here is a link to their pics on flickr

    Hero 36
    Sarinity- Mutant, Defender
    Powers: Telepathy (Psychic Blast) and Telekinesis (Force Field)
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 125lbs
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Long Blonde

    Anya Winters was born in San Francisco, California where she lived with her mother and father for several years. She was always an empathic individual even as a child, able to feel and relate to others around her. But it wasn't until High School that these powers grew exponentially to the point where she was having troubles controlling them. Anya had the ability to read others thoughts around her as well as move objects with but a thought. Her Telepathic and Telekinetic however would not keep her from the one thing she desired most, normality. Frightened of what her parents and friends would think Anya kept her gifts a secret, suppressing her abilities so that no one would find out she was a mutant. She continued to live her life as if nothing where different, eventually heading to Paragon City to study Psychology at the University of Paragon. But after all her efforts to hide her abilities the psychic energy building up would prove too much to contain. As the stress of school built up her focus on hiding her mutation became increasingly harder. One day while taking a final exam the thoughts of the school flooded Anya's mind like a rushing river causing a severe migraine. Consumed by the release of her psychic energy, tables, chairs rattled and began to hover into the air. Anya struggled with her abilities until she collapsed. Luckily no one was severely injured in the episode. Afraid of harming people around her she turned to Paragon Cities Hero's for help in controlling her power. It wasn't until she had one on one interactions with registered mutant heroes that she began to accept her mutant heritage. She was given this gift to make a difference in the world. As the years passed she mastered her Telepathy and Telekinesis and later joined Paragon Cities heroes as a registered mutant.
  7. I think more limbs would be cool, like multiple arms, two heads etc
  8. Mutant Blaster Seeks Mutant SuperGroup

    • Roleplayer
    • Character Name: NovaRed; César Summers
    • Character Level: 34
    • Character Archetype: Blaster
    • Character Alignment: Hero
    • Player Times: All over the place really
    • Looking For: Super Group to join, I'm a roleplayer so RP Super Group is a must. Mutant based Super Groups are a plus but of course not required. Always wanted to be in a "Mutant Academy" type group like the X-Men ^.^.

    • Character Description: César looks to be in his early 20's with Black Hair and Blue eyes. He's in excellent physical condition and sports a goatee.
    • Player Global Name: @Rhythm
    • Player PvP Preference: Think I'll enjoy it more when I reach max level.